Microsoft Word - Journals 1-4

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  And I wanted you badly. Standing there wrapped in your arms, I felt as if I were coming home. Your strength enveloped me with such a sense of calm I just can’t describe it.

  And then you kissed me. I know you like to say I am a better kisser than you are, but that had to be the sweetest meeting of lips I have ever felt. I felt warm. Not all hot and bothered the way that the young often do in their first throes of serious passion. But a sedate heat slowly creeping throughout my body, invading my veins with the essence of you. As the kiss deepened, I felt myself opening to you, not so much legs falling apart panting for it, but rather a piece of myself deep inside opening to allow you entrance.

  Your hands on my body felt like reverence rather than a mere caress. I don’t know if you have ever noticed, but you have never just cupped my breasts or grabbed my ass. That first time was no different. The touch generally starts on my back or my stomach, moving in a leisurely deep stroke that soothes my spirit as well as my body.

  By the time your hands moved to my breasts they were already full and wanting. A mere brush of your fingers made my nipples pucker unbearably tight, sent my juices flowing so much I was embarrassed by the flood.

  But you were pleased, weren’t you? By the time we were sitting on the bed, when your fingers found my core, I thought I would die of mortification. But you simply cooed that you were pleased and my world brightened. Yes, it was all for you, and all from no more than the touch of your hand on my skin.

  Suddenly it didn’t matter that I felt self-conscious because my belly wasn’t flat, or of the stretch marks on my hips. You touched me and I felt beautiful, desirable, wanted. Your broad chest made the perfect pillow as your arms tightened around me like you would never let me go. My legs opened at your unspoken command, my breath catching as your fingers slide inside me. How could I feel so full from just your fingers? And devilish little things they are.

  Watching you watch me as you stroked me, driving me higher and higher was every bit as stimulating as what you were doing. The way you spoke to me, the way you commanded me to feel, it allowed me to let go as I have never before. And it was not so much what you were doing, but how.

  Like when you placed your hot mouth on my breasts. You always start with a gentle suction, a tingling tickle really. I feel it down my spine to my very toes. It makes my pussy contract. When you increase the pressure, the feelings inside swells. The sharp little bites and the deeper draws on my nipples are enough to make me come.

  Only that leaves me so needy for more, so desperate for you to fill me I could scream.

  But you never let it be that easy do you? And I love that about you.

  When you combine the two, as you did that very first time, with your fingers inside me and your mouth suckling, I can’t think, I can’t breathe. I am utterly putty in your hands. And you have never let me down. You have never let me go, never left me wanting. I want to melt into you and never separate.

  But my dear Lewis, nothing but nothing can compare to you inside of me. It is a completion beyond any other sensation. I feel so whole, so wholly yours—and I am. I would keep you inside me forever if I could. You possess me with a furiousness that only a real man could possibly achieve. I would like to wrap myself around you forever. I need that possession, the way you control my body. I need the way you grab my hair and look me deep in my eyes.

  Yes, Michie, I know it is you to whom I belong. I know it is you who has my heart. And I know that I have yours.




  Journal Entry, August 21, 2010

  The Workout

  I slide out of bed, turning off the alarm as I go. Casting a look over at Allie’s face, I decide to let her sleep in. Once again, she wore me out last night, but I couldn’t help but smile about it as I watch her sleeping. She looked so innocent, not at all like the vivacious woman who rung me out the night before. I have to be the luckiest man in the world, I think to myself as I shuffle to the bathroom fighting off yet another hard on.

  "Christ, I need another haircut," I mumbled running my hand through my hair.

  I knew I wouldn’t get one any time soon. Allie loves it a little on the long side. She likes to tug and pull at it when she gets excited, or just run her hand her fingers through it just because.

  I love it. I love her hands on me for any reason at all. I brush my teeth, and wash my face with a goofy grin on my face. I feel good despite only getting about four hours of sleep. Walking back into the bedroom, I quietly get out my workout shorts and a ratty t-shirt. A little workout while Allie is still asleep sounds good. On the weekends I like to spend all the time I could with her, so I tend to slack off on exercise. If I’d stayed in bed I probably would end up working out another way, but I wanted to give Allie a break. She’s been tired lately, she needed to seep.

