The Game Changer: The Final Score

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The Game Changer: The Final Score Page 25

by Trio, L. M.

  “Thank you for being so kind to me after what I did to you. I know I need help. I have so many issues from so long ago, you have no idea.”

  “Do you have someone you can talk to? Someone you can trust completely, maybe even a professional?”

  “Yes. I have an aunt who I used to be really close with. I haven’t talked with her in a while. Maybe I’ll give her a call… And, it is LA, Michael, I’m sure there is a therapist on every corner, just waiting for someone like me.” She laughs through her tears. I take her into my arms and hug her tightly.

  Luke is flipping through the pages of a magazine when we step inside, seeming as if he wasn’t spying. Lora Rae pats away the tears from her puffy eyes with the tips of her fingers.

  “You ready?” I ask, walking into the kitchen.

  “Yeah, sure,” he answers, following me to the door. “I’ll see you later, Lora Rae,” he says as he steps outside.

  “See ya, Luke, good luck this season,” she says.


  I hang back for a second. “Are you going to be okay?” She nods her head in agreement. “You’re going to contact your aunt or someone, right?”

  “Yes,” she answers quietly.


  “Yes, really.”

  “You sure you’re okay?” I ask nervously. This is bothering me more than I thought. I feel sorry for her and for once, wish that her entourage was around.

  “I’m going to be fine. Thank you, Michael.”

  “If you need to talk, you can call me,” I tell her. Truthfully, I’m hoping she gets the help she needs and doesn’t call. I think it’s best if we have a clean break.

  I walk to the car where Luke is already waiting inside. “What was that about?” he blurts out the second I get in and close the door.

  I let out a breath as if I have been holding it in for days. “She’s not pregnant. She made it up.” I smile.

  “Thank God,” Luke says. “I didn’t know what the hell was going on. I couldn’t tell by the way you were acting. I was expecting arguing, you flipping out on her.”

  “I couldn’t. I felt so bad for her. I get what that kid, TJ, went through. She seems like she has a lot of issues and not that many people around to support her.”

  “Thankfully, it’s over.”

  “I know, right? Man, you don’t know the sick feeling I had the last few weeks over this. My mind was in a million different directions. I didn’t know how I was going to handle this if she was pregnant. You know what I went through with my own parents. How could I do that to my own kid?”

  “Well, you don’t have to worry about that now,” Luke answers.

  “I can’t wait to get out of here. Let’s go home.”


  JJ is sleeping on the reclining chair, while De is curled up on the couch with the blanket pulled over her head. It’s after midnight when we arrive back at the condo. JJ jumps up when she hears us come in.

  “How did it go?” she whispers curiously.

  “It’s all good,” I answer with a smile. “No baby.”

  “Oh my God! How did you find out?” she asks excitedly, hugging me. Luke takes her by the hand and tells her he’ll fill her in on the ride home.

  After they leave, I walk over to the couch and kneel down beside De as she sleeps soundly. I peel back the blanket just enough so I can see her face. I stay there for a while, watching her as a warm feeling flows through my veins and my thoughts drift to our future. We can have a fresh start together.

  I want nothing more than to wake her right now and fill her in, but she looks so peaceful. I decide we have forever. I finally move to the reclining chair. Exhausted by the drama of the last several weeks, I doze off, full of relief to be home and have this huge weight removed from my shoulders.


  “Mikey... Mikey.” I hear in a loud whisper and someone begins to poke me slightly as I sleep.

  “Huh?” I jump, taking a second to get my bearings. “Hey,” I say, smiling as De comes into focus.

  “When did you get in?” she asks, sitting on the arm of the chair.

  “What time is it?”

  “Two thirty,” she answers.

  “A couple of hours ago.”

  “Why didn’t you wake me? Where is everyone?”

  “JJ woke up when we came in; her and Luke left.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Come here.” I lift her onto my lap. “I’m better than okay. You’re here.” I hold her tightly.

