Conquer (Desired Affliction Book 2)

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Conquer (Desired Affliction Book 2) Page 4

by C. A. Harms

  I tilted her chin up to make her look at me. “Baby, I want to marry you. I put the ring on your finger. That should mean everything. You’re who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I need you to trust in us.”

  Her lower lip trembled. “I hate the thought of you touching her,” she confessed. “Do you have to train her?”

  Without any further hesitation I pulled her into my chest and held her against me tightly. “I’m not her trainer; I refused it. When I told her she’d have to train with someone else, she rejected it. That’s when I knew she was just looking to cause trouble.” I pressed my lips to Lexi’s forehead, kissing her softly, slowly breathing her in.

  “Can we please stop wasting our time on her?”

  She nodded and I looked down just in time to see a tear slide along her cheek. “I don’t want to lose you. You saved me in so many ways and you’re the glue that holds me together. I can’t lose you.”

  I leaned in and pressed my forehead against hers. “You’re never going to lose me. I promise you.” I needed her to understand this. “We’re forever.”

  I guided her backward toward the countertop by placing my hands on her hips. I lifted her up onto the counter and rested my body between her knees. She still wouldn’t look directly at me.

  I had to bring this tension to an end.

  “Speaking of forever,” I said, and she finally gave me the attention I was hoping for. “My mom called today. She was a little pissed that I asked you sooner than I planned. She wanted to be here during the proposal. But she got over it when I told her you said yes and that you were moving in with me.”

  Lexi smiled at the mention of my mom. They had really become close over the last couple of years.

  “She’s ready for the date. She wants to start planning.” I watched Lexi closely and she didn’t appear freaked out so I continued. “She wanted to know if we would be willing to plan for a New Year’s wedding. I know it’s rough with your school schedule and job searching. That would only give us a few months to plan everything, but I think we could pull it off. What do you think?”

  I saw a flicker of joy in her eyes when she offered me the first smile since I’d come home. “Are you ready to be married to me?” she asked.

  I gripped her face in my hands and kissed her hard. “Damn it, you stubborn girl. I’d fly to Vegas right now and marry you,” I assured her. “I’d run down to the courthouse on Monday morning and marry you if I knew my mother wouldn’t hire a hit man to kill us both.”

  That triggered a laugh. She knew my mother would be pissed if she missed out on our wedding.

  “A New Year’s wedding would be perfect,” she replied with a grin.

  We had just set a date.

  In a little over four months I was going to marry Lexi.

  “Let’s call Mom and tell her the news.” I felt the tense moment had passed and I was grateful. I reached in my back pocket for my phone.

  Listening to Lexi talk to my mom about planning our wedding was the greatest feeling. I watched the excitement in her eyes as they talked about colors and possible locations.

  I sat next to her on the couch with a beer in hand and watched her smile as she laughed at the things I was sure my mother was going overboard about. Lexi was the daughter she never had.

  Lex looked over at me with a gleam in her eyes just before holding my phone out to me. “Your mom wants to talk to you.”

  She was already rambling when I placed the phone to my ear. “Kole, you guys need to look at places to rent out. You can’t waste any more time. Everything will be booked.”

  Lexi was doing her best to hide her laughter. I was sure my mother had already given her the same speech.

  “Okay, Mom,” I looked over at Lex and widened my eyes in exasperation. “I’ll rearrange some things and Lex can check her schedule. We’ll plan a few days to go out and start looking soon.”

  I knew we’d have to select a location soon. She was right; if we waited too much longer we’d never get a place. And she wouldn’t get off our asses until we did, either.

  After I hung up I swung Lexi’s legs over mine and pulled her into my lap. “Are you ready for this?”

  Lexi kissed me and I pulled her back to me just as she started to pull away. I deepened the kiss and ran my hands through her hair, assuring she couldn’t get away. “I’m so ready to marry you,” I whispered against her lips. “Lexi Hartman is really catchy.”

