Forever Mine

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Forever Mine Page 2

by Lisa Evans

  Can’t he see that I’m aching for him?

  ”Okay,” I mumble. ”Sounds good.”

  His face tenses up a bit, and it looks like he’s worried about something. Maybe he’s worried I can’t do this. Worried that I’ll screw up and cost him thousands of dollars in the end and that he’ll regret ever hiring me as his secretary. His construction business has been growing so much the past year that he needed to hire someone to take his calls and manage his paper-work for him. And for some reason, he thought of me and asked my dad if he thought I’d be interested. I guess I’ll just have to thank the stars that I got the opportunity now that I’m going to rely on this job for my upkeep. Because dad’s selling the house and moving to Alaska in like two weeks.

  ”Good,” Adam says, eyeing me curiously. Turning around, he starts moving towards the exit, but then he stops in his tracks. ”Hey Willow?”

  I love hearing him uttering my name. It’s feels so nice.

  ”Yes, Adam?”

  Turning around, he puts his hand in his pocket, drawing my attention to his groin. It looks bulging underneath those ink blue jeans of his, and I wish I was allowed to reach out and touch it. I’ve always wondered how big he is, and what he looks like underneath all those clothes.

  ”I was just wondering,” Adam says, ”unless you have other plans… Would you care to have lunch together?”



  ”Yes,” I tell him. ”I would like that very much.”

  ”Good.” Before he leaves, he gives me a quick wink. Then he walks out the door and gets in the car.

  Here I am, left alone, wishing I could think of a reason to make him come back.

  Chapter 3


  FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. This is going to be excruciatingly difficult. Maybe it was a bad idea from the start. Maybe I never should have put my plan into action. Because being around Willow is turning out to be harder than I had anticipated.

  Extremely hard.

  Driving back to the office to pick her up for lunch, I think about this morning. The way she looked at me before I left makes me wonder if there’s attraction on her part as well.

  Does she feel the same way I do?

  The thought of her wanting me makes my cock turn hard. The dirtiest thoughts ever follow, and I consider pulling over to just let my fantasies run wild and do something about my hard-on. I can’t walk into the office like this and be next to her with an erection.

  There’s only one thing that will help clear my mind of all these dirty thoughts, and that’s to give myself what I want. Which is why I reach for my cellphone and dial the number that will allow me to hear the one voice I need to hear right now.



  ”Hi, it’s me. Adam.”

  ”Oh hi,” she says, her voice sounding like satin on the other end. Fuck. How the hell is this supposed to work? I’m pulsating with desire just hearing her voice.

  ”I was just calling to let you know that I’ll be on my way soon.” With one hand on the steering wheel and the other clutching my phone, I’m unable to give my stiffness the squeeze it’s aching for right now. ”I’ll swing by the office in say, half an hour?”

  That should give me enough time to really revel in my fantasies and to cool off in the shower afterwards.

  ”Sure,” she says. ”That sounds fine.”

  Fine. Huh. Hope I wasn’t getting the wrong impression earlier. Maybe I was mistaken. Maybe she wasn’t making an effort to tease me after all.


  ”See you in a bit, Adam.”

  She hangs up before I get a chance to say, ”See you.”

  Tossing the phone on the passenger seat, I reach for my crotch. Giving myself a tight squeeze, I can’t wait to get home and let loose.

  The moment I pull up outside the house I call home, I bolt out of the car and in the house. Remembering the low cut white top Willow is wearing to the office today, I think about ripping it off her and freeing her breasts. I want to plunge my face into her chest and lick her pink nipples until she begs me to take her. I want to make her drip with hunger for my cock, and imagining that I’m doing just that, I reach inside my pants and start thrusting into my own hand. I’m so hard, and I’m so desperate for Willow, that I know I won’t last long. The thought of having her pretty mouth moaning underneath me while I pump myself deep inside her preciousness is enough to make me come. It feels so good coming while thinking about her. And damn how it hurts to know that she isn’t mine yet. But she will be.

