Forever Your Concierge

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Forever Your Concierge Page 17

by Jessica Ingro

  "Grant? No!" We both laughed at that.

  Maybe she was right. Maybe I needed to stop fixating on what other people had and be grateful for what I did. It's so easy to think that everyone else has it so much easier. I'd do well to remember I can only base my thoughts and feelings on my own situation.

  "You know? I actually know plenty of women who have struggled to get pregnant. I'll never understand why something that is so natural and necessary to keep the population going is so damn hard." She looked thoughtful for a moment and then offered me a small smile. "If you want, I'll hook you up with a couple of them. Their stories might make you feel better."

  "Maybe." I sniffled and wiped my eyes. I was sick of crying. It never made me feel better, and I wished the tears would dry completely.

  "So you want to tell me what you were doing letting my husband feel you up?" I teased her to lighten the mood. Now that my anger had dissipated, I could admit that what I walked in on was innocent enough, even if it didn't appear that way at first.

  "Such strong hands," she teased back and we both started laughing.

  "Thank you." I rested my head on her shoulder as we sat side by side on the bed.

  "I'd do anything for you." And I knew she would. I was suddenly grateful for Travis telling her. As always, he knew what I needed even when I didn't. It was then I vowed I would make it up to him somehow.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The more people tell you you're strong, the harder it is to allow yourself to fall apart when you need it. I think that was a catalyst to my breakdown—feeling the need to project a strength I wasn't feeling. It's okay to mourn a loss. It's okay to feel less than. You shouldn't hide imperfections from the world because they're what make us who we are.

  Luckily, Travis never gave up on me during those dark days that seemed to stretch on forever. It was definitely the longest month of my life, and I planned on spending forever showing him how much I appreciated him.

  Several days after my talk with Elizabeth, I had sought Travis out. I had been ready to open up to him finally and show him the wound that was so deep it still bled. While I spoke, he held me. His unconditional love washed over me and allowed me to say everything I had been holding inside. Every thought. Every feel of inadequacy. Every disappointment.

  After pouring my heart out to him, with a quivering voice I asked if it was too late for us.

  "Do you still love me?" He asked and I immediately nodded my head in answer. His hand cupped my cheek and he fiercely whispered, "Then it's never too late for us."

  That was all the motivation I needed—knowing that he was going to be there waiting for me to find my way. While I still had my dark days, I found a way to stop using alcohol as a crutch. It was difficult, but I was determined to find some semblance of normalcy in our lives.

  So far, so good, as the saying went.

  "I'm glad we came," Irene told me as we walked out of the support group meeting at the fertility center. It was one of the ways I had found to cope with my loss.

  "Me too." I squeezed her hand in emphasis. "It helps to hear other people's stories."

  "I had no idea," she said quietly.

  I stopped walking and cocked my head at her. "What do you mean?"

  "I had no idea you were hurting so much. That day at the coffee shop, if I had known. All I did was talk about me and my feelings. I totally ignored yours. I'm so sorry." Tears filled her eyes as she looked at me, silently pleading with me to forgive her.

  "You couldn't have known. I hid it well for the most part." I shrugged nonchalantly. "The only person who saw the truth was my husband and even then I continued to deny it."

  It had been hard standing up in front of everyone and telling my story. When I uttered the phrase, "I was broken," I realized that I said it past tense. I wasn't broken any longer. I was finally healing.

  "We all have to go through hardships in order to fully appreciate what we have," she said wisely.

  "Amen," I concurred.

  Outside I looked around for Cassandra but was met with the sight of Travis instead. He was leaning against his Range Rover, looking delicious in a black, wool coat and charcoal scarf. He gave me a grin and a wave, which made my heart skip a beat. I bit my lip and waved back.

  Turning towards Irene, who was practically eye fucking my husband, I said goodbye and gave her a quick hug before rushing down the steps to meet Travis.

  "What are you doing here?" I tilted my head up and he covered my mouth with his in a brief but effective kiss.

  "Grant has news. I came to get you so we could hear it together." He stepped back from the car, opening the door for me to get in.

  "I hope it's good," I noted as I buckled my seatbelt. My interest was piqued and while I couldn't wait to find out, I was a little nervous about what he would say. Grant had told us that after the holidays he'd know more about Ashton's fate. I crossed my fingers and hoped it meant good things for us. We needed more positive things to overshadow all the negativity of the last few months.

  Thankfully traffic was light as we made our way across town to Grant's law office. With each moment that passed, my anxiety increased. I was dying to know what was happening.

  Inside the office, I tapped my foot on the floor as we waited for Grant's assistant, Mrs. Litchfield, to tell him we were there.

  "Calm down," Travis whispered in my ear and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

  "Easy for you to say," I grumbled. I swear the man had not a care in the world most days. It was probably why we balanced each other out.

  He placed a light kiss behind my ear and my eyes lowered from the contact. "Relax." His warm breath caressed my skin gently.

  "Keep that up and I'll be wound up in a completely different way," I admonished. It was a weak warning, however, seeing as how my head tilted to the side to give him more access to my neck.

