Touch Wood (The Ash Brothers)

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Touch Wood (The Ash Brothers) Page 2

by Jenika Snow

  It was well past quitting time, but the Ash brothers took the job seriously. They’d worked until the sun had set and everyone had left for the day.

  I moved behind the desk and sat down, the chair squeaking slightly as I leaned back. The trailer was what I would expect for one sitting in the middle of a construction zone. It was messy, with stuff thrown haphazardly on anything and everything. It had the slight scent of grease, but there was also an underlying aroma of freshly cut wood. Strangely enough, the two worked well together.

  Exhaling roughly, I kicked up my foot and braced it on the edge of the table, doing the same with the other until my ankles were crossed and I made the place my own. I stared at the clock on the wall, the sound of the hand ticking down the seconds seeming overly loud.

  I should just go home and finish doing all that tomorrow, but my feet ached, the muscles in my back protested, and a part of me contemplated just closing my eyes and resting here for a while. It was quiet, no one was around, and honestly I kind of liked knowing I was out here in the middle of nowhere. It was such a one-eighty from Denver life.

  And then I did just that, shifted so I could rest my head back on the chair, and closed my eyes. A couple minutes ticked by, and as I was on the verge of sleep, just about to let it take me under, the sound of footsteps coming up the ramp to the trailer had me opening my eyes. My heart started pounding. As far as I knew I was the only one left on the jobsite, but a worker could have been lingering. I told myself this as I stared at the door and watched the handle turn.

  Liam walked in, his head down, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. His big body was covered in dirt in a few patches, and I knew that he’d been working all day, the sun beating down on him. After I’d regained my focus earlier today, I’d tried to stay away, to keep busy, focused. Of course he’d been on my mind the entire time.

  He shut the door, clearly not realizing I was sitting behind the desk, my feet up like I was in charge. But I didn’t make my presence known just yet, and instead watched as he walked over to the water cooler and got himself a drink. He filled up his paper cup and rested one hand on the wall in front of him as he downed the water. He refilled the cup twice more before tossing it in the trash and finally turning around. Then our gazes clashed. I swear my heart stopped for a split second as I stared into his blue eyes.

  “Hey,” he said, his voice low, deep. It sent shivers through my body, and although I should have had more self-control, I felt myself get wet. I took my feet off the desk, my heels making a click as they hit the floor. “Didn’t think anyone else was here.” He moved closer and I felt my body tighten.

  God, he looked so good. The plaid shirt he wore fit his hard, muscular body to perfection. He had the first few buttons undone, the white shirt underneath slightly damp from what I could only assume was sweat. That probably shouldn’t have turned me on like it did, but I was suddenly feeling very hot.

  I cleared my throat and nodded. Right now I didn’t feel like having a pissing contest with him, which was what we seemed to do most of the time we were in the same vicinity. But a part of me knew that he liked getting under my skin just as much as I liked getting under his.

  “I didn’t think anyone was here either,” I finally managed to say. I’d parked my car on the other side of the trailer, so unless he’d gone back there he wouldn’t have seen it. I ran my hands over my skirt, the material formfitting and suddenly feeling very restrictive. Liam walked closer and took a seat in the chair across from me, the piece of furniture looking so small while he was on it. Hell, the man was well over six feet in height, and his muscle mass spoke of the hard manual labor he did day in and day out.

  For long moments we didn’t speak, and I wish I could say it was a comfortable silence, but the fact was I was wet, I knew my nipples were probably visible through the white silk of my blouse, and the way Liam looked at me made me feel like I was bare for him.

  God, I wanted to be bared for him.

  “I was just finishing up some interior work on the east part of the building.”

  I nodded and licked my lips, a nervous habit I was starting to think had everything to do with Liam. Thank God for all day wear matte lipstick. The red hue on my mouth wouldn’t budge unless I took a sander to it.

  “How’s it coming?” My voice was tight and I cleared my throat, trying to appear professional, but I knew I was failing miserably.

