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The Fireman's Pole

Page 9

by Sue Brown

  Ben rolled his eyes in frustration, but Dale just agreed with her. “He was going to take the credit for someone else’s work.”

  “It’s the way it always is,” she said. “Never take anything he says for granted.”

  “You’re going to put him off me,” Ben protested.

  Mrs. Wilson looked up at him with a gentle smile. “You just tell the truth to your young man and he’ll see you for the big heart you are.”

  To Dale’s amusement Ben blushed furiously and mumbled something about the ground opening up. Before Dale could drag Ben away, Sandra rushed over and flung her arms around Dale.

  “Thank you. Thank you.”

  Dale hugged her and then stepped backward. “I’m just glad Mrs. Wilson is all right.”

  She knuckled at her eyes and smiled at him. “You make sure everyone knows how grateful we are.”

  “I’ll tell them,” Dale assured her.

  Ben made his apologies and then led Dale away. He waited until they were outside the room with the door shut before he said, “I’ll make sure your station commander knows how grateful we all are. If there is anything I can donate to the station, anything at all, you know I’ll do it.”

  Dale looked at Ben. “We were just doing our job. You know that.”

  Ben lightly caressed Dale’s hair. Dale mentally thanked God that he had washed his hair before he came out, because it had been covered in soot and ash from a skip fire. “You’re doing an amazing job, Dale.”

  Dale squirmed in embarrassment. “I thought you were going to feed me.”

  Ben just laughed and led him to the kitchen. The dogs joined them as they sat down. “I’m sure we can find you a sausage roll or two.”

  “Huh, I was expecting proper food. I’m not sure I’m hungry now.” Dale’s stomach growled loudly again. “Traitor!”

  Ben went to the range and pulled out a tray of roasted meat and vegetables. “I hope you like lamb.”

  “I love it,” Dale said fervently, salivating over the aroma.

  Ben dished out the food and came to the table with two large plates of roast lamb, potatoes, and vegetables. Then he went back to the range and pulled out a jug, which he brought to the table. Dale saw it was gravy. As he went to touch it, Ben smacked his hand.

  “Don’t do that,” Ben scolded. “The jug will be hot.” Using a cloth, Ben covered Dale’s food in gravy and then his own.

  Dale politely waited for Ben to sit down; then he tucked in, moaning around the first mouthful.

  Ben raised an eyebrow. “You like your food, don’t you?”

  “I’m a big man, and there’s a lot to fill. I love food,” Dale admitted. “Any food. I am not fussy. We’ll cook at the fire station. Once you’ve eaten and survived half-cooked-chicken food poisoning, you can just about eat anything.”

  “I think you’re safe with me,” Ben said.

  Dale showed his appreciation by eating every scrap of food on the plate, to the disappointment of Frankie, Fluffy, and Fern. If he had been on his own, he’d probably have licked the plate clean too.

  Even better, once Ben cleared away the plates, he produced a large slice of strawberry pavlova, made with fresh strawberries from the grounds. Dale ate his slice and then most of Ben’s, as Ben assured him he wasn’t hungry.

  Finally, Dale sat back and rubbed his stomach. “That was amazing.”

  “You’re welcome.” Ben offered him the coffeepot, and Dale said yes. “We’ll grab our coffees and go and sit in my study. Unless you want to go back and sit with everybody else?”

  Dale shook his head. “I’m quite tired, and there were a lot of people there. Some quiet time with you is just what I need.” He quailed at the thought of facing that crowd again and took heart in the shy smile Ben gave him.

  They didn’t meet anyone as they crossed the hall to Ben’s private study, although they could hear laughter coming from the room with the villagers. Ben shut the door of the study, and in the silence Dale felt nervous. He took a seat on the sofa and hoped the smile he gave Ben was confident. From the uncertain look on Ben’s face, it seemed Ben was feeling the same as he was. They drank their coffee for a few minutes, and then Ben put the mug down on what Dale thought was probably a priceless antique and turned to Dale.

  “Are you working tomorrow?”

  “Yes, but I’m on two nights.”

  Ben pulled a face. “I’m going to have to get used to your shift patterns.”

  “I’ll give you a copy,” Dale promised.

