Bodyguard's Secret Baby

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Bodyguard's Secret Baby Page 2

by Vivian Ward

  He continued kneeling between my legs as he sat upright and smacked my ass before he firmly gripped it and fucked me harder, slamming into me vigorously. After several fast, hard pumps, he started grunting, and I felt his cock pulsate as it was buried deep against my womb. Feeling him swell and twitch inside of me was the hottest thing I had ever experienced.

  I felt shots of come spurting out of the tip of his cock as he flooded my womb. He came in long, hard waves that were so powerful, I could have sworn I felt every last drop coming out of him.

  When he was finished, he collapsed on top of me in a sweating, heaving mess, and my vagina refused to let go of him until he softened. After a few minutes, he rolled off of my back, and we sat up; a smile beamed on his face.

  “What?” I asked, still in awe of what had just happened.

  “For a girl who has never fucked before, you were pretty damned vocal and knew exactly what you were doing. Are you sure about that virgin thing?”

  I could feel his seed trickling down my middle as I leaned forward. Shit. I should have been worried, paid more attention to whether or not he was wearing a condom but I had been on the pill for nearly three years to help with my acne.

  There was no need to worry right that second anyway, there’d be plenty of time for that later, plus the deed was already done.

  All I wanted to do was enjoy the glory and hazy afterglow for a moment. Smiling, I looked at him and nodded.

  “Yep, you’re the first,” I said, bashful as I looked down at my fingernails.

  “Shit.” He ran his fingers through his hair, prying it from his sweaty forehead. “I can’t even believe it,” he shook his head and laughed. “I knew you were a good girl, but I didn’t know you were that good.”

  “If you want, I’m meeting my parents for dinner in a bit. You could come if you’d like.”

  Why did I say that?

  I felt stupid as soon as the words left my mouth.

  “No,” he laughed at me as he slipped his shirt back on and took a sip of his Coke. “I’ll pass on dinner with the Bailey’s.”

  My facial expression fell, and the heat flushed through my body as embarrassment took over. “I’m sorry. I—I just figured—”

  He put his finger to my lips. “Shhh,” he smiled at me. “Relax. I’m not going to take your virginity and walk away. Despite the rumors on the street, I’m not a complete Grade-A asshole. I’m just not doing dinner with the parents is all I’m saying.”

  “So,” I stumbled for the right words. “What does that mean?” I asked, looking up at him.

  “I’ll pick you up and take you out on a real date. Every girl deserves a real date when it’s her first time.”

  He picked me up a couple of days later in his Jeep with the top down and doors off, and aside from the night I lost my V-card, I had the best time of my life. When I was with him, all of my problems faded away. I didn’t have to think when I was with him.

  All I had to worry about was my pissed off dad and whether or not I was hurtling toward becoming his permanent girlfriend because that first date was not the only date as I thought it would be.

  One date turned into the next, and before I knew it, we had spent nearly the whole month together. We’d take off every evening after work together and spent quality time under the Missouri stars, mostly making love.

  When we weren’t doing that, we headed into the countryside in his Jeep, mudding and tearing up the woods but it always ended up the same way—my bare ass bouncing beneath him in the back of his Jeep, or sometimes in the tall, wooded grass.

  That was before everything ended abruptly. He’d finished his AA classes, did his community service and paid off his fine. We had spent an entire evening mudding in the woods, laughing and having fun, but something seemed off. He was distant like something was on his mind.

  I pressed him about it all evening, but he denied anything was wrong until he couldn’t pretend anymore.

  “Why are you acting so different?” I asked, frustrated.

  Shaking his head, he grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it as we sat parked in the middle of the woods.

  “Julie, I don’t know how to tell you this, but I’m a fuck up. This is a huge mistake.”

  “What? No! You’re not a fuck up, and we’re not a mistake. Why would you say such a thing?” I looked into his eyes, searching for an answer. He wasn’t making sense.

  “We both know I’ve been in a lot of trouble. Hell, the whole damn town knows it. Your dad hates me, and it’s only a matter of time before I break your heart.”

  “What are you saying?” I asked, holding back the knot in my throat.

  “Look, babe, I don’t want to end up like some washed-up loser, sitting in the slammer. There’s nothing for me here; all I do is get into trouble. I took a job working private security on the other side of the country, and I’m leaving in two days.”

  The words hit me like a ton of bricks. Leaving? Two days? He’d waited the whole damned night to tell me? That son-of-a-bitch!

  “Take me home.”

  “Julie, just listen to me,” he started.

  “Listen to you?” I hissed at him. “I can’t trust you. You knew this whole time and didn’t tell me anything? For what? So you could get me into bed one last time before you left?” I shook my head at him. “Take me home. Now!”

  He fired up the engine of his Jeep as he tightened his jaw and drove me home in silence. I knew he wanted to say something by the way his knuckles were tightly balled in his fist, but he didn’t say a word. Not even as I climbed out of his jeep, angry and sulking at the same time.

  It was the last time I would see him. For a while, anyway. Turns out right after he went through basic training, they stationed him overseas, and I wouldn’t have another chance to see him for nearly two years.

