Hitta's Tea Maker

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Hitta's Tea Maker Page 12

by Edwina Fort

  Jessie was jumping up and down with excitement, but my confused gaze connected with his over her head.

  “She stays with you every weekend, right?”

  I nodded…

  “I figured she could have one of the bedrooms.”

  “I’m going to get my own room?!” Jessie screamed at the top of her lungs.

  Embarrassed down to the tip of my hair follicles, I put my hand over her mouth and apologized to the other customers that were now staring at us as if we were some crazy folks.

  “You’re giving Jessie her own room?”

  He chuckled. “Why not? We can’t use them all.”

  “Yeaahhhhh!” Jessie muffled scream came from under my hand.

  “Really?” I asked close to tears.

  Jessie has never had her own room, she slept on that nasty couch in her mother’s apartment that I did my best to clean when I dropped her off every Sunday. I always told her that as soon as I bought a house, she would have her room. Every time she came over, she asked me when I was going to get the house so that she could come and live with me.

  He wrapped his hand around my waist and pulled me to him, then he leaned down and kissed me right there in the center of the furniture store. And y’all, I’m not talking about a little peck on the lips, the man kissed me in a way that made me feel as if he was going to consume me whole. And that wasn’t the first time he did it either… My lips were deliciously sore from all the activity they’d experienced today.

  Needless to say…those panty melting kisses served as another form of seduction, so please document that as well.


  I’d like to interject at this point and say…I’d become addicted to the taste of her mouth after she nibbled on one of those little flowers. She had a sandwich baggy full of them in her purse. She smelled and tasted so f***ing good that I felt like a feen that needed a fix every few minutes.

  I had to stop myself from trying to eat her f***ing mouth. It wasn’t time to introduce her to that side of me… She was still very new.

  But it won’t be long…It won’t be long till she’s used to my touch and can handle my aggressive appetite. Sh*t it won’t be long till she comes to anticipate my touch.

  Not long at all…

  Okay, I’ll give y’all back to Angel…


  Now true to his word, Hitta was no help in the furniture store. Everything I pointed at he grumbled a nice or nodded his head, even when I pointed at the ugly stuff.

  “Do you really not see a design in your mind for how you want your house to look?” I asked at some point getting frustrated.

  He came behind me and after wrapping his arms around my waist began to nuzzle at my neck and ear, tickling me with his beard.

  “Stop!” I laughed trying to escape him.

  “Not till you say it’s our house…” He grumbled in my ear continuing to nuzzle me, now using his teeth.

  I laughed trying to get away from his ticklish beard until tears came to my eyes.

  “Okay!” I cried… “Our house!”

  He turned me in his arms to face him. “Man, shawty, I promise I don’t have no designs in my head. When I look at this sh*t, all I see is chairs for sitting, couches for relaxing…beds for--"

  His words stalled as his gaze shot down to Jessie, who ever since he’d told her that she could have her own room, has been looking at him like he’d hung the stars.

  He leaned in and then whispered his nasty words in my ear. His words were so freaking nasty they caused my core to clench in response. In fact, by the time he finished telling me what he thought the bed was for, I found myself clutching the front of his t-shirt in my fist…

  And it didn’t help that as he whispered in my ear, his lips brushed against it, I even felt his tongue.


  So, okay, I and Jessie picked out the furniture. The salesmen said he could get all the stuff delivered in about three days. Of course, Hitta told him that wasn’t going to work because we needed the furniture tonight.

  Can you guys guess when we got the furniture?

  Yep, by the time we left that store, the salesman was calling in a team of workers to load our furniture on trucks that the store rented in order to fill our order. I’d told Hitta that for a minute I was worried that we’d have to sleep on the floor till Monday, then I’d asked him if he was worried.

  At the time, he was responding to a text that he had gotten, so he didn’t think about his answer before he spoke.

  “Naw…we could have done it one of two ways, civilized or uncivilized…either way, they’re going to deliver this sh*t today.”

  He said that so matter of fact that all I could do was stare at him for a moment. What did he mean uncivilized? Would he have threatened the poor man if he’d insisted on the fact that they couldn’t deliver the furniture today?

  I chuckled to myself to cover up the uncomfortable feeling that came over me…

  Nah, he wouldn’t do that. It’s true, Hitta was a bit of a brute, but he wasn’t that bad. I’d prejudged him before and he’d done nothing but show me how wrong I’d been. So, I wasn’t going to go back and start looking at him that way again.

  He probably just meant that he would complain to the manager.

  And I was probably being the world’s biggest fool for allowing how good the man made me to feel to blind me to his true self.

  But hey, I was in a place I’d never been before, I was with a man that actually wowed me and caused me to want to be his fool.

  On a side note though…I wouldn’t have survived the things that I had without the warning voice that’s always in my head. And although I was experiencing all of these firsts, that voice in my head was not quiet. In fact, it was ringing like an alarm.

  You see, it told me to back out now before I got too far gone and would be willing to look past all his faults just to be with him. That voice warned that I didn’t have enough experience to stay immune to a man with so much experience. It warned that he was a predator and I was his prey and that if I wasn’t careful, he would consume me whole until there was nothing left to salvage.

