Stealing First: (A Bad Boy Single Father Billionaire Novel)

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Stealing First: (A Bad Boy Single Father Billionaire Novel) Page 39

by Weston Parker

  "Why, Gia. That's a personal question," he teased.

  The small woman scowled. "I just want to make sure that you're not going to hurt her again."

  Kade smiled. "You don't have to worry, Gia. I'm done fighting my feelings for Addilyn. Hurting her hurts me."

  The song ended, and the crowd erupted into screams and applause. "Dallas, you have been amazing! I don't think that anyone has better fans than me. Seriously. I am so blessed, and I am so thankful for all the support. This is my last show for this tour, so now I can announce that all of the recordings from my tour are going on a special album. It's my way of saying thanks! I'm going to take a vacation and get to work on some new songs, and then I'll be back in the studio. I love you guys. Thank you so much!"

  At the thought of their concert being on an album drove the crowd wild. They continued to scream and chant her name as she exited the stage. As always, she went straight into Kade's arms. Despite the sweat on her face, he couldn't wait to hold her.

  "You did it, Princess," he said softly as he kissed her head. Reaching out, he took a water bottle from Gia and opened it. "Drink this."

  As she guzzled it down, he led her to her dressing room and gently closed the door behind her. Normally, she kissed him silly before heading to the vanity and wiping away all her heavy make-up, but this time, she didn't seem to want to leave his arms.

  "Everything okay?" he whispered as he stroked her hair.

  "I'm so many different things," she admitted. "I am so elated that I pulled this off, and I'm so excited that our songs have gone over so well, but I'm also so tired. God, Kade, I could never have done this without you."

  "Yes, you could have. You're the most amazing woman ever, but it's nice to hear that you like having me around."

  Laughing, she let him pull her down on the bench. Different dresses were strewn about the room as she'd hastily changed. Kade learned early on that he couldn't be in her dressing room while she changed. Even after all this time sharing a bed, she still turned him on whenever she was near.

  She was probably going to be the death of him.

  "Your assistant asked me if I loved you," he said idly as she leaned against his chest.

  She didn't stiffen or pull away. Instead, she just raised her head and stared at him curiously. "Really? What did you tell her?"

  "I told her that was a personal question."

  "That is a personal question."

  Twirling a strand of hair around her finger, he cocked his head. "It's a question that you've never asked."

  "I don't have to, Kade. I know that you love me."

  "You do?"

  "Of course I do. You made yours and Cadence’s lives a hundred times harder to be with me. That's love, and I know that it's not something that you experience lightly."

  "Maybe I'm mooching off your success."

  Addilyn snorted. "Peter's an idiot. Besides, if anything, I'm pretty sure it's the other way around. Most of the girls in the crowd tonight weren't there to see me. They're hoping to catch a glimpse of you."

  "You're happy?"

  "Delirious. You?"

  "Oh, baby. I am happy. I've never been so sure of anything in my life. I do love you." Leaning down, he kissed her gently.

  "I love you, too. Now you know what would make me even happier?"


  She gave him a mischievous grin. "Dinner. I'm starving."

  "We can't have that. I tell you what. We'll get you a giant cheeseburger before making our flight."

  Addilyn looked up and smiled. "And then?"

  "And then we will finally be alone. I’m sending Cadence back home before Maisy realizes she’s got it made without us. Those two can do some catching up without us. I'll give you a few days to rest, and then I'm going to give you every opportunity to scream my name as loud as you want," he teased. Their nights together were often dampened by the hundreds of people that followed her around everywhere while she was on tour and with Cadence around it was even harder. Luckily she’d returned to the hotel early.

  He bent his head to kiss her again, this time long and sensual. She moaned softly in his mouth, and he couldn't help but smile. The pop princess had turned out to be the love of his life, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

  Bonus Chapters


  Addilyn looked up from my latest song as Cadence stormed through the house and before she could figure out what was going on, the girl dove for that pesky cat that she’d seen outside of Kade’s house. Somehow it had managed to get in and was going wide open. It got away, and Addilyn stiffened as it headed her way. She was trapped between the chair, and the cowhide ottoman and the only way she’d manage to avoid the wild feline would put be to put herself in more danger.