  I start to go down the stairs, cursing as the stair squeaks loudly under my foot. I pause to listen; relieved I hadn’t woken her up. I take one step at time trying to move as quietly as possible. We had the back room downstairs converted to a workout room. I was glad we decided to soundproof the room. I could blast the music without worrying about disturbing the neighbors or waking up my wife.

  Picking up a towel off a shelf, I get on to the Bowflex. "Saturday, Saturday…what the hell do I do on Saturday? Screw it, I'll do arms and upper body, then go for a run." I really need to stop talking to myself out loud. Allie loves to tell me it’s a sign of my age.

  I smile as my thoughts turn once again to the woman upstairs; I love my baby girl so much. I still find it hard to believe I found someone like her to spend the rest of my life with.

  Incentive enough to get off my ass and get on with my workout; I plan to be around for a long time to come. Shaking my head at the wussy thought, I quit stalling and start exercising. I’m an old man; I have a hot, young wife. I need to keep my sorry butt in shape just to keep up with her.

  Of course, she would be quick to say she is not all that young, but six years can be a big difference if I allowed myself to go to pot.

  Deciding against the surround sound stereo, I put on my iPod and brace myself as Motorhead starts pulverizing my ears. Leaning back, I start doing some triceps extensions, then next bicep curls, then on to bent-over rows. It burns so much I swear under my breath, and move the bench so I can do some crunches. Man, I have really been slacking lately; I'm more than a little sweaty when I fall to the floor to do some push ups…10…20…30…40…43 and I'm done.

  With that part anyway.

  I swear I see some movement out of the corner of my eye. A quick time check shoes it’s 7:45 on a Saturday, way too early for Allie to be awake. Man, I hope I didn't wake her up – she needs her rest. I'll wake her up when I get back from my run, maybe we can go out for breakfast.

  I adjust the bench again, setting the resistance to sixty pounds and start working on my chest. I really hate bench presses, but I slowly start to pump out the reps. The tension is intense as I slow up, slow down…10…15…20. My arms start to shake, sweat stings my eyes…then I feel it –

  something brushed the inside of my thigh.

  "What the hell!" I snap my head up, promptly smacking my forehead on the crossbar

  "Damn it!" I rub my head and look up.

  The giggling told me who it is before I look up to see Allie standing at the end of the bench. "Oh, baby, that looks like it hurt." She coos prettily, a wicked grin on her face. “Trying to get your workout in early, eh? Well, baby, just make sure you don't wear yourself out. I want you to have some energy left for our shower after the run."

  "Smart ass." I place emphasis on my grousing by spanking that sweet butt of hers as she walks past me.

  Should’ve known better. She just groans in my that way that makes my dick jump, shooting me a saucy smile over her shoulder. "You want a water or a PowerAde for the run?"

  "Just water, hon, thank you." I lean back and start pushing the bar up as she disappears into the kitchen. The hard on wi
ll just have to wait. Just as I get the bar all the way up, and I feel drops of cold water hitting my stomach. The little imp.

  "Oops." Allie giggled, moving back a little. "Go on do ten more, old man. Then we'll go run."

  I slowly lower the bar, and start to press the bar up again, this time I feel a dribble of cold water on my crotch "Allie!"

  "That's two, eight more to go big boy."

  I lower the bar again, and start pressing the bar up again, this time I swear she just dumped half a bottle of cold water on my crotch. "Damn it, Allie! How the hell am I supposed to work out with you dumping water on me?"

  "Focus stud, that's only three. Tell you what? Let’s make this interesting. You make it to ten without stopping; you get to tell me what to do for an hour. Whatever you want." She turns and wiggles her butt in my face. "But you still have to go for a run and shower with me before we start the hour."

