The Phoenix Lord (The Dracosinum Tales)

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The Phoenix Lord (The Dracosinum Tales) Page 11

by Angelique S. Anderson

Immortal Ones, help me. I can’t do this. I can barely keep my eyes open. Will this be the end? It could be the end of all of us. If I drown and take the Dracosinums with me, it will kill Wylie and Jameston, as well as myself. Would that solve the problem? What if I just put an end to it all?

  Lord Adrian? The faint squeaky voice seemed familiar.

  “Quin-thee?” Adrian muttered around the Dracosinum in his beak.

  Lord Adrian! You can hear me? How is that possible?

  “Quin-thee?” Adrian spoke aloud again, then realized that the voice he heard was not a vocal one. It was inside his head.

  “Quincy?” He spoke in his mind.

  “Adrian! How is this possible? What’s happening?” Adrian nearly wept at the sound of the little dragon's voice in his mind.

  “How is it possible that I can hear you, Quincy? I tried moments ago to transport to land, but I couldn’t do it. My magic wouldn’t work! I don’t understand how you can hear me, but my magic won’t work.” The frustration Adrian felt bubbled up like a cauldron ready to spill over.

  “Your magic? Since when do you have magic? What do you mean transport to land? What in the name of the gods is happening?”

  Adrian took a deep breath, very tired, but knowing that he must tell Quincy what had occurred in his absence.

  “Oh, Quincy, Wylie…” Adrian began to sob, large crystalline tears running down his feathered cheeks as he fought to stay aloft over the water. “Wylie…” Adrian couldn’t bring himself to tell Quincy what had happened. “Listen, I’ve no other way to say this, but I met the gods, as you call them.”

  “I’m sorry, but what?” Quincy’s voice sounded loud and incredulous, even though he didn’t speak aloud.

  “Things happened that put me in desperate circumstances, and I called out to them for help. The Immortal Ones, as they call themselves, changed me into a Phoenix, and among many things that happened, I found myself fighting Jameston and chasing down some brigands on their way to Ireland with Wylie’s Dracosinum with you inside. I now have three Dracosinums, Wylie’s, Jameson’s and my own, and I’m flying over the ocean. My wings are extremely tired and I’m desperately in need of rest. My question to you is why can I hear you speak, but my magic to help me travel won’t work?

  Quincy remained silent for a moment before he finally responded.

  Lord Adrian, I am only a guide and it’s clear to me that your ability to hear me is the Immortal One’s way of helping you. As for your ability to use magic over water, have you used it any other time when there was water involved?

  Yes, I used it to help me find Jameston’s house in New York City and I used it to help me find the missing Dracosinums. Adrian felt indignant as if Quincy was questioning his abilities.

  Ah, then the magic used to spell the Dracosinums must be interfering with your capabilities. Adrian, you must find the strength to make it to land. There are repercussions you can’t possibly understand if we don’t survive. Humans are already evil; you would not be eradicating it. You would be destroying the only way to balance it.

  Very well, Adrian responded. It was all he could do now to keep flapping his wings. Then a sliver of shoreline appeared on the horizon. The houses were still tiny dots in the distance, but at least it was land. He could feel the heaviness of sleep pressing down on him, like a firm hand willing him into the ocean.

  I can’t help you until we get to shore, but I can tell you that whatever you're feeling isn’t real. The Dracosinums have been enchanted. That is why I cannot escape. You are going to have to figure out what is holding me in here. It’s like a prison cell. Whatever is holding me is holding Wylie too. You must stop it, but if you give in to what you are feeling, you will kill us all.

  I had already come to that conclusion, Quincy. I’m just so tired. Adrian’s eyelids were getting heavy.

  You must hold on, Adrian. You must. Talk to me until you reach the shore. Ask any questions you feel the need to. Do whatever you must get through this.

  Adrian’s wings were on fire now, the pain searing through him as if he had been run through with a sword. His eyes were so heavy they were drifting closed on their own.

  If I could just sleep just for a moment.

  No, Adrian! You must fight it. All will be lost if you give in.

