Tales of the Were 004 - Rocky

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Tales of the Were 004 - Rocky Page 1

by Bianca D'Arc

  Tales of the Were



  Bianca D’Arc

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

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  Copyright © 2012 Bianca D’Arc

  Cover Art by Valerie Tibbs

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


  This book is for the fans and readers who have helped me through so many difficulties with their uplifting words and kind thoughts. You are a treasure!

  I’d also like to give a shout out to the Wild West Wednesday crew for providing fun, friendship and good times that have been sorely lacking in my life over the past three years. With particular regards to Kim Rocha and the Book Obsessed Chicks, the Scarangella family who are each unique and utterly kind hearted, and the writers that make up International Heat, for welcoming me and being like a big, semi-dysfunctional family of mostly like-minded insane writers. I love you guys! Special thanks to my friend Michele Lang for the encouraging write-ins and pep talks. I’m blessed to have all of you in my life.

  And I’m especially blessed to still have my father in my life. Thanks, Dad, for your support and understanding, even though you will never read any of my romance stories.

  And to Mom, whom I miss every single day. Thanks for watching over us down here and for being the teacher and guide I needed when I was young. I still hear your words, even though I will never hear your voice or cute accent again. Ik houd van jou.

  Chapter One

  All Hallows Eve

  Maggie pulled into the gravel driveway, uncertain of her welcome. The sad truth was she had nowhere else to turn. The pains were getting sharper and closer together. She had to find him soon. After a few false leads, this had to be his place. It just had to be.

  She took a deep breath, pulling the car to a stop in front of a very large, rustic log cabin in the middle of the woods. Resting her forehead against the steering wheel as she was wracked by another pain, she tried not to scream.

  “Are you all right?”

  The deep voice was just as she remembered it. Finally, she had found him. Turning to look out the open driver’s side window, she offered him a shaky smile as the pain began to subside.

  “Thank heaven I found you. God, Rocky. It’s good to see you.”

  Rocco Garibaldi was stunned. The last person he’d expected to see pull up in his front drive was Maggie Hobson. She was as beautiful as ever, even with deep circles under her gorgeous eyes. She’d gained a bit of weight too, if he wasn’t mistaken, and it looked good on her.

  “Maggie? What in the world—”

  He broke off as her knuckles tightened on the steering wheel and a keening cry ripped from between her compressed lips. In a flash, he had her car door open and then stopped, struck speechless by her rounded, pulsating midsection. Maggie was heavily pregnant, and from all appearances was in the throes of labor.

  “I need your help,” she panted between puffing breaths.

  “No kidding.” He caught her when she tried to get out of the tall SUV on her own. Lifting her in his arms, he wasted no time. He took her into his house, went directly to his bedroom and placed her on the bed. “Stars, Maggie! Where’s Tony? Why aren’t you with him for this?”

  “Tony’s…” Her beautiful eyes filled with pain and she seemed unable to speak the next, final words. “He’s dead, Rock.”

  Agony settled in Rocky’s chest as he felt the truth of her words echo through his soul. His grief was reflected in her sad eyes. He’d lost a brother and he hadn’t even known it.

  “When? How?”

  “About eight months ago. He saw it coming. He had time to warn me about—” A new labor pain struck and Rocky reached for her hand, letting her hold on to him. He hated seeing her in such agony.

  “You need help,” he said as the pain eased. “Let me call Allie.”

  Maggie started to get up as he turned toward the phone on the small table beside the bed.

  “I knew I shouldn’t have come, but Tony made me promise to find you before I gave birth. I have nowhere else to turn.”

  Rocky soothed her, pushing her back down on the bed as he snagged the cord of the phone and pulled it toward him. “You’re not going anywhere until that baby is born.”

  “Babies. Plural.” She panted. “Twins.”

  “Sweet Mother in Heaven,” he whispered. “Maggie, did Tony tell you about us? About what we are?”

  She nodded once, her expression tinged with fear. “The week before he died, he showed me…” She gripped his hand as another contraction hit. “He warned me the birth wouldn’t be easy, and that I couldn’t go to a regular hospital. Damn, I’d give anything for an epidural right now!”

  Rocky dialed the phone with one hand while she clenched the other tightly. He was never more relieved than when the call was answered on the other end.

  “Rafe, I need help.”

  Maggie loved the rumble of Rocky’s voice. It reassured her in so many ways. Many girlhood hours had been spent dreaming about this man. She found it strange that fate would send her to his home in the middle of the woods, so many years later, about to give birth to his best friend’s babies.

  Make that cubs. She was about to birth grizzly shifters. If not for the fact she’d seen Tony shapeshift right before her eyes, she would never have believed it. Rocky ended the call as she watched him.

  “Tony said…” She waited to catch her breath, needing something to focus on other than the pain. “He said…you’re a grizzly too.”

  Rocky nodded solemnly. “I am.”

