Swap Meets (Volume 2): A 13 Book Excite Spice Hotwife Erotica MEGA Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets)

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Swap Meets (Volume 2): A 13 Book Excite Spice Hotwife Erotica MEGA Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets) Page 60

by Selena Kitt

  Having never been with a woman, or for that matter with any man other than Clarence, I was at a loss as to how I might go about seducing the girl. Of course, for a great many of the twenty-one years’ worth of nights I’d been with my man, we’d created fantasies. There were hundreds, maybe thousands of seduction scenarios, but what he said to me while he rubbed my breasts and kissed my neck and my fingers ran furiously over my clit made sense before he pushed into me, but faced with using any of the corny and improbable lines that inevitably led to a fantasy encounter seemed silly. My manufactured seductions were just as improbable, and I had no idea what to say or do to somehow convince Caitlin that a woman twenty or more years her senior whom she’d seen only twice was not simply a potential friend or acquaintance but an inevitable lover who would, with her husband’s help, bring her to heights of joy no eighteen or nineteen year old girl, no matter how active, could possibly have experienced in her short life.

  Though I had no idea what to say, I knew that any success wouldn’t happen in the bunk above the cab while my daughters played with toy ponies and my eighteen year old struggled to keep himself from strangling my fourteen year old, so I retrieved my laptop from the RV and went online to reserve two hotel rooms. We were checked in an hour later, and the girls giggled on one queen sized bed, excited to be able to watch cartoons again. My eighteen year old immediately disappeared into his computer screen while my fourteen year old went back to sleep. I took my husband to the other room, and Clarence, who was overjoyed at the prospects of a separate and private place just for us tried to bend me over the bed right then, but I pushed him away with the promise of a special night if he behaved and got at least five thousand words of progress completed on his opus. I knew he would hear anal sex in place of the words special night, and though he said nothing about that, he fell immediately to work. I stepped into the hallway ostensibly on my way to check on the children but really so I could call Caitlin and give her the address of the restaurant in the lobby of the hotel.

  And when I sat there an hour and a half later waiting for her to arrive, I was nervous and giddy and felt unsure and stupid. No ideas, no thoughts at all about how I might get her to the hotel room came to me, and I felt a terrible sense of disappointment overriding the happiness of just a few hours before. Really, what had I expected? Had I believed I could buy a young girl lunch and segue directly into, “would you like to come upstairs with me to fuck my husband?” after I’d signed for the check? I felt foolish and immature, but most of all sad, but I managed to hide it when the hostess walked up to me with Caitlin in tow and said, “Mrs. Carella, your guest is here.” I smiled and ordered drinks and asked about the drive or the weather or something like that, and suddenly Caitlin’s face filled with shock.

  “Did she just call you Mrs. Carella?” I nodded. “You’re Rosemary Carella?” I nodded again, and she reached into her purse and extracted the last thing I’d expected to see, the Phantom’s anthology, the book where my work had been featured alongside my husband’s. My jaw dropped and for perhaps the first time since seeing her in her tiny shorts and watching her hair hang over her shoulders I felt something other than desire for her, gratitude and wonder. “You’re the Rosemary Carella who wrote Knobby Blanket?”

  “I didn’t know anyone actually read it.” I was smiling uncontrollably now, and I was embarrassed by it, but I couldn’t stop. The rest of the lunch was filled with nothing short of worship, and in this case it was her worshipping me, and I was overwhelmed with the attention. Lunch lasted for three hours and two check-in calls from the kids before Clarence called and Caitlin heard me call him by name. She put two and two together and recognized that he was the author of her second favorite story in the anthology, and the words second favorite filled me with a perverse sense of accomplishment as I told her she was right. She asked if I would autograph her book and when the check came and I signed it to my room, she asked if my husband would sign it as well, and I told her I’d twist his arm if I had to. I didn’t realize until we stepped in and saw Clarence concentrating at the keyboard that I’d actually brought her to the hotel room, and the gratitude and flattery of the last three hours disappeared as the desire for her came back in full force.