  He smirked...fucking smirked at me. And damn did it look good when the corner of his mouth kicked up like that. It was clear from his expression he knew he affected me, and a part of me got pissed over that.

  Show some self-control, girl.

  “I’ll have to show you the progress. I know you’ve been looking over the blueprints, but I don’t think you’ve done a walkthrough?”

  I shook my head. “No, just looked over the design. I was going to wait until it was done so I could get the full scope of it.” But doing a walkthrough with you as my tour guide doesn’t sound like a bad idea.

  “Well, you’re here. I’m here,” he said and grinned. “Want me to show you what we are working with?”

  Yes. Yes, please. Show me what you’re working with.

  I was just about to agree when his cell went off. He didn’t answer it right away, just stared into my eyes, making me very aware that we were alone.

  “Yeah?” Liam was still staring at me while he listened to whoever was speaking on the other end. I watched how he clenched his jaw before grunting. “Yeah, I’ll be right over.” He disconnected the call and shoved the phone back in his pocket. For a few seconds he didn’t say anything, just continued to watch me. He cleared his throat, and said, “As much as I want to show you the progress”—he leaned forward and braced his forearms on his thighs—”I have to go help Johnny at his house with an electrical issue.”

  I licked my lips...because that was what I seemed to do when I was around him. “Yeah, no problem. I should get home anyway.” I stood and felt my legs almost give out, my knees locking because I felt so off balanced when I was around him.

  “Rain check?”

  I nodded. “Of course.”

  “Tomorrow after everyone leaves?”

  For a moment I wondered if I’d heard him correctly.

  “Figure that way there’s no interruptions, and I can really show you the progress without all the banging around and guys in our way.”

  My throat felt tight but I nodded, because the truth was that sounded really damn good. I wanted to be alone with him, wanted to say screw all this pretending like we didn’t like each other, the push and shove for dominance, and just jump into bed already. I wanted to see what he was sporting, if he was big all over. My face heated again as I imagined him naked, all that hard, golden skin on display, his cock probably as huge as the rest of him.

  “Yeah, that would work,” I finally managed to say, but I wondered if he could see how on edge I was.

  He stood and grinned. “Tomorrow then.”

  I nodded.

  “Let me walk you out to your car.”

  I grabbed my purse and attempted not to show that my hand was shaking just slightly. When I moved around the desk, he was right there, his hand on my lower back, leading me toward the door. I couldn’t lie and say that small touch didn’t have me lighting up, didn’t have the blood rushing through my veins, or have my inner muscles clenching.

  That small touch did all of that and more. I was slowly falling for Liam, and I had no clue how in the hell that had even happened.

  Chapter Four


  I felt eyes on me but I continued working. I brought the axe down on the log, splintering it into two pieces. Ash Lumber had machinery that could take down a whole acre faster than hell, but there was nothing like feeling the power of the blade hitting the wood, that force slamming up your arms and through your whole body. Satisfaction filled me.
br />   “Are you just going to pretend like we’re not waiting for you to tell us what the hell’s going on?” Noah asked, a snide tone in his voice that had me gritting my teeth.

  I set the axe against the chopping block and turned around to face my brothers. We were on Noah’s property, helping him collect firewood for the upcoming winter. Although that was months away, when you lived in the mountains, it was never too soon to be prepared. Next week we’d do the same for Johnny, and then they’d help me with my stock. Johnny tossed me a rag and I wiped the sweat off my face, not answering Noah or Johnny’s unspoken questions.

  I didn’t want to talk about Andra simply because what I wanted with her was private. I might be close with my brothers, but when it came to her, I wanted to keep everything to myself, as if I were holding on to it and nothing could touch it.

  Mia came out a moment later, a tray with three glasses of lemonade sitting on top of it. I glanced up at the deck and could see through the picture window. Flora was sitting at the dining room table. Mia and Flora had become really close since they’d gotten together with my brothers, and I was glad Noah and Johnny had found partners. It was good to see them all happy.