  “Stay here the night,” Ben said. “You don’t have to get up in the morning, and I don’t have to rush. Stay the night with me. We don’t have to do anything except sleep.” The last words were rushed, as if he was worried about Dale’s response.

  Dale trailed his fingers down Ben’s cheekbones and jaw. “I’d like that, but what about the rest of the staff?”

  “They’re going to have to get used to seeing you here.”

  “Are you sure you’re ready for that?” Dale asked.

  Ben frowned. “You sound worried. Are you expecting trouble? Has anyone said anything to you?”

  “Everyone has been really supportive. I guess it’s just years of living with Baz. I’m used to having to hide my relationships.”

  Ben nodded and put a little space between himself and Dale. “My staff work for me, and they protect my privacy. I’ve had men here before.”

  Dale was jealous of every man Ben had kissed, but he wasn’t stupid enough to make an issue of it. This time Ben wanted to take him to bed. Dale was confident he could put every other man out of Ben’s mind. He had mad skills and was determined to show Ben every single one.

  If Ben was aware of Dale’s sudden attack of green eyes, he chose to ignore it. Dale waited patiently as Ben spent a few minutes saying good night to people as they gradually left. Sandra had already taken her mother to her bedroom and agreed to spend the night there, just in case her mother needed her.

  “I’m going to spend the night here too, Mr. Ben,” Colson said. “Just in case Mrs. Wilson needs any medical attention.”

  Ben said good night to those who were left and led Dale away.

  “You have very devoted staff,” Dale said as they walked up the stairs.

  “They’re the closest thing I’ve got to a family. Colson would rather sleep on the kitchen floor than abandon his post. Does that seem feudal to you?”

  “It’s different,” Dale admitted, “but it’s nice to know you have people who care for you.”

  Dale was aware of the sudden tension in Ben as he shut the door to his bedroom. He knew Ben had brought men here, but Ben was nervous about Dale. He wasn’t sure if that was good or bad.

  Ben rubbed his eyes.

  “You look exhausted,” Dale said.

  “So do you.” They looked at each other, and then Ben chuckled. “Let’s sleep, and we can take this further in the morning. If I stand here any longer, I’ll fall asleep with my eyes open. There’s fresh toothbrushes in the cabinet in the bathroom. You go in there first.”

  By the time Ben had used the bathroom, Dale was settled in bed on the left side, still wearing his T-shirt and briefs. “I wasn’t sure what side you sleep on, but I guessed it must be the right side.”

  As the bedside table on the right side had a clock and a book, it wasn’t exactly rocket science, but Ben didn’t call him out on it. Instead he settled into bed and turned out the light. Immediately Dale wrapped himself around Ben, reveling in the feel of Ben in his arms.

  “I’m not always going to be the little spoon,” Ben said in the darkness.

  Dale yawned and then pressed a kiss in the nape of Ben’s neck. “Good night.”

  “I mean it.”

  “Later,” Dale said. “I’m too tired to argue now.”

  Ben huffed, but he settled down in Dale’s arms, and soon enough his breathing eased into sleep. Dale took a while longer, but he didn’t care. He was happy where he was.

  Chapter Ten

shivered as he woke, fumbling to find the cover without opening his eyes. It was only when the duvet was nowhere to be found that he cranked open one eye and found the reason he was cold. Dale had somehow managed to steal Ben’s side of the duvet and wrap it around himself. He was fast asleep and happily warm and snug.

  Unlike Ben.

  “Give me back the duvet!” Ben tugged futilely on one corner. Dale was wrapped tighter than a Russian baby all swaddled up. Dale grumbled as Ben disturbed him, but he didn’t wake up, and he hung on even tighter, which enraged Ben. “I’m cold. Give me the bloody duvet!”

  He tugged and pulled until eventually Dale let go enough that Ben could cover himself again. Ben sighed with pleasure as the warmth surrounded him. Then Dale rolled and wrapped himself around Ben, who contemplated throwing him off, but Dale was like a furry hot water bottle. Ben hadn’t really noticed the body hair last night. He opened his eyes and frowned. Last night Dale had been clothed. Now… Ben was damn sure it wasn’t a pair of briefs poking his arse.

