Tattoo Lust: A Tattoo Romance Collection

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Tattoo Lust: A Tattoo Romance Collection Page 57

by Skyla Madi

  “Hey, man. Didn't know you ate here,” Mikey said.

  “I usually hang around here on Sunday nights too,” the guy answered. His eyes darted to Grace’s face and he nodded once. “Mondays too.”

  Grace thought back to the Monday she met Mikey. Several people had come in the restaurant that night. Every time the door opened she had looked up because of the bells. She may have seen him that night although she couldn’t be certain.

  “Yeah…uh…” Mikey seemed nonplussed for a moment. “Okay.”

  Grace squeezed his forearm. He placed a hand on top of hers. She wanted to get away from this weirdo.

  “Oh, Grace, this is Cody. He’s a client of mine. Cody, this is Grace Bell, my girlfriend.” Why did he tell him her last name?

  “Nice to meet you,” she said without looking at him.

  “Yes. Likewise,” Cody said flatly.

  “Well listen, it was nice to see you, man,” Mikey said.

  Grace shifted her weight on her feet. She couldn't wait to get outside and into Mikey's car.

  After another round of short exchanges, they were outside. The summer air hit her face and she wavered on her feet for a moment, clinging to Mikey's side. Cody made her uneasy. Maybe it was the expression he'd had on his face when he said ‘likewise’ or that he looked like a serial rapist. Okay, she'd been watching reruns of Criminal Minds lately, but come on. The guy looked like he could be Jeffrey Dahmer’s doppelgänger.

  “How do you know that guy?” Grace asked, standing with Mikey next to her car. She shivered.

  “One of my regulars. I wouldn’t say I know him.” His lips brushed her forehead.

  “Good. He gives me the creeps.”

  Mikey chuckled. “You’re not the only one.”



  “Are you ever going to let me in?” Grace asked.

  Mikey scratched his head. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about that something is obviously bothering you. You’ve been quiet since we left the restaurant. Please tell me what’s wrong.”

  Mikey grumbled under his breath. “Like I told you before, it's nothing you need to worry about. It's my ex. She says I can only see my son once a month now.”

  “Can she do that?”

  “Yeah. The order we have in place says I only get him one weekend a month even though we haven't gone by that schedule in years.”

  “Why all of a sudden?”

  “Because she can. I don't know.”


  He knew why, but the reason was bullshit and he couldn't tell her about it. Their relationship was barely getting started. What was he supposed to say? Hey, by the way I'm uh, being looked at as a potential serial killer. Not going to happen. He would reflect on this moment later as the time he should've perhaps mentioned it. In passing.

  Confusion washed over her face for a few moments, then she said, “Oh, I'm sorry. Is there anything you can do?”

  Mikey didn’t answer. It wasn't worth trying to explain why he wasn't running out and hiring an attorney to fight his ex yet. “I don't want to think about it right now.” He ambled over to her. She was seated on her kitchen counter, and he settled in between her parted knees. A guttural groan escaped him. He slid her bohemian style skirt up her creamy thighs. “I'd rather think about these legs and…this.” He slipped his hand around to her core. Her cotton bikinis were drenched. He pushed her panties to the side and she opened further for him with a soft, whimpering moan. He pushed a finger inside her and found her G-spot. Mikey worked her as he kissed up the side of her neck, sucking and flicking his tongue over her skin. He nipped at her earlobe then started on the other side. When he pulled his hand away, she grabbed the hair on the back of his head.

  “No,” she said breathlessly. “I need you in me.”

  He smiled crookedly. “You have too many clothes on.” The boho skirt and her underwear where the first to go. Leaning her back, he helped get them out from underneath her and off. The soft fabric didn't make a sound when it dropped to the floor. He nudged the clothes aside with his foot. When he looked up again she was completely naked, having pulled off her tank top with a built-in bra.

