by Anthology
Winner: “The Daughter” by Joseph [J.F.] Williams.
March 2013.
Theme: rescue—of a character, object, or idea—from others, certain danger, boredom, oblivion, themselves.
Requirements: the color green; ruins.
Winner: “There’s No Sun Up in the Sky” by Sam Bellotto Jr.
April 2013.
Theme: revenge.
Requirements: an element of fire; "the" may not be the first word.
Winner: “Time of the Phoenix” by Carrol Fix.
May 2013.
Theme: a new invention.
Requirements: fix, cat, eyeglasses.
Winner: “Or Spins Back on the PERP” by Paula Friedman.
June 2013.
Theme: love—any form of love, between/among/for any entity/ies.
Requirements: a contradiction, piano keys.
Winner: “Finding Miss Emiline” by Sam Bellotto Jr.
July 2013.
Theme: “ripped from today's headlines”—a topic recently in the news.
Requirements: summer, mosquito(es).
Winner: “Summer Bites” by Joseph [J.F.] Williams.
August 2013.
Theme: noise.
Requirements: a tooth or teeth, a (scientific) discovery.
Winner: “Memory of Sound” by Carrol Fix.
September 2013.
Theme: humor.
Requirment: story must take place in "outer space."
Winner: “Deploying TRIsat” by Helmuth Kump.
October 2013.
Theme: deception—characters should be deceivers or the deceived, or both.
Requirement: the element of fire.
Winner: “Sighting” by Marianne G. Petrino.