  “Morning,” Dale mumbled and nuzzled Ben’s neck. “Feeling warmer?”

  “No thanks to you.” Ben pushed back against Dale’s warmth, still somewhat cold.

  “Yeah, I should have warned you, I have a habit of stealing the covers.” Dale sounded more smug than sorry. He wrapped his arms around Ben and held him tight.

  “Don’t do it again,” Ben mumbled, his irritation fading as he warmed.

  “No promises.” Dale wriggled against Ben. “I’m awake now.”

  “I can see that,” Ben said. “And naked.”

  “You’re awake.”

  “Yes?” Ben kept the amusement out of his voice.

  “And not naked.”

  “I’m cold.”

  “Maybe I could warm you up a little?” Dale sounded hopeful.

  “I’m just fine now.”

  “You don’t want playtime before we get up?” Dale raised up on one elbow and nibbled at Ben’s shoulder.

  “We can get breakfast if you’re hungry, Dale,” Ben pointed out.

  “Or I could eat you.”

  Ben’s dick twitched hopefully, fully on board with Dale’s suggestion. What the hell? It sounds like an awesome idea. He rolled onto his back and wriggled out of his clothes. Then he stretched, ensuring Dale got a full look at his body.

  “Go for it.” Ben sucked in a deep breath and relaxed back against the sheets. This was what he’d missed when he was with Sabrina. This raw visceral male energy that made him feel alive. He closed his eyes and waited for….

  “What the hell?” Dale’s annoyed tone dragged Ben from the languorous reverie. Ben opened his eyes to see Dale glaring at the door.

  “What’s the matter?” Ben asked.

  “Someone just knocked on the door and said breakfast is ready.”

  Ben blinked. He hadn’t heard a thing.

  The annoyance on Dale’s face was replaced by amusement. “Didn’t you hear them?”

  Shaking his head, Ben struggled to sit up, only to be flattened again by Dale.

  “Stay there,” Dale growled.


  “Will have to wait!”

  Ben grinned at Dale’s aggrieved tone. He closed his eyes again. Breakfast could wait a few minutes. His silent consent obviously pleased Dale because he got back to business, licking a stripe up Ben’s neck.

  “For heaven’s sake!”

  “What now?” Ben whined.

  “Your bloody butler is cockblocking me again. He’s going to tip a bucket of water over us if we don’t head downstairs.”

  “He said that?” Ben asked dubiously. Colson was the epitome of good manners.

  “No, he just implied it with his knock.”

  Ben sat up with a huff. “You’re too easily distracted.”

  Thunderclouds gathered across Dale’s brow. “You text him and say we’ll be down after we’ve fucked.”

  “If only I could.” The moment was well and truly lost, and Ben swung his legs to the floor. “Next time, Dale.”

  Dale headed for the bathroom, his whole back radiating annoyance. Ben sighed. He was going to have to make it up to Dale later, but first he had to take Dale down to breakfast with the closest thing Ben had to family. God help the poor man.

  MR. Colson, Mrs. Wilson, and Sandra sat around the scrubbed pine table, sharing a large pot of tea.

  Mrs. Wilson took one look at them and sighed, shuffling over to the covered dishes on the large granite work surface. “What do you want to eat, Mr. Ben? Mr. Maloney?”

  Ben would have been happy to make himself tea and toast, but he could see from the determination on her face that Mrs. Wilson wanted to be seen to do her duties. “Everything, please, Mrs. Wilson, and Dale will have the same.”

  Dale stiffened, but he just nodded. “Morning, Mrs. Wilson.”

  Ben shot a glance at Dale, begging him just to run with it. He’d apologize later for overriding him. Dale was still prickly about their interrupted lovemaking. For now they both had to make nice with Mrs. Wilson. Dale gave a brief nod as they sat down.

  Sandra smirked at them, and Colson concentrated on his cup of tea.

  “I was about to send Mr. Colson up again,” Mrs. Wilson scolded as she set down the plates piled high with bacon, eggs, mushrooms, and hash browns in front of Ben and Dale.

  “You’d have been better to turn the hose on them,” Sandra said.

  “Sandra!” Mrs. Wilson tutted, but Ben could see the grin she was trying to hide. She brought toast to the table, smacking Sandra’s hand when she reached for a slice. “You’ve had yours. This is for his lordship and Mr. Maloney.”

