Returning Home (Satan's Sinners MC Book 4)

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Returning Home (Satan's Sinners MC Book 4) Page 9

by Colbie Kay

  “What did he say?” Tinsley asks as she blows her nose.

  “Nothing you need to worry about.” Truth is, I’m worried enough for the both of us, but she is too sweet and innocent to have to deal with it. I might need to speak with Hanger. My own phone rings and I see Gunner’s name appear on the screen.


  “Hey, beautiful!”

  “You guys made it safe?” I ask with a smile.

  “Yeah, how was your day?”

  Laughing, I respond as I lay back on my bed. “It was interesting. I had a talk with Bear, Hanger, Pretty Boy, and your mom.”

  “Ah, fuck, she actually showed?” He sighs into the phone.

  “She did.” I nod, even though he can’t see me. “It was good to see her; she looks good and happy. She gave me a lot to think about.”

  “That’s good. I miss the fuck outta you already.”

  “I miss you too.” Biting down on my lip, my smile grows.

  “What did you talk to Bear, Hanger, and Pretty Boy about?”

  “Pretty Boy apologized for his family and Bear and Hanger, what do you think?” I laugh.

  “My brothers got my back,” he says, joining in.

  “How was your trip?” I ask, staring at the ceiling when I wish he was here with me instead.

  “Long. Did you know Tink can sing?”

  “No.” I laugh more.

  “Yeah, the kid’s got a voice like I’ve never heard. Not even Hanger and you know he can sing his ass off.” I hear the pride in his tone.

  “Maybe he should talk to Jacey.” I yawn through the words.

  “That’s not a bad idea. You tired?”

  “Yeah; it was a long and busy day here.”

  “Well, as much as I hate to get off here, you need to rest. I just wanted to let you know we made it safe.”

  “I’m glad you did.”


  “Night, Gunner.” I hit the end button on the phone, put it on the charger, and grab different clothes out of my dresser.

  After changing into my night clothes, I lie down. I don’t think my bed has ever felt so good.

  “You should give him a chance, Lindy,” Tinsley mumbles in a sleepy state.

  I’m starting to wonder if I should, I think before falling fast asleep.

  Chapter Eight

  I haven’t decided what’s worse; being stuck in this house for the last month, or a month in prison. Only real difference is I talk to Chatty every night, food’s better here, and I get to have alcohol. This mission is moving slowly, with little to no progress, and it’s fuckin’ frustrating; not with Tink, but just being here away from home, away from Chatty, away from mom, and the club. I feel like a goddamn housewife by the way I clean the house, cook dinner, and make Tink shopping lists, then sit and wait anxiously for him to come home and give me details of how his day went.

  The back door opens and Tink walks out just as I’m taking the steaks and corn-on-the-cob off the grill. “Hey.”

  “Hey, honey! I’m home.” He smiles stupidly and uses a deeper tone than normal.

  “Fuck off!” I shove the tray of steaks at him.

  He follows me into the house; we make our plates and grab beers out of the fridge, then sit on the couch to eat.

  “Anything new?” I question between bites.

  “Yeah, finally got invited to their hangout. I wouldn’t call it a clubhouse, because they’re a shit motorcycle club. They aren’t well-organized, they have no order, and all they really fucking do is ride around town, trying to bully people. And you know how bad I fucking hate bullies! But anyway, after the last month, I finally got invited and Deuce would like to speak to me about prospecting for The Four Kings.”

  My blood boils at just the mention of his name. “Good job, kid. Keep doing what you’re doing and be safe. I’ll let Hanger know. I feel like you are finally getting somewhere, so maybe it’ll be fast-moving from here on out.”

  “I’ll be safe, and me too! I’m ready to get back home, I miss our club. I’ll be heading back out right after dinner.”

  After Tink leaves, I pull out the disposable phone and hit Bear’s number in my contact list. We use the disposable phones to talk club business so they can’t be traced or listened in on.


  “Hey, Bear.” I open the back door and take a seat in one of the chairs I had Tink buy. “He’s made progress—he’s on his way to meet Deuce.”

