Church Boyz--Book 4 (After the Rain)

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Church Boyz--Book 4 (After the Rain) Page 12

by H. H. Fowler

  Dominic exhaled deeply and said, “It’s okay. It’s been two years. I survived and I’m over it. But I don’t care to be in her company. When is she leaving?”

  “On Sunday evening, after your twins have been christened,” Sanchez said, observing how dejected his sister appeared at Dominic’s lack of interest in seeing her. But Dom was his boy and Sanchez had always been careful not to cross the line within their friendship. “Is that gonna be a problem? Just let me know now, man and I’ll send A’moree back home tomorrow.”

  It was Monday. Dominic counted the days in his head to determine his tolerance level in having to deal with A’moree’s aggressive personality. “Well, six days shouldn’t be too bad. I’m more excited about you being here, which means we will be spending most of our time together either on the basketball court or in the gym. A’moree can stay in the hotel and watch TV or ride the bus all day long. Just so long as she doesn’t accompany us.”

  A’moree raised her lashes, trying not to laugh. “Dominic, that is so mean, but I’m a big girl now and I can live with your stringent requests.”

  Dominic’s brows arched to match the admonition in his tone. “You had better, because the last time your brother let you off the leash…”

  “Why put the blame on me?” Sanchez protested. “I’ve tried my hardest with this nappy-head girl, but she won’t listen to a word I have to say.”

  “Well, we all know idle hands are the devil’s playground,” Dominic said, his focus now directly on A’moree. “Try to behave while you’re here, okay? I’ve got a wife and two young babies to live for.”

  A’moree raised her right hand like she was about to give an oath in court. “I swear, you don’t have to worry about me. I’ve learned my lesson big time.”

  “We’ll see…” Dominic shifted his gaze toward the carousel. “I’ll help you with your luggage, but don’t expect me to be any nicer to you than that.”

  A’moree simply smiled as she watched Dominic walk off ahead of her. That sexy strut of his got her every time. However, she dared not show any sign that she was as attracted to him as she’d been the first time she laid eyes on him. Soon, she felt Sanchez’s eyes burning a hole through the back of her head.

  “A’moree, behave yourself,” he warned.

  She squelched a laugh and then said in her most innocent tone. “Why Sanchez, I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.”

  “If you expect me to believe that,” Sanchez quipped, “then Jesus didn’t walk on water.”

  “Oh Sanchez, give it up. How many times have I told you that I’ve learned my lesson? I will not embarrass you, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  Sanchez turned his gaze heavenward and mumbled in his heart, “Heavenly Father, be merciful to me. You know that I’m up against a very strong devil.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Hundreds, if not thousands of young people began to file into the gymnasium for one of the most highly anticipated forums ever hosted in the history of the Mount Moriah Youth Department. Ever since Dominic and Tayah succeeded Abraham as Youth Ministers in Charge, the numbers had not only exploded, but the dynamic duo had become great role models in the eyes of the youth. When they stepped up to the platform they were greeted with thunderous applause, accompanied by a chorus of whistles and screams.

  Dominic, one who usually shied away from such adulation, was the first to raise his hand to quiet the noise, but the excitement continued to swell. He glanced at his wife and was disappointed to see that her usually warm smile had been replaced with a grim expression. Dominic couldn’t determine if it was because of the brief argument they’d had while they were en route to the forum, or that it was too soon for her to face the crowd, considering the recent adversities of her family. Sean was still in the hospital, showing no sign that he would ever come out of his coma.

  While those were reasons to be grim, Dominic was used to seeing Tayah mask her true emotions in public. He drew her closer to him and inconspicuously rubbed her lower back to let her know that he cared deeply about her and that he would do anything to make her pain go away. Well, anything except her desire to bring Phillip home to live with them. In any event, Dominic did not want Tayah to feel as if she was alone in carrying her burdens. They were a team and he wanted her to take comfort in his willingness to be that support she needed.

