Stealing First: (A Bad Boy Single Father Billionaire Novel)

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Stealing First: (A Bad Boy Single Father Billionaire Novel) Page 7

by Weston Parker

  "No. I'm not interested, Sis. It's yours. Period." He pulled his hand from mine and turned to Mr. Tan. "Dad wanted her to fully have ownership over the team. It's hers. We're not changing that."

  He chuckled. "You actually can't change it without a pretty nasty legal battle, but I will tell you that it will leave your sister a billionaire and you only a multi-millionaire. Your father’s assets are vast, but with the market value of the baseball team, it’s quite a sum of money." He glanced down and flipped through the papers.

  "Good. I think I can live with just being filthy rich. My sister can be the billionaire and live in the spotlight." Lance gave me a cocky smile.

  “Brother.” I rolled my eyes. My brother and my father had ganged up on me for my own good - one last time.

  Chapter 11


  I drank myself into a semi-comma that night after the game. Most of us did. Thankfully, Gary gave me a lift back to the house and helped me get into bed. He was a good guy. Much better of a friend than I deserved.

  I woke Friday morning in a panic. What time is it?

  Martin's funeral was at ten and I hadn't thought to set an alarm. I rolled out of bed and hit the floor hard, my stomach lurching as I tried to stand up.

  "Ugh. Fuck," I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair. Drinking at thirty was totally different than drinking at twenty. At least the morning after was. After stumbling around the room like I was still drunk, I found my phone. 8:30.

  "Thank God." I took a few deep breaths and tried to wake up. After a few minutes of pacing the floor in front of my bed, I forced myself into the shower and changed into the only black shirt, tie and slacks I had. I debated over whether to wear a jacket or not, but the sound of my father in the back of my head answered the question for me.

  "Jackets are required for weddings, funerals and public events. Period."

  "Got it," I said and pulled the jacket over my shoulders. After checking myself one more time in the mirror, I grabbed the keys to the bike and headed to the funeral home. There was no way in hell they were going to have enough room to hold everyone, but I reminded myself that it wasn't my problem. I had to pay my respects, carry the casket as a pallbearer and try not to lose my shit over seeing Terra for the first time in seven years.

  Something told me that the first two items on my list were cake compared to the last.

  A million questions raced through my mind as I made my way to the funeral home. What did she look like up close? Had she found someone else? Was she happy? Did she want kids when we got married and I built her the house of her dreams?

  I scoffed at my ridiculous thoughts and parked the bike next to a row of expensive cars. Baseball players and their toys.

  "Daniel. There you are." My father walked out into the parking lot and offered his hand. "Your mom was getting worried that you might skip out."

  "No. Never." I hugged my dad and walked into the building to find it as I'd expected - packed. The soft elevator music mixed with the sound of crying and the smell of moth balls had my stomach lurching again.

  Fuck me for getting wasted the night before.

  "Your mom is sitting up near the front. I think Lance is near that office over there. I’m sure he’d love to see you." My father pointed to a row of offices and rubbed the middle of my back. "We're here for you."

  "I know, dad. Thanks." I walked towards the offices and tried to catch my breath. It was insane, but the woman of my dreams was somewhere in one of the rooms around me. My pulse raced and sweat collected on my hands and forehead. Shit. I wasn't going to make it.

  "Hey. You looking for me?" Lance walked up and smiled, offering me a quick, brotherly hug.

  "Yeah. Sorry, I'm late, man." I hugged him tightly before moving back. "You need me to do anything?"

  "No, and you're not late. We're starting in ten minutes." He smiled and shook his head. "Being on time is a waste of time, right?"

  "You stole the words from my mouth."

  "Excuse me, Mr. Harmon. Can I talk to you for a minute? Sorry to interrupt." An elderly woman with a hymnal in her hand walked up beside us.

  "Do what you need to do, man. I'll be up front with you guys and my folks." I patted his arm. "I'm here for you."

  "I know you are." He winked and turned to the lady, leaving me standing there, sweating my balls off again. Where was Terra? I didn't want to walk up on her and be surprised. I needed a minute.