  Oh God.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he kissed her feverishly until they were not only panting, but gasping. She unzipped his fly. He needed to get his jeans and boxer briefs low enough to…

  “Oh…yes…that's it,” he told her as she stroked him with her hand. “I want you now.” Mikey had never been so grateful for his height. He tugged her hips forward and whispered next to her ear. “Let me go get a condom.”

  “That’s a good idea,” she breathed.

  He returned with the whole box. She giggled and he silenced her with a kiss. “Just a sec.” Mikey rolled on the raincoat and entered her, easily gliding past her feminine folds. The friction. Oh, the warmth that surrounded his cock…oh God…

  “Do me,” she whispered.

  “Yes, ma'am.” His hands slipped around her bottom and as he yanked her forward more, pistoning into her. She cried out his name. Over and over he slammed into her. Their breath sawed in and out to the point of agony. But who needed to breathe anyway? Neither of them cared or wanted to stop.

  “Mikey! Oh…G-god!” She pulsed all around his diamond hard shaft. Her body shuddered as she held onto his shoulders, fingers digging in.

  “I'm going to come….oh fuck!” He held on tight, erupting inside her, alternating between seizing and going slack.



  Technically tonight was Mikey and Grace’s third date, but could you really count having pizza and sex as a second date? Or maybe this was their fourth date since they’d shared a table for a meal the night they met. The comfort level she experienced with him made her feel they had known each other for a long time. They had spent hours talking on the phone in between dates.

  Mikey looked even more gorgeous than before. She studied his profile while he drove. They were in his car on the way to see a movie.

  The streetlights highlighted his face. She liked everything about this man, even his tattoos. They weren’t dumb pointless skeletons or daggers. What was another overdone tattoo? Koi? Oh, and Chinese characters. He had birds; she loved birds. Mikey valued freedom and individuality.

  “Whatcha smiling about over there? And you’re staring at me. Am I really that interesting to look at?”

  Her face flushed. “Uh huh.”

  Mikey chuckled. “Okay.” He pulled into the theater parking lot. Grace wasn’t sure of the title of the movie. She didn’t care as long as he sat next to her and held her hand.

  Walking into the cinema, women stared at Mikey. She figured the attention was due to his handsome features. His hair flopped over one of his eyes. Thinking about his square jaw with a five o’clock shadow made her wet.

  She excused herself to use the restroom after he bought the tickets. She always had to go pee once she got to the movie theater. If she didn’t empty her bladder, she would spend most of the movie wishing she had. Plus, she wanted a soda and some popcorn.

  Mikey was standing in line at the concession stand when she came out. The previews started when they sat down. “I forgot what we’re seeing.”

  “You picked it,” he said with a laugh.

  Grace balanced the popcorn on her lap and put on her sweatshirt. Mikey steadied the large tub. After another minute of situating herself Mikey handed her the popcorn. He grabbed a handful. She ate one piece at a time.

  “Do you always eat your popcorn one at a time like that?”

  “Yep. I want it to last.”

  “Okay, but they have free refills, you know.”

  “I know, but I don’t like to miss any of the movie. What are we seeing again?”

  Mikey chuckled and the lights dimmed. The film turned out to be completely uninteresting. She laid her head on his shoulder. Her eyelids sagged.

  The end of the movie came to
an abrupt halt. Or had she fallen asleep? Her foot bumped into the empty tub of popcorn on the floor at her feet. Grace bent down and picked it up. “Ah, did you eat all my popcorn?”

  “Guilty,” Mikey confessed, “and you look adorable when you’re sleeping.”

  “Sorry. I guess I was tired.”

  “Well, you didn’t miss much, the movie was terrible.”

  Mikey laced his fingers through hers on the way back to the car. He didn’t open the door right away. Instead, put his arms around her waist and leaned in for a kiss. Grace glanced around for potential voyeurs. “There are people.”

  “I don’t care who sees,” he said against her lips and slipped his hand up the back of her neck.

  “I have sleep breath,” she cautioned him.

  “Also don’t care.”

  His lips brushed against hers. “Mmmm,” she moaned. Her eyes closed; her hands weaved into his thick hair. He ran his hands down her back and cupped her bottom. She sucked on his lower lip and he groaned.

