To Paris with Love: A Family Business Novel (The Family Business)

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To Paris with Love: A Family Business Novel (The Family Business) Page 23

by Weber, Carl

  “What kind of business? Mob stuff? Turf war?” I questioned as I analyzed the data.

  “Yes. All of that apparently,” she replied. “Despite their noble public personas, these are major drug merchants, these people.”

  “Well, one less of those couldn’t hurt,” I said smartly, stifling a yawn as I pored over the photos of a finely dressed older black man and some of the people in his organization. “LC Duncan,” I recited aloud as if presenting the man with an award. “Hmm. Sounds important. And two of the other men from the photos looked like they could be his sons.”

  “That’s because he is and they are,” Nadja confirmed. “As connected and powerful as they come. Someone worthy of the big price tag.”

  Something else in the photos caught my eye. “Is this job in New York?” I asked, recognizing some of the East Coast features. Hadn’t been in the States in forever. Too many bad memories that sent me chasing better ones elsewhere.

  “New York, New Jersey... wherever you can pull it off,” she answered. “No stipulations. But, yes, he resides in New York. Jamaica Queens, to be exact.”

  “Queens . . .” I mumbled with a wry smile and thoughts of Paris back in the bed. “Queens” had become something of a pet name for her after our wild adventures. Funny thing was that she probably wasn’t really from that borough. Nadja was so close to finding out the full deal on her, but I couldn’t ask it of her any longer. I bore enough guilt for putting her on the case while lying about my true feelings and motives. I would get the answers myself.

  “Something funny?”

  “No. Not at all. I’ll do this job, we’ll make major bank . . . then I guess this is it for us,” I said with a long sigh.

  “Only because it’s your choice,” Nadja said, rubbing her eye. “So . . . you need a ride back to the cabin?” she asked as she cleared her throat.

  “No. I think I’ll walk. The night air is so fresh here. Good for my senses. Can I have a day or so before I mobilize?”

  “Yes. You can rendezvous with me in Manhattan for any last-minute instructions or changes to the job. Think I’ll take in a Broadway play. Maybe meet a hot Yank of my own.”

  “On Broadway? I highly doubt it. At least not a straight one,” I joked.

  Nadja actually laughed. “Go on. Get out,” she urged, turning back on the headlights.



  “I don’t see why ‘that woman’ can’t bring this shit to you during the daytime,” I complained while lying naked across the bed. Niles thought I didn’t realize how long he was gone last night—that his dick and the excellent bottle of Pinot Noir took my mind off of reality. But no, I’m a little harder than that. LC Duncan didn’t raise any punks. I even noticed the envelope he’d tossed onto the dresser.

  Not long after Niles left me to “check on weapons,” I carried my exhausted, tipsy ass on a little mission of my own. I had left my phone in the car, so I went to see how badly I’d fucked up.

  And judging by the missed calls, there would be hell to pay, but nobody said when I had to pay it.

  I stowed my phone again and scurried back inside. I’d have to deal with the Duncan men soon enough.

  But I was a big girl now, making big-girl moves.

  Just not the moves my family had ordered me to make.

  Still couldn’t believe that I was the one they didn’t trust on the frontlines. Wasn’t like Harris, London, Orlando, or even Chippy had my shooting skills. Shit pop off and I would actually be an asset. At least Niles appreciated me and what I had to offer. Couldn’t believe that I had fallen off the cliff and so deeply in love. Never ever expected it to happen and certainly not this quickly.

  “We don’t keep regular office hours. You should know that,” Niles reminded me as he shoved his stuff in a bag. With his other hand, he finished off the last piece of bacon from the breakfast he’d cooked for us.

  He was a man custom made for me: he served me breakfast in bed in the scenic wilderness of France and could shoot a gun.

  Some of these big-girl moves were paying off kinda nicely.

  “All right. And my temper is under control. Nadja won’t get under my skin this time. See?” I said, smiling all gleefully ’n’ shit. “So what’s our job?”

  “Our?” He frowned.