  But then my vanity kicked in and I thought, how bad could it get?

  I was too smart to truly become a man’s fool…it didn’t matter how nice he was to me. Now granted I had that thought before the man actually made love to me and now…

  Well…now I didn’t know. Now I feared that I was truly lost and on my way down a road that will surely end with me broken and in tears.

  However, I am getting far ahead of myself…Let me bring it back to how he trampled down my walls…

  Where was I? Oh yes, we left the furniture store…

  “Oh, my goodness…We’re going to be busy all night trying to put this stuff together and situate it,” I told him when we got in his truck.

  “Bullsh*t, we’re going to the movies and then to dinner.”

  And of course, Jessie was in the back seat celebrating that news with a little song and dance.

  “What?” I asked him with a grin on my face. “Who’s going to set up all that furniture?”

  “My personal assistant will make sure it gets done.”

  “You have a personal assistant?”

  He looked at me as if that was just the dumbest question in the world. “Of course, Teacup.”

  Well dang…

  So that’s how we ended up downtown at the movie theater that us Chicagoans called the Luxury cinema. It was called that because it cost about triple of what a normal theater cost, the seats were big, plush recliners…and they served alcoholic beverages.

  But what I didn’t know was that for those who could afford it, they had smaller theaters for private viewings. We were shown to a room that only had six of the plush recliners in it. The room was separated into two floors. On the main floor were three of the recliners and in something that resembled a theatre box at the opera were three more of the recliners. The raised box would allow a certain level of priva
cy for its occupants.

  It was in this box that I would learn just how truly freaky Hitta was capable of being.

  Oh y’all, I feel so scandalous. The things I let that man do to me in that movie were just…

  Goodness, it was just too wanton!

  I should have known something was up when he let Jessie pick the movie. Of course, she wanted to see the new cartoon with the black Mermaid. I think it was still called The Little Mermaid. He bought her a huge bucket of popcorn, a fountain drink that was bigger than the upper half of her body. A pack of M&M’s… And then got her settled down in the seats on the first level.

  In the box, a stand had been set up with a wine bucket that had a bottle of Dom Perignon chilling on a bed of ice. Next to it was two champagne flutes and a bowl of sugar frosted strawberries that looked simply delicious.

  A waiter poured us both a glass of champagne and handed it to us when we sat.

  “Will there be anything else, sir?” he asked Hitta, who was responding to another text.

  “Naw…that’s it.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out two hundred-dollar bills and handed it to the man. “Make sure we’re undisturbed.”

  The man perked up instantly. “Oh hell yea--” He caught himself and cleared his throat. “Yes sir! I will personally make sure of it.”

  Hitta chuckled. “Preciate that…” And then he went back to his text.

  That man’s phone never stopped dinging and ringing. Most of the time, he looked at the number and just ignored whoever it was. But then there were times when he’d excuse himself to speak with whoever it was. One thing was clear, he was a very busy man and although he’d played hooky with me today, his business had not.

  I sipped my champagne to hide how impressed I was with this whole set up, Dom Perignon, frosted strawberries, Jessie downstairs and a good distance away…a private theater.

  Hmmm, the possibilities.

  As soon as the lights dimmed, Hitta turned off his phone and settled back into his seat.

  “I love this movie,” he whispered to me and that caused me to spit out a little of my champagne laughing at him, I put my hand over my mouth when an embarrassing snort escaped.

  “The Little Mermaid? Really?” My voice was laced with disbelief.

  He lifted an eyebrow at me. “Are you kidding me…this my joint.”

  I shook my head; he was so silly.

  “How do you like the champagne?”

  “It’s really good,” I told him before I took another sip. I don’t know if it was due to nervousness or what, but I was almost finished with my first glass.

  He reached over and poured me another. “I probably should have ordered two bottles; I didn’t know I was dealing with an alcoholic.”

  My mouth opened in surprise, but a giggle escaped my throat when he grinned at me.

  “I am not an alcoholic!” And right then as if cued, I hiccupped. “Uh oh…” I put my hand over my mouth but ended up erupting in another fit of giggles when he gave me that told-you-so look.

  Good thing the movie was loud and Jessie couldn’t hear us…Not that it would have mattered. Her seat was so big we couldn’t even see the top of her head. The only thing I could see when I looked over the railing of the box was the big bucket of popcorn in her lap and her little hand going in and out of it.

  “Thank you, Hitta. This is really nice,” I muttered.

  He pulled up the arm that separated us before scooting closer to me. My heart accelerated in both fear and excitement when he leaned over me, blocking out the rest of the theater with his big body, making it so that only he existed in my world at that moment.

  “What did you say, Teacup? I couldn’t hear you.”

  I bit down on my bottom lip as he slid between my legs on the seat, forcing me to open them in a way that brought him even closer and caused my dress to ride up my thighs in a way that exposed my red panties.

  I know I should not allow this…but the rush that was going through me at being exposed to him this way was drugging. I drained my champagne glass and then licked its fruity taste from my lips. His gaze followed and the look of hunger that came into his eyes only stirred up what he’d started this morning.

