Hot Daddy Sauce

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Hot Daddy Sauce Page 6

by Angel Devlin

  I’m buzzing by the time I shake Kelly’s hand and show her to the exit. Taking a seat at the bar, I wait for Scott to come over.

  “Where’s Krissy?” I ask referring to our missing bartender.

  “No idea, she was meant to be here almost an hour ago.”

  “Fucking hell,” I mutter, pulling my phone from my pocket and scrolling through to find her number.

  Voicemail. Fantastic.

  “What are we going to do, we’ve got a full lunch service booked in?”

  “Looks like I’m pulling pints this afternoon.” It’s not exactly what I wanted to do after the high of this morning’s interview, but I don’t have a lot of choice seeing as customers are already loitering outside ready to fill the place.

  “You know how to do that, Boss?”

  “Ha, funny. I started in this industry at the very bottom. I’ve waited and pulled pints with the best of ‘em.”

  “Fair enough. Zoey’s due in at six but might be worth a call to see if she can get in early.”

  “Thanks for that.” I don’t mean to snap but I also don’t need Scott telling me how to run my business.

  “Boss.” He salutes before heading out across the restaurant to begin taking orders.

  Thankfully, a quick call to Zoey results in her agreeing to come in a little early. I feel awful for doing it, but I know I can’t leave Amelia with Leah any longer. She’s got more important things to be doing than bailing me out. I’m surprised she even agreed after what happened the last time we were together. I guess my peace offering must have gone down well.

  I’m just about ready to crash after the adrenaline from this morning’s interview and then a shift behind the bar, but as I pull up on to my driveway a new lease of excitement races through me.

  Picturing how she looked when I left this morning in that shirt and tiny bloody skirt, my mouth waters and my fists clench with my need to get my hands on her.

  Blowing out a breath to calm my thoughts, I remind myself that I’m also about to walk in to see Amelia.

  “Hello?” I shout into the house when all I’m greeted with is silence. My heart begins to race that something’s happened and I wasn’t informed. My imagination starts to run wild when the sound of joyful laughter from the garden fills my ears. I immediately relax and feel ridiculous for jumping to conclusions. I know Amelia’s in safe hands, but as a parent I think it’s natural to assume the worst.

  Walking through the kitchen, I place down the food I brought home for dinner before making my way out. I’m just about to step down onto the patio when the sight in front of me has my body freezing up.

  Leah and Amelia are in the middle of a water fight. They’ve got a super soaker each as they laugh, squeal, and chase each other around. Once I know Amelia is okay, I turn my focus on Leah. Her white shirt is soaked and totally see through; her skirt is sodden and stuck to her thighs revealing her now shapely tight-less legs. Lifting my gaze, I find her hair dripping, sticking to the sides of her face and down her neck. Her make-up is smeared all down her cheeks and her eyes shine in delight. She’s never looked more beautiful.

  Holy shit.

  My jeans suddenly feel too small for my body as my cock swells behind the confining fabric.

  I watch them for the longest time with my heart threatening to pound out of my chest. There is something so right about the image before me and I’m also a little too happy about it continuing.

  “Hey, Daddy’s home,” Amelia squeals, running over and blasting me in the chest with ice cold water.

  “Oh you are in so much trouble.” I take off after her and she runs as fast as her legs will carry her.

  She giggles and screams the closer I get, but I soon learn that I’m not only fighting against a six-year-old but also a slightly older and sexier woman when another stream of water hits my back.

  My arm wraps around Amelia’s waist when I catch up to her. She kicks and screams as I head for the pool I’ve set up at the end of the garden.

  “Daddy, no. Daddy, don’t dunk... DADDY!” She squeals as I throw her into the freezing water. She soon finds her footing but not before Leah rushes over still wielding her super soaker.

  The next thirty minutes I think are the most joyful of my life as the three of us run around the garden acting like kids, getting totally soaked and loving every minute of it.

  “Okay, okay. I think I’m done.” I say between my heaving breaths as I bend over with my hands on my knees. “I’m too old for this.”

