The Infected (Book 4): Wrecked

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The Infected (Book 4): Wrecked Page 1

by Justin Gowland


  Infected Series: Book Four

  Written By

  Justin Gowland

  Edited By

  Amy Downs

  Copyright © 2014 Justin Gowland

  All rights reserved.


  Dedicated to my readers that have made my writing worthwhile. Here is an early Christmas present. To everyone have a Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year.


  All characters contained herein are fictional and all similarities to actual persons, living or dead are purely coincidental. Places and information, while some may be real have been altered for the story and should be taken as such.

  Chapter One

  I woke up as usual... alone. That is, apart from Spirit lying on the top of the sheets. I sat up and Spirit lifted her head to look at me. She grunted and lowered her head back between her paws. Rubbing my face with my hands I stood up and crossed over to the small bathroom and turned on the shower. Taking my time, I showered and made sure that every part of me was clean. I didn’t really know when the next time I may have the luxury of having a shower.

  Drying myself off I grabbed some olive BDU’s and pulled them on. Taking another two changes of clothes, I packed them into my rucksack. My webbing went on and then the tactical harness. I clipped my rifle to it and then lifted my rucksack onto my back. Spirit jumped down from the bed and padded over to me. I reached down and ruffled her hair. Crossing the room, I looked back at the place I had called home for such a short time. Opening the door, I stepped out into the hallway and headed for the lifts and the armoury. As I passed Chris’ room, his door opened and he stepped out into the hallway.

  “You ready to go?” I asked him.

  He shrugged his shoulders and said “As ready as I am going to be. You?”

  “Just need to grab some stuff from the armoury.” I said.

  “I thought Amy would have been with you.” He said, looking back down the corridor.

  I started walking and he walked with me on the other side of Spirit.

  “Don’t know where she is, and if we can get away before she catches up, well, let’s just say I’ll be happier.” I said, knowing that it would be nearly impossible for that to happen.

  As if voicing my thoughts, Chris said “I doubt that’ll happen.”

  I just nodded. Pressing the button for the lift, we waited for the doors to open. My mind was churning over all kinds of scenarios for when we got to Hull. I had to keep reminding myself we had to get to Hornsea first. We stepped out onto the second floor and I decided to call in at the comms centre first just to see if any news had come in from Jane and the other survivors on the ship. Jake was sitting with is feet up on the desk, as usual.

  I cleared my throat before saying anything. “Any news before we head off, Jake?” I asked.

  He looked over and said “Not really. That doctor did ask if I managed to get hold of you. I said that I had left a message and that if you had got it you would try to help. She said thank you.”

  “You did the right thing by not telling them we were on our way.” Chris said.

  “Looks like you are heading out this morning?” Jake said.

  “Well, everything is quiet round here at the moment and if they really do need our help, then we will be of better use out there.” I said.

  Jake just nodded and said “Be careful. It might be nice for us to get you both back.”

  We left Jake to his radio and headed down the hallway to the armoury. Stepping inside, I saw Tom working at one of the benches.

  “Tom, where is the gear I asked you to set aside?” I said.

  Tom turned Around and saw Chris and I standing just inside the doorway.

  “Give me a second. It’s over here.” He said, leaving the bench to walk over to a cabinet. Opening the doors, he pulled out a carryall and brought it over to me.

  “You sure this is all you want?” Tom asked, placing the carryall on the floor and giving Spirit a rub between her ears.

  “Should be all we need. I’d be surprised if we are away for more than a few days.” I said.

  “You said that you were only going to be gone a few hours when you made the trip to Thorne and look how that ended up!” Tom said, smiling.

  I looked at him and said “Funny bugger.”

  Grabbing the carryall, I headed out of the armoury with Spirit on my heels. Reaching the lift, I waited for a few minutes before pushing the button. Just as the doors opened, Chris caught up carrying two pump action shotguns.

  He looked at the two shotguns and said “We’re going to be getting on a ship so I thought something for close quarters might be handy.”

  I took a second look at the shotguns and said “Makes sense.”

  We stepped inside the lift and headed for our last stop before heading outside. We walked into the dining room and headed for the kitchen. Standing at the counter we waited for Jennie or one of the other women to notice us. I watched as they moved round the kitchen busying themselves and trying hard not to notice two well-armed men standing at the counter.

  “Marc, Chris, what do you want?” Jennie called over from near a cooker.

  “We need some MRE’s and some bottled water, please.” Chris called back.

  “Why?” She asked with a puzzled look on her face.

  “We’re leaving this morning. I’m sure David told you about rescuing some survivors.” I said.

  “Yes, he told me. What I mean is, why do you need more food and water for?” She said walking over.

  “What do you mean more food and water? This is the first time we’ve asked for any!” Chris said.

  It was then that it clicked and I asked “When did she come and ask for the supplies?”

  Now it was Chris’ turn to look puzzled “Who’s she?” he asked.

  “Amy.” I said, answering his question.

  Jennie smiled and said “She came and got the supplies about an hour ago. She even asked Maddie to help her carry them up to the lobby. Were you two trying to leave her here?”