  We each took a glass, said thank you, and downed the entire thing before giving her the cups back. Before she could leave, Noah wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her in to give her a kiss. She left a minute later with one hell of a smile on her face.

  “There’s nothing I need to say,” I finally said and was about to grab the handle of my axe and get back to work when Noah cleared his throat. I looked over at him and lifted an eyebrow. I was still thinking about last night, how Andra had seemed so nervous around me in the best of ways. I hadn’t been able to take my eyes off her, hadn’t been able to stop myself from lightly touching her lower back as we left the trailer and I walked her to her car.

  God, even thinking about her now could have had me popping a boner.

  I cleared my throat and thought about shit that wasn’t the least bit sexy, thoughts that would have me regaining my control.

  “Well, if there’s nothing you want to tell us, then you won’t mind that Mia invited Andra over.” Now it was Noah’s turn to lift an eyebrow. “You know Andra, right?” Noah smirked and I clenched my teeth together. “The redheaded development business associate that we’ve been speaking with?”

  I felt my face get red. “Shut the fuck up.” Noah was being an ass.

  Noah grinned. It was clear on my brothers’ faces, obvious in the way they were now grinning at me, that they knew I had it pretty fucking bad for the sexy redhead.

  Before I could say anything in response, Flora opened the back door and said, “Lunch is ready if you guys want to come inside.” Then she looked right at me and smiled. “And Andra just showed up.”

  I looked over at Johnny and narrowed my eyes. “What in the hell have you been telling your woman?”

  Johnny shrugged. “I don’t have to tell her shit, man. The fact that you’re trying to pretend you don’t want Andra is laughable. Anybody with a set of eyes and a brain can tell that you’re hard-up for her, but too damn stubborn to go after what you want.” He snorted. “Which is ridiculous seeing as that never stopped you back in the day.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not that guy anymore. You know full well I haven’t been with anyone for years, and it’s worked out pretty fucking well for me.” I had no problem admitting I was celibate. I was actually proud of that fact.

  “Hell,” Noah interjected. “It’s clear she wants you, too. You’re both too damn stubborn for your own good. You’d make the perfect couple.” Both Noah and Johnny started laughing.

  Yeah, I knew she wanted me, but the back and forth game we’d been playing had been fun, albeit frustrating. My cock was perpetually hard where she was concerned, and I had a major case of blue balls, which no amount of jacking off to the thought of her cleared up.

  I glowered at my brothers and turned and headed inside. The truth was my heart was pounding at the thought of seeing Andra. And if I didn’t have control right now I’d be sporting wood for sure.

  Once inside, I didn’t see Andra right away. Noah embraced Mia, Johnny did the same with Flora, and I was left in the corner with my dick in my hand, so to speak. It was long moments of her absence, and hell, I felt it. I didn’t know if I liked that, knowing that her not being around made me feel this emptiness.

  And then I saw her.

  She looked so fucking beautiful, like a breath of fresh air. Cliché as fuck, but it was the damn truth.

  She wore this white dress with red flowers printed all over it. It wasn’t anything flashy or revealing, but an outfit that showed off her curves and instantly had my cock standing at attention. Her hair was piled up in a messy bun, loose strands falling around her face, framing it.

  I shifted away from everyone and adjusted my now full-on erection so it hopefully wasn’t noticeable as hell. I quickly took a seat, hiding the fact I had a major boner for a woman who couldn’t stand me, or who at least wanted to pretend she couldn’t. I knew better, could see it in her body language, despite the fact that she narrowed her eyes at me and pursed her lips when I was around.

  I couldn’t help but notice the way she kept glancing over at me, or the fact that her cheeks had turned this rosy shade.

  I felt my heart pounding, my palms sweating.