  “No chance, you’re in better shape than me by a mile and I’m still going.” Leah laughs, her eyes dropping down to where my t-shirt is clinging to every indent and muscle of my chest and stomach.

  “Is that right?” Reaching behind me, I pull the fabric from my body. I want to say it’s seamless, but it sticks more than I was expecting and takes a good bit of force to get it over my head.

  Exactly as I intended, her eyes drop once again to feast on my exposed skin. Her teeth sink into her bottom lip and it’s the perfect distraction I need. She doesn’t even notice when I step towards her, but she soon realises when I lift her from the ground, throw her over my shoulder and begin marching back to the pool.

  “Jenson, don’t you dare. Jenson, Jenson, nooooo.”

  Stepping into the pool, I plunge her under the water, cutting off her screams.

  Releasing her, I allow her to find her feet, but I soon realise my mistake as she flies at me. Taking me by surprise, I just about grab her before my feet slide out from under me and together we fall back into the water.

  Her laughter warms my heart, but her face soon stills when she looks down and finds me staring at her.

  My fingers tighten around her waist and I pull her body so it’s flush against mine. There’s no denying what her being this close and soaking wet does to me and when her lips part in surprise I know she feels it.

  “Jenson, I—”

  “Come on, you two,” Amelia shouts, oblivious to the moment happening between us.

  “We should get out. I’m soaked.”

  “Is that right?” Her eyes widen and her cheeks heat. It’s enough to know that she’s very much wet and ready for me right now.


  She scrambles off me and climbs from the pool. I give it a few seconds in the hope my cock realises she’s no longer touching it before following.

  “I should go,” Leah says, glancing over towards her house.

  “No, please don’t go,” Amelia begs, plastering a sad expression on her face that I know is going to pull at Leah’s heartstrings. “You promised we could watch Aladdin.”

  “I said if your dad wasn’t home then we could watch it. He’s here now and I’m sure he’s got plans for the two of you.”

  My heart lurches at the thought of her leaving already. “Yeah, I have got plans actually.” Leah’s face drops ever so slightly but it’s enough to make my stomach clench with anticipation for what the rest of this night might hold. “I was hoping you’d join us for dinner.”

  “Me?” she asks, as if I could possibly mean anyone else.

  “Yes, you. I brought stuff home from the restaurant. It just needs warming up. Let’s go and get dry and I’ll dish it up.”

  “Okay. If you’re sure?”

  “I’m pretty sure I’ve not been surer of anything in my life,” I whisper in her ear when I get to her and I delight in the shudder that runs through her body.

  Amelia runs inside to shower while Leah and I tidy up the garden.

  “How long will dinner be? I’ll just go back next door and—” Thoughts of her leaving have me panicking.

  “Minutes. Just shower here, I’ll find you something clean to put on.” The image of her in one of my shirts is suddenly the only thing I can think about and I know I need to do anything to ensure it happens. “Come on, I’ll show you to my en-suite. You can get cleaned up and then I’ll have dinner ready.”

  I don’t give her a chance to argue. I take her hand in mine an
d all but drag her up the stairs.

  “The towels are clean and the shower’s incredible. I’ll put something for you to wear on the bed. Come and join us when you’re ready.”

  Regretfully, I pull the door closed, leaving her standing in the middle of my en-suite like a lost sheep. My body aches to walk back inside and join her in the shower. If I didn’t have Amelia to take care of, I’d probably throw caution to the wind and do just that. But instead, I rummage through my wardrobe for a shirt and pull a brand-new pair of boxers from inside my drawer. I drop the box beside them on the bed so she knows I’m not leaving a dirty old pair for her to wear and I leave the room, pulling the door closed behind me with some dry clothes for myself in hand.

  After checking on Amelia and finding her some clean pyjamas, I have the quickest shower of my life in the main bathroom before pulling on a pair of shorts and heading down to sort out dinner. I know I should put a shirt on but I tell myself that it’s a humid evening and I would be too hot. In reality I know it’s because I love the way she bites on her bottom lip and the colour her cheeks go every time she checks me out.



