Starlight Rapture [Starlight Ecstasy Book 1]

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Starlight Rapture [Starlight Ecstasy Book 1] Page 7

by Astrid Cooper

  What were they discussing? She tugged at the tassel on the cushion, half shredding it.

  Harimal glanced at Samantha. She is exceptional. You have mated with her?

  First level. I must be cautious. Reasons. Private.

  Ah. Harimal inclined his head. I have to return home soon. Uncle has requested it.

  John snorted. Since when does he request? He's ordered you. Why? Is it safe?

  What do you think?

  And father?

  As always. Harimal paused. More felinus have disappeared. Three just last week, on the Vega route. And there's rumors ... slavers. Can't find out anything and we've cast our net as far as we can. One of the dream-weavers has gone, too.

  John swore. A felinus dream-weaver ... Who?

  Feransyn. Someone's taking us apart, Kuno. Collecting. They're leaving the half-bloods.

  Killing them, don't you mean? Don't spare me, Harimal. I'm not a kitten. He paused. Who's doing this, any idea?

  Maybe the Alliance.

  But the Alliance is banned by the United Planets.

  Believe that if it gives you comfort. The only thing the ban did was to drive the Alliance underground. Harimal ran a hand through his hair. I'd suspect my Uncle was trying to clear the bloodline, except his first born has gone, too.


  Harimal nodded. I know there's no love lost between you, but he is a prince of the blood. Uncle is tearing the space-lanes apart. But there's nothing, as if they have left this universe entirely.

  You suspected Uncle?

  His vision does not extend beyond our world. He wants the blood clarified, but I doubt even he would be in league with the Alliance.

  I haven't heard about any of this.

  Kuno, you've had other things on your mind. But I need you now. You're one of the strongest seekers I know. You've not felt anything, you're certain?

  I can't be sure of anything at the moment.

  Harimal laughed and Sam turned at the sound. It stroked her from inside out and she groaned and turned her face into the pillow, biting back the scream.

  I can see that brother-mine. She's turned you inside out. So you can't think straight ... nothing new in that. Harimal laughed again, this time mind to mind. I see your scent on her and the bite. She is the one?

  You have to ask?

  No, but didn't you tell me awhile ago that no one woman would ever be enough for you. I allowed you to believe it, because you are such a kitten sometimes, Kuno!

  That was before I met my Sam.

  Exactly so.

  You can be so bloody smug sometimes, Harimal.

  Only when I'm right.

  Especially when you're right. John sent love and Hari reciprocated—a blue and silver glow washing between them, through them.

  Then they drew apart, minds on business.

  Hari—if there is a collector, then we have to be vigilant. No one is safe. How to find him? And if it's the Alliance, too ... Stars!

  I've posted a reward. Every bounty hunter in the cosmos is out looking for clues. Can you monitor for me? Both Father and Uncle have called me home. I must obey.

  Why must you?

  Kuno! Then, gentler: John ... I have been called.

  John put up his hands in mock surrender. Damn them. Calling a felinus isn't done lightly. Uncle's up to something.

  That's his nature. Devious and meddling. And with father's summons ... I only hope it's not a repeat of last time when they had my mate chosen for me.

  Though Hari's words were light, John caught the deep anguish ... father and son rarely spoke and for the father and the uncle to call Hari home—it must be important.

  I'll cover for you here.

  Sorry to ask at such a time ... with your Samantha so new to you. Ah! Hari smiled. A virgin ... now I understand.


  I felt her when I was playing the song ... her response. Prrrrrrrr.

  The two brothers laughed. John's thumb again stroked Sam's neck, soothing her, quieting her. She really was nervous ... he'd have to deal with that. Love her so much he'd melt her bones.

  I have given orders, Kuno. No shifter may travel the spaceways, unless unavoidable. If they must attend to home or kin, then until they are safe at home, they are to be guarded by two draconis.

  Dragons never work in pairs.

  They are for me, a special favor. The guarding goes for you, too, Kuno.