  A hard-on in a funeral was beyond fifty shades of grey. I moved up to the opening to the sanctuary and paused, letting my eyes move along the crowds until I spotted someone with hair the color of fire. Dark red locks billowed down her back, accentuating just how tiny she was up top. Her hips jutted out, and her ass forced her fitted black dress to curve beautifully.

  "Shit." I swallowed hard and glanced down toward my shoes as I breathed in through my mouth. She was everything I remembered her to be and probably so much more.

  "Fuck, dude. Have you seen Martin's daughter?" One of the guys from the outfield moved up beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Daniel. She has to be the most beautiful woman I've seen in months."

  "Years." Another guy moved up on my other side. "She has curves in all the right places, and her confidence is wicked hot."

  "Chill it." I growled at both of them. "She just lost her dad for fuck's sake."

  "I know." One of them lifted his hand in surrender as the other disappeared into the crowd, headed Terra's way. "I was just telling you about her. Shit, man."

  "I already know about her." I straightened up and brushed my hand down my chest. "She's going to be taking over for Martin, so learn to respect her. She's not just a pretty face." I glanced his way. "She's your new boss."

  "I'm down." He gave me a cocky smile.

  "Good luck." I walked into the room and nodded at a few people, shook a few hands and tried hard to force the conversation with the guys out of my head. Everyone would be vying for Terra's attention, but I knew here, no one would get it.

  "Thank you so much for coming." Her voice carried behind her as I took the final few steps between us.

  "You've become such a lovely woman, Terra. I know your dad is so proud of you." Alan, our GM reached out and shook Terra’s hand, the sad look on his face a replica of everyone else walking around.

  "Thanks, Mr. Danes. I'm sure we'll be talking sooner rather than later." She reached up and brushed her hair over her shoulder, sending the sweet aroma of her shampoo to smack me in the face. As if I needed any other stimuli.

  "Good." Alan's attention turned to me. "Daniel. I just saw your folks somewhere around here."

  I stiffened and so did Terra. "Yes, Sir. They're mingling with everyone."

  "You look nice son." He moved past me and patted me on the chest as he did. "You clean up well."

  Terra turned around and pursed her lips. There were so many things I wanted to tell her, but more than anything else, I wanted to pull her close and kiss her until her knees fucking gave out.

  "I'm sorry," I whispered, not fully able to find enough air.

  "Thanks." She held my gaze, not at all fazed by me from what I could tell. There was a hint of anger in her expression unless I misread it. "It's good to see you."

  "You too. You look-"

  "Terra! Darling. You just look stunning." An older woman who was dressed to go to a masquerade ball took Terra's attention away from me.

  She turned without blinking an eye and moved into the woman's arms. I took a deep breath and found my parents. There was no need in analyzing the moment. She wasn't glad to see me in the slightest, and I couldn't blame her.

  My mom leaned over and kissed my cheek as I sat down between her and my dad. "Did you see Terra? My God. She's so beautiful, Daniel."

  "What?" My dad leaned around the front of me, whispering loudly.

  "Shh!" My mom responded, rolled her eyes and turned to the front as the service started.

  I sat between them with my eyes on Terra. It was a long ass h
alf-hour of watching her shoulder shake and knowing that she was hurting. I should have been the man next to her. The one with his arms around her, holding her as she lost her hero, but I wasn't.

  I was a few rows back, watching helplessly. There was no fucking way she was going to let me close to her.

  And as sick as it was, there was some sense of satisfaction deep down in the darkest parts of my soul. I might not have been her man, but no one else was either. Which meant there was still a chance.

  A slim one, but that's all I needed.

  Chapter 12


  Numbness surrounded me as I stood at the edge of my father's grave. Rain drizzled from above, almost making the memory perfect. I'd suffer for a long time trying to get over losing him, but one thing would have made it so much easier.

  Having someone that loved me intimately suffocating me with love.

