Church Boyz--Book 4 (After the Rain)

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Church Boyz--Book 4 (After the Rain) Page 16

by H. H. Fowler

  “You evil witch!” Ellie lashed out. “How could you talk about our brother like that when you were the one responsible for the way his life ended?”

  “Phillip is dead because his wife abandoned him,” Shaniece rejoined. “You know how lovesick that fool was over Tayah. He was not going to live without her.”

  Ellie bit back her retort as tears began to moisten her face. “I hate you for what you’ve done to our family, but Phillip and I are partly to blame because we keep running back to you to bail us out of our problems. I don’t want to end up like Phillip.”

  “It’s not me you need to be directing your anger to,” Shaniece said in a less abrasive tone. “All I ever did – good or bad – was because I wanted the best for you and Phillip. Look at me; I’m fat and stuck in a bloody wheelchair. But you are young, pretty and full of life. Maybe under different circumstances, my advice to you would have been to forget your past and make good on your life, but I couldn’t care less about that. I have an insatiable desire for revenge – just as I now see in your eyes.”

  Ellie kept her glare on Shaniece, baffled by how accurately her sister had defined her disposition.

  “I could help you,” Shaniece continued, “but know that whatever happens from this point on, you cannot blame me for the consequences of your decision. No one is forcing you to do anything you don’t want to do. Understand?”

  Ellie gave a slight nod.

  The way that Ellie obsessed over Leroy, Shaniece knew it was only a matter of time before Ellie would get fed up with Michelle standing in the way of her happily ever after. What other reason could there be for that murderous look in Ellie’s eyes. But knowing the prison lines were not secure, Shaniece decided that it was best to speak in parables – although her sister wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer.

  “Our brother is dead…” Shaniece repeated slowly. “I think you should tell Michelle about it.”

  Ellie furrowed her brows. “Why the hell would I want to tell Michelle that Phillip…” She paused, as she suddenly realized that Shaniece was trying to say something important.

  “You have to tell Michelle that our brother is dead,” Shaniece repeated. “Do you understand?”

  Removing all the words from Shaniece’s parable with the exception of two would read: Michelle…dead. Shaniece was asking if Ellie wanted Michelle to be killed. Now Ellie clearly understood.

  “Yes,” Ellie replied. “I do understand. When must I tell her, because she’s very hard to track down?”

  Shaniece interpreted that to mean: When will Michelle be killed? “She’s home on Friday evenings,” she said. “Go to her then.”

  That means as soon as tomorrow. Though surprised at the timing, Ellie nodded, just as the guard came through the steel door and announced that visiting hours were over.


  Mackey had kept Leroy’s Escalade overnight and was now on his way to pick up Leroy from the mansion. However, he felt a sudden compulsion to pay his ex-wife a visit. Maybe if he sat down with her and got her to see that he still loved her and that this affair with Bernard was only going to end in disaster, she would consider giving him a second chance. It was a long shot, but Mackey couldn’t rest easy until he tried one last time to fight for his woman.

  But as he quietly rounded the bend to the detached two-story home, Mackey wasn’t prepared for what he saw next. Bernard’s black car was parked on his ex’s driveway – like it usually was, but the person exiting his ex’s front door wasn’t Bernard. It was Bernard’s wife. Of course Mackey was stumped, not having the analytical ingenuity to figure out what was going on. That was until Bernard’s wife pulled his ex into a deep kiss before walking off with a look of satisfaction.

  Mackey was in total shock. And if that didn’t make him drive away, it was the disgust that began to brew in his chest. He could not digest that all this time his Jennifer had been having an affair with a woman – Bernard’s wife of all women. What is this mess, Jenny? Are you a lesbian now? I can’t believe I’ve hurt you that much. Leroy had warned him, things weren’t always what they seemed.