  Soon enough.

  I’ll make sure of that.

  Chapter 4


  WHERE IS HE? He said he’d be here in thirty minutes and I’m pretty sure those thirty minutes have come and gone already. I was so excited to hear that he wanted to take me out to lunch that I actually thought for a minute that he was into me the same way that I’m into him. But if he was, he would make sure to be here on time.

  Wouldn’t he?

  Maybe he was just trying to be nice to me. Make me feel comfortable on my first day.

  My heart sinks the more I think about him, so I decide to head back to the computer to check my e-mails one more time. The clock is ticking and my belly is churning with hunger. Maybe I ought to just stand him up right now and go out for lunch myself? That sounds like a good idea. Yeah. I could call dad and tell him that I think it’s going to work out after all, and ask him to join me for lunch instead.

  The moment I decide to do that, I grab my purse and head for the door. And as soon as I push the door open, I see Adam.

  There he is.

  Standing right outside the door talking on his cell. I guess he wasn’t running late after all.

  Since I can’t help but smile whenever I see him, I pray that my lipgloss is still in place from this morning. If I’d have realized that I was about to bump into him right now, I would have put on some more gloss before leaving the office.

  ”Hey,” he mouths wordlessly at me. Rolling his eyes at whomever it is that he’s talking to on the phone, he then says to that person, ”Yes. Don’t worry. She’s fine. She’s doing great, actually.”

  I guess he must be talking to my dad. How typical of him to call to check on me.

  ”It’s dad, isn’t it?” I demand, and Adam nods his head. ”Here, let me talk to him,” I say and grab the phone out of Adam’s hand. As I do, my hand brushes against his warm skin, which makes my belly sparkle. Just like that one time when I was still in high school and his hand accidentally bumped into my thigh. Difference this time around is that I’m not blushing like some silly teenager, instead, I’m confidently taking charge of the situation. ”Hi dad, you promised me you weren’t going to do this…”

  ”I know sweetie,” dad says, sounding almost bashful over the phone. ”But I was going to talk to Adam about that fixture upstairs that needs to be looked at anyways, so I didn’t think there was any harm if I — ”

  ”If you spied on me? Look dad, I’m a grown woman now and I can take care of myself. So please, do me a favor and don’t check on me anymore. Okay?”

  ”Okay honey, I’m sorry.”

  ”Don’t worry about it, I’ll see you tonight at dinner.”

  Handing the phone over to Adam again, I shake my head in disbelief. I’m embarrassed to hear that dad is asking Adam a bunch of questions about me. It makes me feel like I’m a kid or something. And I definitely don’t want Adam to treat me like I’m his best friend’s daughter.

  Adam brushes his finger against mine as he takes back the phone, and while he and dad finish their conversation, I get in Adam’s car. Sitting here, I take the opportunity to freshen up my lipgloss before Adam joins me.

  The whole truck oozes of him. It smells like vanilla or maybe it’s sandalwood? I don’t know. Whatever it is, it’s intoxicating. My head is spinning and I want to be wrapped up in his arms and have him rub his scent all over me.

  Gazing to my left
, I see him heading towards me. God he’s handsome when he walks. There’s something powerful about his stance, and having him walk towards me makes me feel special.

  Opening the car door, he gets in and turns the key in the ignition. I watch his every move, and I catch a glimpse of his nipples through the white T-shirt he’s wearing. Oh God his chest must be amazing, I wish I could lie my head down on it at night and fall asleep in his arms.

  Having no idea where he’s taking me, I feel like he’s in complete charge of the situation. And I like that. I don’t care if I don’t have a say about where we’re going. In fact, I don’t mind being surprised at all. Come to think of it, always having been the one to cook meals every single night for my dad after he comes home from work, I’m kind of looking forward to not having anyone to take care of. It’s going to be so good to be on my own from now on.