  “What do I have to do to persuade you to call me Dale, Mrs. Wilson?” Dale asked. He sounded more relaxed than he had a few minutes previously.

  She poured out a cup of tea before she answered. “Normally I don’t address his lordship’s friends by their given name.” Ben was about to nudge Dale to ask him not to pursue it when Mrs. Wilson continued. “But you’re one of us. So, Dale, would you like tea?”

  “I would love a cup, please. Strong as you can make it.” Dale looked delighted, and Ben breathed a sigh of relief. Sabrina had never treated Colson or Mrs. Wilson as anything except staff, and she’d never have asked them to call her by her first name.

  Dale had done more to get in Calminster Hall’s good books in a couple of days than Sabrina had the whole time they had been going out. Rescuing Mrs. Wilson had given him a head start. Although that wasn’t strictly accurate, Ben thought, as he remembered Dale coming over the first day and talking to Tim. He was naturally friendly to everyone.

  Ben finished his breakfast and sat back, studying Mrs. Wilson. It was clear from the way she stooped and her shaky hands that she was struggling, but Colson caught his eye and gave a quick shake of his head. Ben nodded to say he understood. Mrs. Wilson didn’t want to be coddled or made to feel like an invalid, especially in front of her daughter and Dale. He would have a quiet word with her later.

  “Mrs. Wilson, that was magnificent.”

  She beamed at Dale’s high praise, but she had to add, “It was even better when it was freshly cooked.”

  Dale gave her an exaggerated wink. “I’ll remember that for next time. May I help you clear up?”

  She shook her head, but she was obviously pleased to be asked. “Nice to see Dale has manners, Mr. Ben, unlike some of your friends.”

  Ben rolled his eyes. She’d made her feelings plain about some of his former “friends” more than once. “If you’re ready, Dale?”

  “Ready for what?” Sandra asked, winking at him. “Seconds?”

  “That’s quite enough of that,” Mrs. Wilson said primly.

  Ben caught Dale’s eye, and they vanished before they could be embarrassed again.

  As they walked across the hall, Dale nudged Ben. “You didn’t answer Sandra’s question.”


  “What am I ready for?”

  Ben opened the door to his stu
dy and hustled Dale inside; then he slammed Dale up against the closed door. “This!”

  Dale rested his hands on Ben’s hips and raised an eyebrow. “Sandra was right, then? You want seconds? Although in our case, it’ll still be firsts.”

  “Seconds and thirds.” Ben kissed him, crushing Dale against the door. Dale didn’t seem to mind, wrapping his arms around Ben, leaving no space between them. Eventually Ben pulled back for air, flushed, breathless, and ready to go again as soon as he’d quelled the burning in his lungs.

  They stayed in the same position for long moments until Ben sighed and rested his head against Dale’s shoulder. “I feel alive again.”

  Dale didn’t pretend not to understand. “I don’t know how you even thought you could be with a woman.”

  “I’ve got past the girls-have-cooties stage.”

  “Except teenage girls.”

  Ben’s head snapped up. “How did you—? You’ve been talking to Mrs. Manning,” Ben said with a touch of rancor.


  “She knows all my secrets.”

  “She does,” Dale agreed.

  “God bless her hairy chin. I know a few of hers.”

  Dale rubbed his chin against Ben’s, stubble rasping on stubble. “But I’m not interested in Mrs. Manning’s secrets. I’m only interested in you. I’m sorry I was in such a foul mood earlier.”

  “Next time,” Ben promised, “there’ll be no interruptions.”

  They didn’t kiss, but they rested against each other, and Ben breathed in Dale’s male scent. Dale didn’t seem anxious to move or take things any further, so Ben stayed where he was, wrapped in Dale’s arms.

  Inevitably, they were disturbed before he was ready by a light tap at the door.

  “Mr. Ben?” Lisa sounded almost tentative.

  Ben sighed and stepped back, running his hands through his hair in an attempt to straighten up. Dale refused to let him go fully, instead keeping Ben close. “Yes?”

  “Barry is here.”

  “Okay. I’ll be with him in a moment.”

  “He’s in the office.”


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