  “This is all so crazy.” She looked away, remembering. “Tony came home one day and told me. I almost laughed in his face—until he shifted to prove his point. I was never so frightened in my whole life.” She turned back to search his expression. “He only told me because he foresaw his own death, Rock. Something called Venifucus was on his trail, he said, and made me promise to tell you as soon as I found you.”

  “Venifucus? Are you certain?” His words were a low growl that sent shivers down her spine.

  “He was sure of it, and told me how to retrieve this after he was gone.” She tugged on the gold chain around her neck, pulling it out from under her clothing and showing it to Rocky. The pendant was a faintly glowing blood red stone wrapped in gold wire. It was a bear totem that shone brighter than any gem. With shaking hands, she held it up so Rocky could see it.

  His expression hardened and a single tear trailed down his face.

  “He really is dead.”

  She nodded, feeling his pain as her own. “I burned his body after he died, as he instructed, then sifted through the ashes for this. He called it—”

  “A heartstone.” Rocky’s expression was filled with an odd mix of wonder and sorrow. “If anyone could do it, Tony would have that kind of magic. But why? How did he die?”

  Another contraction halted her explanation for a few moments, and he
held her hand throughout. The pulsing heartstone seemed to comfort her, as it had all along her ragtag journey over half the continent.

  “He was ambushed. He barely made it home before collapsing. He was beyond help by that point. It only took him moments to breathe his last, but he did it on his home territory, free and safe. He told me the magical protections he’d put on our land would fade after he died, but I would have time to fulfill his last wishes. I followed his instructions and lit out of there just hours later. I’ve been crisscrossing the country ever since, but I knew when my labor started, I’d have to stop running. I came to you, like I promised Tony I would. My babies will be too vulnerable while I’m recovering—if I survive their birth—and you’re the only person on earth I trust to keep them safe.” She clutched at his hand. “I don’t care what happens to me. Just promise you’ll take care of my babies.”

  Rocky surprised her by taking her in his arms and burying his face in her hair as she burrowed into his neck. It felt so good to be surrounded by his warmth, his strength. It had been so long since she’d been able to lean on someone, even for just a moment.

  “I’ll keep you safe. You’re not going anywhere, Maggie. I’ll watch over you all. I promise. Tony knew I would. It’s why he sent you to me. But why did you wait so long? You should’ve come to me straight away.”

  “I couldn’t.” Tears leaked from her eyes and seeped into his flannel shirt. He was so strong and she’d felt so weak for so long. It was such a relief to have someone to share her fears with. “I didn’t want to lead them to you. I’d just lost Tony and we hadn’t heard from you in a long time. I didn’t want to presume…”

  “You should have, sweetheart. You had to know I’d never turn you away in a million years.”

  She sniffled as he pulled back to place a kiss on the crown of her head. The gesture touched her deeply—so deeply—when she hadn’t dared hope he would welcome her. She’d spent the last eight months conflicted. She’d lost her husband, which was traumatic enough, but Tony had known how she’d always felt about Rocky. Tony had been a shaman. He’d known things, and he’d sent her straight to the only man who had ever been a rival for her affections.

  But Rocky had left so long ago. Right after the wedding, he had announced his move and she hadn’t seen him since. For all she knew, he was married with children of his own now, though judging by the sparseness of his house, he lived alone. The thought brought a lightness to her heart. Perhaps it wasn’t too late for them. Perhaps Tony had been right to send her here. Perhaps she did have that chance for happiness again—as Tony had promised—once this situation with the Venifucus was straightened out. If it could be straightened out.

  Another pain gripped her and she clung to Rocky, digging her fingers into his thick muscles, but he didn’t complain. He just held her, speaking soothing words in that rumbly voice and stroking her back with one hand while his other hand moved down to cover the protrusion of her stomach. His touch felt good. When his fingers settled over the beach ball of her abdomen, it was as if the squirming babies within sensed his presence and immediately quieted.

  Tony had warned her how difficult it could be for bear shifter cubs to be born. She was scared and she knew her fear was communicating itself to her babies. As she grew more agitated, so did they. It had been like that throughout her entire pregnancy. She tried to be calm, but the pains were intense and more than she could handle alone. Rocky’s steady presence was a gift. He calmed her and her babies with just his touch, his voice and his soothing strength.

  She didn’t fear much of anything with Rocky’s arms around her. He was her safe harbor in times of trouble and had been since they were kids. When bullies picked on her in grade school, it had been Rocky who had come to her rescue and scared off the other kids with his intimidating brawn, even back then. He’d been such a quiet boy, but she’d daydreamed about him from that moment on. He had been her knight in shining armor, her champion and savior.

  Tony, on the other hand, had been her Prince Charming. They’d all grown up together, and by the time the senior prom rolled around, Maggie had despaired of Rocky ever seeing her as a girl instead of a buddy. But Tony had. He’d asked her to the prom and suddenly her eyes had been opened. Here was a man who flattered her and charmed her. Tony had literally swept her off her feet. After that first date, he’d sought her out again and again. Before she knew it, she was head over heels in love with him and agreeing to his proposal of marriage.