  Okay, there is nothing that’s going to stop me from doing these ten reps. The things I could do with Allie at my complete mercy for an hour. The possibilities has me harder than stone. And I thought I had finally gotten rid of the last erection. This one wasn’t going to go away. I take a deep breath and focus on the bar, and start to press it up. That’s when I feel her hand on my crotch, slowly rubbing my cock though my shorts. My baby fights dirty, and I love it. "You’re cheating, Allie." I let the bar down slowly, focusing with all my might on the reps.

  That was one."Focus, old man. Press that bar up," I tell to myself as I start pressing the bar up again. I feel her tugging on my shorts, pulling them down off my hips.

  Son of a bitch. I let the bar slowly down. That was two. Press the bar again just when she starts to stroke me. "Allie, baby, you’re killing me here." My jaw was pressed together so tightly my words are barely intelligible.

  "Am I?" She does that innocent voice thing so damn good. And without sounding like an irritating baby.

  The bar comes down. That was three. I try to push the bar up, but she licks the head of my cock, right on the underside. Getting that fucking bar up took a feat of sheer miraculous will.

  In my mind I am chanting, “Focus, focus, focus! ” letting the bar down nice and easy. That’s four.

  " Come on,” I think to myself “get that bar up." I start to press again, but she starts to lick up my shaft. Holy hell, that feels so damn good! Down the bar comes. I'm losing control quicker than shit. The woman is trying to kill me. But hey, I have five. Just three more. I grit my teeth and press the bar up. Allie takes my cock deep into her mouth. I am trying like hell to control the bar, but I'm having a hard time concentrating. The bar comes down way too quick, but there was no way I could control that.

  That was six.

  Her head starts to moves up and down, bobbing on my shaft.

  "FOCUS!" I say out loud through gritted teeth and press the bar up. She just laughs with without breaking stride. The vibrations feel so fucking good I want to come right then and there.

  "Allie, you keep that up and I'm going to come." I let the bar down -once again way too fast.

  Made it through seven. Allie begins to hum as I attempt to press the bar up, slowly sliding my dick out of her mouth.

  "Well, we don't want that now, do we?" I watch as she shimmies out of her shorts, throwing them onto the floor.

  The bar starts to feel like it weighs a ton, but I'm going to get that bar up. I take a deep breath and begin to push that bar up, but I can't lock my arms. Not with Allie straddling me, lowering herself on my throbbing erection. Did I mention my baby fights dirty? I feel her sliding down - so tight, so fucking wet.

  I manage to lock my arms, albeit a little shakily, then let the bar down.

  "That’s eight.” Her voice has gone all husky and breathless. Ummm, her hips rock on me beautifully. “Two more, champ, and you win the prize, baby."

  My chest and arms feel like they are on fire, but I push that damned bar up quickly, then just let it drop. That’s nine - just one more. But Allie is swiveling her hips, going in little circles while riding up and down. I hate the damn exercise bar. I want my hands on her hips. I want to guide her to ride me harder, faster. I want to cup those full breasts I know are bouncing up and down. There’s no way I am going to open my eyes. The sight would be too much. She is so damn tight around me; she likes to do the tightening of the walls thing as she slides up. It’s impressive how she can do it moving with more speed. The tightening is getting more sporadic, meaning that she’s close, little quakes inside her pussy tease the head of my cock.

  “Ohmigawd, Lewis!” It’s barely a whisper, her nails digging into my chest. Yep, my baby is close. “I love you so much!”

  "God, I love you, Allie." It was something between a prayer and a grown as I press the bar up, my arms trembling, my eye burning from the sweat. I swear the bar is fighting me. It’s just damned difficult to get the thing to go up at the same time my pelvis is frantically thrusting upward. I want to touch her so fucking bad. I just need to lock my arms then let the bar down.

  Then I can have my wicked way with her. I push, push, push, locking my arms while thrusting my hips up wildly was a major feat, and by damn I did it. My arms lock, yeeessssss, that’s ten, and I'm coming.

  The bar comes crashing down. My arms lock around the squirming little woman at the same time I jack-knife into a sitting position. It didn’t matter that I was coming, I knew I was going to stay hard for a while. I needed to feel her, to have her surround me completely. I wanted her arms locked around me; I wanted her legs locked around my waist. My whole body is still spasming as I fill her up. But I am a long way from being done.