  Chapter 5


  THERE’S A SLIGHT chill in the breeze out here on the hill overlooking the meadow where we’re seated, and I can see Willow’s nipples through her top. Part of me wants to lift her ass up on the hatchback, yank down her panties and eat her out for lunch instead. But we’re not doing that, not right now. Instead, we’re finishing off the last bites of the sandwiches I brought us for lunch.

  She’s happy. That’s good. I want her to be happy, but I’m kind of bothered that she’s going on about how nice it’s going to be when she moves to her own place and doesn’t have to live with anyone any longer. I want her to want to live with me now that her dad’s moving out-of-state. She needs someone to look after her and take care of her. I can tell. She’s always had that look on her. Like she’s just waiting for someone to come along and pick her up and treat her like a princess.

  She’s my princess.

  I’m going to make sure that she stays that way forever.

  ”So,” she says, after downing a sip of water from the bottle. ”You never told me why you picked this spot to have lunch.”

  ”True.” But I’m not sure you’re ready to hear the exact reason why I did, I think to myself.

  ”Oh come on, tell me,” she demands, and pokes my chest. I love the fact that she feels comfortable enough to touch me. Physical contact is good. It means she feels safe with me. Although I’m not so sure she should. There are dark things inside me that she has no clue they exist. I wonder how she’ll react once I reveal them to her… ”This place is so beautiful,” she sighs, and pulls her eyes away from my face. ”It’s absolutely amazing”.

  I know it is. That’s why I picked it. I knew she’d love it.

  ”You think, huh?” I say.


  ”I’m glad to hear that.”

  Especially since I bought it for her. I knew she was going to like it because she already told me that years ago when her dad and I brought her here camping. But of course, she doesn’t remember that. Why would she?

  ”If you really like it so much, you know you’re always welcome to come out here and visit. Because I just bought it.”

  ”You did what?” she exclaims, shock apparent on her face.

  ”I bought it. Signed the contract yesterday and I’ve already started planning the construction of the house I’m going to build here.” The house I’m going to build for the two of us, to be exact. But I’m not sure she’s ready to hear all that just yet.

  ”Wow! It’s just perfect.”

  ”It is, isn’t it?”

  ”Yes. Oh, I’m so happy for you,” she says, and suddenly leans over and wraps her arms around my neck. Having her up close like this makes my cock stiffen, and when I catch a whiff of her scent as her curls brush against my face, I know I’m lost. My erection is a fact, and I can’t help but wrap my arms hard around her. I want to hold her tight like this and make her come for me. Before I realize it’s even happening, I thrust against her. It’s like my body craves her, it’s not even me anymore. It’s the darkness inside of me telling me that it needs her. Groaning under my breath, I try not to think about her nude body, and end the hug before I let my emotions run away with me.

  ”Well, it’s going to be just perfect,” she whispers, her cheeks red from our hug. Her hand slides down my chest for a brief moment, and there’s that all-too familiar look in her eyes again. That look of desperation that I’ve seen in her for years. She needs someone to take care of her. And that someone is going to be me. I’ll make damn sure of it.

  ”Yeah,” I say and clear my throat. ”I’m sure it’ll be nice.”

  Especially if you’re there. Which you will be.

  My cock aches, and I feel it pulsating in my pants, longing to be inside of her body. Letting my eyes fall to her mouth, I purse my lips together to stifle my desire. It’s going to be so hard not to make a pass at her and keep my paws to myself for much longer, so I guess I’ll have to do something about it. I had planned to move slow to make her feel comfortable, but all that’s going to have to change. It’s going to happen tonight. I’m going to make her mine before the day is over. That’s the way it’s going to have to be.

  Smiling at her, I look deep into her pretty eyes. ”I guess it’s time we headed back to the office, don’t you think?”

  ”I guess.”

  Oh my sweet Willow, you have no idea what I’ve got planned for you. I can’t wait to see the look on your face once you realize what’s about to happen. Because I am going to make you mine. I am going to seduce you and make love to you so good and hard tonight that you won’t even know what’s hit you until it’s over.