  “Good. Now maybe this shit’ll get to fuckin’ movin’.”

  “My thoughts exactly!” I chuckle into the phone. “What’s new there?”

  “You talked to Chatty?” I hear the lightness in his tone, and I picture him wearing an evil smile. Somethin’s goin’ on.

  “Not yet, why?” My brows furrow and I sit up straighter.

  “Well, since she’s been a little depressed lately and traded in her usual attire for sweats and baggy shirts, the girls have decided she needs a night out.”

  “Why’s she depressed?” My heart sinks at the thought of her not being happy. “A night out where?”

  “Don’t be an idiot, brother—she misses you. They’re going to Club Insanity.”

  “Really?!” Shooting up from the chair, I step inside and start pacing the living room floor.

  “Yep, and from the sounds of it we will see you tomorrow night.” Bear hangs up without waiting for me to reply.

  Fuck yes, I’m going home! No way in hell am I letting some other man rub up on and dance with what’s mine!

  Going into my room, I pack a bag and call Chatty.

  “Hey!” She sounds excited even though we talk every night, and I smile even though she can’t see me.

  “Hey! How’s it goin’?” I lay back on the bed, just like every night.

  “Good. The girls are taking me out tomorrow night.” I was hoping she would tell me without me having to say somethin’—this way I can surprise her. “How’s your day been?”

  “The same. I wish you were here with me. Have fun tomorrow—it’ll probably do you some good to get out.”

  “I wish I was too—and yeah, maybe.”

  We talk a while longer before hanging up. I feel like this last month has given us a chance to really get to know each other. I think by now, we know each other inside and out. I know more about her than any other woman, and she’s my best friend, aside from Hanger. I want every-fucking-thing with her, and I can’t wait to feel her in my arms again.

  Chapter Nine

  I don’t really want to go out tonight, but the girls wouldn’t take no for an answer, so here I am, staring at myself in the mirror. My silver draping halter dress leaves little to the imagination, but I love it. The front dips past my breasts, showcasing ample cleavage while the bottom ends at my upper thighs. The sides split up to my hips and the back is completely open until right above the start of my ass. The straps that wrap around my neck and hang down my spine are sparkling rhinestones; the shimmering silver makes my skin appear silky smooth and tan.

  I’ve paired the dress with silver stilettos that add six inches to my height. My makeup is done to perfection with my dark, smoky eye, thick black eyeliner, and deep red lipstick. My freshly-dyed hair is in curls, flowing down my back and shoulders. I guess I’m ready to go out.

  Walking out of the bathroom and back to my room, I open the door. “You ready, T?” The tears have dried up since last night and her sweet smile has returned. She looks so pretty with her long, flowing maxi dress, minimal makeup, and her long brown hair pulled back in a loose ponytail.

  “You look gorgeous, Lindy!” Her mouth hangs open in shock as she takes in my appearance. “Let’s go have some fun.” Tinsley’s mouth closes as a smile forms.

meet Crazy Girl, Lil Mama, and Ever at the entrance to the bar and they are dressed to kill, their makeup and hair perfect—just like ours. “Are we ready?” Crazy Girl asks, clapping her hands together.

  “Yep!” I respond, eager to get this night over with so I can come back and get into my sweats and baggy shirt I’ve taken a liking to recently.

  I can’t lie, so I will just say that I’ve gotten a little depressed missing Gunner. I wish he was here instead of wherever he’s at, but his time away has brought us closer, in a sense. I find myself looking forward to his calls at night before bed and while things moved so fast with Ripper, it’s different with Gunner. It’s slow, it’s nice, and it’s everything I need. He’s everything I need.

  Pretty Boy pulls the SUV right up to the front of Club Insanity, and all of us start piling out. “I’m going to park. I have strict orders: you wait outside until I go in with you.”

  “Yeah, yeah, we know,” Lil Mama says as she shuts the back door with an eye roll.

  “How long you think it will be before the guys show up?” Ever asks when Pretty Boy pulls away. I’m ecstatic that Ever’s cochlear implant worked and she can hear now. Her speech is slurred some, but therapy is helping.