  “Yeah. I thought we were gonna be a team,” I reminded him as I walked over. His eyes locked on that damn mission folder of his rather than my sexiness, letting me know he didn’t want me anywhere near it.

  “We might. But that’s something to discuss after I get back from this job.”

  “She making you exclude me?” I asked, already knowing the answer. Her Tweety Bird head had to have exploded when Niles told her I was back.

  “Nah. The job is making me exclude you. It beez that way sometimes,” he said, flashing that smile of his to make me turn all mushy. It only confirmed Nadja was making him exclude me. “And besides, until I know that you’re all in, I can’t risk a repeat of London. It reflects poorly on my work. And my reputation is all I have, babe.”

  “Well, how about Valencia when I saved your ass?” I shot back.

  “Please. I already thanked you for that, but I need you to see where I’m coming from. I love you, Paris. No doubt about it,” Niles said as he stood up from the table and stretched. “But we each got some real blanks to fill for the other. I need to know if that phone you stashed in your car rings you won’t feel tortured or the need to run out of here and back to that school. It makes sense that we take some time to figure this out. And know that if we do move forward then I’m ride or die to the end.”

  “Y’know . . . speaking of my school,” I started as I rubbed his sore arms. “What if my sponsors were looking for more than one person to employ? Maybe somebody already established?” I had no way of knowing if my family would hire Niles, especially after he’d led me astray. But dad did hire Harris after London married him. Maybe I could find a win-win in this situation for both of us.

  “Babe, I appreciate your trying to help, but I don’t need it,” he said, more sweet than dismissive, as he leaned over and gave me a kiss. “Especially after this job. Besides, gotta maintain some of my independence. This dog doesn’t like a leash.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Gotcha. Just trying to contribute to . . . us,” I mumbled as I ran my hands through his hair and gazed into his eyes.

  “And you’ll have plenty of time. Right now, I gotta focus,” he said as he did his best to resist me. “But I do have a question for you.”

  “Yeah?” I asked, my hopes of maybe something more relaxing than weapons maintenance ignited again.

  “How would you know if your sponsors are hiring? Most sponsors are semi anonymous as far as my understanding goes. Unless you’ve got a special relationship with your folk,” he said as he cut his eyes at me without actually cutting them.

  “Me? Nah,” I scoffed. “I’m just trying to think outside the box.”

  “Well, you’re doing that. But, y’know what?” he said, suddenly pulling those damn blades of his from out of nowhere and playing with them. “I have a confession to make. I was gonna wait ’til I got back, but figured I’d come clean now. I had Nadja looking into you.”

  “What?” I blurted out, taken aback by his news. Did he know about me?

  “After you left me in Paris. Thought I wouldn’t ever see you again. I . . . I kinda used her. Figured I’d never stoop so low, but I was desperate. Knew she could maybe find you with her talents. I just wasn’t ready to let you go.”

  “And now?”

  “I called her off,” he replied with a nervous shrug. “Because now I can hear it directly from your mouth. Well . . . after I come back. If you decide you’re all in.”

  “Uh . . . where are you going anyway?” I asked ’cause maybe he would let me tag along.

  “It probably won’t hurt to tell you that,” he said, genuine warmth and boy-like mischievousness flooding back into his eyes. “New York.”

  “Where in New Yo
rk?” I asked, suddenly nervous. Probably paranoid because New York was a big city with lots of work.

  “Uh-uh, Paris. No more details. I may be gone less than a week, but I’ll check in. I promise,” he said, kissing me on the lips. “And I’ll change your flat before I leave. This spot is safe, so feel free to chill and enjoy the amenities. Maybe get some practice in if you want. I’m gonna put my bag in the car.”

  “Hey!” I yelled out.

  “Yeah, Queens?” he asked while peeking his head from out the trunk.

  “I broke my phone. The one you know about in my car? Smashed it. To bits,” I admitted, feeling a wave of nausea over admitting it. However, Niles’s smile and nod soothed me.

  Yeah. Real big-girl things, turning your back on your . . .