  The only doubts had crept in when they’d broken the news to Rocky. He’d looked pained for one short moment before offering his congratulations. Still, she was in the bloom of young love and very little could dim the light that shone around Tony. He was such a charismatic, powerful presence in her life. She was grateful for his love, even now, after all the turmoil being with him had caused.

  Still, she was glad Tony had acknowledged Rocky once more before he died. Tony had given her careful instructions. He wanted her to go to Rocky. And after eight months of running, she finally had.

  Chapter Two

  Rocky moved back, sensing others outside the cabin. “Are you okay? I’ve got to let them in.”

  “Who?” Panic filled her eyes as she clutched at his arms.

  He soothed her, stroking her back. “Friends. Guardians. They’ll help us, but they need to know what they’re up against.”

  She grabbed his hands when he would have stood, her eyes frightened. “Tony said the man chasing me is a very strong mage. He almost caught me a few times, but the babies warned me.”

  So they were already aware and strong magically, but then their father had been one of the most powerful bear shifter shamans in recent memory. No doubt they’d inherited some of their father’s talents.

  “We’ve faced Venifucus before. As long as we know what to look for, we can protect you. You did the right thing coming here, but you should’ve come much sooner, Maggie.” He stood and moved to the door.

  He had to get out of the cabin for just a minute. Emotions stirred in his heart that he hadn’t felt in years. Seeing Maggie again was bringing up all the old feelings and conflicts, but one thing was very different this time. This time, Tony would not present an obstacle.

  Tony was gone.

  The reality of it hit him as he walked through the door into the discordant sunshine, his steps faltering. He reached out to steady himself on the doorframe when a strong hand wrapped around his arm. He recognized the energy. Tim.

  “What is it, Rock?”

  Rocky tried to shake off the pang of grief, but knew the Alpha wolf could sense his deep sorrow. Rocky met Tim’s eyes. “My brother is dead.”

  Tim did a very uncharacteristic thing. He pulled Rocky into hug right there on the doorstep, and Rocky went, glad of the unquestioning support of his friend and leader.

  “The woman you mentioned?” Tim asked as he pulled back. “His wife?”

  Rocky nodded, getting a grip on the turmoil in his soul. “She’s human, Tim. She needs help. Bear cubs don’t come easy.”

  Tim nodded. “Allie and Betina are on their way with Rafe. They were in town and he went to fetch them. I’ve got some of the Pack coming to set up a perimeter. No one will get to her.”

  “She’s being chased by Venifucus. A strong mage, she said. And he’d have to be very powerful to take down Tony. He was a gifted shaman, Tim. No simple mage could match Tony.”

  Tim placed one hand on his shoulder, offering reassurance. “We have allies, my friend. We’ll call on them all, if need be.”

  Rocky cleared his throat. “Thank you, Alpha.”

  Just then a feminine gasp of pain sounded from inside the bedroom that was in the front of the house, just a few feet away. Rocky turned to look through the bedroom door, only to see Maggie’s abdomen rippling in an alarming way. He went to her side in a blur of movement. Instinctively, he called on his inner magic, covering the protrusion of her belly with his hands and concentrating his power on soothing the babies inside. They calmed
and the agony on Maggie’s face lessened.

  “Please! Don’t leave me again, Rocky.”

  He met her gaze. “Never.”

  A moment passed, and the contraction eased. Rocky sat on the bedside, glad he’d opted for a king size even though he usually slept alone. He stroked her abdomen with one hand, trying to ease her into a more comfortable position with the other.

  “The priestesses are on their way, and the Alphas are gathering the Pack to guard us. You’re safe now, Maggie. I promise.” His words seemed to soothe her, so he kept talking as he touched her, enjoying the sensation.

  She was so soft and feminine. She was all he’d ever wanted in a woman. He’d never touched her so freely in his life, but she needed him now. She needed the reassurance of his touch—anyone’s touch—he guessed. She needed to know she wasn’t alone. She needed to feel safe so her cubs would come into the world as peacefully as possible.

  “Priestesses?” she repeated, sounding a little dazed. “Rocky, I’m Catholic.”

  That startled a laugh out of him and brought an answering smile to her face, though she still looked a little worried. “Shifters are closer to nature than humanity. We have always served the Lady in Her many forms. Call Her Mother Nature if it helps, though she’s been represented in many different religions, including yours. The women who are coming to help you are Her servants. They have a great deal of magic and skill between them. It’ll help you and your babies, Maggie. Your babies are part of Tony. They’re magic. They need magic to help them be born.”

  “You’re magic too.” She surprised him by covering his hand still resting on her abdomen. “They need you too.” She paused, looking down at their joined hands. “I need you.”

  Rocky couldn’t help himself. He leaned forward and placed a kiss on her forehead, rising only to kiss her swelling tummy, where the little ones kicked and squirmed. They quieted as he stroked their resting place, as if responding to his touch. They seemed to recognize him and he knew in that moment, these babies would be his family. He’d raise them in Tony’s stead and be father to them in place of the best friend he’d ever had. These cubs were his now.


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