  “I can’t get enough of you,” he whispered.

  “Then don’t.” Every part of her felt weightless. Hungry for this man and what he did to her body. Her panties were soaked. She could feel her bra rub against her hard nipples.

  A group of people walked by and Grace broke contact. Mikey wasn’t discouraged and hugged her closely. He nuzzled her neck. “That tickles.” Her body quivered as she giggled. “We should go.”

  “But I’m having so much fun.” He took a step backward with a lopsided grin on his face.

  “Get in the car,” she commanded. He hit the remote unlock button on his key fob. In seconds they were in the back seat of his SUV. Thank God for tinted windows at night. She straddled his thighs and undid his pants, revealing his hard cock. Her loose skirt made it easy for Mikey to grab her underwear. The lace tore when he pulled at the crotch. “Wait, I brought something.” She reached into her purse and found the three-pack of Trojans. He used his teeth to tear a square foil. “Here, let me do that.”

  “All right, darlin’.” He eased back with his hands behind his head. His eyes stayed on her face.

  “There, all done.” Grace glided down on top of him and he thrusted his hips toward her. “Ow.” Her head bumped the roof.

  “Sorry…you, okay?”

  “Oh God, yes,” she announced, although not to answer his question. She tilted her head and put their foreheads together. His rapid breathing matched hers. They kept the same slow rhythm, enjoying each other in the moment that neither of them wanted to end.

  She slipped her hand between them and found the top of her sex. “Oh…oh…oh…never stop, oh God.” The wet heart of her pulsated around him. Her vision fuzzed in and out and her entire body tightened. She realized she was no longer doing most of the work.

  Mikey gripped her ass, grinding into her, his gasps coming faster and louder. “Grace…I’m getting close…oh God…oh fuck.”

  “Come for me, baby…please,” she told him.

  He squeezed her fiercely and released.

  She giggled. “God, you’re so sexy.” They held onto each other waiting for their breathing to return to normal.

  He kissed her. “You’re amazing too, thank you. I really like being with you.”

  “Me too. And thank you.” She put her hand up to her mouth. “Um, do you think anyone saw or heard us?”

  “I dunno. Who cares?”

  “I guess you’re right and it’s too late to worry about that now. Oops.”

  They righted their clothing and got into the front seat. “Where to next?” she asked as he started the car.

  “I don’t know. I was thinking more sex at your place, unless you’re too tired.” He winked at her.

  “Nope. Got my power nap on in the theater.”

  “Yes you did.” His laughter filled the car.

  Her head flopped against the headrest. “Did I snore?”

  “A little. I think the theater next to us heard.”

  He cursed under his breath at the Cadillac in front of them. The traffic had been cleared but the car failed to make a left turn out of the parking lot.

  Grace pushed his shoulder. “They did not.”

  He chuckled. “No, but you thought about it, didn’t you?”

  “Oh my God, I so don’t like you right now.”

  “Yes you do.” He grinned and made a right turn out of the movie theater parking lot.

  So sure of himself, is he?

  She crossed her arms in defeat. He reached out for her hand, and she allowed him to take it. He surprised her and brought the hand up to his lips. Grace’s father had always told her that if a man does this, he truly respects and cares for you.

  Up the road a seatbelt/DUI check had been set up. Several cop cars were parked along both sides of the road. A uniformed cop in the middle of the road waved cars on or made them pull over to the right.

  “What’s this now?” Mikey said.

  Grace slumped down in her seat. She recognized the cop directing the drivers. Her dad and he bowled together for years and he was a regular at her father’s poker nights at the house. Not that she played with “the boys,” except she’d been seen over there during the games.

  Mikey glanced at her. “Ah, if you’re wanted by the police, I think your behavior may be deemed suspicious.”

  “What do you mean?” She sat back up but looked out the opposite window.

  He chuckled and shook his head. “I’m kidding.”

  “I know.” Her elbow was propped up on door and she rested her cheek on the back of her hand.

