The Game Changer: The Final Score

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The Game Changer: The Final Score Page 15

by Trio, L. M.

She tries to reassure me that he’ll be home soon for Thanksgiving and he’s just having some fun after coming off a long season.

  I don’t know why I am so uptight about it. Jeffrey and I are together, despite him giving me an ultimatum about moving. I know he cares about me; he’s just worried that me moving away from him will put a strain on our relationship, but I try to dismiss his doubts. Some days, he seems willing to make a go of it and other times he seems annoyed with me for not changing my mind about leaving. I really do care about him, but I’m at the point where I think time away from each other is what we need to see if our relationship is going to progress.



  After finishing up my shift at the Gallery, I walk along the avenue, going in and out of my favorite boutiques, searching for something special to wear, along with something sexy for underneath. After all, it’s been a long, long time. I call Mikey on my way home for some advice.

  “What’s up?” he answers without saying hello.

  “Hi. Is this Mr. Hollywood?” I ask.

  “Funny. What’s goin’ on?”

  “Luke’s coming home tomorrow.”

  “No shit, he’s mentioned it about a thousand times,” he says sarcastically.

  “That’s why I’m calling, I want your advice. I’ve missed him and I want to do something special. Got any ideas?” The second the words escape my lips, I’m already regretting asking him of all people.

  He instantly starts laughing. “You are coming to me for advice?” he says with arrogance. “Good move. Be waiting in bed… naked… God knows you made the poor guy wait long enough.”

  “Why did I bother coming to you again? Never mind.” I feel my cheeks get hot. Although it’s not a bad idea, I know I’ll never do it.

  “Don’t play innocent, JJ. I know you can be pretty crazy, I heard the stories… school storage closets… the stadium stands…” he says, laughing, about to rattle off a list.

  “I can’t believe he told you!” I scream, cutting him off. “Alright, time to change the subject. Maybe I’ll make him dinner or something,” I think out loud. “More importantly, when will you be home?”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t interrupt,” he says slyly. “I’ll be here till next week. The keys are in the same spot; on the back patio, behind the rain spout. You can have the whole condo to yourselves. Just to warn you so you don’t get caught, Celia, my cleaning lady, will be there on Monday morning by ten.”

  “Thanks for the tip.” I laugh, especially since I have nowhere else to be until Tuesday. “So how are things going?”

  “I’m havin’ a good time,” he answers coolly.

  “I can see that,” I answer candidly. Trying to see what kind of reaction I get from him, I continue, “I can’t believe De will be moving here soon. She’s flying in to Jersey for Thanksgiving. I think Lucca and Maria would like to have us all home. Don’t say anything to Luke. I want to talk to him about it. You’ll be there, right?”

  “Of course.”

  “Are you bringing Lora Rae?”

  “No way, not Thanksgiving.”

  “Are you with her now?”

  “She’s in the other room, why?”

  “De’s freaking out.”

  “She is? Why?” he asks, suddenly his voice perks up and he seems interested.

  “She says you ignored her at Luke’s game.”

  “She’s full of shit. Why does she care, anyway?” he asks.

  “Why do you think?”

  “She only cares when she thinks I’m into someone besides her.”

  “Funny. She says the same thing about you. What’s this about some bet that hasn’t been settled?” I can faintly hear him chuckle. “She thinks you forgot.”

  “I didn’t forget,” he says as a matter of fact.

  “Well, she thinks you did.”



  I hang up the phone and laugh to myself, thinking how Deanna is crazy to ever think that I’d forget anything that involves her. All I’ve thought about since we made that bet is making her pay up. I’m just biding my time until she moves to Florida. Hopefully, her jerk off boyfriend will be out of the way. I decided while I was in Arizona that I can’t stand him. He’s a big asshole who thinks he’s better than everyone else.

  I actually spent most of that day pissed off that she was still with him. So in return, I did what I always do and pretended to be totally into Lora Rae, which I knew would get under her skin. I don’t know why we always feel the need to play this game with each other. Thinking about her, makes me want to hear her voice. Later that evening, I give her a call.

