Untamed (The Amoveo Legend 3)

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Untamed (The Amoveo Legend 3) Page 25

by Sara Humphreys

  “You are welcome.” Bianca turned to Richard and bowed her head. “Your Highness, if it’s alright with you, Michael and I would like to go back to our clan and inform them of the latest developments.”

  “Yes,” Richard said evenly. He gazed upon the remaining loyal Amoveo solemnly. “All of you must spread the word to your clans. Purist or Loyalist. Now is the time to decide which side of the fence you are on. Loyalists will always have my protection, and if anyone is threatened, they can seek refuge here at the ranch with Salinda and me.” His mouth set in a grim line. “Go now, and I expect a report from each of you by the end of the week as to how your clans respond.”

  “As you wish,” Bianca said with a deep curtsy. She turned to Layla. “I do hope you’ll allow me to stay in touch with you.” She smiled. “I would like to get to know my niece.”

  “Sure.” Layla gave a curt nod. “I guess you’re the only blood relative I have left.”

  “That’s hardly the case. We have a large family, and I would love for you to meet them.”

  “Yeah, well, I wonder if they’ll all be as eager to meet me,” Layla said skeptically. “It wouldn’t be outside the realm of possibility that some of the Cheetah Clan members are Purists.”

  Bianca’s face fell. “I—well—I’d never think it was possible, but after what we all just witnessed, I suppose anything is possible. Either way, I hope you’ll let me know when you and William are ready to meet the others.”

  “The future is up to Layla,” he said smoothly and cleared his throat. He wasn’t exaggerating. He was leaving all of it up to her and would not under any circumstances make the move to bind them together until she told him that’s what she wanted. “Safe journey home.”

  Static filled the air as Bianca and the remaining Council members vanished—except for one—Marianna.

  Dante’s sister stepped down from the platform, and her eyes were latched firmly onto her brother and Kerry. Her dark wavy hair spilled over her narrow shoulders, and she nibbled nervously on her lower lip.

  “Our father died because of all of this,” she said through a shaking breath. She looked around at all of them but lingered on each of the women. “Everything is falling apart, Dante. Our mother is dying, and she’ll be just like one of them soon,” she said with a nod to the Vasullus.

  “I know this is difficult,” Dante said gently.

  “You don’t know anything.” Her voice shook with anger. “All you care about is her.” She pointed accusingly at Kerry. “I don’t want any part of this. None of it. Do you hear me?” Her eyes shifted to glittering black diamonds. “I’m going back to New York, and you know what? I don’t care if I ever find a mate. Not if it means dealing with shit like this. You can all go straight to hell—just keep me out of it.” She uttered the ancient language and disappeared.

  “I guess I won’t be having Christmas with her,” Kerry mumbled.

  “She’ll come around.” Dante kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back reassuringly. “I’ll have Pete keep an eye on her and make sure she stays out of trouble.”

  “Oh, that’ll work,” Kerry said with pure sarcasm. “He’s an ex-cop, and he’s human. She’s not going to want to have him around for a second.”

  “That’s probably a good idea, Dante.” Richard and Salinda stepped down from the platform hand in hand. “Marianna was the other Bear Clan Council member, and something tells me that Artimus is going to do his best to get her to join his cause.” His sad eyes examined everyone in the group. “I have a sinking suspicion Artimus won’t like the fact that she didn’t leave with him and declare her allegiance to the Purists.”

  “Pete was instrumental in helping defeat the Purists in New Orleans,” William explained to Layla. “He’s one of few humans who know about us, and he’s considered part of the Vasullus family now, just as Rosie will be.”

  “We need to come up with a plan,” Richard said to the group grimly. “You can be assured that Artimus and his followers have one, and they won’t stop until they’ve wiped out anyone who disagrees with their philosophy. I’d feel better if we had more information about some of the other hybrids. I fear that finding and exterminating them will be his first move.”

