Ask Me No Questions

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Ask Me No Questions Page 6

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “She’ll get snagged up in no time.”

  Gia chuckled. “Garrett said that Cash Halloway couldn’t take his eyes off of her at Casper’s.”

  Deanna raised her eyebrows. “That is very interesting.”

  “I know. I wonder if I should talk to Gunner about this,” Gia said.

  “And have him do what? Investigate her? If she is in some kind of trouble, then it’s better to not send up a signal to where she is. You know what? We’re probably jumping to conclusions here. Cassidy could just be a quiet person who likes to keep to herself. Maybe she is deciding if her previous profession with the Corps is even what she wants anymore. Who knows? I say let’s see what happens. But it would be great to see Cash and his team fall in love.”

  “What about Stryker? The brother who no one ever sees?”

  “He may not have any effect on the situation, or he could. If Cassidy is as good as you’ve heard at her profession, perhaps she can have a positive effect on Stryker.”

  Gia smirked. “Look at you. You have it all figured out. You think this is a love story in the making, don’t you?”

  Deanna chuckled and raised her eyebrows. “Stranger things have happened in Tranquility. Don’t you find it interesting that the two other houses Cassidy looked at renting were no longer available?”

  “I heard about that from Garrett. I don’t think Cassidy would have considered them anyway. Red is why she came here. But she is really nice.”

  “She seemed really nice. Want to grab a latte before we head home?”

  “Why not? I’m going to the dojo this afternoon. I’ll work it off.”

  “That’s my girl.” Deanna teased, placing her arm over Gia’s shoulder as they headed toward the café.

  Gia really did like this town, and the entire community. She couldn’t help but think about when she’d come here and how much her life had changed for the better. If Cassidy was running from something, Gia hoped that she at least confided in Red so nothing bad would happen.

  That gut instinct kicked in, and she felt uneasy. Maybe she should say something to Garrett or Gunner after all.

  Chapter 6

  Stryker could hear the humming sound from across the way. He wondered what that brunette was up to now. He was shocked as he made his way to the front porch to find her sanding down the back porch of the cottage. Was she planning on re-staining it?

  He couldn’t help but stare at her as she worked the machine. She wore a tank top in black and had on a pair of short jean shorts. The bright yellow kneepads stood out from across the way. She sure didn’t seem to be afraid of hard work. But his brothers had said she was in the Marine Corps. Her sanding and painting didn’t impress him. Maybe if she had some combat scars she would be more believable.

  He exhaled in annoyance. He would have to change his plan of walking outside today. That tree to the right of her porch about fifty feet was his stopping point. He couldn’t go much farther and really didn’t want to. What was the point? He was never going to get better. He wasn’t even normal.

  The sound of the sander going off drew his attention back toward the cottage. He would do what he wanted to do. His brother and the team were bitching about him exercising so he wouldn’t get weaker and stiff. They were all a bunch of pains in the ass. And they were normal, unlike him.

  As he stared at the steps leading off his porch then to the grass, he started to get annoyed. Why should he have to change his plans because of some woman? He was filled with attitude as he leaned on his cane and slowly took his time down the steps. Each step hurt like hell. He cringed, and then he wobbled, lost his balance, and went tumbling down.

  “Fuck!” he cried out.

  He lay there on his back, trying to catch his breath as the pain radiated everywhere.

  Suddenly a shadow fell upon him, and the scent, so enticing, had him inhaling then opening his eyes.

  “Are you okay?” a woman asked, and he knew it was her. The brunette from the cottage. He felt sick, embarrassed, and angry.

  “I’m fine. Just leave me alone,” he barked at her.

  She touched his arm.

  “It’s okay. I can help you up.”

  He tilted his head up toward her. She was fucking gorgeous, with bright hazel eyes, a perfect tan complexion, and a nice set of breasts that were pouring from the tank top she wore.

  “I’m fine.”