  Harimal raised his mind block against John's protests. Not open to debate, Kuno.

  I'm half-blood. I'm no target.

  Everyone knows that your blood is stronger than some of the pure. Besides, it is Harimal-san-duran who speaks. It is my order.

  Harimal, the prince. Damn you!

  Most likely.

  But shifters know how to look after themselves ... we have the assassin's touch.

  Yes, but still we're being taken. It's frightening how easily it's happening.

  Harimal, san-duran?

  John felt Hari's shocked response. Rarely did either brother revert to protocol. But when a brother was a prince and something concerned the felinus ... etiquette must be followed.

  Kuno. Speak.

  Tonight, I have shown Samantha the first killing touch.

  You intend to show her the others?

  I wish to.

  It is permitted. Harimal paused. I only hope she does not have cause to use it.

  I have to tell you that Sam recognized you as one of the Starwatch singers.

  Did she? Now that is interesting. He glanced over at Sam and smiled. You've neglected your kitten too long. She growing restless.

  She's always restless.

  You know what to do. Melt her bones.

  Already thought of that.

  The connection severed.

  John turned to Sam finding her lying on the cushions. He leant forward, smiled the gentlest of smiles. Hari's gut tightened; his heart ached for John, for Sam and for himself. For him, loneliness bit deeper than any felinus knew—Kuno included.

  John traced a finger over Sam's lips, across her closed eyelids.

  "I'm not asleep,” she mumbled. “When are we going holo-dancing?"

  Harimal chuckled as John reared back, shocked to the core. It was a rare sight and Hari took great pleasure in it. Sam stood up.

  "Aren't you tired?” John asked.

  "Nope. Should I be?” She lifted a brow.

  "I just thought..."

  "I can imagine. I've got some mileage still left in me John-Kuno."

  "It's the shovan,” he said. “I knew I should have rationed you."

  She smiled, studying him through her lashes. “No it isn't. I just want to go dancing."

  "Very well. Excuse us, Hari."

  The felinus inclined his head.

  Leaving their cubicle, hand in hand, they walked across the room to the screened holo-floor.

  The shimmer curtains opened and closed behind them.

  Sam stared. The room stretched beyond her vision—coruscating lights and rainbows swirling in the distance. It was an illusion of size, but she hadn't expected it to be empty. “Why, we're alone ... I thought there'd be others."

  John rested his palm against her cheek. “This is our own holo illusion. There will be many using the holo, but they're screened. No one ever enters another's private dance. Even Harimal wouldn't do that."

  "I like your brother."

  "All women do."

  She stroked his wrist, with her thumb as he had touched her neck. “No, not like that. I like him. He reminds me of you,"

  John snorted. “You want to talk or dance?"

  "Both,” she said. “I read somewhere that dancing is the oldest conversation in the universe ... a world of meaning in one step."

  John frowned. “Where did you hear that?"

  She winked at him and twirled, her robe ballooning around her. “I just made it up."

  Sam turned full circle in the holo-room. Its dimensions wavered, indistinct. Walls
moved like curtains flowing in the breeze, colors merging, every rainbow from every world. Above her was a golden rayed sun and beneath her feet a mauve surface that was soft, as if made of clouds.

  "Is it always like this?"

  "To begin with,” John said, taking her in his arms. “Imagine a place where you most want to be."

  "You choose,” she said.

  He smiled and half closed his eyes, resting his face against her neck.

  Around her the room altered. It became the sea, pure green, threaded with white ... But in the water, stars and worlds coalesced. In their midst was a reef teeming with fish, with mer-folk—shifters from another world.

  Sam heard the distant sound of singing: whales and dolphins, and then John's voice above the song of the cetaceans.

  He sang Bizet, from The Pearl Fishers. His voice, a rich baritone vibrated through her. A memory stirred from the Starwatch charity concert. Now she knew that it had been Hari and John who had sung the temple duet—it had opened the show and closed it. The irony then—as now—made her smile: singing a duet from The Pearl Fishers from Broome—one of the greatest pearl gardens in the seven systems. Doubtless it had been at John's instigation. Cats like to play games and tease...