  Mackey wanted to cry, especially after he’d almost pounded Bernard’s thin frame through the floor. What would Bernard think of his wife’s actions? Surely this would be grounds for divorce and like him, Bernard would be the one on the outside looking in. But first, Mackey knew that he would have plenty of apologizing to do. When he finally pulled up to the Paxtons’ estate, Mackey’s composure was in shambles.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Friday 9:31 a.m.

  “Since the kids got into that accident, we’ve not had much quiet time to talk,” Michelle said to her husband. They were standing side by side in the kitchen with their backs against the double sink. A cup of coffee in Leroy’s hand and a half-eaten banana in Michelle’s.

  “I know, it’s been hard,” Leroy agreed.

  “It’s has, but I want to make an effort to settle any issues that may be between us. Every day when I look at Sean lying in that hospital bed, I think about how short our time is. One minute we’re here and the next we’re gone. And you know what I realized, Leroy? If I died today or tomorrow, it doesn’t matter how angry or how displeased we are with each other. We would have lost the opportunity to make things right and all that will be left are feelings of incompleteness and regret. I don’t want that for us.”

  Leroy stole a glance at his wife, trying to determine when would be a good time to speak. There were obvious signs of weariness in her posture, which would have been the first thing he commented on, but Leroy knew Michelle would try to downplay his concern and make him feel as if he were avoiding conversation. So to evade an uncomfortable atmosphere, he decidedly took another sip of coffee and just allowed Michelle to continue to make her point.

  “It’s been almost three weeks since Sean has been in that hospital,” she said, “which has given me tons of time to think about our marriage and how much family means to you. I know that you desire to have a relationship with Ellie’s son – your and Ellie’s son…and that you want that little boy to become a permanent part of your life…”

  Michelle choked over the words, prompting Leroy to rest his coffee on the countertop and turn to face her. “I told you that I won’t push the issue if you’re not comfortable with it,” he said. “I created this mess and I don’t expect you to agree –”

  “What I’m trying to explain to you,” Michelle interrupted, “is that I don’t want to be the one to cause that little boy to grow up without a father. He deserves a chance to know you and to love you for the great man that you are. You will get to teach him everything you’ve taught Eric and Sean and even more – because you are much wiser and now fully prepared to be a better father. I admit that this is not easy for me to do, but I’m learning that our trials and afflictions come only to make us stronger and more apt to survive.”

  Leroy gently placed his hands around Michelle’s waist. “Honey, those are some of the sweetest words you’ve ever said to me, but you really don’t have to put yourself through this.”

  Michelle rubbed the outline of Leroy’s handsome face before giving him a supportive smile. “I know, but I love you and I want to do what is right. You now have three sons and all of them should know who their father is. Together we will figure a way to handle Ellie and her infatuation with you.”

  Leroy was about to tell Michelle that Ellie had showed up at the mansion the other day with Leroy Jr., causing a scene, but it seemed so unimportant now. Besides, Eric popped into the kitchen and disturbed the moment anyway. Leroy released Michelle to get a good view of his son. He’d stopped halfway into the kitchen, looking as if he was contemplating his next move.

  For Eric, it was normal for him to give a curt greeting and then escape as quickly as he could to avoid any touchy-feely conversation. But for some reason, ever since he’d visited Rachel that afternoon and then having been touched by her heartfelt prayer, he felt a sense of peace lingering deeply on the inside. He could not e
xplain what was happening to him, or provide a proper description of the change. However, that miserable side of him felt diminished and he could no longer feel comfortable living with such an attitude.

  By the same token, he was not one who usually attributed the success of anything to God. He’d always done everything in his own strength. As he would always boast that it was his looks, his muscular build and supreme talent that had gotten him drafted into the NFL. While his parents had done an excellent job sensitizing him to the world of religion, Eric had never been a true convert of Christianity and the conviction he’d seen his parents live throughout the years. Would he ever say that the sensation he was feeling on the inside was from God? Maybe not, but he would admit that Rachel had a lot to do with it. And whatever she did, he wanted more of it.

  “Son?” Leroy called. “It seems as if we startled you. Are you alright?”

