Starlight Rapture [Starlight Ecstasy Book 1]

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Starlight Rapture [Starlight Ecstasy Book 1] Page 3

by Astrid Cooper

  "You promise?"

  "Yep. Under every known star, I'm going to love you Sam; starlight ecstasy—that's what the shifters call it."

  "I think I'll settle for a Christmas ecstasy. For starters."

  "Definitely for starters,” John said. “And after that ... the whole menu."


  "Again!” He locked his legs around the back of her thighs and pressed into her.

  Sam opened her eyes and gazed down at him. Then his body angled and probed and she squeezed her eyelids closed. Christmas Night had been and gone, but there would be many more nights to come ... she smiled at the play of words, of the future stretching ahead, of a life lived no longer alone ... to explore a universe that she barely glimpsed until this moment; of a life barely lived until this moment.

  She bit him hard and he groaned and laughed.

  "You're mine,” she said. “No she-cat had better look at you, either, or I'll scratch out her eyes."

  John turned them both and they hovered close to the ceiling. “Bite me again, hell-cat. Bite me; love me, Sam! And then after that, you'll know what ecstasy means."

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  Starlight Rapture

  The Starlight Series

  Book 1


  Astrid Cooper

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  No matter how far humans roamed among the stars, no matter what forms they adopted, one night was always special—Christmas Night. Some celebrated for religious reasons, others because it was the night when humans had first been contacted by the Voyagers and humanity had entered the star-faring fraternity, welcomed into a universe alive with life and possibilities. Within fifty years of first contact, Terrans had spread out across the galaxy, playing and loving among the stars, their sexual appetites and willingness to experiment saw humans become a sought-after species; they took their place among the elite of the sensualators—men and women who devoted their lives and bodies to gifting pleasure...

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  Starlight Rapture

  "Stop!” Samantha whispered.

  Immediately, John paused. “If this is your desire.” He exhaled over her skin.

  "No, I mean, don't ... just ... Ah!"

  "Honey-cat,” he said. “How am I to know what it is you want? You tell me at once to stop and continue. I'm confused.” Another warm breath whispered over her skin, followed by a lick of his tongue.

  She squirmed. “Just keep doing that—all of it."

  Samantha shivered with the deepest delight as John lightly ran the tips of his fingers over her stomach. It was his felinus touch—the most delicate of caresses—that brought forth the most intense reactions. He knew it and tortured her mercilessly.

  John carefully nibbled the groove in her neck—a tongue tip pressed into another of the sensual nerve endings that only he could find. In response, her body grew even damper—inside and out. His fingers stole between her thighs.

  She leaned against the glass, facing outwards, her hands splayed. The stars shone and the light of the moons bathed them both with purple and red. Beyond lay the blackness of space.

  Sam swallowed hard. What John was doing ... what she wanted him to do ... “Are you sure no one can see us?"

  "Yep, stop worrying, honey. I programmed the glass for one way. I'm not gonna share you with anyone."

  "Ah ... Oh.” Those fingers delved into her, parting and teasing. Demanding. She opened her legs further.

  "There's only one person I share with, Sam,” John whispered against her nape. “And that's my brother.” He purred in the back of his throat.

  "You sound like a cat."

  "Thanks. I try. Harimal taught me."

  "Your felinus half-brother?"

  "Mmm.” He nuzzled her nape, a hot tongue and teeth seducing her flesh.

  "What else has he taught you?” The thought made Sam shiver anew, flood anew. Felinus were known throughout the galaxy for their unbridled loving; there wasn't anything they didn't dare—provided their partner was willing.

  "I never tell. I always show. One pleasure at a time.” John paused. “Would you prefer the touch of cat or man?"

  You, Kuno. Only you.” Sam reached back and grasped his engorged cock. “I like you how you are."

  John exhaled against her neck, his breath warm and moist. “Good. My life is complicated enough without being a shifter."