  Sam listened mesmerized. John-Kuno's voice was to die for: a mixture of human and felinus; unique.

  Where Harimal's voice was reserved, cultured, John was raw, earthy, sensual. The sound lapped at her senses.

  Unashamed, she peeled off her gown and stepped away from it as it nestled at her feet.

  Her action silenced John's song immediately. He shrugged off his own caftan.

  She lifted her thigh and he cupped her bottom, bringing her close to him. He took her head between his hands, threading his fingers through her hair.

  Slowly, the music returned: dolphins and whales and the strains of the violin and piano and the felinus lyre.

  John bent down and kissed her, his lips slanting over hers, a touch feathersoft. She parted her mouth and his kiss intensified.

  Dance the oral with me, Kuno!

  In response, his tongue delved, as naked flesh met naked flesh, sleek against the other, sliding and taunting in the sinuous dance.

  She broke away from him, laughing, and stalked him, round and round like a cat circling its prey. John followed her every action, moving as she moved. She trailed her hand over his shoulder, down his left buttock and leapt away as he went to capture her. She returned and ran a finger over his shoulder, down the length of his arm.

  Standing behind him, she pressed herself against his back and reached around to capture his erection with her fist.

  "Felinus, feena ... no coincidence that the words sound similar?” Sam asked.

  John groaned. Her thumb skimmed up to his navel and crept inside, pressing. He cried out.

  Linked mind to mind she knew it was a felinus love-spot; one of his particular favorites. She pressed harder and he climaxed. The holo-room erupted in red, like a supernova as John's cries filled the air.

  Smiling, Sam came to stand before him, swaying, her own rhythm established. She spread her arms and legs wide and leaned back.

  John's hands splayed over her abdomen, and he lifted her to him. The warm air eddied around them, raising them off the floor, lightly spinning them in the null grav. She entwined her legs around John, crossing her ankles at the small of his back.

  Sam shivered. It felt as if a thousand fingers stroked her. But who...?

  "Me,” John said. “The holo-image augments every part of me, every part of you. Touch me. Love me.” He groaned as she sent out her own fingers, a thousand fold to stroke his body.

  "I want you inside me, John ... every inch."

  He shifted his hips and brought her down over him, his cock embedded to the hilt. The action lifted them both upwards and they soared in the illusion-water of the holo room.

  They moved against one another, floating, exploring every contour of mind and body.

  John angled for the slightest of probes, beside the right nether lip, a new love spot that he teased until she moaned.

  Then he angled again, finding the other three centers of pleasure.

  Around and around they spun, joined in mind and body, moving back and forth until the first ripples of climax halted them. They bore down, taking it. Convergence. Sharing it, the holo intensifying it.

  Sam shattered and John followed.

  Then behind her, she felt warmth, hardness, Harimal's scent.

  "Welcome to you, sister."

  She turned her head and Harimal smiled. His hands cupped her shoulders, smoothing down her arms, pushing her into John, pushing himself into her, so that she was sandwiched between the two men.

  Harimal licked her nape and nibbled her ear. John's reached out past her, to clasp Hari's forearms.

  "Welcome brother mine."

  They danced, the three of them, around and around. Harimal stroked Sam's back, her hips, the legs encircling John's waist. Then the brothers moved so that they lay flat, floating, buoyed by the holo-gravity. Samantha between them was stroked, held, fondled.

  She's special, John. You said she was. The thought passed between the men. My gift to you both.

  Music erupted in the holo-room: the felinus love song. It coiled into their every cell and Sam shivered. Harimal sang again. John joined his brother, their voices both complementary and contradictory: refined and raw...

  Lying face first against John, Sam felt his voice throbbing through her. The song rose to its peak and then slowly fell away.

  At her back, Sam felt a change: Harimal was no longer there, but a heavy weight of four paws at the base of her spine.