  Blushing, I just said “Thanks for the supplies, Jennie. We’ll see you in a few days.”

  Giving her a quick kiss on the cheek, I headed back out of the dining room and toward the lifts. Spirit and Chris followed behind me and we all stepped into the lift for the short journey to the lobby. Stepping out, we saw the hatch open and daylight streaming in. I began to lose my temper that Amy had been as stupid as to leave the hatch open. We stepped out into the daylight and I was about to shout at her when I saw several men and women moving around outside with tools and fencing. Guarding them, we saw David and Mike both well-armed and with good lines of sight. It seemed that we weren’t the only ones wanting to make an early start.

  “Morning, Mike. Morning, David.” I called out.

  Both looked over and headed our way. Chris took hold of my gear and headed for the A.P.C. Spirit, on the other hand, took use of being outside and scampered around getting under people's feet. I burst out laughing as she ran under Mike's outstretched leg and sent him falling. It was lucky his rifle didn’t go off. Standing up and dusting himself off, he shouted at Spirit. She just sat in his path and growled before running back to me and sitting at my side.

  “Getting an early start.” I said, shaking David’s outstretched hand.

  David looked over the men and women working on the fencing and said “People just wanted to get outside. The bunker is great if you want security, but people also want fresh air and space.”

  “I understand. Any idea how long it might take for the fencing to go up?” I asked.

  Mike looked around and said “The first line of fencing should be up in a week and maybe anoth
er week to get the second line done.”

  “That quick?” I said, remembering the drawing from the other night.

  Mike shrugged and said “It’s the posts that will take the most time. The chain link is on rolls and it’s just a case of rolling it out and fastening it to the posts.”

  That surprised me. I had thought that each panel of the fence would have to be set up individually.

  “Well, we should be back in time to help.” I said.

  “Let’s hope you are!” I heard a female voice from behind me.

  Turning around I saw Tessa walking hand in hand with Chris and he had the goofiest grin on his face. I just shook my head at the sight of my best mate looking so happy. That, and the fact that his girlfriend looked like something out of G.I Jane.

  “I hope we are as well. I really do need to stop running all over the place.” I said.

  “We don’t have to go.” Amy said, walking around the side of the A.P.C.

  Spirit saw her and sprinted over the space between them before skidding to a stop in front of Amy. I watched as my girlfriend crouched down and gave my dog a good scratch.

  “You know me, sucker for a doomed cause.” I said, smiling at her and Spirit.

  “Don’t say that.” Chris said.

  Laughing, I turned back to David and Mike.

  “Did Chris tell you the code for the hatch?” I asked them.

  David nodded and said “He told us last night.”

  I held out my hand and shook both their hands.

  “Be careful with the noise when you’re outside. You might pull in the infected from around the bunker.” I said, walking toward the A.P.C.

  Mike called after me, “Just make sure you get back ok and don’t try anything stupid.”

  “I’ll keep him from doing anything too stupid.” Chris said as he gave Tessa a last kiss.

  “You be careful as well.” Tessa said as Chris headed over to climb into the driver’s seat.

  Amy climbed into the passenger seat and I took my seat in the rear after Spirit had jumped inside, and I closed the rear door. I sat and let loose a large sigh. I was heading into God only knows and I was taking my two best friends. Really, I should have been doing this on my own, but as Chris started the engine, I could think of no other people I would want to be heading into trouble with.

  Heading down the track leading to the main road I couldn’t help but look out of the rear windows. I watched as the place I had come to call home disappeared over the brow of the hill. Hitting the main road, we headed east. The roads were covered with wrecked and abandoned vehicles. The first few hours were slow going and we only just managed about twenty miles before we stopped for something to eat and drink. I opened the top hatch and climbed out onto the roof to have a look around. It was funny how quiet the land was since the infection escaped the labs. I could hear birds and other wildlife moving in the fields and trees near the road. If it wasn’t for the infected roaming the fields, this trip might have taken on a different feeling.

  “We’re moving again in a few minutes, Marc.” I heard Amy shout from below.

  I looked about and felt angry once again that this was my fault. If I hadn’t opened the door to the animal lab, all of this might have never happened. Climbing back inside the A.P.C., I closed and fastened the hatch.

  “Okay. Let’s get moving again.” I said shortly.

  Amy turned round in her seat to look at me and asked “You ok?”

  I looked at my feet and said “Yeah, just a little preoccupied with stuff.”

  “If we can save your friend and the other survivors, we’ll do it.” She said with a sad smile.

  Spirit walked over and placed her head on my lap. Stroking it, I said “I know.”

  Chapter Two

  Chris started the engine and we started moving again. The next few hours we shoved and pushed our way through a dozen pile-ups and accidents. The ones we couldn’t push or drive out of the way we went into the fields to get round. We came upon the first village just before it started to get dark.

  “Are we bedding down in here tonight?” Chris asked, looking out at the steadily darkening streets.

  Climbing so I could look in between the front seats, I looked outside. The village didn’t look like more than a few houses on either side of the road.

  “Might be for the best.” I said.

