Planet of Adventure

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Planet of Adventure Page 27

by Jack Vance

  Helsse made an easy gesture. "For a casual occasion, casual protocol. That's our rule."

  "I will be specific," said Reith. "Our 'place' demands that we use the front entrance. If Lord Cizante objects, then he must meet us elsewhere: perhaps at the tavern around the Oval."

  Helsse uttered an incredulous laugh. "He would as soon don a buffoon's cap and cut capers in Merrymaker's Round!" He shook his head dolefully. "To avoid difficulties we will use the front entrance; after all what difference does it make?"

  Reith laughed. "Especially since Cizante has ordered us brought in by the scullery and will assume that this is how we entered ... Well, it's a fair compromise. Let's go."

  The trip to Blue Jade Palace was made in a sleek black landau. At Helsse's instructions it drove up to the formal portal. Helsse alighted, and with a thoughtful glance along the façade of the palace, conducted the three outlanders through the main portal and into the great foyer. He muttered a few words to a footman, then ushered the three up a flight of shallow stairs, into a small green and gold salon overlooking the courtyard.

  Lord Cizante was nowhere to be seen.

  "Please be seated," said Helsse affably. "Lord Cizante will be with you shortly." He gave a jerk of the head and departed the chamber.

  Several minutes passed, then Lord Cizante appeared. He wore a long white gown, white slippers, a black skullcap. His face was petulant and brooding; he looked from face to face. "Which is the man to whom I spoke before?"

  Helsse muttered in his ear; he turned to face Reith. "I see. Well then, make yourself easy. Helsse, you have ordered a suitable refreshment?"

  "Indeed, your Excellency."

  A footman rolled in a buffet and offered trays of sweet wafers, saltbarks, cubes of spiced meat, decanters of wine, flagons of essence. Reith accepted wine; Traz a goblet of syrup. Anacho took green essences; Lord Cizante selected a stick of incense and walked back and forth, jerking it through the air. "I have negative news for you," he said abruptly. "I have decided to withdraw all proffers and undertakings. In short, you may expect no boon."

  Reith sipped the wine and gave himself time to think. "You are honoring Dordolio's claim?"

  "I cannot elaborate upon the matter. The statement may be interpreted in its most general sense."

  "I have no claim upon you," said Reith. "I came here yesterday only to convey the news of your daughter."

  Lord Cizante held the incense stick under his nostrils. "The circumstances no longer interest me."

  Anacho emitted a somewhat startling caw of laughter. "Understandable! To acknowledge them would force you to honor your pledge!"

  "Not at all," said Lord Cizante. "I spoke only for the attention of Blue Jade personnel."

  "Ha ha! Who will believe that, now that you have hired assassins against my friend?"

  Lord Cizante held the incense still and poised. "Assassins? What of this?"

  "Your aide"-Reith indicated Helsse--"took out a Type Eighteen contract against me. I intend to warn Dordolio; your penury carries a vicious sting."

  Lord Cizante turned a frowning glance upon Helsse. "What of this?"

  Helsse stood with black eyebrows fretfully raised. "I endeavored only to fulfill my function."

  "Misplaced zeal! Would you make Blue Jade a laughing stock? If this sordid tale gains circulation..." His voice suddenly trailed off. Helsse gave a shrug, and poured himself a goblet of wine.

  Reith rose to his feet. "Our business appears to be at an end."

  "A moment," said Lord Cizante curtly. "Let me consider ... You realize that this so-called assassination is a mare's-nest?"

  Reith slowly shook his head. "You have blown hot and cold too often; I am totally skeptical."

  Lord Cizante swung on his heel. The incense stick fell to the rug, where it began to smolder. Reith picked it up, placed it on the tray. "Why do you do that?" asked Helsse in sardonic wonder.

  "You must supply your own answer."

  Lord Cizante strode back into the room. He gestured to Helsse, took him into the corner, muttered a moment, and once again departed.

  Helsse turned to Reith. "Lord Cizante has empowered me to pay over to you a sum of ten thousand sequins on condition that you depart Cath instantly, returning to Kotan by the first cog out of Vervodei."

  "Lord Cizante's impertinence is amazing," said Reith.