  “Were you able to find out anything?” she asks, her head lying against my chest. “Yep.” I take a deep breath, hardly believing it myself. “You and I are going to have a chance to start this thing between us, the way it was meant to be.”

  “What are you saying?” she asks, raising her eyes to meet mine.

  “She lied. There is no baby.”

  “Oh my God! I’m so happy,” she says, hugging me tightly. I relay the details of the last two days. “You know it wouldn’t have mattered to me. It’s not like we were planning on this happening between us. We were both involved with other people. Things happen that we sometimes don’t plan.”

  “Well, that’s where you’re wrong. I’ve always planned on this happening between us.” I laugh.

  “I’m sure,” she says sarcastically.

  “I am sure,” I say confidently. “I just never imagined that I would screw up so bad and possibly have to face someone other than you having my baby. Or for that matter, God forbid, what if it was you that got pregnant by that asshole, Doctor Jeffrey? I never considered those things in the equation of you and me.” I shudder at the thought.

  She laughs. “Would you have still wanted to be with me if I was carrying someone else’s baby? I mean, what if I broke things off with Jeffrey, not realizing I was pregnant, and then you and I admit that we love each other, and then I find out I’m pregnant with his baby after the fact. What would you do?” she asks, baiting me.

  “Dump your ass. I don’t need that shit.”

  She smacks me and I start to tickle her. I love the way we can play with each other, constantly teasing and baiting the other. No doubt, there is a strong love and respect between us.

  I continue on a more serious note, “Hmm… First off, I’d have to convince you not to stay with him, ‘cause I know you, you’d feel like you had to.”

  She nods her head, somewhat agreeing. I take my time with my answer, wanting to get the words right, I need her to know exactly how I feel.

  “There’s no question, anything that is a part of you, is a part of me. It wouldn’t make a difference to me. God, De, you should know that. Your family is my family, it doesn’t matter how we got that way. It’s just the way it is. Who has always been there for me? Who do I go to whenever something important is happening in my life? Maria and Lucca have been there for every important thing in my life. Even when Luke was away, they came and watched me play. They call me constantly to check up on me, just like they do you and Luke. Who is the first person I call when I need to talk? C’mon, you don’t think I called Maria when I found out about Lora Rae? The very next day I called her. I told her everything. She listens to me as if I’m her son. She knew about us, yet she didn’t try to persuade me one way or another based on that knowledge. She gave me the same advice she would give Luke or you.” She nods her head knowingly. “There is no blood between us, but it doesn’t matter. I love them, they love me. I know that, I feel that from them,” I add.



  I try to hold back the tears forming in my eyes. My family has always loved him and treated him as if he was part of our family. This is the first time Mikey has ever discussed it in this way, though. I know how important we are to him, but to hear him say it like this, makes me fall even more in love with him, if that’s even possible.

  “You’re right. It doesn’t matter if it’s by blood or not. We’ve always thought of you as part of our family. We all love you very much. My mom
couldn’t have gotten through the last couple of years if she didn’t have you in her life. You made sure to keep Luke on track, even when it seemed impossible at times. You never gave up on him. You looked out for JJ, knowing that is what Luke would have wanted. You made sure she was okay. I love you because of all of that. I love you because you have always been there for me, you never judged me. You’ve kept my secrets. I cherish all of the times we’ve spent together, whether we were arguing about something or even when you tease me; especially when we laugh about stupid stuff and those nights when it was just you and me alone. Nights when I didn’t have to share you with Luke and when we’d hang out, watch TV in the rec room together and fall asleep on the couch. I loved those times most of all,” I say, brushing away the tear that escapes my eye.

  “Me, too,” he answers, squeezing me tight, getting emotional himself. “C’mon, it’s late, let’s go to bed.” He takes me by the hand and leads me to the bedroom. We climb into bed and he wraps his arms tightly around my body, resting his head against my chest. “I’m sorry I put you through that.”