  She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and held his gaze. He felt his cock harden, and he was shocked as his cheeks got warm and he grew more embarrassed.

  “I’m Cassidy, Red’s friend.”

  He started to sit up. He kept exhaling, hoping the pain would minimize so he wouldn’t look so weak in front of this beautiful woman. No wonder Cash and the team were so obsessed talking about her. But they’d said they thought his father was interested, despite him stating she was too young. He was shocked at the jealous feeling the thought caused.

  “Let me help you.” She touched his arm, and he pulled it free.

  “I don’t need your help,” he barked.

  As he tried getting up, he couldn’t get through the tightness in his legs.

  “Do you do stretches to keep your muscles loose?” she asked. Who the hell was she to ask him that?

  “No,” he barked.

  “There are some basic stretches I can show you to ease those tight muscles. Were you injured in both legs somehow?” she asked.

  He shot a look at her.

  “Listen, it’s none of your fucking business. Why don’t you head back to the cottage and do whatever it is you’re doing in between screwing my dad?”

  Her eyes widened, and the color drained from her face. He instantly felt like such a dick. Why did he allow his temper to dominate his mouth?

  She slowly stood up and placed her hands on her hips.

  “For the record, I’m not screwing your father. I was just trying to help you because I saw you fall. You want to be a wuss and lie there and not accept my help, then so be it.”

  “What’s going on?”

  Stryker looked toward the front door just as he was about to stop Cassidy and apologize for being an asshole. Cash was there.

  “Nothing. Your brother, I presume, had a little tumble. Maybe he’ll let you help him up,” Cassidy said, and with that, she walked back toward the cottage.

  “What happened, Stryker?” Cash asked as he walked down the steps and reached a hand out to his brother.

  “I fucking fell down the step. No fucking big deal,” he barked.

  Stryker didn’t like the guilty feeling he had. He felt bad, and he didn’t know why. He hadn’t given a shit about anyone’s emotions, not even his dad’s when Red tried to help him. Why was he feeling guilty for insulting Cassidy?

  “What the hell were you doing? Trying to get a closer look at Cassidy?” Cash teased him.

  “I was trying to walk a little.”

  “Hmm, I bet,” Cash teased as Stryker walked back up the stairs, holding on to the railing. “Looks like you pissed her off.”

  “I don’t really give a shit.”

  “If you say so, Stryker. I’m heading over there to talk to her. She seemed pretty upset.”

  “Why are you doing that? You really want to tap what Dad’s tapping?” He felt sick as he said the words. He really was a rotten bastard, and he knew it.

  Cash looked angry.

  “Don’t ever say that again. She’s not sleeping with Dad. They’re just friends.”


  “Yeah, whatever.” Cash then walked off the porch and headed across the grass.

  Stryker looked at Cassidy as she began to stain the porch. He couldn’t help but think that, if he was normal, wasn’t a cripple, he could go over there and help her.

  He ran his fingers through his hair and cursed under his breath. “What the fuck is wrong with me? I don’t even know the fucking woman. Fuck.” He opened the porch screen door then slammed it closed behind him. It had turned out to be a shittier fucki
ng day than usual.

  * * * *

  Cassidy was still fuming from the confrontation with Stryker. That had to be him. She’d met all the other members of Cash’s team and knew that Stryker was injured. Red had told her all about Stryker’s combat wounds and how he wouldn’t accept help or direction from numerous therapists. That aggravated her. He had such a deep, dark expression in his eyes. She knew that look. He was on the borderline of snapping, ready to hurt and cause pain. At least he wasn’t armed with anything but a tongue of fire.

  She started staining the spindles on the back porch, glad that the front was complete already. Kneeling on the floor, she waded her way around the porch until she saw Cash approaching. She couldn’t help but get the feeling of butterflies in her belly. He was very attractive. Now that she’d met his brother, she could see the resemblance. Cash had less of a crew-cut style and was slimmer than Stryker. Stryker had scruff along his chin and cheeks, kept his head so short it was nearly bald, and his eyes were dark and menacing. Cash’s were light brown.

