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Vesta Mansion: Book One - The Power Inside

Page 19

by P. A. Priddey

  ‘I thought you hated going in the pool,’ said Claire.

  ‘When I’m fully dressed I do, but not when I’m in my trunks.’

  Claire scrunched up her face. ‘Thanks for the image, I’ll have nightmares now.’

  ‘I look good in them thank you very much,’ said James, and Asima smiled at him.

  ‘Well, Cas, what was it like?’ Michelle teased.

  ‘What do you mean?’

  Michelle winked. ‘You were in bed with Alex.’

  Carrie started to go red, and toyed with her hair. ‘Actually, Shell, I was on the bed . . . fully dressed . . . and asleep.’

  ‘Did you look under the duvet? What was he like downstairs?’

  ‘No, I didn’t,’ Carrie snapped, as her face turned scarlet. She didn’t look, but wanted to.

  ‘Shell!’ Claire shook her head. ‘What the bloody hell kind of question is that? And what you want to know for anyway?’

  Michelle grinned. ‘I don’t, I’m just teasing Cas.’

  ‘He’s not small if that’s what you want to know,’ said Paige nonchalantly, while stroking one of the cubs.

  Michelle narrowed her eyes. ‘And you know this how?’

  ‘I’ve seen him naked many times, and slept with him on many occasions,’ said Paige, and Claire smiled.

  Carrie was jealous, and a little angry. ‘Did you sleep with him when you were married the first time?’

  ‘Yeah, but not in the way you’re thinking, Alex would never touch me in that way. My marriage was one of convenience, and I never slept with my ex-husband.’

  ‘I’m shocked,’ said Skye.

  ‘You have to remember what type of friendship we have. When I was upset, which happened a lot when I was younger, Alex would always be there for me. All he had to do was hold me and everything was OK. Being naked in front of each other meant nothing.’

  Michelle looked at Claire. ‘Doesn’t this bother you?’

  ‘Yeah, I wish I had a friend like him when I was younger.’

  ‘But what if she wants to sleep with him again?’

  ‘If Claire wasn’t here one night for some reason, I might do,’ said Paige. ‘But when she is, it’ll always be her, as I do have other needs than someone to hold me when I’m feeling down.’

  ‘So Alex knew you were gay?’ said Skye.

  ‘Not that I was aware of, and he never said anything.’

  ‘He never said anything at the wedding when he found out it was you getting married.’

  ‘No, but he did have a lot on his mind.’

  Carrie smiled. So, Alex has no problem sleeping with his friends, even if it’s all innocent, she thought, as he came down the stairs.

  Alex buttoned up the front of his short-sleeved shirt. ‘Have I missed anything?’

  ‘Nope, it’s been quiet,’ said Paige.

  Joseph looked up quite bemused. ‘The conversation’s been interesting.’

  ‘We were discussing sleeping habits,’ said Michelle. ‘Do you sleep naked?’

  ‘Not since I moved in here because of the children coming into my room,’ he said, and Carrie sighed in relief. ‘However, I did yesterday and today, apart from my t-shirt. By the time I stripped for bed it was all I could manage before I was asleep.’

  Carrie groaned.

  ‘What’s the matter, Cas?’ said Paige.

  ‘I’m just guessing Shell’s next question,’ said Carrie quickly. Why didn’t I see if he was OK last night?

  ‘I wasn’t going to say anything,’ said Michelle, trying to look innocent. ‘Well, apart from why Alex wasn’t surprised Paige married a woman.’

  Alex sat next to Carrie. ‘I was more surprised she married a man the first time.’

  Paige looked shocked. ‘Are you saying you knew I was gay?’

  ‘Of course, dear.’

  ‘And you never said anything.’

  ‘Why? Should I have?’

  * * *

  The following morning Alex walked downstairs looking for Blaze. It didn’t take long to find her as she was having breakfast with Asima and Skye.

  ‘You not going up for breakfast?’ said Blaze.

  Alex sat opposite and shook his head. ‘Summer told me not to bother unless I want something else.’

  Skye looked up from her breakfast. ‘How can you have the Monster every morning, and not put weight on?’

  ‘I run with the wolves, and trust me they can run fast.’

