
Home > Other > Unclaimed > Page 16
Unclaimed Page 16

by Sara Humphreys

  “I was afraid of that,” Tatiana said quietly. “Has anyone checked on the horses?”

  “Sure have,” Kerry said cheerfully. “The feed got delivered last night. Luckily, it was after the visit from our friendly neighborhood Purists. Dante and I fed and watered them this morning. We also let them out to graze.”

  “Thank you.” Tatiana turned her attention to Richard. “I’ll have a look, and then I should go check on Courtney.”

  “The horses look better to me, but I’m not a vet,” Kerry said with a shrug. “They’re still kinda agitated though. Antsy, you know?”

  “Yes.” Tatiana flicked her eyes to Dominic briefly. “I know exactly what you mean.”

  “Tell them, Tatiana,” Dominic said gently. He moved closer and ran one hand down her back. “Tell Richard about the dream realm.”

  Everyone stared at her intently, and for a second, he thought she was pissed at him for bringing that up in front of the group. To his relief, she nodded and let out a slow breath.

  “What is it?” Malcolm asked.

  “My powers have grown significantly since—” Tatiana paused for a moment and straightened her back. “Well, since I came here and met Dominic.”

  “That’s quite common for hybrid Amoveo,” Malcolm added with a smile. “Once we connect with our mates, the possibilities are limitless.”

  “Before I came here, I could read animal energy, but now I can connect with their thoughts, and I hear actual words. It happened with Spirit in the barn, the day before she was killed, and then that night, I’m pretty sure she connected with me in the dream realm.”

  “What happened?” Eric asked as his brow furrowed in concentration. “What did she say?”

  “Nothing that made much sense.” Tatiana shrugged and gave them an apologetic look. “It was along the lines of… lies and betrayer… I think she wanted to tell me who was hurting them.”

  “Betrayer?” Eric scoffed and adjusted the gun on his shoulder. “It’s obviously the Purists. They’re the biggest traitors of all.”

  “I’m not so sure about that,” Tatiana said slowly. She looked at each of them. “I can’t explain, but it was more desperate, like she was warning me about someone specific. As though the danger was more imminent or close or something.”

  “Interesting.” Richard’s face was carved with concentration, and he nodded his understanding. “And you say that she came to you in the dream realm the night she was killed.”

  “Yes.” She let out sigh. “I’d like to see if I am able to connect with Obsidian, one of the other mares. Perhaps she can tell us more about what happened, and maybe, even tell us who killed Spirit.”

  “I still think that human of yours had something to do with it,” Eric muttered as Dominic shot him a look. “I didn’t like the look of him.”

  “The kid split.” Dominic lifted one shoulder. “If he was some kind of Caedo spy, he would have stuck around, gained our trust, and then made his move. Leaving like he did wouldn’t benefit him.” He shook his head. “No way Matt’s involved.”

  “I already told you guys that,” Kerry said firmly. “Matt was not part of this, and honestly, it’s probably better he left.”

  “He was not involved, Eric. You know that,” Richard said evenly. He flicked a brief glance to Dominic, and a sense of unease flickered up his back. “Kerry, would you and Dante accompany Tatiana to the barn. I want to be sure we took care of things properly, and since her assistant is no longer with us, perhaps you could lend a hand?”

  As Richard finished speaking, a subtle change in the atmosphere caught Dominic’s attention. A familiar prickle of awareness flickered over his skin as he detected two Amoveo energy signatures. He stepped back and raised his rifle as his eyes flickered to their clan form.

  “Someone’s coming.” Dominic pulled Tatiana behind him as Eric and Malcolm raised their weapons. “Two. A male and female…” His voice trailed off as the energy waves grew stronger, and he recognized them.

  “It’s alright, Dominic.” Richard raised his hand, asking for calm. “I called them here.”

  They all stepped back and formed a circle, but Dominic and Eric kept their guns raised. The thick summer air filled with static, and seconds later, a man and a woman materialized at the center of the circle.

  “Daniella?” Dominic’s entire body went cold as he saw his traitorous sister held at gunpoint by Zachary, a member of the Lion Clan and newly appointed Guardian. “What is she doing back here?”

  Is this the sister I heard about? Tatiana moved closer and placed one hand on the back of his arm reassuringly. The one who sided with the Purists?