  “Hey, Cassidy.”

  She didn’t look up, still feeling a bit annoyed at Stryker’s comment.

  “Hi, Cash.”

  She continued to rub the stain and cloth along the spindles, making her way closer to the gate where Cash stood.

  “Listen, I’m sorry about Stryker. He’s not exactly easy to get along with.”

  “You don’t need to apologize for him. He’s a grown man and responsible for his words and actions.”

  Cash chuckled.

  “Damn you’re tough. That what they teach you providing therapy to injured soldiers?” he replied on the defensive.

  She stopped what she was doing and looked at him. She used her forearm to wipe her brow and then exhaled.

  “Your brother isn’t the only soldier on earth to sustain combat injuries. He has two choices, be a jerk and get stiffer and stiffer, letting his injuries dominate his life, or get tough, dig deep, and make himself a future with less and less pain. His choice. I just went over to help because I saw him fall. He didn’t need to make disgusting accusations.”

  Cash moved closer and held her gaze.

  “Maybe he just wanted to be sure you weren’t involved intimately with our dad.”

  She raised her eyebrows up at him, wondering what he was getting at.

  “Are you? Interested in our dad in that way?”

  “No, Cash, I’m not. We’re friends, and that’s it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a lot to do and want to finish this up before suppertime.”

  “I could help you.”


  “What do you mean why?”

  She exhaled then stood up and placed her hands on her hips.

  “What do you want from me, Cash? Do you think you’re going to get some just because I’m a woman and renting a place on your ranch?”

  This time he widened his eyes and smirked.

  “So you feel it too? That attraction between us?”

  She hadn’t expected him to laugh.

  “Listen, I like you. I’d like to get to know you.”

  She shook her head.

  “Hear me out, Cassidy.”

  “No, Cash. I’m not interested. I don’t even know how long I’ll be staying around here.”

  He squinted at her.

  “What do you mean? You planning on moving somewhere else?”

  “I don’t know. I just might not be able to stay too long. I have some things to take care of, and I don’t like to stay in one place too long.”

  “Why not?”

  She raised her voice. “Stop asking me questions.”

  “But I want to get to know you, and that’s what people do to get to know one another.”

  “That’s all great, except I’m not interested in getting to know anyone, date anyone, fool around with anyone, or whatever else. I’m just trying to survive and figure out my next step. So if you could please just leave me alone, it would be greatly appreciated.”

  He was silent a moment, and she felt guilty for being mean to him. She was no better than Stryker, but how could she allow Cash to get close to her? He could get hurt. She had this constant fear that Blaze was looking for her, and the fact that he’d harassed Lynn bothered her.

  “No,” Cash suddenly stated. He opened the gate and walked toward the can of stain and the bag with the gloves and rags.

  “I am helping you. It’s the right thing to do.”

  She was shocked but also grateful. She felt bad for being mean to him just because his brother pissed her off. They worked side by side and finished the porch in no time.

  * * * *

  Cash followed Cassidy around the back of the cottage to the front. They were both sweating and in need of something cold to drink.

  “Would you like a bottle of water or iced tea or something?” she asked.

  “Whatever you’re having is fine with me.” He checked out the job she’d done on the front porch.

  “This came out great.” He slid his hand along the railing.

  “Thanks. I hope Red likes it. That way when he rents it out after me the person or people will love it.”

  He didn’t like how she talked about leaving and being here only temporarily. It upset him. He liked her, was attracted to her, and so were Coast, Memphis, and Orlando. He almost felt as if she was making such comments on purpose to push him away and make him stop his efforts.

  Cash walked into the cottage and followed Cassidy to the kitchen.

  “It looks great in here.”