  Skye mopped her plate up with a slice of bread. ‘Do I have you to thank for being able to talk to them?’

  ‘No, you thank yourself for being able to do it.’

  Blaze was untangling her necklaces, one of which was a medallion with the picture of the sun with writing around the edge. ‘Is that why you kept me in the dark about things?’

  ‘Yeah,’ said Alex. ‘I hope you understand how horrible it is now you have to do it to the others.’

  Blaze nodded. ‘I‘ve never kept anything from my friends before.’

  ‘Well, at least you know you’re doing it for them, anyway is it too late to call a day off?’

  ‘It’s up to you, but why?’

  ‘For everyone to do a bit of shopping.’

  Blaze raised an eyebrow. ‘Shopping again? Why do you want everyone to go?’

  ‘What’s the date?’

  Blaze had to think for a moment. ‘Eighth of December.’

  Alex leant forward. ‘I don’t have any Christmas presents or decorations yet.’

  ‘Now that’s a nice idea, I’d love to see a tree in here.’

  ‘A big one too, where’s the girls?’

  ‘They haven’t come down yet.’

  ‘You might not want to call a day off until you’ve had your breakfast,’ said Asima.

  Alex winked. ‘Good point.’

  You are going to decorate me and put a tree inside? House asked.

  Yes, you’ll love it.

  I don’t think I like that idea.

  Trust me, it’ll be fun, and the girls will be very happy. Have you ever had a Christmas?

  Not that I can remember.

  Neither have the children.

  After his breakfast the girls still hadn’t come down. Alex decided to get them, and knocked on their door.

  ‘Hello,’ said Sarin.

  ‘Are you awake?’

  ‘Nope, fast asleep.’

  Alex smiled and leant back on the railing. ‘That’s a shame, as I was going to take you shopping.’ The door was open in seconds, and he had two rabbits in his arms.

  Adhara pulled back the hood of her pyjamas. ‘What we going shopping for?’

  ‘To get Christmas presents and a tree.’

  ‘We need our own money to buy presents,’ said Sarin. ‘You can’t pay for us.’

  ‘You get an allowance every week.’

  Sarin looked surprised. ‘We still get it?’

  ‘Yeah, when was the last time you used your cards?’

  ‘When we lived with Blaze at her house, we haven’t needed money since.’

  ‘What time we going, Papa?’ said Adhara.

  ‘As soon as everyone is ready I guess, why?’

  ‘We need to write a present list out first.’

  Skye walked over to them with some papers in her hand. ‘Do you need a list for what you’re buying them, or just to cross the names off?’

  ‘Just to cross the names off when I buy them a present.’

  ‘What names would you like on it?’

  ‘Everyone who lives here,’ said Sarin. ‘The wolves and House, we can’t forget House.’

  Skye looked confused. ‘House?’

  ‘The mansion, we have to buy him something.’

  Skye wrote House down, and handed them a sheet of paper each. ‘Here you go; I printed off a list already.’

  She called you House, said Alex.

  Yes, and I did not know she knew me.

  Alex had a sly grin. Should I tell them not to buy you anything?

  Why would you
do that? House, sounded surprised.

  You said you didn’t like the idea of decorations, and a tree in here.

  Yes, but they are very excited, so I am good with it.

  * * *

  Everyone but the wolves went shopping, and Alex walked down to the back of the coach where most of the women were sitting.

  ‘Welcome to the living,’ said Donna, who hadn’t seen him the night before when he woke up.

  Alex sat on the back seat. ‘Yeah, finally.’

  ‘Where have you been hiding? We’ve hardly seen you.’ said Lucy.

  ‘Away from you lot to be honest.’

  Paige raised an eyebrow. ‘Charming, and I thought we were your friends.’

  ‘You are, and that’s why I kept away. What are you like when you’ve not slept for a week?’

  Claire sat sideways across two seats. ‘She’s a cranky bitch if she goes a day without any sleep.’

  Paige slid her fingers through her red hair, and gave Claire a scolding look. ‘I’m never cranky.’

  Livvy put her hand to her mouth as if she realised something. ‘Alex, I don’t know if I’ve got any money.’