  “Wow, what a wonderful reception,” Dominic said as the young people finally began to settle into their seats. “And I must say the outpouring of your love and affection is exactly what our family needs at this time. A little over two weeks ago, as most of you are aware, Eric, Sean and Rachel were in a terrible accident that’d almost claimed their lives. Indeed, the devil had intended to steal their destinies, but thanks be to God, they are still in the land of the living.”

  Dominic paused to accept the applause before continuing in an assertive tone. “We decree by God’s grace that they will fulfill every plan, every purpose, and every dream. They will be forces to be reckoned with, great powerhouses in the years to come. Isaiah 54:17 declares that, no weapon that is formed against us will prosper!”

  On cue, Eric stepped through the entrance of the gymnasium, followed by Rachel, who was wheeled in by her father. The young people jumped to their feet and went wild with a noisy ovation. Tears were present in some of their eyes, while others simply looked on in awe. According to what they’d heard, there shouldn’t have been any survivors in that accident.

  Dominic studied Tayah’s reaction, whose eyes were also showing signs of tears. He hadn’t informed her that her brother had agreed to come. Eric was not an easy person to persuade, by a long shot. So to Tayah, seeing Eric gave her hope that anything was possible, which included the revival of her younger brother, Sean. Dominic stepped aside so that Tayah could get to the microphone.

  “I don’t have much to say,” she sniffed, “except a huge thank you and appreciation to you all for your unwavering support. Sean’s hospital room is covered with flowers and get-well balloons. Even the doctors and the nurses are shocked at the display of love you guys have shown. Certainly, it is a strong testament of how close-knit we are as a church family. Let us continue to intercede for Sean, who is not completely out of the woods yet, but I believe with all of my heart that he will wake up very soon and greet us with that lopsided grin.”

  A rumble of muted laughter followed Tayah’s statement. She thanked the youth one last time and stepped back into her previous position. Dominic then invited Marcus Salby to the podium, (the articulate sixteen-year-old who led the youth service several Sundays ago) to begin the forum with an opening prayer and to introduce the guest speaker.

  “As you know,” Marcus said once he had concluded the prayer. “This forum was postponed until now, out of respect for Eric, Sean and Rachel. And even though our dear brother, Sean is still in the hospital, I know he would want us to carry on as if he were here. As promised, tonight will be an informative session on prevalent issues such as sex, HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases we don’t hear too much about these days. Medical expert, Ms. Samantha Tobias is here to educate us and to answer any questions we may have about the related topics. So without further delay, please stand and help me welcome Ms. Tobias to the podium.”

  Eric remained seated, fuming at what he’d just walked into. Had he known this forum would be about HIV, he would have told Dominic to take a jump off the nearest cliff. Suddenly, the urge to walk out of the gymnasium seemed like the sweetest and the most probable idea to escape this mental torture. However, the only thing that kept him glued to his seat was the inquisitive gaze of Rachel White.


  Listening to the excitement coming from the gymnasium, Mackey was eager to venture into the forum and kill some time while he waited on Leroy to leave the office. But as he was rolling the idea around in his head, he noticed Bernard Rockford, the Senior Treasurer coming down the hall toward him. Almost immediately, Mackey went into combat mode. This was the guy w
ho was sleeping with his ex-wife. Granted, the only proof he had was Bernard’s car being parked in his ex-wife’s driveway, but it was enough for Mackey to want to confront the issue head on.

  Mackey’s response was quick and without warning. A blow up side Bernard’s head that sent his thin frame staggering to the floor. Bernard never saw it coming. The massive proportions of Mackey’s height and weight were sufficient to intimidate the most fearless of linebackers. That alone made Bernard scamper away in fear. But it was that crazed look in Mackey’s eyes that gave Bernard the impression that maybe Mackey had been seized by a demon.

  “Brother Reynolds!” Bernard yelled. “What in the world has gotten into you?”

  Mackey pointed a fat finger at Bernard “Stay away from my wife!”