  Anacho asked casually, "How high will he go?"

  "He specified no precise sum," Helsse admitted. "He is interested only in your departure, which he will facilitate in every detail."

  "A million sequins, then," said Anacho. "If we must acquiesce to this undignified scheme, we might as well sell ourselves dear."

  "Much too dear," said Helsse. "Twenty thousand sequins is more reasonable."

  "Not reasonable enough," said Reith. "We need more, much more."

  Helsse surveyed the three in silence. He said at last: "To avoid wasting time I will announce the maximum sum Lord Cizante cares to pay. It is fifty thousand sequins, which I personally consider generous, and transportation to Vervodei."

  "We accept," said Reith. "Needless to say, you must cancel the contract with the Security Company."

  Helsse smiled a small tremulous smile. "I have already received my instructions in this regard. And when will you depart Settra?"

  "In a day or so."

  With fifty strips of purple-celled sequins, the three left Blue Jade Palace, and climbed into the waiting black landau. Helsse did not accompany them.

  The landau wheeled east through the cinnamon dusk, under luminants which as yet cast no illumination. Off in the parks, palaces and town houses showed clusters of blurred lights, and in one great garden a fete was in progress.

  The landau rumbled across a carved wooden bridge hung with lanterns, to enter a district of crowded timber buildings, with tearooms and cafes jutting over the street. They passed through an area of bleak half-deserted tenements, and at last came into the Oval.

  Reith descended from the landau. Traz sprang past and threw himself on a dark silent figure. At the glint of metal Reith ducked to the ground, but failed to escape a violent purple-white flash. A hot blow pounded his head; he lay half-stunned, while Traz struggled with the assailant. Anacho stepped forward, pointed his sting. Out sprang the thin shaft, piercing the man's shoulder. The gun clattered to the cobbles.

  Reith picked himself up, stood weaving. The side of his head smarted as if by a scald; the smell of ozone and burnt hair filled his nostrils. He tottered over to where Traz held the hooded figure in an armlock while Anacho removed his wallet and dagger. The man wore a half-hood; Reith raised it, revealing, to his astonishment, the face of the Yearning Refluxive to whom he had spoken the night before.

  People here and there about the Oval, at first cautious of the struggle, now started to approach. There came the shrill hoot of the patrol whistle. The Refluxive struggled to free himself. "Release me; they'll make me a terrible example!"

  "Why did you try to kill me?" demanded Reith.

  "Need you ask? Let me go, I beg you!"

  "Why should I? You just tried to murder me! Let them take you."

  "No! The association will suffer!"

  "Well then-why did you try to kill me?"

  "Because you are dangerous! You would divide us! Already there is dissension! A

  few weak souls have no faith; they want to find a spaceship and go off on a journey! Folly! The only way is the orthodox way! You are a danger; I thought it best to expunge your dissidence."

  Reith took a deep breath of exasperation. The patrol was almost upon them. He said: "Tomorrow we leave Settra; you've had your trouble for nothing." He gave the man a shove which sent him staggering and crying for the pain in his shoulder. "Be thankful we are merciful men!"

  The Refluxive disappeared in the darkness. The patrol ran up: tall men in striped suits of red and black holding staffs terminating in incandescent tips.

  "What is the trouble?"

  "A thief," said Reith. "He tried
to rob us, then ran off behind the buildings."

  The patrol departed; Reith, Anacho, and Traz went into the inn. As they supped Reith told of his arrangements with Zarfo Detwiler. "Tomorrow, if all goes well, we depart Settra."

  "By no means too soon," remarked Anacho sourly.

  "True. Already I've been spied on by the Wankh, persecuted by the gentry, shot at by the 'cult.' My nerves won't allow much more."

  A boy wearing dark red livery came up to their table. "Adam Reith?"

  "Who wants him?" Reith asked warily.

  "I have a message."

  "Give it here." Reith tore apart the folded paper, puzzled out the sense of the florid symbols: The Security Company sends greetings. Be it known that, since you, Adam Reith, have attacked an authorized employee in the innocent pursuit of his duties, spoiling his equipment and inflicting pain and inconvenience, we demand a retributive fee of eighteen thousand sequins. If the sum is not immediately paid at our main office, you will be killed by a combination of several processes.