  Layla raised her hand. “Excuse me, but I may have something that could be of use.” All eyes landed on her as she removed the worn leather diary from the inside pocket of her coat. William hadn’t a clue that she’d brought it with her, and he wondered what else she was keeping to herself.

  Are you sure Raife and Tatiana will be alright with this, Layla? William whispered along the edges of her mind. Layla simply nodded and kept her attention on Richard. Raife is the one who suggested it.

  “Raife and Tatiana’s mom kept a diary about her courtship with their father. I didn’t think there was anything of use, but last night Raife showed me something.”

  William’s brow furrowed as he watched her gently open the frayed book to the inside of the back cover. With extreme care, she peeled back the fabric lining, gently pulled out a yellowed, folded paper, and handed it to Richard.

  The tension in the room was thick enough to choke on.

  “It’s a list.” She glanced from Richard to William. “A list of Amoveo men who had hybrid children. At least that’s what we think it is. Both of our fathers are on it, as well as Kerry and Samantha’s, and there are five other names.”

  “These men are all dead.” Richard read the list, his face a mask of concentration. “Most of them were killed by the Caedo.”

  “At least that’s what we’ve been led to believe,” Malcolm said somberly. “Perhaps the Caedo have been responsible for far less than they’ve been given credit for.”

  “And in case you all forgot, until very recently, my father wasn’t dead,” Kerry chimed in. “He was living as a human—Vasullus—but my mother was killed by the Purists.” She sighed heavily and put her head on Dante’s shoulder. “At least, that’s what we were told.”

  “We have to find them,” Salinda whispered and clung tighter to her husband. She looked at the rest of them through sorrowful eyes. “We have to find their children—the other hybrids—before Artimus does.”

  “What do these numbers and letters next to their names mean?” Richard squinted and looked closely at the faded ink.

  “Raife thinks that they may be the number of children they had, and the letters look like abbreviations for states. Raife and Tati have an MD and the number two next to their father’s name—they were raised in Maryland, and there are two of them. Kerry and Samantha have RI and the number one by their father’s names—they were raised in Rhode Island, and both were only children.”

  “Thank you for sharing this with us, Layla. You’ll have to extend my gratitude to your siblings for sharing such a personal thing with us.” Richard took her hands in his and kissed them with the regality one would expect from a prince. “It gives us a solid place to start.”

  Layla’s energy waves pulsed with pride and satisfaction, which had William feeling relieved. She smiled, and he could tell that she felt a new kinship and sense of belonging to their people. Even if she never chose to bond with him, he knew she’d have the protection of the prince. As long as she was safe… that was all that mattered.

  “I think we should go back to the house, take stock of the situation, and get a game plan. We need to have a better idea of how much divisiveness we have within the clans themselves,” Richard said.

  Everyone nodded. They had gotten some answers, and most of their enemies had revealed themselves, but the future of their race remained unclear. William glanced over his shoulder to the empty arena below. He couldn’t help but wonder if this was the beginning of the end.

  Chapter 18

  The fresh smell of something baking wafted through the old farmhouse and made William’s stomach rumble as he threw the few items he had with him into a small duffel bag. The others had left last night when they got back from the ranch. Malcolm was eager to get his pregnant wife back home
and out of harm’s way. Dante and Kerry left for New York to try and get Marianna to listen to reason, but based on what he knew of her, that was going to be no easy task. She hadn’t chosen a side, which meant she was fair game for Artimus and the Purists.

  He looked around the quaint room, and his gaze lingered on the bed he’d shared so briefly with Layla. Images of her soft, sexy body writhing in ecstasy beneath his flooded his mind, but he squashed the memories quickly, knowing that to linger would only make things worse. William closed the door to the room but couldn’t shut the door on his feelings, although Layla seemed to have had no problem doing it.

  He came into the kitchen to find Sylvia puttering away and fussing over Raife, who was scarfing down what looked like a delicious breakfast of pancakes and bacon. The two seemed to have picked up where they left off all those years ago, and he did his best to squelch the jealousy that reared its ugly head.