  He chuckled against my skin and pulled his head away. Giving me a devilish grin, he winked as he ran his hand down my back and squeezed my ass. "Later," he promised and I felt my toes curl at the seductive quality his voice took on. It had been this way between us ever since Elizabeth's intervention. We couldn't keep our hands off each other, and I loved every minute of it. It reminded me of how great things were before Ashton and before the miscarriage. I wanted to bask in the glow as long as I could.

  Just as I was ready to protest his turning me on when he couldn't do anything about it, Grant's door swung open and he stood in the doorway with a huge shit-eating grin on his face.

  "Come in," he announced moving towards his desk and gesturing towards the two seats in front of him.

  "I sincerely hope you have good news for us," I told him taking my seat.

  "You definitely have us intrigued," Travis concurred.

  Grant sat back in his chair and propped his feet up on his desk. Instead of answering he just looked at us with a stupid, cocky grin on his face.

  "Say something," I demanded, unable to take the waiting game any longer.

  "The main story on the news tonight will be the arrest of Broadway's darling, Ashton Moore."

  I gasped at the same time Travis let out a dark laugh.

  "It would seem Mr. Moore has been a naughty boy—failing to properly report income on his taxes, illegal contributions to political campaigns, but the best is the charges that are being filed for extortion and blackmail." Grant's eyes turned sharp and his grin had turned predatory. It could not be said that Grant didn't enjoy what he did.

  "Seriously?" Travis sat back in his chair with a strange expression on his face. "Who was he blackmailing?"

  "The real question is who wasn't he blackmailing. He had dirt on just about every councilperson, judge, and Senator he came into contact with. Seems people with a lot to lose will pay big bucks to keep their perversions hidden." He turned to me with a serious expression. "This is where I have to warn you that I left a specific Senator's indiscretion out of the evidence we handed over to officials. I can't promise it won't eventually come
out, however. It's your choice whether we choose to release it and press charges of rape or if we work to keep it suppressed."

  "Wow," I breathed. I was having a hard time wrapping my head around everything. The fact that I could put the whole nightmare with Ashton behind me was overwhelming.

  "What do you want to do, Maya? I'll support whatever decision you make." Travis took my hand in his and looked at me imploringly.

  "Can I think about it?" I asked Grant.

  "Sure, kiddo. Don't think too long though. The quicker I know my next course of action, the better. I don't want the government blindsiding me."

  "You? Blindsided?" Travis joked.

  "Anything is possible," he grumbled.

  "You okay?" Travis asked me and I suddenly felt self-conscious with both men's eyes on me.

  "Never better," I answered honestly. "Knowing he's going away for a long time makes me feel free." I giggled and slapped my hand over my mouth. Maybe it wasn't good form to laugh at other's misfortunes. Karma could be a bitch. Releasing my hand I giggled again. Life was too short and I really deserved to laugh at Aston's expense.

  * * *

  As soon as the elevator doors closed, Travis was on me like a second skin. Running his hands anywhere and everywhere, his mouth took mine in a blistering kiss. He was like a man possessed and I was loving every bit of it.

  "What... doing?" I managed to stammer the words, albeit breathlessly.

  "Celebrating," he murmured before hiking up my skirt and delving into my panties.

  "Oh God," I cried out when he thrust a finger inside me. I was already so wet thanks to how hot his spontaneity was.

  Pressing me back against the wall, he moved in and out of me at the perfect speed. I felt fire burning deep inside me, spreading out from my core, making me flush and overly excited.

  I pulled at the buttons on his shirt, completely forgetting where we were and then reached down and rubbed him through his pants, loving how hard he was for me. He groaned and thrust his tongue inside my mouth, mimicking the movement of his hand between my legs.

  The thrill of knowing we could get caught at any moment fueled my desire and without even thinking I undid his pants. Slipping my hand in, I pumped his length before pulling him out. Travis pulled back quickly and slammed his fist against the emergency stop button. The car jerked to a halt causing me to stumble slightly.

  Through my haze of lust I heard an alarm sound but could care less. All I could focus on was the sight of Travis in front of me, his cock poking out of pants and his chest heaving with desire.

  "Cameras," I reminded him.

  "Don't care. I'll take care of them afterwards." He stalked me into a corner. Reaching between us, he abruptly yanked my panties down my legs and ordered me to kick them off. Any protest died on my lips. I quickly obliged and his hands gripped my ass to lift me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and within seconds, he was filling me completely.

  I screamed in pleasure as he slammed into me repeatedly. The angle of his hips allowed him to go so deep, I was sure I was going to die from nirvana.

  "We need to be quick," he said through clenched teeth as he fucked me like a mad man. His eyes darkened when I licked my fingers before running them down my body to where we were connected. Rubbing tight circles around my clit, I sent myself over the edge, digging the nails of my one hand into Travis' shoulder.

  He pumped once, twice, three more times into me and then stilled. With his forehead pressed to my chest, he struggled to regulate his breathing. I closed my eyes and blew out a broken breath. The adrenaline running through my body made me shaky when he finally set me down on my feet. Steadying myself against the wall, I pressed my hand over my mound, still feeling the aftereffects of my orgasm.