  Eric’s gaze shifted to his mother, who tried to use a smile to obscure her haggard expression.

  “It’s okay to come in,” she said. “Your father and I were just having a heart to heart talk.”

  “I’m cool. I just thought no one was in the kitchen.”

  “Hmmm…” Leroy picked up his cup of coffee from the countertop and brought it to his lips. “I can understand why. We’re usually gone to the hospital to visit your brother by this time. But give us ten minutes and you will have the kitchen to yourself.”

  Eric shrugged, not really knowing how to respond. “No rush.”

  An uncomfortable silence ensued and Michelle rose to the challenge to break it. “Did you check in with your grandmother? She was asking for you last night.”

  “Actually, I’m just coming from her room. She’s still asleep.”

  “Great. Soon, we all will be able to say the same about Sean,” Michelle said. “My faith is that his prognosis will be exceedingly good and will surprise even the doctors.”

  “Good word, honey,” Leroy chimed back in. “Jesus said, ‘If two of us agree on earth about anything that we may ask, it shall be done by our Father who is in heaven. Sean will fully recover, in Jesus’ name!”

  Michelle nodded appreciatively. “I’ve never prayed for anything so much and so hard in my life as I have for Sean these last few weeks. I believe God will honor our prayers.”

  Eric responded with a measured look, wondering how long his parents were going to persist in this religious repartee. It was only during times of despair he’d heard them ramble on and on about the will of God and how God was working everything out for His good pleasure. Eric, however, wasn’t really in the mood to hear it. He decided to steer the conversation in another direction.

  “I just want to remind you guys that I’m leaving for Denver later on today.”

  Michelle stopped mid-sentence and said without missing a beat, “I thought you changed your mind about that.”

  “I’d always intended to go back to Denver.”

  “But you don’t really have to,” Michelle countered. “The doctor said it was best to sit out the rest of the NFL season so that you can fully recover from your injuries.”

  “Of course I’m not gonna play,” Eric said. “The coach already knows that and has adjusted the roster. I just feel I should physically be there for my team, even though I won’t be on the field.”

  “You say that like we don’t need you here with us,” Michelle snapped. “Your family comes first and you should always try to remember that.”

  “Oh really?” Eric sniggered.

  “We are your support system, Eric and whether you want to admit that or not, you wouldn’t have gotten very far in your career without us.”

  Eric’s jaws tightened at the words. “What else have you got to throw in my face?”

  Michelle’s retort got jammed in her throat. She wasn’t expecting to be thrown off balance by such a sharp rebuke. She looked to Leroy for help; he’d been looking back and forth the entire time between his wife and son. He didn’t even know what the argument was really about, or why Eric all of a sudden seemed so bitter. But in any event, he couldn’t let Eric get away with speaking in that disrespectful tone to his mother, nor did he want for him to go back to Denver with that negative attitude.

  “Son,” Leroy started in that fatherly tone. “I know your mother didn’t intend for this to turn into an argument –”

  “I know what you’re doing, Dad,” Eric interrupted. “But let me say something before you get down on me about my attitude.” As soon as Eric said those words, an unexplainable warmth descended upon him and suffocated the sharp retort he wanted to drill into his parents’ hearts. He was really hoping to win this match. But what went wrong? Great, Eric thought, now my stupid tongue won’t work like I want it to. Soon, his entire body was bathing in this warmth, which made his next set of words sound shrill and emotional.

  “Do you guys even care about me and what I want?”

  “Of course we care about you,” Michelle said. “Why would you ever think otherwise?”

  “Because you guys are always fighting with me,” he sniveled. “And I’m tired of it. I just want you to accept my style and stop trying to fit me into your ridiculous expectations…”

  Michelle stepped forward, genuinely baffled by Eric’s outburst. “Baby, how are we trying to do that?”