  “Don’t you dare stop, Allie. You’re not done yet.” I love that wide-eyed look she gives me when she’s coming. She always looks like she’s surprised. To emphasize my point my hand comes down hard on her ass, both cheeks. Her cunt jumps, constricting on me. “Keep moving, baby girl. Show me how much you want me.”

  Finally free of the fucking bar, I bent my head to suck in a hard, pointy nipple while squeezing her freshly spanked ass. I’m rewarded by a fresh coat of moisture bathing my dick. I didn’t even try to hold back the groan that emitted from deep in my gut. Using my pressed lips, I bite down on her hard little buds. Her body jerks, her legs locking around me as she grinds her cunt down hard on me until we’re pressed groin to groin. The tiny tremors increase gradually, signs she is close to coming again.

  Allie leans forward to kiss, me, but I don’t allow it. If she gets those luscious lips on me, I will lose all of the control the first orgasm help me win back. As much as I don’t want to, I tug at her hair, yanking her head back and forcing her to look at me. I spank her again while pulling her hair. She loves that, just a bite of pain with her pleasure sets her off like a bottle rocket.

  “Oh shit, oh fuck, Lewis!”

  I can’t help but smile. “That’s two, baby girl. How many do you think we can get to?”

  I kiss her then, our tongues tangling in a frantic motion, her fingers digging into my hair as she forces me closer. I love the pull of my hair as much as she does. She doesn’t stop with our breath sealing kiss, her body’s still gripping me, refusing to let me go. Her mouth moves to my neck. The little rogue actually bites me! Bites down and sucks hard. I have to do something quick, if she keeps it up I will come again, and it is way too soon for that.

  Using the muscles in my legs I lift up, grasping her ass and squeezing. Just as I intended, she comes again, arching her back and crying something I am sure was meant to be an actual word, but didn’t quite make it into any language known to man.

  “Three, Allie. Are you gonna give me another one?” Before she could complain, and she would, I lift her completely off my dick, flipping her around. “Bend over.” I smack her butt again to drive me point home. “Hold on to the bench and don’t let go.”

  I can’t stand being outside her. Fuck, I need her heat right now like I need air to breath. I heave inside her, moaning in appreciation as she bends her back sticking her ass
up in the air.

  Such a perfect behind. I love watching it jiggle as I pound inside her. There isn’t much I don’t love about Allie.

  “Please, please please, Lewis.” She’s sobbing, shoving back against me every time I power forward.

  I reach around and pinch her clit, knowing what is going to do. “Come for me, baby.”

  Allie screams, her body shudders from the inside out. There is just no way in hell I can hang on. She is so damn tight, so damn perfect. “Allie, I love you so much, baby.”

  I gather her in my arms, crushing her against me. My own little bundle of sunshine. I can’t stop kissing her, touching her any and everywhere I could. The woman makes me weak at the knees, while making me feel like I can take on the world. How the hell did I get so lucky? I send up a prayer of thanks every day since she blew into my life like a whirlwind.

  "Ummm, I love you too, Lewis.” I love the way she melts into me. “But I think you wore me out. Maybe I will go back to sleep while you go for a run.”

  I am almost tempted to give in and climb back in bed with her. With all those lush curves stretching and rubbing against me it would be so easy to give in.

  “Nope.” I squeeze her close before stepping away. I miss her immediately. The woman has an amazing ability to turn me into a Grade A wuss. And I love it.

  "No way, kiddo. Your sexy ass owes me an hour, remember?" Not exactly what I had planned for the hard won prize, but I just wanted her with me.

  "Did I say an hour?” Allie bounced on her toes, throwing her arms around my neck. My arms immediately went around her waist, keeping her close. “I meant to say a night, a day, a lifetime…I'm yours…all yours." To keep from crying like a little kid, I kiss her deeply. "But if all you want is an hour and you want to spend it on a run…" Allie backs away from me, picks up a bottle of water and dumps it over my head before taking off in a sprint. "You'll have to catch me first."


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