  “Thirty minutes, tops.” Crazy Girl laughs as we head up to the door of the club. Sierra, Daphne, and Audrey are waiting just outside the entrance.

  “I agree, so we need to get in as much fun as possible until then,” Lil Mama says. My heart drops a little at the thought of their men showing up but Gunner still not being here.

  Once Pretty Boy joins us, we head inside. The music instantly hits us and our eyes have to adjust to the different lighting. The place is packed as we search for a table before finding one in the far back corner, and soon a waitress comes over to take our drink orders. Within five minutes, our drinks have been placed in front of us, and as the waitress walks off, Crazy Girl raises her glass. “So, I have a little confession. After Tinsley said she was good with numbers, but couldn’t find a job because of a lack of experience, I talked to Hanger.”

  “You did?!” Tinsley asks, shocked.

  “I did!” Crazy Girl smiles ear to ear, continuing, “If you are interested, then you can start tomorrow with Demon, helping him with the books.”

  “Oh my God! Yes! I am so interested—thank you so much!” Tinsley is laughing and all smiles; her eyes are close to tearing up in happiness.

  “Thank you, Crazy Girl,” I respond, smiling.

  “You’re welcome! I like you, Tinsley, so I needed a reason to make you stay. Now we can celebrate.” We all clink our drinks together and congratulate Tinsley on her new job.

  Finishing our second round, it’s time to dance; the thirty minutes are almost up. No doubt the guys will be showing up, because no way are they going to let other men close to their women.

  By the time the first song we dance to has come to an end, Sierra gets a text on her phone that has her rushing away without a word to any of us. “I wonder what happened?” Lil Mama yells over the next song that has started. All of us have matching worried expressions.

  “I don’t know,” I respond, then ask, “Does anyone have their phone on them?”

  “I do,” Audrey replies, pulling it out of the pocket of her sexy romper. Lil Mama gives her the number and she sends a text. Right then Hanger, Bear, Writer, and Hunter all wrap their arms around their women. The girls spin around, now facing the guys, and start dancing with them.

  “I think I’m gonna head to the table,” I tell Daphne and Tinsley, using my thumb to point behind me towards the direction of our seats.

  “Okay,” they both say with smiles. They turn and head further onto the dance floor. I walk the opposite way with my head down and a feeling of jealousy overtaking my emotions. I’m not used to feeling like this, and I’m not too sure I like it.

  “Where you goin’, beautiful?” My eyes snap up, coming face to face with Gunner’s beautiful smile. “You get tired of the blonde?”

  “Somethin’ like that.” I grin and go on, “Trying something new, moving forward.”

  “Dark hair looks good on you.”

  “Thanks. What are you doing here?” Throwing my arms around his neck, I hug him tightly.

  His arms go around my waist and his hands land on my ass, bringing me closer. “Did you really think I’d take a chance of some asshole getting close to you?”

  Pulling back slightly so I can see his blue eyes I’ve been longing for, I ask, “So you already knew when I talked to you last night?”

  “Bear told me.” Gunner’s mischievous grin appears.

  I slap his chest while laughing. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “Because I wanted to surprise you.” His hands rub up and down my bare back, causing goosebumps to rise on my skin and a shiver to rake over my body.

  “It’s the best surprise you could have given me.” I smile happily. “Now fuckin’ kiss me.” I use his words from before he left, and he chuckles before his lips crash into mine. Our tongues tangle to a rhythm all their own, full of need, passion, and desire.

  “Get a fuckin’ room,” Hanger shouts, and our group laughs, making us end the kiss too soon to laugh along with them.

  We all go back to the table, and Gunner pulls me down onto his lap, as do the other guys with their women. We order more drinks, and my night just got a whole lot better. Sitting here with our friends who are more like family… And this feels right with Gunner.

  “You look so fuckin’ sexy in that dress, but you better be glad I wasn’t at the clubhouse when you fuckin’ left,” Gunner whisper-yells in my ear. I look around to see if anyone heard him, but they are in their own little worlds.