  “Hello,” she answers.

  “Hey, is this my favorite girl?” I whisper, not wanting Lora Rae to hear me on the phone.

  “Yeah right,” De says sarcastically.

  “You know you are,” I tease. She lets out a little chuckle. “What’s up?”

  “Not much, where are you?”

  “Still in LA.”

  “Nice,” she replies, not sounding like she means it. “Will you be home for Thanksgiving?”

  “Of course. Where else would I be?”

  “Hmmm, let me think,” she answers sarcastically. “Are you bringing anyone?”

  “Nope. Are you?”


  “Good, there are a few things I’d like to go over with you, outlining the terms of our bet.”

  “You’re nuts.” She laughs.

  “Uh oh, you didn’t think I forgot, did you?”


  I’m suddenly interrupted by Lora Rae sneaking up from behind with two drinks in her hand. I’ve got the phone to my ear, but it doesn’t stop her from kissing along my neck as she talks, “Michael, sweetheart, who are you talking to? Hang up the phone. I’m patiently waiting for you,” She purrs seductively, practically into the phone.

  “Okay, give me a sec. I’m almost done,” I answer, holding my hand over the mouthpiece as she makes her way outside in her little bikini, heading for the hot tub. “Hey…” I say, getting back to De.

  “Is she there with you right now? Why did she sound like she was on the other line? And what is she waiting patiently for?” she drills me, sounding pissed once again.

  I let out a little laugh. “Sorry, she snuck up from behind. She’s gone. Anyway, what were you saying?” I ask, somewhat distracted.

  “Never mind.”

  “Awe, c’mon. Don’t be mad. I miss ya, that’s why I called.” Lora Rae once again loudly calls out to me from the other room.

  “You better go… She sounds like she might die if you don’t get to her soon,” she says sarcastically.

  Before hanging up, I tell her once again how I’m looking forward to seeing her next week. I don’t want her to hang up with me angry, I would have preferred for Lora Rae to have not interrupted our call. I miss DeDe, and can’t stand being away from her. Sometimes, it feels as if we are drifting apart until once again we are alone together.



  De calls just as I’m about to doze off to fill me in on the details of her conversation with Mikey. We talk about Luke and I, and she’s thrilled that everything seems to be falling into place. While we are on the phone together, he beeps in.


  “Hey, are you on the other line? he asks.

  “Yeah, talking to De. We just hung up, aren’t you there?”

  “Yeah, but she’s not. I think she had a late class tonight.”

  “You’re right, she did. She’s probably on her way home. So what time will you be getting in tomorrow?”

  He hesitates before answering, “I got bad news. I have to stay another week. They want me to workout with the pitching coach.”

  “You’re kidding. I can’t believe it. I couldn’t wait for you to get back,” I say, full of disappointment.

  “Really?” he asks curiously. “You can’t wait for me to get back?”

  “Well… yeah.”<
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  “Good, cause I’m kiddin’. My plane should be in by five,” he teases.

  “I hate you.”

  “No, you don’t.” He laughs. “So I guess that means I’ll see you tomorrow night?”

  “Well, now I’m not so sure.”

  “I’ll pick you up around seven-thirty.” He laughs. “How about we go out to dinner?”

  “Sounds good,” I answer, although I have other plans.


  Mya and I have a cup of coffee at the café around the corner before she leaves for work. I’m looking forward to starting my mini-vacation. I can’t remember the last time I left myself three full-days of nothing to do. It’s a good thing I have a few things to take care of today; it’ll be a good distraction. I’ll kill time, instead of sitting around all day watching the clock, waiting for Luke’s plane to land.

  I call my dad on the way home to get some ideas for dinner. Something not too difficult that I can prepare ahead of time; that will warm easily. He gives me an easy yet delicious recipe for shrimp and baby spinach over penne in a white sauce. I stop by the grocery store on my way home and pick up the ingredients and a few other things. I figure their fridge must be empty since they’ve both been away. I pick up enough groceries to get us through the next few days.