  Sylvia, coffee pot in hand, smiled shyly at William. “Can I get you a cup before you leave?”

  “No,” he said. “Have you seen Layla this morning? I have to be going, but I’d like to say good-bye.”

  “You’re really leaving? Just like that, huh?” Raife looked at him through narrowed eyes and swallowed the food in his mouth. “Layla’s not here. She split with her camera early this morning.”

  William’s jaw clenched. She left? She knew he was leaving this morning and hadn’t even come back to say good-bye. He didn’t want to get into a pissing match with Raife, but the truth was that he didn’t think he’d be able to keep his emotions in check.

  “Where is Rosie?”

  Raife shook his head. “She’s in the living room, resting.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Hey, bird boy,” Raife called after him. “I never figured you for a quitter.”

  William stopped dead in his tracks as anger, frustration, and desperation clawed at him. “I’m not the one who quit,” he said without turning around. “Layla cornered the market on that.”

  Bag in hand, William found Rosie bundled up on the couch, reading a magazine in front of a crackling fire. She had the color back in her cheeks, and aside from a large bandage on her head and a sling on her arm, she looked like herself again. Richard had sent an Amoveo healer to visit Rosie in the hospital, and needless to say, her speedy recovery baffled the human doctors.

  “Are you gonna stand there starin’ at me all day, or are you gonna come in here and talk to me?” She didn’t even look up from her magazine.

  “I came to say good-bye.” William rounded the end of the couch and gave a cursory glance to the chair that he and Layla had enjoyed so much. He cleared his throat and turned his full attention to Rosie. “I’m going back to Richard’s ranch in Montana. I’ll be staying there for a time, while we try and sort things out. We still have several other hybrids to find.”

  “I see.” Rosie placed the magazine on her lap and peered at him over the edge of her glasses. “Where I come from, we call that running away.” Rosie waved him off. “Bye-bye.”

  William’s mouth set in a firm line, and he struggled to keep his eyes from shifting. “I am not running away.” Anger crawled up his back. “Layla has made it clear that she is not interested in binding her life to mine, and I am not interested in forcing her. I have told her how I feel.” His voice rose with frustration. “I don’t see what else there is to say.”

  Rosie pursed her lips and made a sound of understanding. “I see.”

  William placed a quick kiss on Rosie’s forehead. “Thank you for welcoming me into your home. And thank you very much for everything you have done for Layla. Tell her…” He trailed off, unsure of what to say.

  “I think I know what to say.” Rosie picked her magazine back up. “You go on now, and have a safe trip.” Without looking at him, she licked her finger and flipped the page. “I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around.”

  William reached out in search of Layla’s energy signature, but was unable to connect with her. Emotions clogged his throat as he realized she was blocking him and must be intentionally hiding from him. Loss, emptiness, and despair flooded him as he reconciled the fact that she wasn’t going to stop him from leaving. He’d fooled himself into believing that she wouldn’t let him go, and now the disappointment just might crush him. Fighting back the flood of bleak emotions, he uttered the ancient language and vanished.


  Camera in hand, Layla trotted up the steps of the house and kicked off her boots before heading into the kitchen in search of the source of the delicious smell. She hit the doorway and screeched to a halt when she found Raife and Sylvia cleaning dishes side by side at the sink. She watched them and found herself envious of how oddly at ease they seemed with one another. He washed the dishes and passed them to her, so she could dry them. It looked like they’d been doing this for years, opposed to a day or two.

  How did they step back into each other’s lives so seamlessly?

  “It’s not polite to stare,” Raife said over his shoulder.

  “Sorry,” Layla mumbled. She grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl on the table.

  “Would you like some pumpkin bread?” Sylvia asked with a genuine smile. “I just made it this morning.”

  “No.” Layla shook her head and held up the banana. Having Sylvia as an ally, and from the looks of things, as a possible sister-in-law, was going to take some getting used to. “I’ll just stick with this.”