  At that moment, a cackling sound filled the air around them. It was like the sound of a witches laugh all around them. Adrian was startled out of his sleepy haze, but no sooner had he come wide awake, then the water below him began to swirl and turn.

  The sound of water rippling upward, caused Adrian to flap away from it in fright. As he tried to fly away, the rising wave took on the shape of a hand. The watery hand closed like a fist around him and pulled him downward. The icy cold sent a shock straight through him that completely sapped the little strength he had left.

  Adrian felt the vice like grip of the watery fist and heard the wicked laughter as he was pulled beneath the surface. Fear rose in his mind, and then quickly dissipated as he felt himself being gently rocked like his mother used to. Mother?

  Thinking of her, produced an image in the water in front of him as if she were standing there with him. She was so close he felt as if he could touch her. He could see her angelic face and her tightly curled auburn hair flowing over her shoulders and neck. It was as if they weren’t in the water at all, but suspended in time— just the two of them.

  He hadn’t seen her since he was a toddler. He normally couldn’t remember anything about her, but here she was as in his memories, her lips upturned in the most glorious smile. Her hazel eyes twinkling with laughter.

  Quincy’s voice broke through his dreamlike trance, “I don’t know what's happening out there, but don’t give up, Adrian.”

  Adrian tried to extend a wing to his mother. Mother! Mother! Why did you leave? I was just a child. I needed you.

  He missed his mother and hadn’t even known how much he had missed her until he saw her face. The illusion of his mother continued smiling. “A… Adri…” He could hear the faintest whisper of another voice beyond the vision of his mother and Quincy’s annoying voice.

  “A… Adri… Adrian.”

  “Mother? Is that you? Talk to me! Please, talk to me.” The auburn-haired woman didn’t move or flinch, and her lips hadn’t spoken a word. “Mother, what are you trying to say?” Adrian was so lost in the moment he didn’t realize they were slowly slipping deeper and deeper into the depths, the grip of the hand still pulling them down.

  “Adrian…. Help…”

  That voice again. He recognized it, but it didn’t seem to belong to his mother. Where have I heard that voice before?

  “Adrian, we’re all going to die!” Quincy was trying desperately to break through Adrian’s mental stupor. His efforts were ignored.

  “Silence yourself, Quincy”. Adrian felt strangely drawn to the new voice and oddly cold. His body was cold all over. He was barely breathing now. He was sleeping, wonderful, comforting sleep. Soon he would be in dreamland with his mother, and the familiar voice and nothing else would matter anymore.

  Quincy was unaware of what was happening, but he knew there was danger. Wylie’s essence sensed the danger too, but could do nothing about it. In desperation, she had called out, praying that he could hear her. The evil that was Lord Jameston, surrounded her on all sides in his Siapheg Dracosinum. She felt as if it was invading her body and poisoning her soul. She had to get out.

  “A... Adri…” She called out, hoping that Adrian or anyone would hear her.

  “A… Adrian, help!” If only she knew where he was. If only she could fly to him and tell him everything. “Please, please help!” She called out in pitiful desperation. Even though she knew that he would never be able to hear her, no matter how loud she shouted.

  There, that voice again! The mind fog lifted just the slightest bit, and Wylie’s name entered his conscience. “Wylie. She’s nearby. She’s here. Wylie, I hear you, my love! Where are you?” There was no response. “Wylie?” Sudd
enly, Adrian felt the bitter cold deep in his bones. Then he was suffocating.

  “Why can’t I breathe? Someone help! I need help! Immortals, please help me!”

  “Adrian, I don’t know what is happening, but you must fight against it.”

  “Quincy! I can’t breathe.” The watery hand had pulled him to drown and the image of his mother disappeared, and he suddenly realized that it had all been a ruse. “Quincy! Jameston did this?”

  “I don’t know, but I think we are underwater. Swim, Adrian, swim upwards, as hard as you can.”

  Every part of Adrian was awake, his mind finally responding the way it should, and he began to use his wings to propel himself through the water. He was so tired, and his lungs burned from lack of oxygen. I’m going to die down here.