  But it wasn't meant to be. I glanced up and turned, catching Danny's eye as he stood a row behind me with the other team members that had carried my father's casket. He was beyond beautiful, a well-aged version of the boy I'd fallen in love with.

  Anger was my only protection against him, and I knew I needed one. The little bits of his conversation with my brother left me with one conclusion. He was interested, but it was for the wrong reasons. It had to be. The sport meant everything to him and now I was going to own my father's team?

  Where I didn't think Danny was anything like Paul, I couldn't help but wonder what his intentions were.

  He'd chosen his future over me. Plain and simple. And it was probably a good thing.

  His hot and cold affection confused me back in school. He'd pushed our lust to a certain point and shut us down, leaving me to feel needy and slutty by my desire to push him farther. He didn't want to close the gap between being kids and being lovers. I understood it more now, but it still stung like a bitch. If I let him back into my life, would he do it again? Take us to a certain point and freeze up? Shut down? Walk away?

  I turned back to the graveside as the preacher finished up his part.

  "The Harmon's want to thank all of you today for coming. They'll be hosting a come and go brunch at Martin's house. There are flyers with directions if you're interested. Thank you and God bless." He nodded and gave me a sad smile.

  Lance slipped his hand into mine. "Come on. Let's get over to the house before everyone else does."

  "Okay." I pulled my hand from my brother's but moved in behind him.

  "You guys need some help?" Danny jogged up to us, keeping in step with me instead of Lance.

  "No," I responded as Lance glanced back and said, "Yes."

  Danny laughed softly. "Alright. I'm coming. I'm like one of the kids too."

  I bit my tongue. He should have been my husband, the father to all of the kids I didn't have.

  "Hey! Wait up." Niki jogged up to the other side of me and slipped her hand into mine. "You doing okay?"

  "Yeah. Thanks." She leaned forward a little and bit her lip. "Danny McAdams. Looking hot as usual."

  He smiled. "Thanks, Niki. You look great yourself. How is your little guy?"

  We got to the car, and I pulled out of Niki's hold and got into the front seat, sparing myself the long ride back to my dad's with Danny pressed to the side of me. Conflicted emotions had me sick to my stomach by the time we got to the house. I'd mumbled a few responses to the conversation in the back between my brother, Niki, and Danny. It was like old times, except I didn't feel at all like a part of what they were up to.

  "Thanks." I smiled over at the driver and got out. I'd entertain everyone for a little while and fake illness. It wasn't too farfetched seeing that nausea swam in my stomach.

  "Terra. Wait up." Niki called to me, and I paused long enough for her to reach me.

  We walked to the front of the house in silence. One of my father's many staff members opened the door. "Miss Harmon."

  "Thanks." I walked into the house and let out a soft sigh. "Sorry. Something about being around Danny leaves me feeling a million times more broken than I am."

  "I understand that." Niki slid her arm into mine. "Come on. Let's get some food and something to drink and find a corner to hunker down in. You know you're going to be bombarded with people soon."

  "Sounds good." I walked over to the food table and let my eyes move across the various items. Nothing looked good. I moved out of the way and turned to find my brother and Danny talking with Alan, Joe and Gary, the old guys that were part of my father's baseball organization. Each of them means so much to him. So much more than maybe they knew.

  Danny's shoulders pressed against the black button up he wore, and his ass looked so damn good in his slacks. His thick legs caught my attention, and by the time Niki caught up to me, I was wet, aching and panting a little.

  "Hey. What's going on with you?" She gave me a funny grin. Her eyes followed my gaze and she snorted. "You seriously think you're going to be able to deny yourself a roll in the sheets with Danny McAdams? You're outta your fucking mind, Terra."

  "I'm not giving into him." I narrowed my eyes and turned to face her. "He's not getting back into my life."

  "How about just into your body?" She wagged her eyebrows and gave me a sexy smile.

  "No. I can't." I turned around to find him watching me with the same interest I watched him with. "He'll fuck me up for sure."

  He smiled and mouthed. "What?"

  I shook my head and gave him an ugly look before turning my back to him. "He denied me a million times in high school. Fuck him."