  “Stop, you had no idea that was going to happen. Everything is good,” I say, kissing the top of his head while I run my fingers through his hair. We affectionately make love before finally giving in to sleep.


  It’s his last day to rest up before reporting to spring training; I let him sleep in. I know he must be exhausted from the last couple of days, or weeks for that matter. I make a pot of coffee and shower while contemplating whether or not to play hooky from school. I’d only be missing two classes, not a big deal, I decide. Since confessing our feelings the night he got back from Boston, our lives have been a whirlwind. We can finally relax and be a normal couple now.

  I pour two cups of coffee and carry them into the bedroom. He sleeps soundly and I take a moment to admire him as he lays sprawled across the bed. My insides get tingly when I look at him. I think of how blessed I feel to have the guy I trust most in the world beside me, knowing that he’ll always love and protect me forever. I’d do anything for him. He is my heart and soul. The feelings were always here, but now, sharing the intimacy of each other completes me in a way I never knew existed.

  I stand by the edge of the bed, sipping my coffee, hoping not to wake him. I enjoy watching as he sleeps, taking pleasure in his handsome, a bit unshaven, roughly chiseled features and his strong, athletically built, muscular body. I crave him, knowing how it feels to have him, all of him. I lean down and brush my hand along the side of his face. He opens his sky blue eyes and smiles.

  “I like that,” he says.

  “Like what?”

  “Seeing your face as soon as I open my eyes.” He rolls onto his back, propping himself up on his elbows, causing the muscles in his abs to tighten. “How long have you been up?”

  “Not long,” I answer, handing him the cup of coffee, trying desperately to hide my desire. “I skipped class.”

  “Cool,” he says, sipping his coffee while his eyes follow me as I circle the room. “You want to go get breakfast?”

  “It’s almost lunch.”

  “Do you want to go get lunch?” He laughs.

  “You never got to see your house. Do you want to see it?”

  “Oh shit, I forgot about the house. We were supposed to go see it when I got back from Boston.”

  “Yeah, but with everything that happened—”

  “We’ve got to go. I can’t wait to see it,” he says excitedly, getting up out of bed.

  “You want to go now?” I ask, surprised and somewhat disappointed as my eyes scan his body.

  He slowly walks towards me, fully exposed. A slight smile escapes his lips. “Not yet,” he answers, standing before me with his body touching mine. His hands slide up my thighs as he slowly lifts his t-shirt that I’m wearing over my head, leaving me standing in front of him equally exposed. He wraps one arm around my waist, pressing my body to his. I feel his hardness when our bodies brush against each other. His mouth trails along my neck and his hands softly touch my body, caressing me gently. I wrap my hands tightly around his waist, urging his body closer to mine. I plant kisses along his broad, smooth chest, while enticing him with my hands. A groan escapes his lips. I kiss his mouth, telling him I love him.

  “I love you, too,” he responds huskily, his hands skillfully touching me, causing my body to tremble.

  “I want you inside of me,” I moan. He instantly lifts me in his arms and his strong hands urge my legs around his waist as he slips inside of me. We fall against the closet door as his mouth ravishes my neck. He rocks his body into mine, using the door as added support with my back pressed against it while he thoroughly honors my request. It feels sensual and wild and so damn gratifying, it’s like nothing I have experienced before. We both reach our peak of fulfillment at the same time. My fingers softly stroke his damp hair as he rests his head on my shoulder; his breathing is heavy as he softly kisses my neck. Carrying me to the bed, he smoothly lays me down beneath of him as he gently slips inside me once again.

  “Why did I deny myself of you for so long?” he asks breathlessly, gliding kisses across my face and neck. “Look what you do to me.” He takes my hand, tracing it along the goose bumps that are covering his arms and chest.

  “I feel the same way. I have never—”

  “You’re not gonna tell me you never had sex before, right?” He smirks.

  “No, you idiot,” I say, about to push him off me, but he feels so good, I can’t do it. “I was going to say, I’ve never really trusted anyone enough to be adventurous with them. I’ve always been more conservative and proper when it comes to this stuff.” I laugh.