  I could feel her smiling.

  She remained in my arms on the couch as I held her, talking about plans for our big day. I watched her face light up as she talked about the things she imagined when she was little, all along taking mental notes. I wanted to do as much as I could for her to make it happen just as she imagined.

  When she talked about her dad walking her down the aisle, it pissed me off, knowing the chances of that happening were minimal.

  I hated seeing the hurt in her eyes.

  “Maybe I could ask Radley to do it,” she said, just barely above a whisper.

  I squeezed her close and hoped it was enough to soothe her heartbreak.

  Chapter 7


  “Silver and red? I love it. Very holiday-ish.”

  Megan and I sat in a booth at the café as I showed her the dresses I’d found for her and Natalie.

  Natalie had become a special part of my life since I met her in therapy at the center. We had formed a special bond because of the painful memories we shared and the healing we’d done together.

  “Holiday-ish? What the hell is that?” I laughed at Megan’s confusion from my choice of wording.

  “Yes, it’s fitting for the Christmas and New Year’s holiday season. I love the colors and the theme. Where is Natalie, anyway?” I said, looking around the café.

  Just then the door came open and in she walked. With flowing black hair and olive skin, she was such a knockout. Her skin tone was really going to look beautiful against the dress I found.

  “Sorry I’m late,” she said as she flopped down in the empty chair beside me. “I got stuck with a dead battery. Thank god Rachel’s boyfriend was on his way to pick her up.” Poor girl has had one hell of a time with that car of hers lately.

  “So,” she said, rubbing her hands together excitedly. “Show me.” Megan and Natalie “oohed” and “ahhed” over the dress I’d chosen for them. They instantly found the shoes they thought would match perfectly, in the same catalog as the dress.

  “So how about you? Any dress that’s called out to you yet?” Natalie asked.

  “No,” I said, shaking my head. “I haven’t found ‘the one’ yet. I picked up a few more recent bridal books and I thought I would shop around a little more online tonight. We’re going to Charlotte this weekend, too. Beth has some places she wants us to look at for the wedding so who knows? Maybe I can look around there.”

  I was beginning to think I’d never find a dress I loved. I felt like I’d looked at a million over the last couple weeks, finding nothing I could imagine wearing on my big day.

  I tried not to get discouraged.

  Before either of them could answer, we all turned toward the direction of the bell chiming above the front door of the café.

  I was shocked to see Kole and Radley entering, both looking as if they were up to no good.

  Once Kole reached our booth he knelt next to me, giving me that charming smile of his. “Hi, beautiful.” He pressed a light kiss to my lips; even the smallest of kisses from him still managed to send shivers throughout my body.

  “Hi,” I whispered in return. “What are you doing here?”

  I watched his movements closely as he pulled a red rose from behind his back and handed it to me. “I have a surprise for you,” he said and I was instantly intrigued. Who doesn’t love a good surprise? “You have to come with me now, though.”

  Without hesitation, I placed my hand in his and he led me outside to his truck, helping me inside. I watched in silence as he walked around the front of the
truck and when he climbed in he looked excited.

  “What are you up too?” I asked with curiosity.

  “You’ll see.” He winked at me then backed out.

  When we pulled up at the bridal boutique downtown I looked over at him, puzzled.

  “You’re gonna go inside and ask for Trudy. She’s gonna sit down with you and listen to you explain what your dream gown would be.” He took my hand into his and I continued to watch him. “After you describe every last detail, Trudy’s gonna create it for you. My mother and I’ve already worked it all out with her. Now you need to do your part. Go make your dream dress, baby.”

  I slid across the console to the center and hugged him to me. “Thank you. You’re amazing.” I kissed him once more. “Thank you.”

  He smiled back at me sweetly. “I told you that you deserve happiness. This is me attempting to give it to you.”