  "Gorgeous, you need to stop looking like a fucking wet dream over there and get dressed before they storm down the elevator to find out what's going on." Travis' voice broke me from my trance, and I groaned.

  "We are going to be in so much trouble for this, aren't we?" I scrambled to get my clothing back in place as he buttoned up his shirt. The alarm that was once a faint background noise was now piercing my brain with each shrill ring.

  "Hopefully not." He shrugged and gave me a boyish grin. "And if so, it was totally worth it."

  Giving me a once over, he must have felt I was presentable because he turned off the alarm and the elevator car jerked once before descending the remaining dozen floors. Thank God Grant's office was at the top of the high-rise or else we most definitely would have been caught red handed.

  "You nervous?" He teased between floors three and one.

  "What if they know?" I asked nervously. Couldn't you get arrested for sex in an elevator? I had a feeling you could.

  He threw his head back and laughed. "Oh trust me. They know."

  The doors opened and he grabbed my hand, pulling me out into the lobby. Several people stood in a semi-circle around the door eyeing us either contemptibly or salaciously. You can figure out which were women and which were men.

  "Excuse me. I'll need to speak with you." A security guard pulled us aside as we attempted our escape.

  My palms were sweaty as he ushered us into a small room to the side of the information desk. Travis shook his head and whispered for me to let him take care of it, which made me feel marginally calmer.

  "I need to file a report. Care to explain why the emergency release on the elevator was activated?" The burly older gentleman looked down his nose at us and I felt myself bristle. Like he had never fantasized about being fucked dirty in an elevator before. If I took a poll, I'm sure most of America would agree that it would be hot as sin. I knew firsthand they wouldn't be wrong.

  "My wife is afraid of heights," Travis simply explained and I fought a roll of my eyes that he was blaming this on me. Men.

  "And?" The guard prompted him.

  "And she was hyperventilating, so I felt it was in her best interest to stop the car until she could get herself under control. Anxiety is a serious thing." Travis nodded solemnly to stress his point.

  "You didn't think to exit at the next floor?" He raised his eyebrows skeptically. Then again, I couldn't blame him. I wouldn't have believed it either. I'd bet my next paycheck he had watched some or all of us going at it up there.

  "A man does what he can for his wife. I may have overreacted, but I'd do it again if it kept her from passing out." He took my hand and kissed my palm.

  The guard made a disgusted sound. "Just leave," he snapped.

  "Okay." Travis shrugged and with a hand on my back, led me out of the room.

  Once outside we both laughed.

  "I can't believe we got caught," I commented.

  "That guy was a bit of a tool. It was uncool of him to draw attention to it. He was practically itching to interrogate it out of us. And I hated the way he was leering at your breasts. I wouldn't put it past him to have been picturing himself up there with you."

  "Oh please." I rolled my eyes. "At least we didn't have to call Grant down to help us."

  Travis tapped on his phone. "Yes, we did."


  "I just asked him to call down to security and get the footage from that elevator wiped clean. He knows and I'm pretty sure he won't let me live it down."

  "It was worth it though."

  He gave me hooded look, and I knew by the gleam in his eyes that he was thinking about our risqué encounter. I know I was. Needing more than a look, I tugged on his hand. When he stopped walking, I grabbed his hair in both hands and brought his mouth down to mine.

  I broke the kiss and ran a finger over my swollen lips. "Take me home, Travis."

  "You don't have to ask me twice."

  Chapter Nineteen

  I pulled my ringing cell phone from my back pocket and glanced at the caller ID before answering it.


  "Maya? Please tell me you're in town," my client Marsha Johnson said desperately.

  "I am. What's up?" Juggling the tote bags I h
eld to one hand so I could hold my phone, I stepped on the escalator separating the lobby from the first floor recreation room.

  "We decided to take a road trip upstate with the kids this weekend and stupidly forgot the cooler we packed on the elevator. I was hoping you could go to our building and see if you can save it."

  I stopped at the top of the escalator and stepped to the side in case any patrons came up behind me.

  "How long ago did you guys leave it?" I wanted to judge if it was even worth saving at that point.

  When I saw my client poke her head out of the recreation room on the other side of the lobby, I held my finger up signaling I'd be just a minute.

  "About an hour ago, but it has ice packs in it. Maya, I wouldn't normally ask but there's a bottle of five hundred dollar champagne in there for Mark and I tonight, along with a twelve-hundred dollar jar of caviar."

  Of course the one client with a conscience when it came to spending money would be the one to leave something that expensive behind. I sighed and held the phone out to see the time.

  "I might be able to swing it. I can't make any promises though. I have a prior commitment I have to finish first," I told Marsha.

  "Thank you so much. Mark would kill me if he knew what was in the cooler along with our sandwiches. I wanted to surprise him," she spoke in a hushed voice, which told me she didn't want Mark to overhear.

  "Don't thank me yet. You can thank me if I'm successful. I'll text you either way."


  "Have fun this weekend."

  "Thanks, we'll try." The call disconnected and I pocketed my cell phone before hurrying down the hall to where Trudy St. James waited for me.

  "Sorry about that." I hurried past her into the room and cringed at how much work would need to be done to get the room ready for her daughter's birthday party.


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