  “I said thank you for this. It’s really nice and I’m sure Jessie is having a good time.”

  He grinned. “What about Jessie’s aunt? Is she having a good time?”

  “It all depends on if you’re talking about the movie or…the company.” The champagne had made my tongue a little loose.

  He lifted an eyebrow. “I’m talking about the movie of course.”

  I chuckled and shook my head. “Then no, I’m not enjoying it at all. There is a big black man blocking the screen.”

  He frowned. “That’s racist as hell.”

  My chuckle turned into a laugh. “How is that racist?”

  “Everybody want to blame the black man for everything. It’s not my fault you can’t see the screen.”

  “Then whose fault is it?”

  “It’s yours…”

  My mouth opened in feigned shock. “How is it my fault?” He took my empty glass from me and sat it on the stand next to his.

  “You’re the one sitting here looking good enough to eat and now you’re trying to blame a hungry man for going after his food.”

  “Oh! I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to deny you…food.” I frowned a bit, not really knowing what he meant, but tipsy enough to go along with it.

  “What are those little flowers that you’re always eating?”

  Oh…did he mean he wanted some of my chamomile?

  “It’s chamomile. They don’t really taste that good. I don’t know why I like them so much…Jessie and Westly make fun of me all the time.”

  As I spoke, he reached behind me and lifted the arm to the third seat.

  “Why do they make fun of you?” he asked as he put his hands around my waist and scooted me up to lie across all three seats. With the arms raised the chairs turned into a really plush sofa.

  “Because the flowers are so nasty, but I use them for everything, chamomile oatmeal, tea, cookies…I’ve even made chamomile muffins,” I chuckled. “I’ve even made chamomile soup.”

  I was doing this nervous rambling that I’m pretty sure I will be embarrassed as hell about tomorrow, but for right now, I couldn’t stop.

  “Do you like chamomile?” I asked, biting my lip to try and shut them.

  “I like the taste of them on you.”

  I frowned, completely lost. “What do you mean?”

  “When you eat them and I kiss you, the taste is addictive, I can’t get enough. I have to tell myself to be easy with your soft mouth because I don’t want your lips to be sore.”

  It was too late for that. He had kissed me so much today that yes, my lips were very sensitive, but in a good way, in a way that made me aware of the effect this man had on my body.

  He gently pulled my hips until I was forced to lie back. My heart was beating so fast that I feared it would beat right out of my chest. But when he lifted my boot covered right leg to drape it over the back of the chair, exposing me completely to his hungry gaze, I thought that maybe I would faint.

  Although I still wore my panties, no man had ever seen what he was now looking at.

  “And now all I can think about is if you taste like those little flowers all over.”

  Oh my goodness!

  His heated gaze came to mine. “Do you?”

  “I—I don’t know.” My words were barely over a whisper. No way he could have heard me over the show.

  He moved then and I nearly moaned in anticipation. I’m just going to blame that on the champagne. I wasn’t a big drinker…in fact, I couldn’t remember the last time I had a drink. And even I knew Dom P was the good stuff.

  I’ve had two glasses of the good stuff, so when he easily positioned himself between my open thighs effortlessly supporting himself on his strong arms, the only thing I could think about was his question and where he could p
ossibly be talking about and how excited that made me… in the words of Jamie Foxx…Blame it on the alcohol.

  “Can I find out?” he whispered before he leaned down and gently kissed my lips.

  You had better not say yes, Angel! Why not? Jessie is sitting in the same room. Yeah, but it’s dark…and technically she’s downstairs. She would have to walk upstairs and in the box to see us. Plus, it’s not like she’s going to do that…Jessie has tunnel vision when cartoons are on.

  You little floozy!


  Again, the fact that I had that conversation with myself…Yep! The alcohol.

  “What if Jessie comes up here?”

  “She won’t, she’s all up in that movie. Plus, if she moves, I’ll be able to see her and I’ll stop before she even reach the stairs. Please, Teacup, I’ve been dying to taste you forever…I’m so hungry for you, shawty. You don’t know how long I’ve waited to be here in this spot.”

  Oh crap! “Okay…” I squeaked.

  And then…

  And then…

  Mmm mmm mmm….

  He wasn’t lying about being hungry for me. I felt like a sugary sweet in the hands of a starving barbarian.

  When my world shattered, I screamed…He quickly put his big hand over my lips, but he continued to break me down with his mouth. He was relentless…I begged him to stop. I was so sensitive I couldn’t take anymore…but he wouldn’t. And my world violently shattered a second time…

  At that point, there were tears coming out my eyes as I begged him to let my body rest.

  “Please, Hitta…" I moaned. "Please, I can't take anymore."

  His hungry caress gentled. “I’m sorry, baby…It’s just that you taste so f***ing good. You taste just like those flowers… I’m f***ing addicted. I can do this sh*t all night.”

  His words and his caress that had gentled but had not stopped, had me moaning loudly for him within minutes…Until my world shattered a staggering third time.

  “We finish this tonight,” he whispered fiercely in my ear. “I need to be inside you so bad, shawty.”

  And so I found myself sitting at dinner…(no, I couldn’t tell you what), counting down the seconds till it was time to finish it.


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