  Your family.

  I inhaled deeply, fighting off baby tears.

  I was about to cop a seat on the porch, but Niles had other plans. “Baby, could you get my file for me?”

  “Sure,” I said, glad to feel somewhat useful. Popping back up onto my feet, I went inside, sauntered over to the table where that damn folder had lain.

  When I emerged from the cabin, my feet were unsteady. In the back of my throat, bile was threatening to come up. As I handed it to him, I clutched my stomach, grimacing.

  “Thanks,” he said with a quick smile over his shoulder. I was gingerly making my way back to my seat when he called out again. “Paris?”

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “You look ill. Is something wrong?”

  “Yeah. Feeling a little sick. Probably the bacon. I usually avoid the swine,” I offered, shaking a fist his way.

  “Aww. Wanna go back inside and rest? I can finish this on my own.”

  “I think that’s probably a good idea. Got any Sprite?” I asked.

  “Yeah. There are some cans in the fridge. When I’m done, I’ll run you a nice bath.”

  I nodded then headed back indoors, passing a small open crate of explosives on the porch.

  “Oh. One other thing,” Niles added, stopping me when I was halfway in the door. “You didn’t look at the file, did you?”

  “Of course not,” I replied with the sweetest smile I could muster. I smiled while my stomach lurched, churned, and cramped.

  I smiled to keep from crying.

  I smiled to hold back the pain.

  But bacon be damned . . .

  Of course I looked at the fuckin’ file.

  Niles . . .

  The man I loved.

  His big job was to kill my daddy.



  Even though I’d requested a “do not disturb” message on my phone the incessant ringing woke me up. I tried to block it out with one of those cushy hotel pillows but she kept going. I thought cutting my phone off would have given me some peace. Had to be Paris since she’s the only one who’d really want to talk to me. Then a knocking on the door got really old super quick.

  “What?” I yelled at whoever was at the door.

  “Rio, I need to talk to you,” Navid hollered from the other side. Fuck he want at this hour? I thought after glancing at the clock. I got up, stormed to the door, and swung it open. Didn’t bother putting anything on, just going full frontal on his ass.

  “I am so glad you answered.”

  “Fuck, Navid, you calling and pounding on my door and shit. Not cool.”

  “No, I didn’t call you. I just got here. It’s Nadja, she’s gone crazy.”

  I allowed him to step inside as I grabbed my jeans and got dressed. “What the hell? You said her father forbade her from messing with Paris.”

  “I know. But I’ve been checking her e-mails and phone correspondence to make sure your sister was safe and I just noticed something that worried me.”

  “Is she going after my sister?”

  “I’m not sure but she’s contracted a job in New York and I’m not certain this isn’t about your sister. Something’s not right. The person demanded a black hit person because the target is black.”

  “And does that mean it’s Paris or not?”

  “No, but there is something she said to me. She wants to make sure that Paris hates Niles.”

  “You’re talking in riddles.”

  “I know, but there is something that makes me believe that someone close to your sister is the target.”

  “Me? You think that it’s me?” I had to say that I felt shocked at this.

  “It has to be. Who else? You’re twins,” he said, wringing his hands.

  I grabbed my phone and turned it on. Forty-six missed calls. All from the same number. I hit redial. “Hey, we have a problem.”

  “Where the hell have you been, Rio? I’ve been calling you all night,” Orlando screamed into the phone. “Shit is out of hand. Where is Paris? And don’t lie to me.”

  “She was supposed to come back here last night but I think she’s still in France.”

  “Yes, I know that, but she’s not answering her phone.”

  “I think she’s in trouble, Lando. Or I am.” I told him everything that Navid had shared with me.

  “Just sit tight. You’re gonna be okay. And don’t move. I’ll be there soon.”

  Hanging up the phone I turned to Navid. “Thank you. My brother is handling it. But I am going to kill that bitch.”

  “I understand.”

  “Why did you go back to work for her?”

  “I didn’t have a choice. She threatened to tell my parents everything.”

  “Well, she’s going to tell them now.”