  And you’re going to like it so much, you’ll be begging me for more.

  Soon, you’ll be mine.

  All mine.

  Chapter 6


  MY FIRST DAY at work is almost over, and I’m sad that I didn’t get to see more of Adam today. Part of me wishes I would have just kissed him when I hugged him during lunch. It was the closest I’ve ever come to kissing to him, and I’m sad that I didn’t take the opportunity to finally show him exactly how much I care about him.

  Turning off the computer screen, I take a quick look at some of the notes I’ve made for myself for tomorrow. I’ve got a bunch of phone calls to make and orders to submit, so maybe I can run some things by Adam just once more? That’ll give me the chance to talk to him even though I don’t really need to.

  Looking at the clock, I sigh and grab my purse. Dad is picking me up in a couple of minutes, and then it’s time for me to go home and make dinner.

  Disappointed that I didn’t see Adam all afternoon, I leave the office. I know I shouldn’t be pouting, and that I should be proud of myself for completing my first day without making a fool of myself, but I wish I was working closer to him. I was hoping he’d be spending way more time here in the office with me, but I guess he’s always on the way from one building site to the other.

  Dad pulls up to pick me up at the same time I leave the office, so I get in the car with him right away. During the quick drive home, he avoids asking me questions about work — a sure sign that he’s a little embarrassed about me catching him earlier today — and instead he goes on about the offers he’s been getting on the house.

  As soon as we make it home, I tell dad that I’m going to hit the shower before starting dinner. Then I rush upstairs to my bedroom and sigh to myself as I close the door shut behind me. I know that there will be more days at the office with Adam and that I’ll get to see him way more often now that I’m his employee, but I’m still bummed that today didn’t turn out the way I had expected. I would have liked it if he’d taken the time to ask me how my day was, or maybe just given me a call at the end of the day if he didn’t have the time to appear in person.

  Pulling my hair back into a ponytail, I start taking off my clothes and recall the hug we shared at lunch. It was so nice, and my knees turned to jelly the moment we embraced. Just feeling his strong torso against my chest was enough to make my whole body sparkle with excitement. That man is sex on legs and he can turn me on any tim
e of the day.

  Slipping into the shower, I wonder what it would be like to make love to him. Would he be gentle if I told him that I’m a virgin? Or would he play it rough with me to show me what it’s like to be had by a real man? I wonder what he’d think of me if I told him that I’ve been saving myself for him all these years. That I’ve been turning other guys down because my heart and body already belonged to someone else. Would he like that? Or would he be creeped out?

  Hoping I’ll get a chance to reveal all these secrets to Adam sometime soon, I finish my shower and get dressed. Deciding to go with something a little more relaxing than the stuff I wore to work, I pull on a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. Since there’s no need for me to have any make-up on, I wash my face clean too before heading downstairs to the kitchen.

  Dad’s busy moving stuff around in the garage, so I don’t even bother to ask him what he feels like eating tonight. Sometimes I wonder how he’s going to make it out there in Alaska. But who knows, maybe he’ll meet some nice Alaskan woman who’ll take care of him and keep him well-fed. I want that for my dad, just like I want my mom to be happy, although she’s already found a new husband ages ago. But more than anything, I want a little true love for myself as well. I want Adam to want me as much as I want him, and I want him to claim me.

  Trying to block out my thoughts about him, I turn on the radio and get dinner started. Dancing along to the music blaring from the speakers, I move around the kitchen acting like I don’t have a care in the world. And really, I don’t. I have a new job and a crush that I’ve set my mind on getting. Maybe I should just stop waiting for Adam to make a pass at me, and start doing what I can to charm him. Yeah. That’s it. That’s exactly what I’ll do. Starting tomorrow, I’ll do my best to seduce him. If I have to put my heart on the line to get the man that I want, then I’ll do just that.


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