  ‘How do you mean?’

  ‘Not checked my account since we moved into the mansion.’

  ‘Has anyone checked their accounts since you moved in?’ said Alex, and apart from the men, and Michelle who drove George now and then, none of them had. They had a few days out but Alex always paid. ‘You have your bank cards?’

  Livvy waved hers. ‘Yeah.’

  ‘Well, if Blaze hasn’t paid you when you check your accounts come and see me.’ Alex walked back down the front. He wanted to buy Carrie something special, but didn’t know how he could, and not make it look romantic.

  Adhara sat next to him. ‘Papa, we have to get other presents.’

  ‘Who for?’

  Adhara whispered in his ear. ‘It’s Carrie’s birthday next week.’

  ‘We’ll get her something nice,’ said Alex, who now had a satisfied smile, and just like that one of his problems was solved. How do I get Carrie in my room tonight? He thought, but no answer came.

  They arrived at the shopping centre and split up into groups. Alex had his girls, Blaze and Asima with him, and they also split up as the girls didn’t want him to see what they were buying. Alex entered a jewellery shop and inquired about some necklaces for his daughters. He was expecting to just order what he wanted, but they had what he needed, so he bought them at five hundred pound each. He looked around and saw another necklace, which would be perfect for Carrie, it was two thousand pounds. He decided to get Tia the same as his daughters. He handed over his card, and paid five thousand pounds. Choosing presents wasn’t Alex’s forte, so he walked into one store and bought a computer tablet for everyone, and as he paid so much they even offered to wrap and deliver them for him.

  ‘Why is it you give everyone a day off? When we poor girls were already working in the kitchen,’ said Summer, as he stepped out of the shop. She was with Leanne, Anna and Tia.

  ‘We need your lovely food to start the day off, but I’ll pay you double time.’

  ‘It’ll be fine, just get us a nice present.’

  Alex felt a tap on his arm and when he looked down it was Tia wanting to tell him something. He picked her up. ‘What’s up, honey?’

  ‘I can’t buy auntie a present if I’m with her,’ she whispered in his ear.

  ‘I’m taking this one with me if that’s OK.’

  Summer nodded. ‘Yeah, it won’t be a problem.’

  They decided on perfume. Tia only had enough money for one bottle so Alex put the rest and bought one for each of the women, and aftershave for the men. They played on a crane machine while waiting for the others, and after failing miserably he got more change. Tia, however, stood smiling with the teddy bear she had won. Alex wasn’t deterred, and after a few more visits to the shop to get change, and forty pounds later he stood there with two bears.

  Tia sat on a bench while they waited for the others. ‘Thank you for buying the other presents for me.’

  ‘It’s OK, I should’ve given you an allowance like the twins — I’ll sort it out with George, and backdate it.’

  ‘Where’s your bags?’ said Paige, walking towards him with Claire, and both had their hands full of them. The rest of the women came into view struggling with the weight of so many presents.

  Alex lifted a bag in the air. ‘I have this one full of Tia’s presents, and this one with mine in.’

  ‘You have bought gifts?’ said Claire.

  Alex grinned. ‘Of course,’ he said, showing them his smaller bag.’

  Paige stood looking at him. ‘Where are they? You can’t fit many in that little bag.’

  ‘Having them delivered.’

  ‘That’s cheating,’ said Claire. ‘You still need paper to wrap them.’

  ‘They’re doing it for me, too,’ he said, feeling smug for a few seconds, until he walked back to the coach with a load of their bags.

  They didn’t get the decorations from there, as they didn’t have a big enough tree. James knew a warehouse where they could get everything they needed. Alex ordered a take-away for them as everyone was busy, and it was a day off. He felt lonely sitting on his own in the main hall as they were all in different rooms wrapping presents. He would have put the decorations up himself but they all had to help, in fact take over. Tut women.

  * * *

  The following week was quiet and many of them tried their hand at horse riding. The children took to it well — almost as if the horses knew what the girls wanted them to do. Alex had no problem as Bronte was his. Asima and James were naturals, and most of the women had a go but had to stop when it started snowing. The snow was light, but his girls loved it.