  Yes. He gave a curt nod but didn’t take his eyes off Daniella. After her capture all those months ago and her refusal to relinquish her Purist views, Richard had her jailed and permanently bound in her human form.

  Daniella wore a simple black jumpsuit, and her hair was tied back in a ponytail. His heart squeezed in his chest because for a moment he saw the young girl he used to know, the one who wanted to be just like her big brother. Not so much anymore.

  Why doesn’t she blink herself out of here? Tatiana’s voice drifted into his mind on a tentative whisper.

  The steel bracelets around her wrists aren’t ornamental. A growl rumbled in his throat, and not even the touch of Tatiana’s voice could soothe him. They’re made with a special powder that keeps her bound in her human form and void of her Amoveo abilities.

  “Richard thought our little jailbird might be useful to us,” Zachary said evenly with his fierce gaze pinned to Daniella. “Good to see you again, Dominic. I’m glad to finally have a chance to practice all of the skills you taught me.”

  “Wish it were under different circumstances.” Dominic lowered his weapon and linked his arm around Tatiana’s waist, holding her close. “Tatiana Winters, this is Zachary Allen. A member of the Lion Clan, and currently our Guardian at the jail, where my darling sister has the distinct honor of being held as the first prisoner.”

  Zachary, in true Guardian fashion, said nothing, but tilted his head in deference to Tatiana, all the while keeping his attention on Daniella.

  “You guys have your own jail?” Tatiana asked in disbelief.

  “Yes,” Richard said darkly. “We didn’t have need of one until the problem with the Purists, but I must say it’s come in handy. It’s really quite nice as far as an incarceration facility is concerned.”

  “Better than she deserves,” Dominic spat.

  “Good to see you too, brother.” Daniella glared at him and shot Tatiana a look of disgust. “What’s the matter? Not going to introduce me to this hybrid? One is more pathetic than the next.”

  “Shut up,” Dominic snarled. He moved toward her, but Tatiana linked her arm with his, pulling him back. Her soothing energy waves swirled around him, quieting his rage but not extinguishing it. “You will not talk about Tatiana that way.”

  “It’s fine, Dominic.” Tatiana put Cass down on the ground, and he immediately snarled at Daniella. “Cass, you give it a rest too.”

  “It sure as hell is not fine.” Dominic fought the urge to shift. “She’s lucky to be alive after the way she betrayed our people. But I can see she still hasn’t learned to hold her tongue.” His voice dropped low. “Watch the tone you take with my mate, Daniella.”

  “She’s your mate?” Daniella sneered. “A Guardian for the royal family is mated to a hybrid? No wonder the Caedo and Purists slipped onto the ranch so easily.” She made a tsking sound. “You’re obviously weakened by mating with this thing.”

  Before he could say anything, static flickered around them, and Tatiana erupted into the form of her wolf. Snarling, her hackles raised, she stalked toward Daniella with her teeth bared. Daniella paled and tried to back away but stopped when she ran into the butt of Zachary’s rifle.

  “Going somewhere?” Zachary asked.

  Tatiana growled loudly as the others stepped aside, allowing her clear access to Dominic’s sister. Daniella’s e
yes were wide with fear as she watched the wolf approach, and just when Dominic thought Tatiana was going to attack her, she shifted into her human form and got in Daniella’s face. Shaking, but doing her best not to look terrified, Daniella stared at Tatiana, who now stood eye to eye with her.

  “I may not be a pure-blood,” Tatiana said in a surprisingly calm, sweet voice. “But I can still turn into a wolf and tear your throat out. So, if I were you, I’d watch what you say about your brother. Got it?”

  Daniella said nothing. Sweat broke out on her forehead, and she licked her lips as she nodded.

  “Good,” Tatiana said firmly. “Come on, Kerry. I’ve got some animals to tend to.” She stepped back and looked Daniella up and down. “I can see that this one is a lost cause.”

  “Ain’t that the truth?” Kerry linked her arm through Tatiana’s and led her toward the barn.

  She’s a lost soul, Dominic. Tatiana touched her mind to his as she walked away. You can’t blame yourself for her behavior. You may be a Guardian, but you’re not God. She winked at him over her shoulder. You may have the body of a Greek god… but you’re not God. So get off the cross, baby. Someone needs the wood.

  Dominic suppressed a grin at her playful teasing as he realized she’d put him at ease. He shook his head in amazement and watched as Dante escorted the two women to the barn. The woman was full of surprises.