  “Your wife? I don’t know –”

  “Don’t play stupid. I saw your car parked in her driveway.”

  Bernard couldn’t hide his incredulity if he was forty feet under the ocean. “I don’t have the slightest idea of what you are talking about…”

  “Oh you don’t?”

  Mackey reached down and grabbed Bernard’s legs, intending to break them. Bernard’s desperate pleas could be heard all the way down to Leroy’s office, who had just stepped into the hall with his laptop bag over his shoulder. The commotion sent Leroy’s curiosity through the roof. He moved as quickly as his legs would carry him, curtailing his speed in front of the two men, who weren’t concerned about the noisy distraction. But it was obvious that Bernard was no match for Mackey, who had Bernard’s legs still pinned in a death lock.

  “Reynolds!” Leroy barked. “Release Bernard and step aside right now!”

  Mackey obeyed, but he tossed Bernard’s legs so hard that Bernard rolled over several times before he sprung to his feet.

  “What is going on here?” Leroy spat, his eyes brutally looking back and forth between the men. “The noise level is ridiculous. I’m surprised no one from the youth forum has tried to stop you two.”

  Bernard was shaking all over from the ordeal. “I was walking by when Brother Reynolds suddenly attacked me,” he said. “Saying crazy stuff, like accusing me of sleeping with his wife. I thought he was divorced…”

  Mackey launched at Bernard to get in another blow, but luckily, Leroy blocked his movement. “Prepare the Escalade,” he instructed the angry giant. “I will be out shortly.”


  When Leroy finally climbed into the passenger side, Mackey turned to face him with an expression of regret.

  “I apology for my actions, sir,” he said. “I acted foolishly and I promise nothing like that will ever happen again.”

  “I’ve never seen you behave so irrationally,” Leroy said. “What in the world could have set you off like that?”

  “For weeks, I’ve been noticing Bernard’s car parked in my ex-wife’s driveway. I don’t know how else to explain it, except that when I saw Bernard, something inside me just snapped. I wanted to kill him.”

  It was not too long ago when Leroy had felt the same way about Shaniece. The relentless way she taunted him about his sinful mistakes was enough to make him want to decapitate her at the front of the altar. It was easy for Leroy to sympathize with Mackey, but as his spiritual leader and advisor, he could not sweep Mackey’s actions under the rug and pretend as if he didn’t see it.

  “So you’ve been keeping tabs on your ex-wife?” Leroy inquired.


  “You’ve told me about everything else, except that. You should have talked to me about it and maybe all of what happened tonight could have been avoided. Thank God no one else saw the brawl.”

  Mackey shrugged his thick shoulders. “I’ve always been the protector of my home. Inspecting the premises, the windows and the doors was what I did every night. That didn’t stop when my wife divorced me.”

  “Do you know if she catches you snooping around like that, she could have you arrested?”

  “I know…but Jennifer was my life. I am still in love with her and I still want to be with her.”

  “Well, attacking Bernard is certainly not the solution,” Leroy said. “Have you even approached your ex about your suspicions?”


  “You just assume she’s cheating on you?”

  “I saw Bernard’s car in her driveway.”

  “Come on, Reynolds, you know as well as I do that could mean a dozen different things,” Leroy said. “Even if you had substantial proof that an affair is going on between Bernard and your ex, you really don’t have any rights to do anything about it. You and Jennifer are divorced and she has decided to move on with her life.”

  Mackey raised a brow at Leroy. “Even if it is with a married man?”

  “You don’t know that, but yes, even if it is with a married man. She and that man, however, will bear the consequences of their sins. Unfortunately, as I have said, there’s little you can do about it. I will have a talk with Bernard tomorrow. You lay low and try not to attack anyone else.”

  “Again, I apologize, sir.”