  Weeks went by, and then months. No phone calls, no contact from him whatsoever. There were no emails or text messages. Not even a little note in the mail about how his newfound career was going.

  It broke my heart. It felt like a punch in the gut when he told me that he was leaving instead of talking with me before he did it. No, I’m not his keeper and he sure as hell wouldn’t take orders from a woman, but I thought he cared about me; cared about my opinion.

  And thinking that he didn’t care was the worst feeling in the world, because I had something to tell him but no way to reach out to him. I needed to tell him that I was pregnant.

  I was pregnant with his child, and there was no way to contact him. He’d practically raised himself. His dad had been out of the picture for years, and his mom was off smoking dope with whatever boyfriend she had that week.

  There was no family of his that I could reach out to. I’d have to wait, and hope that he’d come back home—if he ever came back, but he told me himself that he didn’t have a reason to come back—or contact me somehow.

  Little did I know, he’d come back, and when he did, things would be much different.

  When he came back to St. Louis, I didn’t even know he was in town. I was at the store, picking up a few groceries and buying diapers when I heard a familiar voice as I walked past the frozen section. My head whipped around, and I saw him standing in the aisle looking at the frozen dinners.

  I swallowed hard and panicked, unsure of what to do. All of the blood rushed down my limbs, away from my face, and all of those pent-up feelings surged through me like a lightning bolt. The tightness in my chest made it hard to breathe and all I wanted to do was run away but I couldn’t.

  As for the baby, my parents were very supportive, and I had all the help I needed in the world. Nobody except them knew who the father was, and hell, not many people knew that I had a kid to begin with. I preferred it that way, though; mostly because I didn’t think anyone would believe me that Damon had fathered my baby and partly because I was afraid that he’d be angry that I didn’t try to find him. But how could I?

  I wasn’t ready to face him yet. What would I say? What would he say?
Would I even tell him about our son, Bentley? Tiptoeing away, I heard him call my name.



  My mouth went dry, and I froze in place. He walked in front of me.


  We locked eyes, and I couldn’t believe how much he had changed.

  He’d always been muscular and rugged before, but now? He was a damned machine. His chiseled face was even more defined, his jaw and chin were even sharper than I remembered them.

  His arms were bigger than my thick thighs and good Lord! His legs were insanely huge, bigger than anacondas. He held out his arms, eager to hug me but all I could concentrate on were the veins popping out of his sculpted muscles.

  Still in awe of what to do, I remained statue-like. I didn’t know if I could hug him. He’d left at the drop of a dime, with no notice, no care about my feelings or regards to me. Not one iota of contact. Nothing.

  He was supposed to be the one who wouldn’t have a chance to break my heart the next morning. My one-night stand, the one I could forget about. Except he was anything but that. He was the one who got away; the one I had fallen in love with.

  And at the same time, I had his son waiting at home, wondering when mommy was coming back from the store so we could play in the tub, read a good bedtime story and snuggle until he fell asleep. I was the mother of his child. A child that he didn’t know existed.

  “What are you doing back here?” I asked, eying his buddy. He didn’t have a familiar face; he must have come back with Damon from…God knows where.

  His arms dropped to his sides, and the muscle in his jaw tightened.

  “I’m back.”


  “You didn’t bother writing, calling or anything for almost two years while you were away. And now you want me to be happy that you’re back? Fuck that. I’m not sure what you expected, waltzing in here and acting as though I’d be like a loyal puppy, eager to see you again. I’m not a dog, and I sure as hell wouldn’t leave behind someone I cared about like an old stuffed animal.”

  I might have been hard on him, but he knew an address to write to or a phone number to call—unlike me. I had no clue where he went off to or how to get a hold of him.

  He had his cell phone shut off just days after he left. Maybe if he hadn't left with no notice or maybe if he would have contacted me, he might have known about Bentley.

  His lip curled, raising his flaring nostril as I went off on him. “I don’t need this,” he nodded towards his friend. “Let’s go.”

  And just like that, he was walking right back out of my life again.

  On their way past me, his friend studied me, eying me as they walked down the aisle. I waited until they were both out of view before walking back to my cart so I could take Bentley’s diapers home and, hopefully, not run into that asshole again.

  But God help me, I couldn’t give up on him that easily because I was the only hope that my baby had if he wanted to see or know his daddy. What kind of mother would I be for keeping his daddy away from him?

  Chapter 2


  I never thought I’d wind up back in this town, but the universe had other plans in store for me.

  When I took the job in California working private security for my boss, David Turner, I knew that he had a special assignment for me, but he didn’t fill me in on the specifics until I was standing in his office.

  His cute secretary, Danielle, greeted me as I stepped off the stainless steel elevator that carried me up fourteen floors before the doors opened.

  She was the shy type, which made things more interesting. I loved watching babes squirm, especially while they were nervous.

  “Hi, are you Mr. Turner’s two o’clock appointment?” she asked, doing her best to avoid eye contact with me.

  I had seen the look on her face when I walked into the office, and even though she had a baby face, she looked guilty as hell when her eyes darted away from me.

  She was just like all the girls back in St. Louis. They all wanted a piece of me but were too afraid to ask for it, and I was all too willing to give it.