  He broke free from the hand and swam for his life. He couldn’t even see the surface of the water from the depths that he had fallen. But Wylie’s name had sent that burning sensation into his stomach again, and he drew from it, allowing the love he had for her to encompass him once more.

  As he could feel warmth returning, he concentrated on putting as much strength into his wings as possible. Adrian’s flesh wound burned with every movement, but in that second the pain ceased. He was no longer human, or bird, or mythical creature; he was magical, the embodiment of the phoenix creature whose myth he had adored as a child.

  The hand reached for him once more, but as it did, a fire globe began to form around him, and he could feel himself being encased in its warm orb. His body had warmed, his thoughts had cleared, and he could breathe again. It was as if his phoenix form knew what he needed more than he did.

  Adrian flapped his wings freely in the warm orb, propelling himself upward until he could see the light above the surface. As his body heated to normal and feeling returned, the fire orb that held him broke through the ripples of the water. He felt himself flying forward as the orb dissipated with the air, and he was free and flying in the sky again.

  There! The shoreline! It took him mere seconds to reach it, and he alighted on the nearest house roof, gulping in deep breaths. I heard Wylie, I know I did. That’s what pulled me out of my stupor. But, how? “I heard her Quincy! I heard Wylie’s voice.”

  “When you were underwater?”

  “Yes! Her cry for help is what brought me back.”

  “You heard her cry for help?”

  Yes! Adrian replied impatiently.

  “Then she must be nearby. Can you free me, Adrian? I need out of this prison?”

  “Yes, yes of course I’ll try. But how do I do it?”

  Quincy went silent for a bit.

  “How do I open it?” Adrian pleaded.

  “Where are you right now, Adrian?”

  “I’m resting on a rooftop.”

  “You’re going to need to get somewhere safer. I don’t know what is required to open this Dracosinum. This spell is unlike anything I have ever encountered, I cannot open it with my normal powers. The problem is figuring out who has the kind of power that is needed to spell a Dracosinum. It’s utter foolishness. Jameston doesn’t have that kind of power, he only has what limits him to maintaining the balance.

  “The magic used to enchant this Dracosinum is equal to that of the power of the gods. Which causes me great worry. We must get somewhere safe and beseech them for their understanding on this matter.”

  “Do you think whoever enchanted it is the one who tried to kill us all out in the ocean?”

  “I’m sure of it, and I’m sure it wasn’t Jameston. The gods would have put a stop to it.”

  “Then who?” Adrian continued.

  “I’m not sure. Can you tell me what happened?”

  “Short version? A giant water hand reached out of the ocean and grabbed me, pulling me below the surface. I was too stunned to do anything, then I saw my mother, heard Wylie, came to my senses, and here we are.”

  “How did you get out of the water?”

  Adrian tried to find words to describe the magic orb that had enclosed him.

  “I wish I could describe it, but it was pure magic.”

  “Then the Immortal Ones have granted you more powers; something else must have happened down there. We must discuss it when this is all over.”

  “Yes, but for now, let me get us to safety.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  The whole way back to Oyster Bay Adrian tried to think of a place to go with the three Dracosinums where they would be safe while he attempted to free Quincy. He knew his office wouldn’t do, too much risk of being seen entering the inn. Perhaps, with the darkness descending, he could take them inside the inventions barn.

  If he were in human form, he knew it would not be possible as two guards stood outside the doors at all times, and heavy chains had been placed on the doors after the break in to stop any other burglary or vandalism attempts. However, in his Phoenix form, he knew that a vent, a hole, or any sort of airway into the barn would suffice.

  It was nearing the end of day two of Wylie’s lying in, and the sun had already set. Tomorrow, the final rites would be performed on Wylie’s lifeless body. Then she would be taken to a graveyard and her body would be put into the ground forever.

  Adrian struggled to get his mind off the vision of her frail form being lowered into the ground. It was too much for him to bear. If he gave in to his grief, all would be lost.