  “I’m going to stretch my legs and I think Spirit needs some fresh air as well.” Chris said, opening his door and climbing out.

  I opened the rear door and let Spirit jump out and trot out of sight. I watched as her white fur disappeared into the gloom and sat on the tailgate.

  I felt Amy’s hand on my shoulder “A penny for your thoughts?” She asked.

  “Was just thinking of how this could have all been avoided if I hadn’t opened that fucking door.” I said, letting my shoulders slump.

  Amy pushed me over so she could sit down and said “Look, you might have opened the door but you weren’t the arseholes experimenting on that animal.”

  “I know that. It’s just I feel so responsible. That’s all.” I replied.

  Chris walked round the corner and said “That’s bullshit, mate. How would you have felt if you could have saved your mate and you didn’t open the door? And who’s to say that when the coppers came, they wouldn't have opened the door and let it out?”

  “Still….” I said.

  “Look, you’re making up for it now by saving all these people and keeping them safe. It’s not like you are back at the bunker and sitting there on your arse letting other people do the dangerous stuff. You take on the bad shit because you are willing to.” Amy said.

  I heard a loud bark and raised my head looking for Spirit. Sure enough, a few seconds later she came running around the corner of a house with her tail between her legs. I stood up and leaned back inside the A.P.C. and pulled out my rifle. Clipping it to my harness, I checked my mag to make sure I had a full one. Pulling back on the slide, I made sure my safety was on and turned to watch where Spirit had ran from. Sure enough, we all heard the low moan of the infected.

  Three of them lurched around the corner. It looked as though these infected had taken a swim in something. The liquid seemed to splatter as it fell from their bodies to the floor. Each had a shrivelled sort of look to them. It was as if they had spent too much time in the bath. You know like how your fingers and toes seem to crinkle? Because of this and the darkening sky I couldn’t tell what sex they were. Their moan increased when the saw the three of us lined up at the rear of the A.P.C.

  Spirit made it to us before the infected had made it halfway. She skidded to a stop beside me. Turning, she lowered her head and gave out a low growl.

  Chris was the first to shoot and hit the infected high in the shoulder. Whatever was in the infected splattered to the floor behind it as it spun around and down onto its knees. I fired next my shot slightly better, taking the infected low in the throat. Its flesh seemed to disintegrate and run down the infected, coating its chest with the dark green and dark runny flesh and dark black blood. Its head seemed to wobble on the neck before tilting backward, and with a wet snap, fell away. The body took one more step before falling to the ground with a wet smack. Amy had managed to kill her infected with a single shot to the forehead, which sprayed green brain and skull back down the street. Chris’ infected had only just managed to climb to its knees when his second shot smashed through its eye and removed the side of its skull.

  Spirit took a few steps forward and gave a low woof as though to say ‘Good job, guys!’

  “I don’t know about you guys but I’m climbing back inside.” Amy said, turning to climb inside the A.P.C.

  I really wanted to go and see what had been dripping off the infected but I understood why Amy wanted to be back inside the A.P.C. Chris followed her inside and Spirit jumped in behind him and I closed the door behind me as I climbed inside. We sat in silence and ate some food from our packs. Outside had become pitch black and we hea
rd more moans coming from around the A.P.C. I wanted to talk but it felt like neither Chris nor Amy wanted to say anything so I stayed silent.

  “I’m going to get some sleep.” Chris said, climbing into the driver’s seat and covering himself with a sleeping bag.

  “Seems like a good idea.” I said, laying out my sleeping bag on the floor.

  Amy didn’t say a word. She just laid her bag next to mine and climbed inside and closed her eyes. Spirit decided that she would guard the door and lay down next to it. Covering myself with sleeping bag, I felt even more like I should have done this on my own. Closing my eyes and trying to ignore the moaning from outside, I tried to sleep.

  Morning light streamed through the windscreen and gave the interior of the A.P.C. a strange dappled light. Turning my head, I saw Amy still sleeping, her chest rising and falling inside her sleeping bag. I could hear Chris’ rumbling breath from where I laid. I couldn’t see him but hearing his breath was comforting in some way. Spirit was laying with her head on her front paws watching me as I looked around the back of the vehicle. Wriggling slowly out of the sleeping bag, I sat on one of the benches. Stretching my arms, I looked out of the rear window. What I saw shocked me into waking Amy and Chris up.

  “Erm…I think you two better wake up.” I said loudly.

  Chris was the first to stir and said “What?”

  “You might want to come and have a look at this.” I said, opening the rear door and letting in a cold fresh breeze.

  “What’s happening?” Amy said, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

  I had stepped outside and was looking at where we had dropped the three infected the night before.

  “What the fuck happened here?” Chris said.

  “Oh my GOD!” Was all the Amy said as she came to stand beside us.

  Where the infected had fallen there was nothing but some small piles of rotten flesh and drag marks. The largest piece of infected that was left was the head of the one I had shot. We could also now see what had been coating the infected. The green slime seemed to have been running off of them. The strange drag marks seemed to lead to the corner of the house from which they had appeared the night before.


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