  Your prompt cooperation will be appreciated. Please do not depart Settra or seek to deny us in any way, as in that case the penalties must be amplified.

  Reith flung the letter down on the table. "Dordolio, the Wankh, Lord Cizante, and Helsse, the 'cult,' the Security Company: who is left?"

  Traz commented: "Tomorrow may hardly be soon enough."


  THE FOLLOWING MORNING Reith communicated with Blue Jade Palace by means of the queer Yao telephones, and was allowed to speak to Helsse. "You have naturally canceled the contract with the Security Company?"

  "The contract has been canceled. I understand that they have decided to take independent action, which of course you must deal with as you see fit."

  "Exactly," said Reith. "We are leaving Settra at once and we accept Lord Cizante's offer of assistance."

  Helsse made a noncommittal sound. "What are your plans?"

  "Essentially, to escape Settra with our lives."

  "I will arrive shortly and take you to an outlying wheelway station. At Vervodei ships leave daily for all quarters and no doubt you will be able to make a convenient departure."

  "We will be ready at noon, or before."

  Reith set out on foot for the Cercade, taking all precautions, and arrived at the rendezvous with fair assurance that he had not been followed. Zarfo stood waiting, his white hair confined in a bonnet as black as his face. He immediately led the way to the cellar of an ale house. They sat at a stone table; Zarfo signaled the pot-boy and they were presently served heavy stone mugs of a bitter earthy ale.

  Zarfo came quickly to business. "Before I disrupt my life by so much as a twitch, show me the color of your money."

  Without words Reith threw down ten strips of winking purple sequins.

  "Aha!" gloated Zarfo Detwiler. "This is true beauty! Is it to be mine? I will take custody of it at once, and guard it from all harm."

  "Who will guard you?" asked Reith.

  "Tish, tush, lad," scoffed Zarfo. "If comrades can't trust comrades in a cool ale-cellar, how will it go under adversity?"

  Reith returned the money to his wallet. "Adversity is here now. The assassins are disturbed by the affair of yesterday. Instead of taking revenge upon you, they have threatened me."

  "Yes, they are an unreasonable lot. If they demand money, defy them. A man can always fight for his life."

  "I've been warned not to leave Settra until such a time as they choose to kill me. Nevertheless, I propose to depart, and as soon as possible."

  "Shrewd." Zarfo quaffed ale and set the mug down with a thud. "But how will you evade the assassins? Naturally they ponder your every move."

  Reith jerked around at a noise, only to find the pot-boy at hand to refill Zarfo's mug. Zarfo pulled at his long black nose to conceal a grin. "The assassins are pertinacious, but we shall outwit them, one way or another. Return to your hotel and make all ready. At noon I will join you and we shall see what we shall see."

  "Noon? So late?"

  "What difference an hour or two? I must wind up my affairs."

  Reith returned to the inn, where Helsse had already arrived in the black landau.

  The atmosphere was strained and taut; at the sight of Reith, Helsse jumped to his feet. "Time is short; we have been waiting! Come; we have only enough time to catch the first afternoon car for Vervodei!"

  Reith asked: "Won't the assassins be expecting just this? It seems an unimaginative plan."

  Helsse gave an irritable shrug. "Do you have a better idea?"

  "I'd like to work one out."

  Anacho asked, "Does Lord Cizante keep an air-car?"

  "It is not in operation."

  "Are any others available?"

  "For a purpose of this sort? I should think not."

  Five minutes passed. Helsse said mildly, "The longer we wait, the less time remains to you." He pointed out of the window. "See the two men in the round hats? They wait for you to come forth. Now we cannot even use the car."

  "Go out and tell them to go away," suggested Reith.

  Helsse laughed. "Not I."

  Another half an hour went by. Zarfo swaggered into the foyer. He saluted the group with a wave of the hand. "Are all ready?"

  Reith pointed to the assassins standing to the side of the Oval. "They are waiting for us."

  "Detestable creatures," said Zarfo. "Only in Cath would they be tolerated." He looked sidelong at Helsse. "Why is he here?"