  Alex had a bad feeling about the weather and walked to the office where Blaze was talking to Summer. ‘Just the ladies I wanted to see, are you busy?’

  Blaze looked up from the desk. ‘Summer wants to know if she’s going mad, or was Paige talking to Chi?’

  Alex leant back on the door and gave Summer a casual look. ‘You always talk to Chi.’

  ‘Yeah, but she never answered me back before.’

  Alex laughed. ‘I’ll get her to come in here and she’ll tell you why.’

  ‘You know about it?’

  ‘A few of us do, and Blaze will explain everything to you, but I need to know if there’s enough food?’

  ‘We’ve plenty . . . why do you ask?’

  ‘Do we have enough for two weeks?’

  ‘No, but there’s a delivery on Thursday.’

  ‘I’d like it delivered today if it’s possible.’

  Blaze leant forward on the desk. ‘It could be arranged, but why?’

  ‘We’re going to get snowed in.’

  Summer looked surprised. ‘It’s only light snow.’

  Blaze took the food order out of a file. ‘The thing you need to know, Summer, is that when Alex say’s something, you should really trust him.’

  Alex smiled. ‘It would be great if you could get the delivery changed . . . no, you should double the order, it would be best to err on the safe side.’

  Summer gave him a speculative look. ‘I thought you weren’t going to give orders.’

  ‘I’m not . . . I just don’t want anyone to starve.’

  ‘Does it worry you that much?’ said Blaze.

  ‘No, not really, but if we run out of food, Summer will have nothing to do. I’ll go and get Chi now,’ he said, and hurried out the room. Alex saw the female wolf already on her way to the office and let her in.

  Rho sighed. Another?

  Yeah, that must be eight.

  Sally looked startled. ‘Did Rho just say another?’

  Alex nodded. ‘You best go and see Blaze and tell her I sent you.’

  ‘Have I done something wrong?’ said Sally, now looking worried.

  ‘Of course not, Blaze will explain everything to you.’

  ‘Nine,’ sa
id Alex, and Rho groaned.

  He phoned George and Joseph telling them about the snow, and invited both to stay at the mansion. They accepted. James drove the coach to pick them up, and plenty of sledges.

  * * *

  Later that night the women were all in Blaze’s room. They did it once a week as they did at her house before they moved to the mansion.

  Claire sat at the table. ‘I know some of you like Alex, but I’m still unsure if I can trust him. There’s not enough cleaning for two of us, never mind eight.’

  Sammy nodded. ‘There’s never any dust to clean up.’

  ‘The windows never need cleaning,’ Emma added.

  Carrie sat cross-legged on the floor. ‘What difference does it make?’

  ‘Why would he keep paying us when he doesn’t need to?’ said Claire. ‘I want to trust him I really do, but don’t know if I can.’

  Carrie shrugged. ‘Have you seen how much work I do?’

  Skye grinned at her. ‘Yeah, but he likes you.’

  I wish, Carrie thought. ‘He likes all of us. I don’t know him as well as Paige, but there’s no way he’d throw any of us out after we gave up our homes.’

  Paige shook her head. ‘He would never do that.’

  Claire arched an eyebrow. ‘Cas, do you believe everything he says?’

  Carrie looked at the floor feeling a little foolish in front of her friends. ‘Yeah, I don’t believe he’s capable of lying to us.’

  ‘He lied to Paige.’

  ‘In a letter,’ said Paige. ‘Cas is right; he couldn’t lie to our faces.’

  ‘He didn’t have to fetch us when it was raining,’ said Livvy. ‘And why would he stop Amy and Lucy from going out in the rain if he didn’t care?’

  ‘Look how much money we have since we’ve been here,’ said Skye. ‘And all we needed it for was to spend on presents.’

  Carrie frowned. ‘Claire, why do you hate him so much?’

  I don’t hate him. In fact, I’m quite fond of the bloke, but he hurt Paige and I don’t want him to do it again to any of you.’

  Paige took her hand, and smiled. ‘He won’t.’

  ‘OK, this should be the last time we do this, and have any other conversation out in the hall,’ said Claire. ‘It doesn’t sit right that I’m going on about trust, and talking about him behind his back.’


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