  Turning to face him, my brows pull down, “Why?”

  “Because you wouldn’t have stepped foot outside wearin’ it. I would have locked you in my room all goddamn night. And have you not noticed every male eye on you?” Gunner kisses the shell of my ear, moving down to the crook of my neck. His lips feel so good against my flesh—I’ve missed him so much.

  “No, I haven’t noticed, but you could take me and lock me in there now.”

  “You ready to go home?” His eyes search mine—I’m not sure what he’s looking for, but I bite down on my lip, grin, and nod my head. I am so ready to go, because I need him to make the throbbing between my legs better. The heat in his gaze has me so turned on I won’t last much longer without jumping on him right here. He looks so sexy in his loose-fitting jeans, and his white shirt under his cut. “We’re out!” Gunner announces to the group as he stands us up, takes my hand, and starts leading me away.

  “Have fun!” multiple people in our group yell.

  “Gunner, I can’t get on your bike with this dress on! I’m not showing everybody and their mother my pussy.” I stare open-mouthed at him with my arms crossed over my chest.

  Laughing, he looks around. “No one’s out here. Hurry and get on, we’ll take the backroads.”

  “Gunner, it’s not funny—stop laughing! I didn’t expect to be riding on the back of a bike tonight.”

  “Okay, I’m sorry. Do you really think I would let anyone see your pussy? And are you tellin’ me that not only do you not have a bra on, but you ain’t got panties on, either?” His eyebrow cocks and his muscled arms cross over his toned chest.

  “No, I don’t think you would, and yes, that is what I’m saying.” My stiletto kicks at the gravel, and I bite the inside of my cheek. I turn, showing him the back, throwing him a look over my shoulder. “Does this dress look like I can wear panties?”

  He growls loudly. “Hop on, so I can get you home and show you how much I’ve missed you. And you better hope I don’t rip that fuckin’ piece of material right off your fuckin’ body.” His hand grips my hip as he pulls me in close, and his lips descend on mine once again, but this time
is quick and sweet.


  Gunner’s bedroom door slams shut, and in no time at all we have rid ourselves of every piece of clothing we had on. Our tongues dance together and our hands are all over each other. God, I miss the feel of him; his rough hands on my soft flesh, the mixed scent of leather and his cologne, the way I fit against him perfectly. Pulling free from the kiss, I push Gunner hard until his back hits the wall. Dropping to my knees, I take his cock in my hand. It’s magnificent; long and wide, to where my fingers can’t touch when wrapped around it.

  My eyes move up to Gunner as I take him into my mouth. His head falls back to the wall and a low groan rumbles out of him. Smiling to myself, I suck him in deep, all the way to the back of my throat, then pull back to just the head. Releasing him, I swirl my tongue around the tip, tasting the salty precum that beads there before moving down his long shaft. Taking turns between sucking and licking, I don’t get long to enjoy pleasuring Gunner because his hands wrap around my arms and I’m pulled back up to my feet.

  “I’m not comin’ in your mouth. As amazing as that was, the first time is going to be in that pretty pussy of yours. On the bed.” I turn and take a few steps, when I feel his hand land on my ass with a hard slap. A moan slips free from my lips.

  Lying down on my back, I watch with hooded eyes as Gunner looms above me. He lays beside me, “You’re so beautiful, Chat.”

  “C’mere,” I tell him. Reaching over, I place both hands behind his head, bringing his lips to mine. As the kiss grows deeper, hungrier, Gunner’s palm explores my body, massaging my breasts, tracing up and down my ribs, lightly skating across my stomach and down my hip. The first touch to my pussy has my back arching off the bed.

  “You’re so wet,” Gunner says against my lips before kissing me again.

  Slowly, he moves to where he is on top of me, his cock lined with my entrance, and he slowly starts to push inside. “Gunner, condom.”

  “Not happening. You want a baby, and I want you to have mine, so no protection. I’m clean and so are you.” He pushes in further and so slow, it’s driving me crazy.


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