  “When have you ever been conservative and proper?” he teases.

  “With anyone besides you? That’s what I’m trying to tell you. It feels amazing to be able to let myself go with you. I trust you with everything I have inside. I know you’re not going to judge me or think less of me.”

  “Never. It’s the same for me, too,” he says with his deep blue eyes locked on mine.

  Chapter 27(Luke)

  I rush out of the gym after my workout to race home in order to meet with the alarm installers. I added a few more things to the list when they were out at our house last week to install the alarm system. Now that I’ll be leaving in a couple of weeks, I’m feeling a little panicked about leaving JJ alone in the house every night while I’m gone. I want to make sure the house is thoroughly safe and secure. I’m hoping Mikey moves in soon so that he’s near. Just as I pull into the driveway, she calls.

  “Hey babe, what’s up?” I ask.

  “Hi, what are you doing?”

  “Nothing, I just got back from the gym.”

  “Great. I’m waiting for Mya to finish up her class. We’re heading to Clearwater Beach to have lunch and drinks and I want you to come meet us. I feel like going to the beach today, I haven’t been there in awhile.

  “Mya hates the beach,” I add.

  “I know; that’s where you come in.” She laughs. “She has to be into work by three.”

  “So you’re using me?” I tease her.

  “Of course not, I love your company. Plus, I need my bathing suit and stuff. Pleasssseee?” she asks in her most irresistibly persuasive voice.

  “I guess, but I have to take care of something before I leave.”

  “That’s fine, we’re having lunch first. What do you have to do?”

  I hesitate, because I don’t feel like hearing her comment.



  “What do you have to do?”

  “The alarm guys are coming back… I have them adding a couple of things.”

  “Jesus, Luke! Seriously? It’s like Fort Knox already!”

  I hold the phone away from my ear and start laughing because she’s a hundred percent right. I may have gone a little overboard. “I’ll call you when I’m on my way.”



  Mya an
d I wave Luke over when we see him enter the restaurant. We’re sitting at the bar on the outside deck facing the beach. He greets us each with a kiss on the cheek.

  “Did you get the fortress barricaded?” Mya asks sarcastically.

  “Don’t start, Mya, I’ve already heard it from her.” Luke gives her a sideways glance as he orders another round of drinks and a burger.

  “Luke, I can’t,” Mya says laughing. “I have to go or I’m going to be late. You drink it. You have to catch up anyway. We’ve already had three each.”

  “Are you driving?” he asks.

  “No, but I’m fine anyway, your wife is the lightweight,” She teases while saying her goodbyes.

  “I am not,” I add defensively.

  Luke and I enjoy the warm sun, mixed with the light breeze coming from the ocean while we finish our drinks and relax to the island music playing in the background. After changing in the bathroom, we head down to the beach.

  I’m relaxed and content as I lay on my stomach, feeling the warm sun shine down on my skin and Luke’s strong hands massaging sunscreen onto my back. I’ll miss him when he’s away, but we’ve planned somewhat of a schedule a while ago. I don’t have Friday or Monday classes this semester, leaving me long weekends free. I’ll fly out a couple of times a month to stay with him for the weekend. Besides, during the week, I’ll keep busy with classes and working at the gallery. As much as I enjoyed my time at The Blue, I was ready to give it up shortly after our wedding. Luke and I are in such a great place and we’ve come so far. Over the last several months my life feels settled, I know we can handle any challenges that may come our way.

  As we both sleep lazily on the beach, we are startled by the sound of Luke’s ringing phone.

  “Hello?… Yeah… When?... Okay…” He continues on with his conversation while I sit up next to him, desperately waiting for him to hang up. I can tell by his tone that the call is important, but I’m unable to read his expression.

  “What’s going on?” I ask the second he hangs up.

  “C’mon, I’ll tell you on the way home,” he says, helping me up as he swiftly picks up our towels from the beach, not bothering to shake them out.


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