  "Am I a complication?” She said it to tease, but she wondered and the thought brought pain, sorrow. John was a sensualator and they rarely—if ever—had the one woman for life. Like shifters, it just wasn't in their nature to be monogamous, or so she'd heard. One day, he'd leave her—not because love had died, but because she did not have enough love to give. The thought cut deeply, but she turned it away. Live for the moment! She had lived too long with fear and regrets to waste any more of her life.

  "You're the best complication,” he replied.

  He laved her shoulder blades, nipping, while his nail stroked down her thigh, the fingers of his other hand teasing apart her inner flesh, scraping lightly over her clit. “Lean forward more, Sam. Spread your legs wider. That's it, honey-cat."

  "You want to be a cop and frisk me?” she demanded.

  "I can be anything for you. A cop, now that has interesting possibilities. I could arrest you. Detain you. Handcuff you. You'd like that?"

  "I might. If I can do it back to you."

  "Deal.” He squared his shoulders, his expression serious. Except, the golden light Sam saw in his eyes said it all.

  Samantha, assuming her role, held her hands up in surrender. “I won't resist."

  "You concealing anything, ma'am? I have to search you. Don't move.” John bent down and began at her ankles, running his palms over her, pressing upwards.

  "I'm not hiding anything,” Sam whispered. “Ah..."

  "Ma'am, I'll be the judge of that.” His exploration was deep, intense and thorough—every part of her palmed, investigated. “Yep, you're right, you're not hiding anything. At least what I can see."


  "I'm officer to you, ma'am."

  "Game's over, John, you win."

  "Are you surrendering to me?"

  "Yes. Yes! Yes!"

  His cock slid into her. “Honey-cat, now I know you aren't hiding anything, but inside, hell, that's another matter."

  Sam squeezed her eyelids shut, her nails tearing at the glass. She moved so that he could gain greater depth. She heard his hiss, then groan as she flexed her inner muscles around him.

  "You were concealing something,” John ground out. “A surprise. Great stars, do that again."

  Sam tensed her cleft, holding him hard, tight, then releasing him. She did it some more.

  "Star's sake, Sam—stop! Don't stop ... ah!"

  John surged upwards. A delicious contradiction—hard thighs and silk-smooth skin moving against her. “Kuno, saer wan naemis-al."

  Sam squirmed at the sultry whisper, in itself a caress: My name is Kuno and I exist for you. That was what he had said the night before, every time he loved her. The felinus promise. He said it again, this time his lips against her ear.

  They moved as one. Sam closed her eyes. “Samantha, saeran wan naemis-alen.” My name is Samantha and I exist for you—she returned the pledge.

  "Honey-cat,” he whispered. He pulled back from her, his erection just at her entrance.

  Sam waited, holding her breath. Anticipation was a torture. How would he do it—which direction? Which pleasure-spot would he touch? The suspense built and she shivered.

  John slowly eased into her, to the right and converged. A simple world with a multitude of meanings. Converge: the felinus touch. His nerve endings were more than human, and when he touched her, when they converged, it set off stars inside her brain and starlight flowing in her veins...

  A universe in that touch and she couldn't breathe.

  He retreated, finding the place to the left.

Back and forth, slowly, deeply. Convergence.

  She screamed her release, frosting the glass with her breath.

  The starlight touched their skin, golden light flowing between them, warming, highlighting. Linked to him, the felinus gift flowed deep into her, layering every cell with its sultry veil. Starlight Ecstasy ... Tiny points of light flickered over her skin, swirling around her body, pulsing and igniting.

  He leant into her, his chin on her shoulder, his hands cupping her breasts as ripple after ripple consumed him; consumed her. His skin glowed, the starlight engulfing them, a mantle of light, of color and of ecstasy...

  John pressed to the left, then to the right. Convergence. She thought she screamed, but it might have been him—perhaps both. I exist only for you.

  * * * *

  "Ready?” John asked, studying Sam, in the narrow corridor of the station's ‘official’ lowest level.

  "As ready as I'll ever be.” She smoothed her hand over her little black dress—a girl had to have one l.b.d. in her wardrobe for special occasions. And meeting John's felinus friends in their hang out was certainly a special occasion—maybe she was under-dressed? Or, knowing felinus proclivities—over-dressed? She worried her lower lip with her teeth.