  A scream sliced through the air as he ran across her lap and knocked the lamp off the table beside her. The shade twisted and the bulb popped, but that didn’t distract the devious kitty from his rampage.

  “Addilyn?” Kade came running down the stairs nearly tripping over the cat who had darted past him on his way around the room.

  “I’m fine.” She held up a hand to reassure him, but he’d already turned his attention to his daughter.

  “Cadence, get that damned cat out of here.” He stormed across the room about the time the cat jumped into her arms.

  “Daddy, it’s not my fault. Someone left the back door open again.” Addilyn sank in her seat as the two of them glanced over. She’d just come in from the back patio for a little change of scenery. Now that she was writing her own songs, she’d found that she enjoyed being a bit of a roamer. She’d start out in one part of the house and then make her way around it throughout the day as she wrote.

  “I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad at Cadence.”

  “I’m not mad at Cadence. I’m mad at that monster. He’s broken more things than I can count and he’s too feral to do anything with. I even hauled his ass off one day, and he followed me back home.”

  “He’s a smart little scrapper. Here let me hold him.” She got up and took him from Cadence’s arms as Kade stiffened.

  “Careful, he bites.” She gave her dad a worried look, but Addilyn nuzzled the little beast and scratched his cheeks. He began to purr, and his tail twitched.

  She met Kade’s eyes with a sympathetic grin, her voice turning into a much younger version than normal. “It’s obvious he wants to be in the house, or he wouldn’t keep coming in. Have you thought—

  “Oh no. He’s no house cat. He’s a half feral barn cat whose days are numbered. Take him Cadence, and make sure you shut the door.”

  “Yes, daddy. But I think she’s right. He does okay when we’re not after him.” She and Cadence exchanged a look of sadness as the girl took the cat and carried him out.

  He waved his finger and frowned. “We’re not having any cat in the house, and that’s final.”

  She crossed the room and took his hand. “He’s just a harmless little kitty cat.” She lifted her brow and offered him a seductive smile.

  He pulled her into his arms. “Mhm. I’ve seen how harmless he is. You weren’t here when the place was full of plants, and I had two more lamps. He’s perfectly fine outside.”

  “I’ll make sure I don’t break any lamps while I’m here.” The tour had ended nearly nine months ago, and even though she’d went back home for a while, with the two of them attempting to travel back and forth, it was just too much for Cadence. They’d decided her living with them would be more suitable and so she moved into Kade’s residence.

  Things had been going along without any issues, and the two were growing closer than ever, and she’d even bonded more with Cadence since the tour.

  “You’re welcome to trash the place if you like. It’d be well worth having you around.” Kade kissed her softly as Cadence walked back into the room and cleared her throat. “Daddy, do you mind if I go spend the night with Maisy? We’re going to the mall to get our nails done and then she wanted me to help her pick out som
e new shoes.”

  “I don’t want you getting your nails done up with that glittery junk. Promise you’ll keep it nice and simple, and I’ll have Maisy drive you over.” Addilyn smiled when Cadence cheered.

  “Thanks, Daddy!” She hurried upstairs, and Kade’s eyes lit with joy as he watched her go.

  Once she was out of sight, he leaned down and kissed Addilyn’s lips. She broke the kiss and smiled up at him. “You’re a sweet father.”

  “Yeah, well, my motives were devious enough. I thought I’d buy us some alone time.” He pressed against the small of her back and kissed her much deeper this time.

  Addilyn couldn’t wait for them to have a little bit of time alone where she could be as loud as she wanted. The quiet sex they’d been having with Cadence and Maisy around had been torturous.