  I introduced her, and my husband and I signed her book, and I think I was so excited my hands were shaking while she behaved like…well, like what she was, a schoolgirl. I gestured to the bed and had her sit down on the edge as Clarence went into one of his egomaniacal lectures on literature. I suppose if I hadn’t heard it nine or ten times per week for the last twenty-one years, I would have found it interesting, but I really just wanted him to be quiet so I could figure out what to do in order to take advantage of her idolatrous worship of us for just enough time to see if I could make it work. Finally, I just said, “Oh shut up, Clarence,” and I leaned in and kissed her.

  It was strange really; the feel of the small of her back as I pushed my tongue gently past her lips and felt her respond. When I held my man, my hands clasped right above the waist, the feel was raw, a shock of power, strength, and security beneath my fingertips. With Caitlin, though, the feel was delicate and soft, comfortable and sweet. It was the difference between a rare porterhouse steak and a chocolate covered strawberry. No. That wasn’t it. It was the difference between a beer and a fine merlot. I kissed from her lips and over her cheek to her neck until my forehead rested against her shoulder, my face just a centimeter from her breasts which lay hidden behind the thin fabric of her shirt. I could feel her body moving as she inhaled, could feel the flow of her breath against my neck and over my back. It was interesting. Every movement of Caitlin’s body had an evident and visceral impact, as though each detail of her was etching itself into my mind. With Clarence, the whole always seemed more than the parts. I became aware of Caitlin’s hands softly touching my hair and brushing against my back lightly with each down stroke. It wasn’t the touch of a man, not the jolt of current, but more a gentle, growing glow that seemed to ignite—no, to smolder—softly over my skin.

  I kissed my way back to her mouth, and this time she opened it to receive my tongue and she also explored my mouth with the same tender curiosity as I reached downward to stroke her back softly. Her fingers, though, found my hair and combed through it as we kissed, and she kept them there as I tasted her and felt her and the insistent nervous beating of my heart slowed to happy comfort and gentle, joyous expectation. It was so new and so soft and so strange, and I wanted to progress past the point of kissing, but I didn’t know what the hell to do. I’d been eighteen when I married Clarence, and he had been the aggressor for all of the sex until well into our relationship when I learned to initiate it, and I had no idea how to date much less how to get to second base, so I was grateful to the man I married when I felt his hands on my back and realized he’d sat down behind her and embraced the two of us together. I pulled away and looked at her face and she seemed just a bit wide eyed and nervous, but when Clarence’s lips descended to her neck, and he kissed her there softly, her eyes closed and she breathed out a sigh that sent shockwaves of desire over me.

  Clarence went about the hastening of our adventure with the same diligence he’d shown that second night I spent with him, when he pulled my State University Centurions tee shirt over my head and then undressed me rapidly and efficiently except for the slight delay while he fumbled to unclasp my bra and I had to tell him it fastened in the front. He had me naked on the mattress on the floor of his room and I first felt his tongue on me then; and as I saw him pull up Caitlin’s tee shirt and watched his hands run over her breasts as the cotton passed over her face and then off, I felt a curious mix of desire and nostalgia. The look on her face was the same look the eighteen year old virginal Rose wore back in his room across the street from the University Arboretum, the strange combination of desire and fear, excitement and trepidation, and perhaps most of all absolute certainty about the inevitability of the events to follow. Her eyes made contact with mine and for the briefest of
moments I wondered if it could possibly be that she was just as I was then and had never been touched, but perhaps to hope that the princess-haired girl was a virgin was to beg for gilding on a lily already perfect, and the thought left me anyway the moment Clarence worked the clasp of her bra and her breasts came free of their restraints.

  I saw the fear that crossed her face at the exposure and I smiled softly at her. She smiled back and bit her lip and I leaned forward and kissed her again; and it was a thrill to feel Clarence’s hands move up to caress her breasts as I kissed her, and the way the back of his hands brushed over my shirt and against my own nipples as they worked upward made the sensation even greater as I felt what little resolve she might still have harbored disappear at the working of his fingers and my lips. We had her and I knew it, and a sudden predatory joy washed over me, hardening my nipples and sending a rush of warmth between my legs, but when I pulled back to look at her eyes, because all my fantasies saw her eyes as my hands and Clarence’s hands and my mouth and Clarence’s mouth worked on her, I saw not the bright eagerness of desire I’d wanted but a wavering fear and uncertainty mingled with the sense of inevitability and I thought of how I’d biked home that night long ago with the taste of Clarence in my mouth and a used, trashy feeling in my heart. So, I leaned forward and put my lips to her ear and kissed it and whispered, “Are you sure, honey?” and when I did, her hands no longer rested on my forearms but moved to my shoulders and gripped me tight and I felt her worry disappear as the realization hit her that she still had the option to end the attention, and I think I almost cried in relief for the briefest of moments when she breathed back, “I’m sure.”