  The breakfast bar had a buffet-style lunch set up, and as I sat back and watched everybody get their plates ready, my focus was on Andra. It wasn’t until everyone was seated at the table that Johnny looked over at me.

  “You watching your weight or something?” He smirked as he lifted up his burger and took a big bite out of it. I was hungry as hell, but with the massive erection I was sporting, no way I was about to stand up and show it off.

  “I’m good right now.” That was the only thing I could think of saying. And then Johnny, being the snarky bastard that he was, grinned. I could see on his face he knew exactly what was going on, and when he cut a glance at Andra, who was still standing up by the breakfast bar, I clenched my teeth in annoyance.

  Andra made her way to the table and sat down in the only available seat, which happened to be next to me. It wasn’t lost on me that it had been planned that way. The scent of her perfume slammed into my head. My entire body tensed and I curled my fingers around the edge of the table, my nails digging into the wood. I glanced over at her and could see that she was sitting uncomfortably straight, as if being beside me affected her as well.

  The longer I stared at her the more I wanted her. The urge to stand up, grab her around the waist and throw her over my shoulder, then head straight to one of the empty bedrooms, rode me hard. Pain shot up my fingers and arms the tighter I held on to the corner of the table. I could hear Noah and Johnny talking, could hear Mia and Flora in conversation, as well. No one seemed to be paying attention to Andra or me at the moment. That’s exactly how I liked it.

  Her perfume made me drunk, had my head dizzy, my body strung tight. Her green eyes were wide, her pupils dilated. Her lips were pouty, red, and this gorgeous sheen covered them. And her hair, long and red, piled high on her head, had my fingers itching to push the wisps of hair away from her face and curl them behind her ear.

  The longer I stared at her, the more vivid my thoughts became. I pictured her spread out on my bed, her hair fanned around her, my scent covering her body. She’d be naked for me, her breasts round, perfect. Her nipples would be hard, rosy peaks awaiting my mouth.

  She’d spread her legs and be so wet for me, so primed. My cock jerked, the fucker demanding to be free, to be buried deep in Andra’s tight pussy.

  I thought I could control myself, that I could act like she didn’t affect me. But it was clear as fucking day that Andra got under my skin.

  I couldn’t walk away. I wouldn’t.

  Chapter Five

  I couldn’t even enjoy my meal because the way Liam was staring at me had me on edge. But it was the best kind of on edge, the kind I wasn’t used to. I was the type of woman who got her way, who knew how to shut a man, hell, anyone, down if they wanted to challenge me. But I could also look at Liam and see he’d unravel me, that he’d make me so damn confused about what I wanted and needed that I’d just give him the reins. This back and forth game, love and hate relationship we had going on turned me on, but also frustrated the hell out of me.

  I wanted him and it was obvious he wanted me. The sexual tension was so damn thick I could cut it with a knife. I should’ve declined the offer when Mia and Flora all but cornered me at the jobsite and invited me over for lunch. I was a business associate of Ash Lumber, but here I was socializing with them, eating lunch in Noah’s house like we’d been friends for years.

  I couldn’t help but smile as I watched Noah and Johnny clean up. Liam was back outside chopping wood, and I kept finding myself looking over at him. We hadn’t said more than a handful of words today, yet our nonverbal cues had spoken so loudly they were deafening.

  All throughout the meal I felt his eyes on me, and maybe he felt mine on him. Seemed like I couldn’t keep my focus off the man. Since first coming to Rockbridge and meeting him, he was all I’d thought about.

  I started playing with the edge of my napkin, staring at the white linen and wondering if I should just go out there and be friendly. It seemed all of our encounters had been a push and shove kind of interaction. It would be nice just to talk to him, to really get to know him. I excused myself and headed outside, stepped off the deck and made my way toward him. The sound of his axe cutting into the pieces of wood was strangely arousing. When I was about ten feet from him I stopped and just watched the play of muscles on his back as he brought the axe over his head and slammed it down on the wood.


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