  In response, Leroy let out a sigh and turned his head toward the window. “Please take me to the hospital so that I can sit with my son for a few minutes.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Mackey hadn’t intended for things to get so ugly and having Leroy witness it. A feeling of disgrace swept over him as he reversed the Escalade into the street. Leroy had more than enough on his plate to deal with, but he’d unnecessarily dragged Leroy into his crazy antics. Mackey felt like such an idiot to have not only burdened Leroy, but for allowing his temper to get the best of him.

  With Leroy staring out of the window, it was obvious he didn’t want to carry on a conversation. So in silence, Mackey finished the drive with his gaze focused on the shadowy scenes in front of him.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  By five-thirty Wednesday morning, Tayah was already up, twiddling her cell phone between her thumbs. Dominic hadn’t any idea that she’d slipped out of bed that early and until the twins decided to spoil the moment with their cries, Tayah was hoping the quietude would last. On her cell phone screen was a second email sent from Shaniece, dated yesterday at ten fifteen at night. Tayah had read the email at least a dozen times before going to bed. She didn’t say anything to Dominic about it because she knew it would have only started another tiff.

  But reading the email that many times had stolen the peace out of her sleep. The taunting and pressure of Shaniece’s words left her grief-stricken, basically rebuking Tayah for not taking Phillip’s condition seriously. Tayah resented the accusation because she wanted to get Phillip out on compassionate release, but Dominic refused to give her the green light. They argued incessantly about it until Tayah grew weary and had finally decided to leave the issue alone. However, that was prior to Shaniece’s second email, which insolently stated,

  “I refuse to greet you in the name of God when you are nothing but the devil’s child. It has been brought to my attention that it has been over two weeks since your last visit to my brother. Did you know his breathing has stopped twice already? I wouldn’t be surprised if he was already dead. Thanks to you, his adulterous WIFE, my brother will die alone and face the judgment seat of Christ. I am in awe of your slackness and your slothfulness in regards to the sick and infirmed. And you call yourself a Christian? What rubbish! If Phillip dies in that infirmary, I hope you rot in hell and the stench of your flesh is smelt for all eternity…”


  Even though the intrusion of the voice was mellow, Tayah felt as if her heart had jumped to the bottom of her feet. Sneaking up on her seemed to be a new pattern of her husband. Using one of her palms, she inconspicuously covered her cell phone before turning to face him.

  “Why are you up so early?” he inquired.

  “I don’t know…I couldn’t sleep...”

  “Me either,” Dominic said. “I felt when you climbed out of bed, but I thought you were going to the bathroom. Now you’ve been out h
ere for close to half an hour. Do you want to talk?”

  Tayah shook her head and said in a tone shrouded in weariness, “Let’s talk about you for a change. You said you couldn’t sleep as well and I want to know why.”

  “Well, promise you won’t get upset.”

  “Nope. We’ve been arguing too much for me to make that mistake. Maybe you should just go on and say it and however the chips fall, let them fall.”

  “You get straight to the point, don’t you?” Dominic said. “It can be downright nerve-racking.” His eyes drank in his wife’s body, appreciating how her pink see-through night gown hugged her curves. With her thick black hair flopping to her shoulders, Tayah really didn’t have any idea how seductive she looked, even with that perplexed expression stitched on her face. “I know this may not seem like the appropriate time to bring this up, giving what has been going on lately, but do you realize that it’s been over a month since we’ve made love?”

  Tayah didn’t blink when she replied quite nonchalantly, “So, we’re keeping track now?”

  “I’m just saying, babe, we both could use a little distraction.”

  “And your idea of a distraction is sex, right? I’m incline to believe that that’s all you men think about.”

  “Tayah, I’m not just any man. I am your husband. Why does it feel as if I’m begging to get a little attention from my wife?”

  Tayah swiveled away from Dominic’s searching gaze. “Honestly, honey, sex is the last thing on my mind. The twins are a lot of work. I’m tired all of the time and I’m always worried about whether or not my grandmother or my brother is going to live to see the next day.”

  “And yet you insisted on bringing Phillip here to live with us. You’re only repeating the same things I’ve been saying to you all along.”


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