  He looked her body over, liking her curves and the toned muscles in her back and shoulders. He noticed the tear on her tank top and what looked like a cut. She turned to hand him a bottle of water. He placed it on the counter and reached for her shoulder.

  “Did you cut yourself on something? I see a tear and some blood on your shoulder.

  She turned her head and reached her hand back. “I don’t remember. Maybe I did.”

  He gently tuned her. “Let me see.”

  He slowly moved the strap of her tank top to the side, and sure enough, there was a cut there.

  “You must have. It’s bleeding a little. Looks like a scratch,” he told her as she held her arms by her sides. He stood behind her. Being that he was much taller, he could see over her shoulder and to her breasts. The tank was lower, giving him a great view of her cleavage and abundant breasts. He inhaled her shampoo.

  “It’s fine. I’ll take care of it later,” she said, and he felt her slightly tremble in his hold.

  He leaned forward. He couldn’t resist, so he pressed his lips to her shoulder. “I can take care of it now if you have a first aid kit.”

  “It will be fine.”

  “I want to make sure you’re okay. I wouldn’t want it to get infected.” He kissed her shoulder then along her neck.

  “Cash, don’t,” she whispered, but he could hear the desire in her voice. She was fighting him, but maybe she didn’t want to. Maybe she was just scared for some reason.

  “Cassidy, you’re a very beautiful woman. I can’t help myself,” he admitted, and she turned toward him, prepared to probably try and deny the attraction, but he wouldn’t let her lie to him. Instead, Cash pulled her closer and kissed her deeply.

  She resisted a moment, but he wouldn’t release his hold or stop kissing her. He plunged his tongue deeper, wanting to taste every inch of her and make her see how attracted he was to her. He ran his hand along her lower back and ass, squeezed, then thrust his hips against her.

  The kiss grew deeper, and he felt her hands on his arms, and when he cupped her breast, she pulled back.

  “Cash.” She pulled away from him.

  He stared at her, breathing heavily, taking in the sight of Cassidy. She looked like a sexual goddess, her strap so low that her breast was pouring from the top. Her lips were ripe, swollen, and wet.

  They just stared at one another, and he couldn’t hold back.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful. T
his is crazy.”

  He reached out, pulled her close again, and kissed her one more time. She didn’t pull away, and when he finally released her lips, he hugged her to him, and she laid her cheek against his chest.

  They were both silent.

  “We shouldn’t have done that. Oh God, Cash, why couldn’t you just let it go and leave me alone?” She pulled away, fixing her strap and pacing the kitchen. He squinted at her. She was acting so strangely.

  “Cassidy, why shouldn’t we explore these feelings? Is it the fact that Memphis, Orlando, and Coast are interested in you too?”

  She swung around to look at him and shook her head side to side.

  “They are not.”

  “Oh yeah, baby, they sure as shit are.”

  “They can’t be. This can’t happen. Not now, not ever.”

  “Why not? What are you afraid of?”

  “Getting hurt,” she said and looked away.

  Why did he get the feeling that she was lying?

  He walked closer, placed his hand on her shoulder, and turned her around.

  “Talk to me. Let’s sit down, drink our water, and talk about this.”

  “No, Cash. You need to leave. This cannot happen.”

  “You’re talking crazy. Calm down and just relax. We’ll take things slow.”

  “Really? Like that was slow?”

  “Well, maybe when the others join in, it won’t be so slow,” he teased.

  She tried turning away, but he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her snuggly against his chest.

  “I’m teasing. You take all the time you need.”

  “Oh God, Cash, I can’t get involved with you or anyone else right now. I don’t even know how long I’ll be here. It’s not right. Not now.”

  “Why do you keep saying that? What’s the rush to leave here? Don’t you like it around here?”

  “I do, but I looked at coming here as temporary. I needed to clear my head and figure out what was next in my life. I just don’t think it’s a good idea to start something I can’t finish. I can’t stay here long.”

  “Why not?” he pushed.


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