  Reith explained the circumstances; Zarfo looked out upon the Oval. "The black car with the silver and blue crest-is that the vehicle in question? If so, nothing is simpler. We shall ride off in the car."

  "Not feasible," said Helsse.

  "Why not?" asked Reith.

  "Lord Cizante does not care to become involved in this matter, nor do I. At the very least, the Company would include me in the contract."

  Reith laughed bitterly. "When you contracted with them in the first place? Out to the car, and drive us away from this city of madmen!"

  After a moment of incredulous disdain, Helsse gave a curt nod. "As you wish."

  The group left the inn and walked to the car. The assassins came forward. "I believe that you, sir, are Adam Reith?"

  "What of it?"

  "May we inquire your destination?"

  "The Blue Jade Palace."

  "Correct," said Helsse tonelessly.

  "You understand our regulations and schedule of penalties?"

  "Yes, of course."

  The assassins muttered together, then one said: "In this case we think it advisable to accompany you."

  "There is no room," said Helsse in a cool voice.

  The assassins paid no heed. One started to enter the landau. Zarfo pulled him back. The assassin looked over his shoulder. "Have a care; I am a guildsman."

  "And I am a Lokhar." Zarfo struck him a great clout, sending him sprawling. The second assassin stood astounded, then snatched forth a gun. Anacho's sting snapped forth, to penetrate his chest. The first assassin tried to crawl away; Zarfo gave him a tremendous kick under the chin; he fell flat and limp. "Into the car," said Zarfo. "It is time to leave."

  "What a fiasco," whispered Helsse. "I am ruined."

  "Away from Settra!" cried Zarfo. "By the least obvious route!"

  The landau rolled along narrow streets, into a narrow lane, and presently out into the countryside.

  "Where are you taking us?" demanded Reith.


  "Ridiculous!" snorted Zarfo. "Drive east into the back country. We must make our way to the Jinga River and fare downstream to Kabasas on the Parapan."

  Helsse tried a voice of calm reason. "To the east is wilderness. The car will stop. We have no spare energy cells."

  "No difference!"

  "Not to you. But how will I return to Settra?"

  "Is this your plan, after what has happened?"

  Helsse muttered something under his breath. "I am a marked man. They will demand fifty tho
usand sequins, which I cannot pay-all through your insane manipulations."

  "Whatever you like. But continue east, until the car stops or the road gives out-whichever first."

  Helsse made a gesture of fateful despair.

  The road led through a weirdly beautiful flatland with slow streams and ponds to either side. Trees with drooping black limbs trailed tobacco-brown foliage into the water. Reith kept a lookout to the rear, but discovered no sign of pursuit.

  Settra became one with the murk of distance.

  Helsse no longer seemed to be sulking, but watched the road ahead with an expression that almost seemed anticipation. Reith became suddenly suspicious.

  "Stop a moment."

  Helsse looked around. "Stop? Why?"

  "What lies ahead?"

  "The mountains."

  "Why is the road in such good repair? There seems to be no great traffic."

  "Ho!" crowed Zarfo. "The mountain camp for insane folk! It must lie ahead!"

  Helsse contrived a sickly grin. "You told me to drive you to the end of the road; you did not stipulate that I should avoid taking you to the asylum."

  "I do so now," said Reith. "Please, no more innocent errors of this sort."

  Helsse compressed his lips and once more began to brood. At a crossroad he swung south. The ground began to rise. Reith asked, "Where does the road lead?"

  "To the old quicksilver mines, to mountain retreats, a few peasant holdings."

  Into a forest hung with black moss rolled the car, and the road slanted up even more steeply. The sun passed behind a cloud, the forest became dark and dank, then gave way to a foggy meadow.

  Helsse glanced at an indicator. "An hour more of energy."

  Reith indicated the thrust of mountains ahead. "What lies beyond?"

  "Wilderness. The Hoch Har tribes. Black Mountain Lake, source of the Jinga. The route is neither safe nor convenient. It is, however, an exit from Cath."

  Across the meadow they drove. Thick-trunked trees rose at intervals with leaves like shelves of yellow fungus.

  The road began to fail, and in places was blocked by fallen boughs. The ridge loomed above, a great rocky jut.


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