  Mikey reached the cop’s position and rolled down his window.

  “Can you pull over for me?” The officer pointed to the side. He looked at Grace. His brow raised as recognition passed over his face.

  “No problem,” Mikey told him.

  “Grace?” the cop asked, ducking his head below the top of the window.

  One corner of her mouth perked up. “Hi.”

  “I thought that was you, Gracie.” The cop yelled over the top of the car, “Hey, Bobby! Gracie’s in this car.”


  Just what she needed, another man bailing after learning her dad was a detective.

  “Friends of yours?” Mikey asked, pulling into the spot he was told.

  “Yeah, they used to play poker with my dad.” She crossed her arms over her chest, hoping he wouldn’t ask her a follow up question. Thankfully, he got the message.

  Bobby walked over. “Well, let’s see, do you have your seatbelts on?”

  Grace glanced heavenward. As if they were looking for seatbelt law violators.

  “License and registration, please,” he told Mikey and winked at her. She half-smiled in return.

  Please don’t ask about Dad.

  “This will only take a minute.” Unwarranted fatherly nonsense kicked in for Bobby. “You had anything to drink tonight, son?”

  Grace flopped her head on the seat.

  Are you kidding me? No, she mouthed.

  “We’re coming from a movie,” Mikey said.

  Bobby disappeared for a couple of minutes. Mikey tapped his heel on the floor boards. “Uh, Grace, you should probably know this, so there aren’t any surprise—”

  “Vision impaired driving, huh?” Bobby said with a smirk, interrupting her boyfriend.

  Grace knew vision impaired meant a drunk-driving misdemeanor conviction. She remembered him telling her he shouldn’t drink on their date at Cocoa’s. The cop handed Mikey his papers and he stuffed his ID into his wallet without making eye contact.

  “Be safe. Don’t drink. Bye, Grace.” The cop walked away. They were waved through.

  “You were about to tell me about this when he walked up, weren’t you?”

  “Yeah, sorry. I haven’t had a drink in over a year.” He stared out the windshield.

  “It’s all right. Mistakes happen.” She held his hand.

  They drove to her place in silence. She vowed never to speak of that moment
ever again and not because of what she learned about him; she didn’t want him to know her father was a cop yet.

  How many relationships had failed in the beginning because they learned this fact too early? Grace didn’t know why men freaked out, but they did. It was scary to think that maybe it was because they had something to hide. She put her angst out of her mind.

  She yawned outside her apartment door and so did he. “You tired too?”

  “Not really, but I should get—”

  “You’re coming in, right?” she blurted out, hoping to avoid being blown off.

  “You want me to?”

  “You know I meant it when I said it’s all right about the drunk-driving thing.”

  “I know, thank you,” he said but she knew otherwise. His embarrassment had been evident. She took both his hands. Her father had taught her that people could change if they wanted to.

  His heavy-lidded eyes found her lips. Out in the hallway he bent down and picked her up and pressed her against the door. She wrapped her legs around his waist. He kissed her until they were both out of breath.

  He set her down and mussed her hair. Her hands turned into thumbs while she fiddled with the lock.

  “Let me help you. Please.” His eyes flared.

  “All right, as long as I can help you out of your jeans.”

  “Stand back.” He raised his leg mimicking kicking the door down.

  “No—oh…ha. Very funny.”

  The door swung open and he entered after her.



  A woman leaned over the glass display counter at Ink Addiction. Mikey didn’t recognize her at first. She was the new waitress at Hector’s, hired after Jennifer’s murder. He shuddered. The girl had died in order for Mary to have that job. The restaurant didn't have a high turnover as far as he knew. He'd been frequenting the place for years. Mary seemed to be interested in the jewelry in the case. She squatted so she was eye-level with the front of the glass. When she abruptly stood up he knew it was because she realized they were rings and barbells made for tongues, navels, noses, lips, and any body part one could get pierced. She’d probably thought they were pretty until closer inspection. She grimaced and backed away. Mikey chuckled.


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