  Eric shot his mother an incredulous look. “You do it all of the time when you pressure me to settle down to find a ‘good’ girl like Sean did. Or when Dad throws in my face that all of the men of the family are serving in the church. If I wanted to be married, don’t you think I would have done so a long while ago? Or if I wanted to be a Youth Minister or play multiple instruments like Dominic, wouldn’t I have committed my time and energy to the church and not wasted my efforts playing football? But the fact is I love football.

  “I love sports and I love having time to myself – away from being so dependent on you and Dad. I’m nothing like Sean, who is afraid to raise his voice at you and who tries to satisfy your every wish and command for fear of disappointing you. If I don’t like something, I will let you know that I don’t like it. Then suddenly I’m uncaring and anti-social and whatever other negative label I’ve endured over the years, but none of those things are really true about me.”

  “Son,” Leroy said. “While I agree that you love to follow your own way, we don’t see you as uncaring and anti-social. There’s nothing wrong with being independent and wanting to express your own identity. But that can’t be equated with impertinence and lack of respect for authority. Have you ever stopped to think how this type of behavior has affected us?”

  Eric stared at his father with discouragement in his eyes. “You still don’t get it. This is about me, not you…..anyway…forget it…I can’t change people’s perceptions and that includes the both of you.”

  Eric turned swiftly toward the kitchen exit.

  “Honey, your father isn’t saying that we don’t see your struggle!”

  Michelle pushed ahead to follow Eric, but Leroy stopped her.

  “I’m dying to go after him and tell him how much we love him,” he told her, “but now is not the time. Let him compose himself.”

  “No, Leroy,” Michelle protested. “If we delay in showing our concern, Eric will definitely think that we don’t care.”

  “But you know how belligerent Eric gets when he’s already upset. I say we leave him alone until he calms down.”

  “Don’t you understand? Eric is pleading with us to change the way we respond to him.”

  Michelle yanked her wrist away from Leroy and made a dash out of the kitchen in search of her son. She found him sitting on the veranda with his head dropped between his knees. He looked so lost and so vulnerable that it literally broke Michelle’s heart. How could she have been so insensitive to Eric’s emotional needs? She quietly walked up to him and placed a tentative arm around his shoulder. At first, she felt his muscles tensing against her touch, but as she began to massage him in silence, he gradually began to loosen up.
r />   It didn’t matter to Eric anymore that his hard exterior had been confronted with the real issues of his heart. He felt liberated, as if a heavy boulder had been lifted from off of his chest. Maybe that was the reason for the warmth – to get him to release the frustrations he’d been carrying around for so long. However, his mother needed not to say a word. He could feel the outpouring of her love and affection in her touch. Why hadn’t she done this more often? Their fights always ended with one of them walking away, leaving him burdened and depressed. He wasn’t surprised to see that his father had remained in the house.

  In response, Eric eased to his feet and gripped Michelle as if it would be the last time he would see her. He buried his face against her neck like a baby and remained that way for close to five minutes. In that moment of his vulnerability, (if it turned out that he was HIV positive) he hoped that this would be the reaction of his parents. Because he was going to need all the support in the world to keep him from committing suicide.

  Chapter Thirty

  Friday 10:11a.m.

  With both babies latched in their carriers, Tayah picked them up and struggled out of the nursery. She placed them in front of the TV on the floor of the front room. Lifting both carriers that way was Dominic’s delight and if he knew she had done so without him, he would certainly reprimand her about it. But Tayah didn’t want any help from a man who’d promised to be at home by two in the afternoon, but never showed up until close to nine that night. Furthermore, Dominic hadn’t called once to check in on her and the twins.

  But then Tayah thought, why was she so upset when she was the one who’d rudely snapped at her husband? She’d literally given him permission to hang out as long as he wanted with Sanchez – explaining to Dominic that she didn’t need him checking in on her anyway. But Tayah’s words backfired big time, because she really hadn’t expected Dominic to take her bluffs seriously. Dominic had a streak of vindictiveness in him that forced Tayah to stop and think about the man she’d married.


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