  Adrian had discovered his true power when the water fist had tried to drown him in the ocean. He didn’t entirely understand it, but he knew there was something within him he hadn’t completely tapped into. He flew around the back of the large building housing all the inventions for the Symposium. The building boasted an elaborate stone design and windows on all sides.

  Dropping to one of the small upper windows at the back, he tried tapping gently on one of the glass panes, hoping to crack it without drawing the attention of the guards. He could have tried the simple thing and blasted a hole through a wall with his phoenix fire, but that seemed a little too dramatic. It would no doubt draw attention and possibly cause the building and all the inventions inside to go up in smoke. He tapped again, harder and more insistent until the smallest crack started in one corner. His continued effort was finally rewarded. The glass broke and fell inward, shattering on the floor inside.

  From the opposite end of the building, Adrian heard someone yell,

  “Who's there?”

  He didn’t wait around for someone to discover the broken glass and instead shot straight up to the roof of the barn and out of sight.

  “Jacob! Did you hear that?”

  “I’m on it!” Apparently both Jacob and Cyrus were on guard tonight to Adrian’s surprise. Surely Professor Cornelius has other guards? Why would he have Jacob and Cyrus on duty, together?

  “I know you’re still here.” A new voice cut through his thoughts, and the impending night. “If I were you, I would get to safety before it’s too late.” It was Jacob’s voice, sounding as sinister and slippery as a snake.

  Jacob? Why does he sound like that? Adrian felt a small thread of fear creep into his conscience. The young man’s voice sent a chill up his spine. It’s like he knows where I am and is going to come after me at any moment.

  That’s just crazy, Adrian. He’s just a boy, he told himself.

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that, Adrian. If you suspect something, perhaps you should trust your gut,” Quincy piped up. “There is something off about him. Something I can’t quite put my finger on, but that young man is not what he seems.”

  “That’s what I thought.” Adrian replied. “I’m just wondering how that got past Wylie. She’s usually so good about stuff like that.”

  “Well, she lost her best friend this past year. That can put quite the fog on one’s psyche. Especially considering that she’s the one carrying the burden of killing her.”

  “If I were you, I wouldn’t try any funny business.” It was Jacob’s voice again.

  “It’s like he can read our thoughts,�
�� Adrian said.

  “Let’s wait until we’re sure he’s gone before we try anything else,” Quincy replied.


  Adrian stayed stock still, his jaw growing weary of having carried Wylie’s Dracosinum for so long and so far in his beak. He didn’t care. He would carry it forever if it meant saving her. He could hear the shuffle of footsteps walking back and forth on the dried leaves and thick grass around the base of the barn. He almost stopped breathing, so nervous was he about being caught.

  “Did you find anything, Jacob?” Cyrus called out.

  “No, I think it was just someone messing around, or maybe a bird or something. They broke one of the windows though,” Jacob replied nonchalantly.

  “That’s odd. Why would someone do that?”

  Adrian tensed at the word ‘bird’, wondering just how much Jacob knew. He focused all of his attention on getting a bearing on exactly where Cyrus was as opposed to Jacob. The muffled sound of feet shuffling away told him that both men were returning to the front of the barn. He waited a few moments more, and once all had gone completely silent and he knew that Cyrus and Jacob were no longer a threat, he flew back to the window he had broken and entered the building.

  He hoped that if anyone tried to enter the securely fastened front door, the sound of rattling chains would alert him.

  Night had fallen completely by now, and it was pitch black inside which didn’t bother him in the slightest. Adrian had found that one of the benefits of being a magical being was the perfect vision by day or night.

  Adrian landed on the floor inside, very close to his demolished invention. Some repairs had been made, but not enough to count for anything. He planned to handle that situation later tonight. Once and for all he would prove himself to Cornelius and Professor Langdon.

  Setting Wylie’s Dracosinum on the ground gently, he bent forward to slip Jameston’s device off as well. He kept an eye on the front door with icy intensity. Jacob had warned him that Cyrus may not be trustworthy, but after what had taken place outside, Adrian had to wonder who was not to be trusted.


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