  She heard a cat purring and felt the claws penetrating her skin. A tongue, like a rasp moved up her spine, lick, then an exhalation of hot felinus breath.

  John's scent coiled into her, joining with Harimal's. She gifted her own body's perfume to the two brothers. Sam glanced over her shoulder and saw a huge black cat with radiant blue eyes. It bowed its head.

  "Sammi,” John whispered.

  She bent forward and kissed John even as she felt Harimal's weight return—he was now the man.

  Again, Harimal exhaled over them both, his hot breath laden with felinus scent, thick, heavy with pheromones.

  Harimal pulled away from them. My gift to you both.

  Sam felt his smile burning within her.

  "Sammi ... ah!” John whispered.

  The blood pumping in her ears matched the tempo of John's thrusts as he loved her again, on and on wave upon wave of pleasure.

  Starlight ecstasy was achieved, they entered a new, deeper level. Convergence was far behind.

  Comets streamed past her as he loved her, as he found those zones that no human could touch, but this time with such intensity that just for a moment, her spirit hovered outside her flesh body.

  Sam watched the joining of Samantha and Kuno, their hair flying around them, the holo-room cascading with colors...

  "John-Kuno,” her spirit-self whispered.

  His golden soul lifted to her and they danced, two glowing, golden beings linked, as their flesh-selves danced and loved.

  Yes! John whispered and the holo-world echoed with that one word, a universe of meanings that Sam could barely discern.

  She plunged back into her body as John returned to his. Again, linked in flesh and mind, they now shared a deeper union—the soul.

  Starlight Rapture.

  * * * *

  In the darkened room, far, far away, a grey-skinned humanoid groaned, his engorged cocks straining upwards. The metal cap around his largest erection tightened as the cock hardened. He screamed. The pain was delicious.

  The dream-weaver's cap around his skull pulsed, sending wave upon wave of enhanced pleasure into his starving senses.

  Through the link in the holo-room, augmented through the cap, he watched the black-haired felinus and the golden half-breed dancing around the woman. She twirled about them, trailing her hands over their g
listening bodies. Her nails scraped and they shivered.

  The felinus pressed onto her from behind, the human lifted her onto his erection and they danced again, moving, twining, taking...

  Around them points of light erupted, spinning, stroking, darting. Starlight Ecstasy...

  The humanoid had never seen it before; had only heard the rumors, but as he watched, the sex-heat sliced through his veins. He closed his eyes in delirium.

  He shared convergence—never had he experienced it.

  He screamed again, this time in a release so violent and intense that for a few seconds his heart stopped. The computer monitors kicked in and he revived. He sighed and shuddered his climax.

  The woman; she was the key to the passion. He would have her at any cost. The felinus might also be useful, the half-human—disposable.

  Humans were a contagion throughout the galaxy and mongrel breeds had no right to exist. If he had his way, all of them would be dead.

  He was the last of his kind—all the others had died in the war. Alone, he plotted his revenge. A Revenge that would see the destruction of every half-breed in the galaxy. Only pure blood would be tolerated to live—as slaves. Because, what else were inferior species but non-creatures to do his bidding, to die at his whim? That was the star-law. And that ancient law had been corrupted by humans and their mongrel progeny. For that, all would pay.

  But for the first time in centuries, he, the starlord, had known complete and utter and devastating sex.

  He existed for it and he would have it again. As often as he wished, with the woman and the felinus.

  He lived for sex and he had nearly died through lack of it. The bar and the cap and the occasional captive kept him alive. His voracious appetites drained his slaves, but there were more slaves to be purchased. He would keep the felinus and the woman alive for as long as he could.

  He mind-touched the monitor and sent a message to his ship.

  The captain asked no questions.

  The man was his creature.

  The starlord paid the human scum in credits, but also in asthel. A clever stroke to have laced the human's drink with the drug on their first meeting. The captain had been rendered slave in one mouthful. The occasional sex toy he gave the human-filth kept him happy.

  The starlord gave his orders. The captain acknowledged without hesitation.


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