  "I'd fuck him. For sure." She turned and pressed her shoulder against mine. "Maybe a release would be good." She leaned around the front of me. "It would be healing."

  "Or damning." I walked over to the bar. "Whiskey please."

  "And Coke?" The bartender offered a smile.

  "Just whiskey. A double shot, please." I stiffened as someone moved up next to me. Lance. "Thank God." I let out a long sigh. "I thought you were Danny."

  He chuckled. "I see you're both up to teasing each other from across the room. Dad would be proud of you. Your poker face is on tight."

  I nodded, took the drink and kicked it back, finishing it in a few long gulps. "Another." I handed it to the bartender. "No more ice, please."

  I downed that one too and growled at the burn. I wasn't hoping to get drunk, but a buzz wouldn't hurt anything.

  "Alright, lush. Come on." Lance took my forearm and led me back toward one of the many bedrooms in our dad's mansion. We left the door opened and walked to the bed where pictures were laid out. "I'm going to put some of these on the slide show at the next ball game. Which do you like most?"

  I licked my lips and leaned over, picking out two I loved. "These."

  "Lance. You needed me, man?" Danny's voice surprised me.

  I glanced over my shoulder and stifled a groan. Fuck the man was a god. With so much liquor in my system, I'd have to be careful. I'd be on my knees trying to fit his enormous cock in my mouth if I weren't careful. Memories raped my insides, and I jerked back around and picked up a third picture.

  "Here. I'm out." I started to walk out, but my brother grabbed my wrist. "There are more. Just stay here for a second and I'll get them."

  I turned to hear him explain to Danny about the pictures too. He walked out and closed the door behind him.

  Danny turned toward the door as it clicked shut and back to me. "If you wanted to see me, all you had to do was say so, Terra. You didn't need Lance's help."

  I laughed hatefully. "As if." I turned back to the bed. "My brother still has some lofty hope that you'll be a part of our family."

  "And you?" He moved up beside me, his mere presence causing my insides to ache.

  "That ship sailed a long time ago." I refused to look at him. I couldn't. I knew the minute I did that I would sink into his arms and let him have anything he wanted from me.

  "You have no idea what you do to me." He brushed a long string of hair off my shoulder.
/>   I jerked around and stepped toward him. "Don't touch me again."

  "Because you like it too much?" He closed the gap between us and passion boiled in his gaze.

  "You have no clue what I like. I offered myself to you and you refused me." I laughed sardonically. "But you fucked a zillion other women, didn't you, Daniel McAdams." I moved back and took a sharp breath. I was going to break down. "The world's sexiest bachelor is back in my life, ladies and gents. He can't get to home plate with the girl he loved, but he'll swing that fucking bat for any other horny bitch in the stands."

  "Terra." He reached for me, but I jerked my arm away.

  "I'm leaving. Tell Lance I'll be in my bedroom."

  "Don't go. I'm serious." He walked toward me as I turned and walked to the door.

  "Stay away from me, Danny. I won't tell you again. You didn't want me then, and I sure as fuck don't want you now."

  Chapter 13

  Two Weeks Later


  "Alright. You ready for this? Keep your head outta the clouds and make this shit happen tonight, McAdams." Our pitching coach, Rick, gave me a stern look as I walked out of the bathroom into the locker room.

  "Got it, coach." I walked past him, not really in the mood for him singling me out. I'd do what I did best, which was pitch. That's what the fuck they paid me to do, and I'd do it.

  Rodriguez walked up and clamped his hand down on the back of my neck, leaning around and smiling at me. "Word on the street is that you used to date our new owner."

  "Oh yeah?" I'd been trying like a mother fucker not to think of Terra over the last two weeks. She'd made her move to Seattle with Lance's help, and they'd gotten a few other guys on the team to pitch in, but she hadn't wanted me there. It stung like a bitch and left me wanting to fuck her up emotionally. Did she think she was the only one who lost out on something all those years ago? What the fuck had she been running from when she high-tailed it down to Oakland? Me? Well, fuck her too.


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