  Do not panic.

  Do not panic.

  Do NOT…

  My breath comes in short gasps… GAH.

  I’m under the shower jets and wondering what’s on the agenda for when I head back downstairs.

  I try to tell myself it’s just a thank you for my childcare.

  But my mind and body know it’s not. I felt his rock-hard dick pushing against me as I pressed up against him in the water.

  He wants me.

  I want him.

  My instinct is to leap out of the shower and get back downstairs as quickly as I can, but I make myself play it cool and take my time. I’m faced with the choice of Amelia’s strawberry shower gel or Jenson’s manly spice one and I choose his. I want to smell like him, a prelude to the main event. I do not want to smell like a six-year-old and put him off touching me. Because I need him to touch me so damn badly I can barely stand.

  Wrapping myself in a towel, I exit the shower and make my way into Jenson’s bedroom. It’s all warm browns and walnut wood and it smells of his aftershave. I have to stop myself from picking up his pillow and sniffing it. Spotting the pale-blue shirt and white boxers, I put them on. The shirt is a soft cotton and the aroma of his wash powder pervades the air around me. I towel dry my hair and leave it, hoping it looks beachy. If Amelia wasn’t downstairs, I’d have gone down in the towel and dropped it at his feet.

  “Leah! You forgot your skirt or trousers, silly.” Amelia giggles from her place at the table where she’s eating some kind of casserole. There’s a smell of beef and wine and sure enough on closer inspection it’s beef bourguignon.

  “Leah’s waiting for her clothes to dry, baby girl.”

  “Daddy, how many more times. I am not a baby.”

  I watch as Jenson leans over and kisses Amelia on the forehead. “And how many times have I told you that you’ll always be my baby.”

  “Even when I’m a hundred?”

  “Even when you’re a hundred, baby girl.”

  I don’t realise that I have the most stupid look on my face from watching this sweet exchange until Jenson looks back at me and then dips his head as if he feels a little conspicuous and on show.

  “Take a seat and I’ll bring yours over. Do you want wine?”

  I shake my head. “Just water please.” If anything happens between us tonight, I want to be perfectly sober so I can remember every last detail.

  I hitch myself onto the chair and feeling eyes on me, I turn to see Jenson’s gaze running up my thighs all the way to my chest where the tops of my breasts are just visible through the top of the shirt where I’ve left it unbuttoned.

  “My shirt looks good on you,” he says, his voice lower and gruffer.

  There’s a tension in the room, like we’re being held back in the stretch of an elastic band, where at any moment it’s going to snap.

  “Have you nearly finished your dinner, Amelia, because you need to be in bed soon? It’s getting late.”

  Amelia smacks her lips together. “That is yummy, Daddy. More please.”

  I want to laugh as I witness the frustration in Jenson’s expression as he takes her plate and adds a few more spoonfuls of food. “Not too much more as I don’t want your belly too full or you’ll not sleep.”

  “Daddy, it’s Friday and Leah is here. We’re watching Aladdin.”

  “It’s late, that will have to be another day.”

  A spoon drops hard against a plate. “No. We already agreed it, didn’t we, Leah? Aladdin, and we are going to pretend my teapot is the lamp and we’re sitting on the rug to watch it because that’s our magic carpet.” I can recognise that Amelia is overtired and on the edge of a full blown meltdown.

  “Let’s finish our food very quickly and put the film on, shall we?” I say, turning to Jenson and winking. He shrugs his shoulders, clearly not understanding my plan.

  Food finished, I follow Amelia into the living room where I pull the rug in front of the sofa so our backs can lean against it, and we press play on the film while I put a cosy throw around mine and Amelia’s shoulders.

  Not six minutes into the film, she’s fallen fast asleep. Jenson walks into the room having tidied up the kitchen and he freezes in place while he watches Amelia fast asleep in my arms. There’s a wistfulness to his gaze and I know it’s connected with the fact that Amelia’s mother isn’t here doing what I’m doing. His facial expressions couldn’t be clearer if his thoughts appeared in balloons beside his mouth.