  I pack a bag for the weekend, hoping things go as planned. I glance at the clock and realize the time is moving quicker than I thought.

  Mya and her boyfriend, Dan, arrive home as I’m gathering my things together. Actually, it’s the same guy that Mya met the night of the fundraiser while Luke was here. He turned out not to be a psycho after all. He’s actually a really nice guy who’s in a band and goes to our school. Mya and he hit it off and have been seeing each other exclusively ever since. Mya even toned down the troubled girl look and seems much happier. Maybe my good mood has been rubbing off on her. Dan and Mya offer to give me a ride, which helps me immensely.

  We make a quick stop at The Blue Martini. Mya and Dan wait for me in the car while I run in. Cheryl is there to greet me. I phoned her ahead of time to tell her I was stopping in and she already has a box stocked up for me. I peek inside and start to laugh.

  “What is all of this?”

  “You said you needed a few things, you want to make it perfect.”

  Cheryl packed a bottle of wine, a loaf of bread and the flavored spread that we serve with it at The Blue. Everyone loves the spread we serve with our bread. I can sometimes eat a whole loaf while I’m working. There are plenty of votive candles and a linen table cloth.

  “This is perfect. Thank you so much.” I give her a hug.

  “Wait. I’m not done.” She throws in another bottle of wine, an extra loaf of bread and a chocolate mousse pie for dessert.

  I laugh, trying to stop her. Cheryl pulls out a metal ice bucket from under the counter. “Have the wine chilling on the table.” She places the ice bucket in the box. I give her another hug while one of the prep cooks carries my box to the car.

  My heart is racing as we pull in front of the condo. It’s been a long time since I’ve been here. Dan carries the box to the front door, while I retrieve the key from the back porch. We spent many nights on this porch enjoying the bay breeze, listening to the water, and watching the dolphins swim by. I walk back around to the front of the house and thank Mya and Dan for giving me a ride.

  I slowly open the door, placing my things in the foyer. Everything is how I remember it. Nothing is new, nothing has changed. I grab my bag and unconsciously hold my breath as I walk, taking it all in. My paintings still cover their walls. I cautiously make my way to Luke’s room. Again, everything is familiar. I sit down on his bed, remembering when I used to visit and stay here with him. We had so much fun together.

  Finally, I snap out of my day dreams and remember that I don’t have much time, I better get moving. I prepare dinner first. Once I have that simmering, I set the table and place a votive in the center. I chill the wine, place the extra votives throughout the house and in the bedroom, and dim the lights. After giving the condo a once over and being satisfied with the way everything looks, I jump in the shower. I carefully blow out my hair, apply a touch of make-up and put on the new sapphire colored, open back, lacey, fitted dress that I purchased at a boutique on 7th Ave.

  I text Luke a little after five to see how far along he is. He replies that he just jumped in a cab and is heading home. I light the candles, and once again glance around the room, admiring the romantic setting. Then, my anxiety kicks in. What if he isn’t happy that I let myself into his condo? What if this was way too much? I pour myself a glass of wine to relax and sit out on the patio to watch the sun set. After a couple of minutes, I dismiss the crazy thoughts and laugh to myself. I know Luke. He’s going to love that I’m here.

  As I walk through the sliding glass doors to refill my glass, the front door opens and my heart flutters. Our eyes meet and he gives me a confused smile, then stops. He stands still in the doorway, taking in the ambience of the room. He seems puzzled.

  “What are you doing?” I ask as he stands like a statue in the doorway, his bags still slung over his shoulders.

  “I’m waiting for everyone to jump out and say, surprise,” he says as he hesitantly closes the door behind him. His eyes never leave mine.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. That was the one thing I forgot to do,” I say sarcastically as I slowly make my way towards him.

  He still seems to be in shock, but a smile is forming across his face. “Wait. Are you telling me, it’s just you and me?” he asks, peeling his eyes away momentarily as his they roam the room, confirming that we are, in fact, alone.