  “How about I hurry them along, and I’ll meet you upstairs in our room in thirty? He whispered the words so close to her ear that chills went up her spine. She felt a tingle burning deep in her core. She couldn’t wait to get at him.

  “Thirty minutes if not sooner. I’ll just finish up my last thoughts and put them on paper, and I’ll be right there.” She gave him one last kiss and returned to her pad and pen before the lingering emotion faded. She wanted that fuzzy feeling of love to guide her pen and works its magic.

  The new song would be all about them, and she wanted it to be her next big hit.

  It turned out that twenty minutes was all it took for her to finish her thought and she went upstairs to wait on him in his big plush bed. It was her favorite thing about his house, and she felt like she lived up to her nickname every time she was in it.

  She stripped down to her lacy panties and bra and waited for him beneath the covers, and sure enough, once the house was empty and they were alone, she heard him coming up the stairs.

  Her core quaked, and as a soft heat crept up every inch of her skin, she felt the trickle of wetness as she waited for him. Her heartbeat raced, and she rubbed her knees together slowly letting her need build.

  “The house is empty, and we’re all alone.” His voice came from the door as he pushed it to, and then he walked closer, taking off his shirt. He stopped at the foot of the bed, and his eyes fell across the blankets she held tight to her neck.

  “What are you wearing under all those blankets?” He tugged the bottom of his covers until the shrugged down and exposed her little black bra.

  “Do you like?” She’d bought the set only the day before and had been hoping he’d get to see it.

  “I do, and the bra too.” He winked and then worked the button open on his jeans. He lowered his zipper and tugged down his pants in one swift motion. He kicked them off his feet and then crawled up under the covers as she laughed softly.

  “I hoped you would.”

  “Mhm. I’ll like it even better when it’s on the floor. What else are you wearing under there?” He raised the top of the covers and peeked. “Those are some hot panties, Princess. Let me get a look at them.” He tossed the covers back and pulled her up to sit beside him.

  He glanced down at the clasp between her breasts. Popping it open he captured her mouth. Then as it fell off her shoulders, he cupped the heavy swells and stroked his thumb across her tight nipples. She shuddered and moaned and then her hands found his thigh, sliding up to rub him through his boxer briefs. She reached into his gray cotton and found his silky cock which was hard enough to cut glass.

  She couldn’t wait for it to slice through her and the ache built deep as she gripped it tight. He hissed a breath through his teeth and lowered his mouth to her nipple tugging it softly between his teeth.

  She cried out, and he gave her a sly grin as he reached for her sex. His hand rubbed firm against her mound, and then he slipped a single finger into her folds and parted her lips. She tingled as he stroked over her clit.

  “You’re ready for me aren’t you?” He glanced up and met her eyes and their stares burned there for a moment causing her to melt. She’d never been so in love, never wanted anyone more, and had never craved another’s touch the way she craved him.

  “Please. I need you,” she whispered against his neck as she nuzzled closer still working him. They met each other’s pace and then, as they sank down against the mattress, he shifted above her.

  “Where do you need me, Princess? Here?” He slipped two fingers into her channel, spreading them and pumping them in and out. His fingers were soaked with her need, and as she responded with a nod, he pulled them out and pushed them into her mouth.

  “I’ll give you what you want if you return the favor.” He grinned wickedly, and she sucked his fingers, tasting herself and the pleasure he’d given so far.

  She shifted her position and lay out beside him with her head in his lap and her feet toward his head. Then he pulled her on him so he could get between her legs as she tugged on his cock and then lowered her mouth to it. She moaned at the taste and then dragged her pointed tongue against his tip, tonguing the slit until another taste hit her tongue. She’d never get enough of his taste or the way he felt as his mouth worked her through her release. The only time it was better was when he was buried deep inside her.

  He shifted again and pulled her up over him where her legs settled at his sides. She rolled her hips against his tongue as he lapped at her channel, and she relaxed her throat and pulled him deeper.

  Just as she was getting into it and about to come again, he slapped her ass and rolled her over. “Come here. I want to get inside of you.”