  “Give her another few minutes to get into a deeper sleep and then you can take her upstairs.” I tell him. I don’t know what I expect him to do but it’s not to curl up at the other side of Amelia so that she’s sandwiched between us.

  It’s far too intimate for how long we’ve known each other and yet it feels so right. I want this man and I adore his cute as a button daughter. This wasn’t in my plan. We don’t even talk as we sit there, Aladdin paused. Dusk is settling on the evening and a cool breeze enters from the open window, hitting my arms as I unfurl myself from the throw.

  “You’d better take her upstairs.” I say.

  He nods.

  “I ought to go.”

  He shakes his head.

  “No. Stay. Right here. Right on this rug. Stay. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  I watch as he carries his daughter out of the room as if she’s the weight of a packet of popcorn rather than a lanky-legged six-year-old. His shorts hug his arse and I don’t take my eyes off it until he’s gone.

  Then I sit still, wrapping the blanket back tight around myself while my heart beats faster in anticipation of what’s to come.

  Hopefully, me.

  His footsteps come back down the stairs and I’m frozen in place on the rug with the throw wrapped around me.

  His eyes meet mine.

  “You’ll not be needing that to keep you warm.” His voice is thick with lust.

  “Come take it off.” I invite.

  He stalks in my direction and I can see the shape of his cock through his shorts, straining the zipper. I swallow, my mouth going dry while somewhere else gets wet.

  He kneels in front of me on the rug and slips the throw off my shoulders. It feels like he’s stripped me bare.

  “God, I’ve thought of nothing but this all the damn day.”

  “Me too.” I admit.

  His mouth meets mine, gently at first, soft brushes of his lips against my own and then he presses firmer. I open my mouth and his tongue slips inside tangling with my own.

  We’re an inferno, as the fire between us rages out of control.

  “As much as my shirt looks fucking awesome on you, I need it off.” He growls, unbuttoning it until it reveals my breasts.

  “Christ.” He groans, slipping the shirt off my shoulders.

  He pushes me back onto the rug and takes a cushion f
rom the sofa placing it under my head. Then he’s done with my comfort levels as his mouth drops to take a nipple within. I can feel his beard tickling my skin as he moves. He sucks hard and nips gently and I thrust my chest up towards him wanting more, needing more. He moves to the other nipple but as much as I’m enjoying it, I don’t want him there, I need him elsewhere.

  “Jenson, please.”

  He releases my nipple and chuckles. It’s a beautiful sound. Then his eyes meet mine and he raises a brow.

  “Please what?”

  I feel myself blush.

  “Please fuck me, Jenson.”

  “All in good time.” He winks and then he moves further down to the apex of my thighs.

  He grabs hold of his boxers and pulls them off me, discarding them somewhere on the floor.

  Spreading my thighs further apart I feel his breath at my core and then his tongue flicks across my clit and I arch towards his mouth.

  “Oh fuck.”

  “You taste better than any dish I’ve ever served.” He utters before his mouth descends once more. He enters me with his tongue, dipping in and out and then licking back up my seam until I can barely remember my own name. But I can remember his.

  “Jenson, Oh shit, yes. Jenson.”

  And then I explode over his tongue. He holds me, his hands firmly under my arse as I rock against him until I come down from my high.

  My breathing is fast as he comes back up, so we’re eye to eye. “Now I’m going to fuck you,” he says.

  “Yeah, you might need to take off your shorts first.”

  “Such impatience. You desperate for my cock, you dirty girl?”

  I want to scream yes, because his words are making my core slicker. I reach for his waistband and he helps me open the fastening and lower the zipper. It’s a struggle because of the size of his rock-hard cock. I sit up and lower his shorts down and then Jenson groans with impatience, stands up and kicks them off and his boxers follow quickly. And then I’m licking around my lips and grabbing his hand and pulling him back towards me on the rug until he’s once again nestled between my thighs, having put on a condom on which was conveniently in his pocket.


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