  “Layla,” Sylvia said hesitantly. “I’m sorry for everything. My father… the way I behaved… all of it.” Tears filled her blue eyes. “I hope you can forgive me.”

  Layla looked from Sylvia to Raife. “As long as you’re good to my brother, then you and I are square.”

  “Thank you.” Sylvia gave her a nod and smiled at Raife, who winked at her warmly.

  “You just missed him.” Raife turned around and leaned against the edge of the counter. “William just left.”

  Layla paled, and she swallowed the bile that rose in her throat. “What?”

  “He split.” Raife tossed the sponge back into the sink but kept a watchful eye on her. “I’m surprised. I really thought you two were gonna stick, but he said that you quit on him.”

  Heat flashed in her cheeks. “I quit? He said that I’m the one who quit? That arrogant son of a bitch,” she said as she fought the tears. “He’s the one who left without saying good-bye.”

  “Layla Nickelsen,” Rosie barked from the living room. “You get your skinny ass in here, and stop cussing in my kitchen.”

  Raife smirked. “You’re in trouble now.”

  “Oh shut up.” She slammed the banana back into the bowl. She heard Raife chuckling as she stalked out to the living room.

  Layla sat on the arm of the sofa with her arms crossed and struggled to keep from crying. “William left,” she whispered.

  “Yes, he did.” She tossed her magazine on the table and waved Layla over to her. “Come here.” She patted the edge of the sofa near her.

  Layla complied and sat next to Rosie as she took her hand in hers. “Layla, I have one simple question.” Rosie’s gray eyes looked earnestly at her. “Do you love him?”

  Layla’s eyes filled with tears, and she nodded as they rolled down her cheeks. “Yes.”

  “Then, honey, why wouldn’t you tell him? Fate or destiny, whatever the reason… that man loves you.” She squeezed her hands tightly. “He loves you, Layla, and you love him. So what the hell is the problem?”

  “I’m scared.” Layla squeezed her eyes shut. “He says he loves me, but he never said the bonding rite.” Her face reddened at the idea of discussing sex with Rosie. “He could’ve said the words and bound us together, but he didn’t.” She lifted one shoulder and looked down.

  Rosie burst out laughing and clapped her hands. Layla wiped the tears off her cheeks and looked at her as if she’d lost her mind. “What are you laughing at?”

  “You, ya silly girl.” Rosie shook her head, let out a long sigh, and folded
her hands on her belly. “The man told you he loves you, and I’m guessin’ he showed you too.” Rosie gave her a knowing look that sent her cheeks aflame with embarrassment. “Why wouldn’t he say those words? Why wouldn’t he just say the bonding rite? Think about it for a minute.”

  Layla looked at Rosie through confused eyes, and then the realization hit her like a tsunami. Her eyes grew wide, and a smile cracked her tear-stained face. “Oh my God,” she breathed. “Of course.” Layla laughed and jumped off the couch. She smacked her forehead with one hand. “God, I’m such an asshole.”

  “Well, you said it, not me.” Rosie smirked and watched as all the pieces fell into place.

  “I have to go to him.” She ran her hands through her tousled curls. “Oh shit! Where is he?”

  “He went back to Richard’s ranch in Montana.”

  Layla ran over, hugged Rosie, and rained kisses on her weathered face. “I love you so much, Rosie.” She giggled. “Thank you.”

  Layla stood in the center of the room, closed her eyes, and did what William taught her. She envisioned the wild beauty of the ranch, which was imprinted in her memory. The smell of pine and the clean, crisp, cold air filled her nostrils as the enormous clapboard house and towering mountains came into focus.

  “Verto,” she whispered.


  In a rush of static and a flash of light, Layla was standing on the ranch, and the icy Montana wind rushed over her briskly. She hugged her coat tighter around her and ran up the flagstone path to the entrance of their home, but the low, deadly growl of a tiger brought her to a screeching halt.


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