  “I could invite a few more people if you would like?” I say, standing directly in front of him.

  He shakes his head from side-to-side, disagreeing with the idea. He drops his bags on the floor and pulls me into his arms.

  “I’m in shock that you are here. How?” he asks, holding me tight. “Are you sure we’re alone?” His eyes once again scan the room.

  “Yes, Luke. We are alone. Mikey told me the key was in the same spot. He’s not coming back till next week. I promise, we are alone.” I laugh.



  I cup her beautiful face in my hands and kiss her wine-colored lips. “I’ve missed you. This…” I say, looking around the room in disbelief, “…is like a dream. You look amazing.” I run my eyes and hands down her perfect body. “I feel like I’m gonna wake up any minute.”

  “So you’re okay with the fact that I practically broke into your house and made myself at home?” I pull her to me as my mouth covers hers and I kiss her deeply. She doesn’t need an answer, the kiss tells her all she needs to know. When I finally release her to breathe, she continues, “Luke, it feels so good to be here with you, which is what this night is about. There are things that I want to say to you and it has to be said in person… You need to know that you are the love of my life. I never want to be without you ever again. You are my world, Luke. I have never felt as happy, loved and secure as I do when I am with you… and I swear to God, if you ever leave me again—”

  I abruptly interrupt, needing to get the words past the lump in my throat, this girl can draw emotions from me that even I have a hard time wrapping my mind around, but it feels so good when she does. “Stop. I will never leave you again. I promise. Thank you for giving me another chance. I love you. I have never stopped loving you,” I say through a shaky voice. “Spending the rest of my life with you is all I ever wanted. You don’t know how much I prayed that I would hear those words from you again. It means everything to me. You are everything. Nothing in my life means anything to me unless I have you to share it with.” I hold her face in my hands and softly kiss her mouth.

  When I finally release her long enough to take a breath, she manages to tell me that she made dinner.

  “It smells awesome,” I tell her, planting kisses along her neck.

  “Are you hungry?” she whispers seductively in my ea
r while her tongue plays along the bottom of my lobe, shooting electricity through my veins.

  “Oh, I’m definitely hungry,” I assure her huskily as my eyes roam her body. I lift her into my arms and carry her off to my bedroom.

  The room is lit by the flickering candles. My heart is pounding and my adrenaline’s pumping. It’s been so long since I’ve been with her; it feels as if it’s the first time all over again. I slide her body slowly down mine as I gently set her on the floor. My hands roam her body while my mouth trails down her jaw line, her neck, down to her collarbone. I slowly remove her dress from her shoulders, kissing her bare skin as I slide the rest of the lacey fabric down her body. She slowly steps out of her dress, left only in her sapphire lacy underwear. My eyes take every part of her body in.

  She slides her hands up my back, slowly removing my shirt over my head. She takes my face in her hands, looking into my eyes with intensity as she guides my mouth back to hers. Her fingers tease my skin as they make their way down my body. Slowly she unbuttons my jeans, lowering the zipper before gently sliding them down over my hips. I step out of them as I guide her back towards my bed.

  I lay her down softly and we gradually remove what’s left of our clothing. My body partially covers hers as I stretch myself alongside her. The feel of her bare skin beneath mine sends an electrical charge throughout my body, making me want to rush into more of the sensation. I take my time caressing every inch of her, though, while my eyes never leave her beautiful face. A soft moan escapes her lips while her fingers gracefully trace the outline of my own body, setting it on fire.

  “I’m so in love with you,” I whisper.

  “I love you, too,” she responds as her eyes glaze over.

  She guides my body over hers; I gingerly part her legs and slowly slide inside of her. The moment I do, my body melts into hers. Our bodies move slowly in rhythm with one another. I don’t want this feeling to end; I want to take my time and savor the feel of her. Being together like this feels so natural that it seems as if we’ve never been apart.

  “I’ve missed the feel of you… like this, you feel so good Luke.” She moans softly as I continue to tenderly move inside of her while taking pleasure watching the passion in her eyes.


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