  "Relax, sweetheart, they're gonna love you."

  "That's what I'm afraid of."

  John raised his brows. “I told you before that no shifter is ever going to do anything you don't want done. You've been listening to rumors and no one outside the felinus and their chosen, know the truth. We don't—ever—force. Tease, torment, cajole—that's part of the game. But force? Never! That's our law."

  "It's the cajoling that worries me."

  John took her wrists and pulled her to him, turning her, pushing her back against the wall. His mouth descended on her, a plundering kiss, full of possession, full of intent. She laced her fingers into his hair, and lifted her leg, twining it at the back of his thighs, pressing him to her.

  "Match for match,” John said, lifting his mouth a fraction from her. “I never thought..."


  "I never thought I'd meet a woman who would want me as much as I wanted her. You're killing me. If I don't love you, I'm gonna explode."

  "I'm not doing it in the corridor,” she said.

  He grinned. “It has interesting possibilities."

  "Not from where I'm standing."

  "Who said anything about standing?” John leaned into her.

  Sam batted at his hands and edged away. “Johnathan Lucas, alias Kuno, I am not going to lie down on this metal floor. It's cold and—"

  "How about using me as a mattress? You could lie on top of me. I am soft ... in a few places."

  And hard in others ... yeah, don't I know! “You want me now?” Sam whispered.

  "You have to ask?” he responded, grinding his pelvis against her. “But not here. You're right. It's not proper."

  "A lot of what you did to me mightn't be considered proper, John-Kuno."

  "Such as?” He purred over her, the tip of his tongue touching her eyelids. “I'll have to do it all again and when you tell me what I'm doing isn't proper, I'll have to apologize. And then I'll do whatever it is again—properly. Tell me later, honey-cat, in private.” Pushing himself away, he took her hand and led her down the corridor.

  Sam's high heels clicked against the metal floor and she wished now she had worn pumps. Stilettos and space stations just did not work.

  Reaching the end of the corridor, John took out a keycard from his pocket and tried to insert it into the security slot.

  Samantha bit back her laughter. Seeing him flustered was a sight to be enjoyed. “Your hands are shaking so much, you'll never do it. Here, let me."

  "This is what you've reduced me to, honey-cat. A trembling mess.” Grinning, he relinquished the card and she carefully inserted it into the slot. The door slid open with a hiss.

  "See, easy,” she said, “when you know how."

  "Ah, how perfectly they fit together. Reminds me of something, but I can't quite remember."

  She shot him a withering glance. “Oh, really?"

  He raised a brow, looking all innocence, except for the gleam in his eyes.

  The door sensor chimed. “Ten seconds to closure."

  "Oh damn,” John said, tugging her forward. “Our conversation was just getting interesting."

  They slipped through the door and it shut behind them.

  At the end of another corridor was a steep metal stairwell.

  Fifty steps down and they came to a landing. John put his right palm over the lock-sensor and part of the wall slid away, revealing an atrium. A silver man-droid stepped up to them, its arms wide spread.

  Sam could only stare. The droid was dressed in an outfit straight out of the Arabian nights, a jeweled turban crowning its head.

  A laser beam from a ceiling sensor illuminated John. As Sam cried out, he held up his hand.

  "Honey-cat, just a security check. You don't know how many people try to get in here, uninvited."

  The light disappeared and the automaton bowed. “Greetings, messire, lady. Welcome to Rendezvous.” It performed a salaam before returning to its security alcove behind the door.

  Sam glanced at the robot. “Messire? Lady? Whatn'the hell does that mean?"

  "Shifters enjoy games, the more realistic the better. They're using another historical setting. Last time I was here, the place was outfitted like ancient Egypt. The security droid looked like a mummy."

  "You're kidding me."



  John turned to her, his palm against her cheek. “Shifters are sensory creatures, Sam. Felinus especially. We live for stimulation. Our every sense, when we're in the mood, is focused on stimulation. Games provide so much more inspiration."