  This was going to be fun; my first challenge in California, and only forty-five minutes off the plane. The minute she saw me, she knew what a guy like me could do to someone like her, and it embarrassed the hell out of her.

  Leaning into her personal space, my chest hovering only inches from her face, I let her inhale my cologne.

  “Damon Miller,” I extended my hand. “And you are?”

  Her cheeks flushed a nice shade of coral, and her lashes fluttered uncontrollably as she tried to hide her smile.

  “I, um, Danielle,” she shook my hand.

  “Danielle, huh?” I noticed she wasn’t wearing a ring. “Do you have plans tonight?”

  Her mouth fell open, and she dropped the folders she had been straightening. “Uh, yeah,” she tried to pick them all up.

  I knew she was lying, and she knew that I knew. “Really?” I bent down, helping her pick the folders up off the floor. On the way back up, I took a moment to check out her legs. It looked like she wore heels every day with the way her calves were nicely developed.

  “Mr. Miller?” a tall man, I’d guess in his late fifties came walking from the hallway that led behind the desk.

  “Yes,” I stood up and handed her the folders back.

  “I’m David Turner,” he shook my hand.

  “Nice to meet you,” I said, smiling at Miss Bashful.

  “Come on back to my office. I was worried that you wouldn’t make it today when I looked at the flight schedule,” he carried on as we started making our way back to his office.

  Passing Danielle’s desk, I licked my lips as I eyed her up and down. I bet she’d be a good fuck; the prissy office types usually are. They’re all formal and business-like during the day, but at night, they’re fucking freaks in heat who can’t get enough.

  “Have a seat, Mr. Miller,” he pointed to the chair opposite of his as he sat behind his golden oak desk.

  “Call me Damon,” I took my seat.

  He didn’t seem the type that would need private security. His suit was neat, his hair near perfect, and I noticed a wedding band. He might have owned a multi-million-dollar company, but from the looks of it, it didn’t appear that he’d need someone like me to protect him.

  “Sorry, Damon.” Sitting across from me, an awkward smile spread across his face, and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “I’m new at this, and I’m looking to bring you on as private security because of my daughter, Bethany. My usual guy had to have back surgery, but when I saw your resume, I was impressed.”

  When I met him during that initial meeting, he looked more nervous than the woman at the front desk, but I can’t say that I blamed him.

  His daughter was into some real bad shit, and he wanted me to monitor it before things got out of hand. I would say that he was about four months too late for things getting out of hand.

  To help me out, he assigned a computer tech to me, Lee Wu. After sitting down with Lee, who was inevitably a pain in my ass, I figured out that she was doing a lot more than the old man had ever imagined.

  I didn’t like the thought of working with a computer guru; I’ve always been the hands-on type. Fuck sitting behind a keyboard. I prefer putting my hands on a man, not researching him. But she wasn’t in trouble; she was down right out of fucking control.

  Comparing her to the girls back home made me think about Julie. The thought of her even remotely doing something as stupid as Bethany pissed me off. I’d kick her ass myself if she ever got mixed up with the wrong crowd.

  Julie was a good girl; a good girl who I’d stripped of her virginity and fucked her real good every night before I sent her back home. She was probably the best thing that ever happened to me, and I hadn’t stopped thinking about her since I watched her sweet ass sway up the porch stairs of her house the last time I saw her.

  Just thinking about her perky tits and tight ass
was making me hard but my blue jeans stifled my cock as it took on a mind of its own. Sure, I’d gone through plenty of chicks over the last two years since I left Missouri, but they weren’t anything compared to Julie.

  They might have been the ones in my bed, but it was always her face that I imagined. Hell, I imagined her face even when it wasn’t on top of another woman’s body.

  I had thought about calling her a few times but thought different of it when I replayed my last night with her in my head. She was so pissed off when I dropped her off.

  Knowing her, she’d probably never want to see me again, and I wasn’t about to apologize. I had to leave when I did. I did nothing but get into trouble back home. It was always the same, drinking and bar fights; just me looking for my next crusade.

  When I found a job working private security on the Internet, I knew that I had to take it. The pay was amazing; it got me out of St. Louis, and it would give me a fresh lease on life. Nobody would know me as the town’s troublemaker, and it would give me a chance to start over.

  I was grateful that Shawn, Julie’s dad, had given me a job when I was home, but I didn’t want to work as a mechanic the rest of my life and nobody else was willing to give me a chance to turn over a new leaf.

  As for the boss’s daughter, Bethany had been hanging with men who smuggled more than a little dope; they still smuggled dope, but they also smuggled humans. She was about to enter a human sex trafficking ring and had no clue how far in over her head she was.

  When I told her old man about it, I thought he was going to keel over dead from a heart attack. The poor bastard couldn’t believe his spoiled little princess was that washed up.

  There was one problem, though: she was grown. Nineteen-years-old. There wasn’t a damn thing any of us could do or say to her. She had a free will to do whatever she pleased, and all I could do was babysit her ass and wait for her to land herself into some trouble that she couldn’t get herself out of. When I first arrived in California, she was mainly hanging out in private clubs and going to exclusive underground parties.


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