  And that was all it took because as I kissed her and then moved down to let my tongue trace a path over her chin and hollow of her throat to her breasts and as Clarence moved his hands down to unbutton and then unzip her jeans, her face still held the wonder and the uncertainty, but the trepidation was gone; and I enjoyed the reactions of my princess-haired angel without the gently nagging doubt that clouded the joy with guilt. And it was wonderful, too, because when my lips closed over her nipples and I felt them harden to little bullets, the thrill that ran through me was nearly heart stopping in its intensity and I shuddered as I held her and as Clarence lifted her hips from the bed to slide her jeans to her knees. Free from the constraint of her reluctance, we progressed rapidly, and no longer afraid that I would spook her, or worse be faced with regret at an unwelcome seduction, I continued to kiss downward while Clarence pushed her shoulders back against the mattress and I pulled the denim to her ankles and then to the floor and by the time I was back to put my fingers at the hem of her girlish white panties, his cock was in her mouth. I was gratified to see the way she sucked on him because it wasn’t inexperience but skill that I saw there.

  And that was wonderful, but strange, because in all of my fantasies, the third in the threesome was completely unexposed to the ways of sex, and yet the sight of her lips around him and the sharp and breathtaking realization that the tongue moving within her mouth was moving from experience thrilled me rather than disappointed; and it gave me courage because as I watched it I didn’t slip the cotton from her hips but yanked it down and saw in front of me my first live look at a woman’s sex that was not my own. There it was, that sight that had consumed my fantasies, my thoughts, and even my dreams for weeks, and for much longer if only the desire to take a woman with Clarence rather than the specific longing I’d felt for Caitlin was considered, and I was suddenly overwhelmed with indecision. In my fantasies it had been so easy, but I was unsure. I wanted her, I wanted to taste her and to explore her folds with my mouth, to run my tongue and my lips over the hard little button of her clit; and she was even smooth and perfectly shaven as I had imagined, but I wondered where to start and how to begin, and I was paralyzed in inaction and sudden hesitance; but I think Clarence understood because as he gently pushed in and out of the girl’s mouth, I felt his hand on my head, and I looked at his face, and he smiled as he pulled me forward until my mouth was pressed up against her.

  It was electric when I felt her against my lips, and the visions of years of fantasies flashed frame by frame through my head in a blur of young brunettes and redheads and blondes and Asians and Latinas and soft innocent girls initiated into adulthood at my feet, and the soft scent of her rose up in me as I extended my tongue for a first tentative lick; and when my tongue first encountered the sweet and musky taste of her, I felt the first twinges of orgasm build in me so that I knew if I only touched myself in the briefest of ways I would finish right then, but I held back and pushed my tongue forward to savor her, and all the while I heard the sound of Clarence’s shaft pushing in and out of her mouth. When my tongue pushed deeper, I heard her moan, and Clarence’s sharp intake of breath told me that the vibrations of her voice thrilled him, but strangely I didn’t give a damn about how it felt for him but only how it felt for her, and it was like that day when I felt his shaft twitching in my throat and I realized my skills at oral sex had progressed so that Clarence no longer used my mouth for his pleasure but instead I used my mouth to administer and bestow the pleasure he received according to my sole discretion. That was it; my tongue deep within Caitlin was apportioning the levels of sensation to which her body was entitled and I was the sole arbiter of the conveyance, and a powerful sense of omnipotence gripped me in such a way that it took an extraordinary effort of self-control to keep from an immediate and early culmination of the entire encounter, but instead I fought back the orgasm and thrust my tongue violently into her and lifted my hands up to grip her thighs with a fury that certainly must have been uncomfortable for her if not painful.