  “You make me happy every day, Kole. Every day!” I assured him, because I needed him to know that. Lately Miley’s presence had made me a nervous wreck, but I was trying to let go of that jealousy.

  I went inside and looked around at all the gowns and veils hanging everywhere. I was mesmerized by all the beauty.

  “Can I help you, sweetheart?” I looked up to see a little lady behind a mess of silk. She had pins stuck in a pin cushion attached to her wrist and a measuring tape draped across her shoulder.

  She was obviously a designer.

  “I was looking for Trudy.”

  A voice from behind startled me. “You must be Lexi Warren.”

  I spun around just as a younger woman emerged from the staircase. She had flowing blond hair and the perfect figure. I tried not to stare. I was expecting an older woman with silver hair and glasses, not this unbelievably beautiful creature.

  “Yes, I’m Lexi.”

  She extended her hand out and I placed mine gently into hers. “It’s great to meet you, Lexi. Why don’t we step into my office and we can get to know one another a little better.”

  I followed her to the back of the boutique, through what seemed like mountains of fabric. We entered a cute little office with a cozy couch and chairs and in the center of the room sat a table covered with stacks of bridal books.

  “Would you like something to drink?” she asked.

  “Yes, please; water.” I offered a smile.

  “So, Lexi, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting your fiancé and talking to his wonderful mother,” she said as she sat in the chair across the table from me. “I must say those two adore you. The way Kole explained you, well, I was beginning to think he made you up. You got that boy wrapped tightly around your finger.”

  I blushed and smiled. “He’s pretty amazing, isn’t he?”

  She repositioned the magazines before her and pulled out a pad of paper and a pen. “Tell me what kind of dress you imagine walking down the aisle in.”

  I took a deep breath and began. She listened quietly, taking notes and only asking questions when she found it was necessary. Two and a half hours later I was looking at a rough draft of the dress I explained. On paper it looked perfect and I could’ve almost kissed her. She was an artist.

  “That’s it. That’s the dress I imagined.” I gushed with excitement.

  She smiled at my comment. “I know.”

  That was all she said as she watched me trace my finger over the paper. I could picture it completed in my head, and it was beautiful.

  “Let’s get you measured and then I can start creating your dream.”

  I followed her back out front where she continued to work her magic, measuring and jotting everything down on paper.

  When I walked outside Kole was already waiting. He stepped from his truck and I ran toward him jumping up to wrap myself around him.

  Placing his hands onto my thighs he held me securely to his body as I kissed him, hoping to express just how much what he had done for me meant.

  “I love you. You’re the greatest guy I know and I’m so lucky that you chose me to marry.” I kissed him once more, loving how it felt to be in his arms.

  Chapter 8


  I watched Lexi sleeping peacefully next to me. I think I wore her out, but in all fairness she was the one who told me to get her naked. She never said when I should let her get dressed again. I was thinking maybe we should have taken a break to at least eat.

  It was 11:30 at night and I was starving.

  I nudged her shoulder. “Are you hungry?”

  She groaned and grunted in response and I laughed lightly. “Did I break you?”

  Without saying a word she picked up her pillow and threw it in my direction. I dodged it just as it went off the edge of the bed and landed on the floor.

  Laughing at her cranky behavior, I rose up from the bed and made my way to the kitchen. Lex hated being messed with when she was asleep; it always caused the worst reactions.

  After rummaging around in the refrigerator, I threw something quick together.

  I grinned seeing the pile of cinnamon Toaster Strudels in the freezer. Lexi could live on those damn things alone. That was one thing she stayed stocked up on.

  A thought crossed my mind as I plucked one from the box and placed it in the toaster. I leaned back against the counter eating my sandwich while I waited for hers to finish cooking.

  Once it was ready I squeezed the icing on the top and made my way down the hall toward the bedroom with a smile on my face.

  Slowly I crawled onto the bed and pulled the sheet down carefully to expose more of her. Lexi had an amazing body and I was seriously addicted to her.