  "I was never any good at games."

  "You improvised last night when you became the cop and tied me up with ribbons.” Smiling, he ran a finger over her lips and she nipped at him. “You just have to expand your role-playing."

  "I do?” Sam's mouth was desert-dry at the thought.

  "Oh yeah.” John laced her arm through his and led her forward.

  At the end of the atrium, silver curtains parted. Sam halted, her senses reeling from the overpowering scent. Her heart raced.

  Sweet musk and tangy spice ... wild, exotic and utterly pervasive. Her stomach clenched, other muscles clenched. She half turned to John and saw his flushed face. His narrowed gaze challenged hers.

  "Pheromones,” John said, his eyes dark, lambent. He scented the air and purred. “Ah, some of my friends are here."

  As John stepped forward, Sam hung back. He turned to her.

  "I'm not sure I'm ready for this. I'm only just—"

  "There is nothing only or just about you, Sam!” He frowned. “If I didn't think you'd be OK, I would never have brought you. This is my world, honey. Your world now, too.” He leaned into her, his hand cupping her bottom, lifting her to him. His mouth slanted over hers, harder, faster, deeper, his tongue tip stroking hers. He blew into her mouth and she tasted the exotic in him: starlight, cat, human: untamed, dangerous.

  "You're doing it to me,” she said.

  "I'm not doing anything. Yet.” He paused. “You still scared?"


  "Then let's go. We're blocking the entrance."

  "Just give me a few moments. My head is spinning."

  "Not as much as it's gonna spin."

  She slapped him. “Stop that! I have to orientate myself. This is new to me, John-Kuno."

  He inclined his head. “Whatever my lady asks."

  Steeling herself, drawing in a deep breath—Oh Damn!

  "You shouldn't breathe like that here, Sam,” John said. “Too deeply. Take it slowly. Otherwise, honey-cat, you'll overload."

  "Thanks for the warning ... too bloody late.” She frowned at him. “I believe you did that on purpose. You're enjoying this and what it's doing to me."

exactly is it doing to you?” His concern was all innocence, but she knew him too well—knew his felinus nature too well to be fooled.

  She sniffed the air, hesitantly. But even that fleeting sample made her body pulse with pleasure. One scent closer to her, most vibrant. Familiar. She cast an accusing eye on John.

  "I am what I am,” he said, grinning. “I'm holding the scent to me; I'm being very restrained for your sake."

  "Restrained?” They had made love so many times and she thought he had never held back anything. Was he telling her that he could be even more sexy?

  "That's exactly what I'm saying,” he growled.

  "You're reading my mind?"

  "A felinus sometimes can, with the right stimulation. Definitely with the right stimulation.” He ran a finger over her mouth.

  "Do that again and I'll bite."

  "Prrrrrrromise?” he purred.

  Sam turned away, studying the circular room before her.

  Delicate carved pillars made of rainbow-hued crystal supported a mirrored ceiling. There were many areas within the room made private by shimmering laser screens. In alcoves hung with diaphanous curtains, she saw many creatures: human and alien sitting, or lying upon thick tasseled silk cushions. Low tables before them held a range of food and drink, and above each alcove a burning lamp, hanging from the ceiling by golden chains.

  Her gaze fastened on a tall humanoid creature, its six tentacles stroking his partner, a woman with translucent wings. Tentacles probed ... oh my! Sam looked away.

  John chuckled. “I told you about the shifters from Tau Ceti. Their tentacles can be..."

  "Yes, Kuno, I remember what you said."

  Tentacle-man and his partner shimmered then disappeared as the laser-screen around their alcove activated but before they were sealed away she thought she heard a moan and a hiss.

  Sam swallowed down hard, focusing again on the room, orienting herself. In the middle of the room was a raised dais, draped with embroidered velvet and silk with matching cushions spread around its circumference.

  "It's like Aladdin's Cave!” Sam said.

  "Straight out of a thousand and one nights.” John smiled. “A thousand and one nights, Sam, how does that sound?"


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