  She didn’t react negatively to my enthusiasm, though. She moaned and the moan turned into a gurgling and somehow exotic expression as Clarence took advantage of the wider opening of her mouth to push deeper into her, and I couldn’t resist a glance upward, and though my husband didn’t have the kind of a cock that would look good in a porn movie, I could see by the position of her lips on his shaft that the head of his cock was surely a half inch or more past the opening of her throat, and he held tightly to the back of her head and pushed deeper until his balls rested against her chin. She didn’t gag or struggle at all, which further reassured me that she was experienced and not innocent, and while she may not have before had a man and a woman at the same time, any fear that still remained in me disappeared and I went back to my work between her legs, redoubling my efforts and suddenly desperate to see Caitlin screaming with an orgasm my lips, my tongue, and my fingers produced. Her responses were gratifying. I felt her moving against me, and I thought of all the times my man placed his mouth between my legs and tried to remember every lick, every nibble, and every movement that had thrilled me so I could duplicate them for the girl on our bed; and she was enjoying it because when I glanced upward, Clarence was attempting to change positions, but she gripped his ass and his thigh hard and wouldn’t take her mouth from his cock, and when I flicked my tongue over her, she sucked harder as though my husband’s shaft was directly connected to her clit.

  I realized with a bit of a shock that although my husband was naked and was moving in and out of a teenage girl’s mouth, and although that teenage girl was naked on the bed; I was still fully clothed and a fresh wave of uncertain embarrassment rolled over me. I was almost paralyzed by it. If I took my mouth off Caitlin in order to get undressed, would it just point out that I was the last one to the party? It was silly, I know, but these kinds of thoughts sometimes hit me, and it took a fairly substantial effort to pull back, stand up, and begin stripping. I was happy when I did, though, because it gave me a wonderful view of what was happening as Clarence moved his hips and she gripped his ass with one hand, and his thigh with the other; and even though my tongue was no longer on her, she still moved her hips as though it was, as though the thrusts into her mouth were directed between her legs instead and it thrilled me to see it. I took my time undressing, savoring the view, and by
the time I was naked and ready to climb on the bed, I had images of that girl that I knew would fill my nights for months if not for years.

  I stood naked and was lost for a moment in indecision. I wanted to put my mouth back on her, but I wanted more, too. I wanted to touch her, to feel her arms around me, and to kiss her. Eventually, the second desire won out, and I climbed onto the bed and over her. The feeling of her body against mine was wonderful and I could have called it tender had she not been aggressively pulling Clarence against her mouth. I leaned closer and watched her lips travelling down his shaft only inches from my face. It was as though a camera had zoomed in, and the incredible power of the moment froze me, and if Clarence hadn’t put his hand on the back of my head and gently pull me forward to lick at his balls, I think I would have just stared as long as it kept up. I felt her cheek brushing against mine as I let my tongue roll over him, and then she was slowing and pulling away and out from under me. She turned around, and on her hands and knees she joined me, licking and kissing at him. Our eyes met and she smiled at me, and I suddenly and desperately wanted her mouth, so I leaned back and pulled her face away from my husband and down between my legs.

  When I first felt her tongue against my hard little button, I felt myself driven right to the edge, and I think she realized it, too because she pulled away from my clit and began to teasingly explore my folds, never pushing very far in and never stopping the movement of her tongue. It was amazing, and it kept me on the edge without pushing me over. I looked up and saw that Clarence was positioning himself behind her, and when he thrust in, her face pushed forward against me, and the effect was immediate and overwhelming. I groaned, and she extended her tongue forward suddenly as he pushed in again and again. Every movement of Clarence into Caitlin was mirrored by her tongue as she was propelled forward against me by the force of his thrusts. I moaned and felt my breathing grow ragged, and she suddenly lifted her face and I watched her breathing halt and then she let out a soft and breathy, “Oh…” Her back arched and she shook and I realized she was coming. I reached forward and pulled her face back down on me, but she didn’t have to do anything because the moment I felt her lips, I came in a shuddering and overwhelming spasm of staggering force. When I was a child, I strayed too far in the surf and was pulled under. I tried to escape and reach the surface, but the upper currents knocked me down, the under currents knocked me up, descending waves pushed me forward, and retreating waves swept me back. The orgasm was exactly like that loss of control. Pleasure crashed over me and my whole body tensed and released. A wave would hit me and leave me unable to breathe and just as I recovered to gulp in air, another wave hit stronger than the previous. I was literally shaking, and when Caitlin pushed fingers into me, I screamed and bucked myself up against her hand.


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