  Once she was exposed I dipped my finger into the icing and place a small amount onto her hardened nipple. She moaned softly as I did the same to the next. I dipped it once more making a trail down her stomach stopping just above her clit.

  I was already growing hard at the thought of licking off the sweet goodness from her skin.

  I placed the plate onto the night stand next to the bed and eagerly lowered my lips to her nipple. I traced a circle around it before sucking softly.

  I let it make a popping noise as I released it from my lips moving to the next one. I thought for sure that would have woken her, but she barely stirred.

  But once I sucked the sweet frosting from her other nipple, I looked up to see her bite her lower lip between her teeth.

  But I continued on; licking all the icing from her stomach I began moving lower. I ran my tongue down the path of icing until I found her swollen clit, and this caused a deep moan to escape her.

  I flipped my piercing over her a few times before sucking softly, pulling her clit into my mouth.

  I was so fucking hard, but I wanted to make her come first. It was like I needed it, more than I needed my own. I ran my finger through her wetness, slowly inserting my finger inside of her. She moaned louder and grabbed my hair, fisting it in her hands. I loved when she did that. She pulled me close and rode the waves as she began to pump her hips.

  “Does that feel good?” I asked. “Do you like the way my tongue feels fucking you?” I dipped my tongue inside of her and stroked her with it, taking away her ability to respond. I already knew the answer anyway.

  She screamed out my name and told me not to stop, which I had no intention of doing. I kept my tongue inside her, getting as much as I could. “You taste so sweet. So good.”

  I felt her tense and buck her hips as I continued curling my tongue inside of her and rubbing her clit. Suddenly her thighs clutched my head, only I kept eating away at her.

  “Oh my god…yes!” she screamed.

  I let her ride it out before I brought my body over hers. I was so hard it hurt.

  I hovered above her as I stroked myself, admiring the gorgeous woman beneath me.

  “What are you waiting for?” she asked with urgency. “I’m an open invitation; get inside.”

  I grinned at her eagerness as I thrust forward and sank into her. We had been going at it for over six hours and she was exhauste
d, I could tell. I also knew that she never turned down sex with me, so a little humor made it fun.

  I began rocking into her as I kissed her hard, rolling my tongue with hers. I felt as if I was seconds away from blowing and I was trying to hold back. But the moment she started talking I felt myself slipping fast.

  “You feel so good. I love having you inside of me.” Lexi talking dirty was always my undoing.

  I groaned and bit her shoulder. “Fuck, I’m gonna come,” I whispered, still doing everything I could to hold back.

  Once she whispered against my ear, I was done for. “Come with me, Kole. Come inside of me.” I felt her squeeze me and I let out a loud groan as I emptied myself, coming so hard my toes curled as my body shook with pleasure.

  I collapsed on top of her and she held me close, gently stroking over my back with her fingertips. After a second I heard her giggle. “What’s wrong? Did I break you?” She used my words from earlier.

  I laughed and nodded my head into her shoulder. I think we had set a new record for marathon sex. I slowly withdrew from her and rolled to her side.

  After a few deep breaths I was able to speak.

  “I brought you a Strudel thing. It’s on the night stand.”

  I felt her move around to grab it, and it was all I could do to hold back the laughter rising in my chest as I watched her raise the plate up from the night stand. She was using the glow coming in from the street light outside to look at the plate with a puzzled look.

  After a second she spoke, “Kole, did you lick off the frosting first?”

  Still trying to hold back the laughter, I answered. “Nope. I used my finger first, but I did lick it off of you.”

  I hid my face in the pillow as she silently figured out what I meant.

  “Kole,” she shrieked. “I’m all sticky. Go get me a wash cloth.”

  I jumped up from the bed and walked into the bathroom laughing. When I came back to the bed she was eating with a smile on her face. I began wiping her nipples slowly and swallowed hard when I felt my cock twitch.


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