  “I know,” he replied.

  I shook my head as Navid left. Sorry his life had gotten fucked in the process of helping me. I checked my phone and found several messages from both Mom and Pops. Apparently my new life remained anything but secret to them.

  “Rio, it’s your mom, wanted to tell you that if you want to come home and run a club somebody has offered to buy one for you.”

  “Rio, it’s Pop. Needed to make sure that you’re okay and to remind you that in this life family is all that we have.” I was going through the messages when my phone rang. Clicked over to the other side.


  “Hustle to the roof. I’m waiting for you,” Orlando barked in my ear. I didn’t know how he’d gotten there so quickly but I threw on a shirt and hit the door.



  It was one of the most beautiful mornings I’d had in a long time. Paris in the springtime just like in some sappy fifties movie. I called room service to deliver me all of my favorite breakfast foods: eggs Benedict, waffles, bacon, and even a fresh scone with clotted cream. Usually I skipped the first meal of the day but today I’d felt like treating myself. After all, today marked the start of my new life. I’d probably go to the Louvre and then shopping. Buy something overtly sexy for the next time I saw Niles in New York. Just thinking about him brought a delicious smile to my lips.

  I lay back on my bed, slipping my fingers in my mouth to wet them first. Then I expertly manipulated the folds of my vagina to expose the tiny round button at the top. Funny that a man had taught me the value of touching myself. Of knowing firsthand how I wanted my body to be touched. That it was not only acceptable to bring myself to pleasure but that he expected it and I should. Imagining that my hands belonged to Niles caused me to moan in ecstasy and brought me to a swift conclusion.

  “Niles, Niles, Niles,” I whispered and my hips rose off the bed as I came to a body-shaking orgasm, my juices dripping wet all over my fingers. “Damn I miss you.” Now that was the way to start the morning.

  After breakfast I checked my messages. Nothing from Navid. I’d really have to whip him into shape. This time I refused to fill him in on my master plan. Couldn’t risk him running and crying to my daddy as if I were some child having a tantrum and not some grown-ass woman fighting for what was rightfully mine. Total luck that I had located information about the hit placed on Paris’s father. It figures that any man that powerful would have t
o have equally powerful enemies, or at least those that needed him out of the way in order to become powerful. When maneuvering in the underworld at the level we did there were usually only one or two degrees of separation. I’d hit the jackpot and there would be no way my father could trace the hit back to me. Now I would just sit and wait for the next call.

  I’d gotten the guard at the compound to phone me as soon as Niles left. Thought maybe I’d surprise him at the airport for a good-bye and also to make sure that bitch didn’t manipulate him into letting her tag along. That would ruin my plan and it wasn’t going to happen.

  I picked up the phone to call Navid. I’d made a list of the things I wanted him to handle in preparation for my trip to New York. I’d pretend to be just as shocked as Niles would be when he found out that the mark he killed, LC Duncan, was Paris’s father. He’d really need my loving comfort and I intended to give it to him.

  “Hey, I need you to come to my suite. I forgot to give you that list.”

  “I can come this afternoon,” he said but I detected something in his voice.



  “Where are you?” I growled into the mouthpiece. “And do not lie to me.”

  “I’m in Valencia,” he admitted.

  “What the hell are you doing there?”

  “I just needed to see Rio. Nadja, I really like him.”

  “Fine. As long as you weren’t making any bedroom confessions.” I pretended to be lighthearted but inside I was seething with rage. If he’d betrayed me again there would be a hell to pay like no hell he had ever known.

  “No, I just wanted to see him.”

  “And where is he?”

  “Uh, he had to go to the lobby.” His voice took on a desperate tone and I could tell that he was lying. Even though I hadn’t actually shared my plan with him, Navid was smart. I only hoped not sharp enough to figure out my intention. I’d worked all the angles and knew that this was the quickest way to destroy this growing relationship. Niles had actually told me that she made him happy. Well, if he liked dark pussy that much then I would get a tan and show him that mine was superior and it would always come to life under his expertise.


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