  The words shot straight to her core, and she needed him to ease her desires. She loved the way he filled her up so wholly that it pushed her to her limits.

  He sat back and took her arm, pulling her close so she could sit astride him. She lifted her hips and then centered his cock at her entrance and then settled down on him, letting him inch slowly inside her soaked walls.

  He made a strangled sound of pleasure. “Fuck, it’s so good, Princess. You’re so good to me.” He held onto her hips and then stroked her bottom before gripping it and working her against him.

  Addilyn let loose of a long satisfied sigh. “It feels amazing.” She looked deep into his eyes as she rode him gently and ground against him.

  He dipped his head and kissed her breasts, pulling her taut nipple into his mouth. It was so rosy and tender from his touch already that it sent a pinch deep in her core that his cock intensified. Suddenly her body shuddered, and the release ripped through her like an inferno burning away everything else in the world but the feel of him inside her.


  Her walls quaked around him, milking his cock so good he knew he better slow down or their fun would be over. He nudged her to sit up and then he slipped down to lick her soaked little pussy. She sat across his mouth, working her hips on him and he growled as he feasted on her.

  “I’m still coming,” she said as she threw her head back. He loved how she looked when she came, and though he’d never tell her, it was the sexiest she ever looked with her hair wild, her cheeks reddened, and her chest heaving from exertion. She was his goddess.

  Kade watched as she arched her back and he held her ass as he pushed her harder against him. He wanted to devour her, and this was the best place to start.

  He knew he’d eventually bury himself deep and soak her little walls, but for now, he was going to lick every inch of it.

  His tongue was out as far as he could manage and he was fucking her deep with it. He loved the way she looked writhing against him. Then he pulled her up, letting his tongue slip into her crack where he dragged his tongue against her little star.

  He darted his tongue, keeping it pointed to work her little hole until she moaned. “Please, Kade.”

  He grinned and pulled away. “You want it, don’t you? You want me to claim that little ass of yours.”

  “Yes, I need you everywhere. Claim all of me.” He pulled her down to kiss her mouth certain she had no idea what she was asking. She was much too tight, and he wasn�
�t about hurting her.

  He slapped her ass. “Stand beside the bed. I’m going to make good use of the privacy and have you screaming my name in no time.” He wanted to call her bluff and would take great pleasure in making her come to the idea of him inside her ass.

  He got up and walked around her as she stood beside the bed, then he stood behind her and parted her cheeks. He smiled as she tensed and he slipped a finger into her mouth, and she sucked it until it was nice and soft.

  When it was ready, he slipped it into her tight little hole and teased it to the first knuckle. She moaned and wiggled, and he knew it was a bit of unease that made her squirm. “Hold still for me, Princess. I’m going to go deeper.”

  He pushed his finger into the second knuckle, and she cried out and winced, her knees going weak beneath her.

  “Mm. How do you think my entire cock would feel?” She let out a whimper.

  “Maybe it isn’t such a good idea.” She went to stand, but he pushed her down to the covers.

  “You said you wanted it, and I’m going to give it to you, no backing out now.” He gave her a slow, evil chuckle and felt her tense beneath him. He aimed his cock for her little star and then pressed against it. She tensed and gave a little squeal, but then he took her arms and pulled them behind her back, holding her tight. In one hard thrust, he was inside her, and she screamed out his name when he hit her depths.

  She was soaked.

  “You liked that didn’t you, Princess?” He chuckled, and she moaned.

  “You tricked me,” she said around her laughter.

  “You’re lucky I did.” As he worked to her depths she started to shake; her legs going weak. And then her walls tightened and released, milking him as she came apart around him. He quickened his pace all the way through her release and pounded relentlessly until she screamed his name.

  He could listen to her sing his name forever. “Now that’s something for the studio. I’d love to buy that record.” He picked her up against him and slowed his thrusts down to a loving grind as he kissed her shoulder.


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