  “So.” Dominic looked back at Richard and did his best to ignore his sister. “Why is she here, and why is everyone dressed for battle?”

  “I have offered Moravian a prisoner exchange.”

  “What are you talking about?” He glanced briefly at Daniella, who looked as surprised as he did. “Who do you plan on trading her for?”

  “Matt.” Richard’s mouth set in a firm line. “I didn’t want to say anything in front of Tatiana. He was abducted by one of the Purists during the attack. The note we found is a fake. Eric discovered trace evidence of an Amoveo signature in Matt and Tatiana’s cabin—a different energy pattern from the individuals who attacked us directly. This morning, Kerry detected that same signature on the paper.”

  “It was Savannah,” Malcolm said.

  “Shit.” Dominic gripped his gun tighter. “Savannah was here on the ranch?”

  “Yes.” Richard ran a hand through his long hair, and the look on his face was nothing short of fury. “When we were dealing with the other five attackers, she was able to slip in and out of here undetected.”

  “Why?” Dominic seethed. “Why would she go to the trouble of helping Courtney escape, only to continue aiding her father? It doesn’t make sense.”

  “Who the hell knows?” Eric waved one hand in the air. “Why do these Purist douche bags do any of the fucked-up shit they do? Maybe dear old daddy doesn’t know she’s the one who let Courtney go?”

  “I doubt it,” Malcolm said. “What if they’re using Courtney’s presence here as a way to link them to the ranch? Richard, you said yourself that the psychic shields you’ve been placing around the ranch haven’t been working. They keep cracking the code, so to speak.” He gave them all a grave look. “Perhaps bringing her here was only a way to help them get to you and your family, Richard.”

  The group fell silent, and they all exchanged concerned looks.

  “Damn it,” Dominic fumed. He locked eyes with the prince. “Richard, if they were to assassinate you and your main supporters, imagine how easy it would be for Moravian and the other Purists to take over all of the Amoveo? Who would stand up to them after that?”

  “Perhaps,” Richard said quietly. “Regardless, we need to get Matt, and I’m more than happy to let Daniella go back to them. The binding bracelets can only be removed by me, and without her powers she will be of little help to their cause. In all honesty, they may kill her, but I don’t suppose that’s our problem.”

  Dominic flicked his gaze to Daniella, and his heart sank when he saw the look of pure hatred she leveled at Richard. Tatiana was right. She was a lost soul with a heart full of anger. The girl he’d known all his life was gone.

  Daniella turned her hateful eyes to him. Some Guardian you are, you didn’t even know what was going on around here. Her comment cut him to the core, but he said nothing and shielded his mind from her, preventing further telepathic connection.

  “When did you figure this out?” Apprehension crawled up Dominic’s back along with a sense of failure as Daniella’s observation taunted him.

  “I did. Last night,” Eric interjected. “After you left to take care of Tatiana, I went by the cabin to take one more look around, and that’s when I picked up the energy signature. It was faint, but it was there. Then this morning, Richard asked Kerry to try and pull a psychic impression from the note. It matched the one in the cabin, and she recognized it as Savannah’s energy pattern.”

  “I see.” Dominic’s jaw clenched, and he leveled an angry stare at Eric. “As Head Guardian I should have been made aware of this information immediately.”

  “Hey man.” Eric held up his hands in defeat. “I’m sorry, but I figured since you two were still trying to figure things out, you needed some alone time.”

  “That was not your decision to make.” His eyes flickered to their clan form, and Eric bowed his head in submission. Dominic turned to Richard. “How do you plan on offering this prisoner exchange to Moravian? We don’t even know where he is.”

  “It’s already been arranged. Kerry connected with Moravian telepathically. We will be making the exchange tonight.”

  “Where?” Apprehension flickered through Dominic. The more he heard, the more anxious it made him. All of this had been planned without his input. He felt as though he’d been replaced as Head Guardian, but no one told him about it. “Where is the exchange?”

  “The mountains,” Richard said. “Trapper’s summit on the east ridge.”

  “Fine.” Dominic nodded. He knew the spot well and had hiked those mountains countless times since he came to Montana. “When?”

  “Midnight.” Richard shot Daniella a look of contempt. “We wanted to be sure there was minimal chance of any humans in the area while we make the trade.”

  “What makes you think he’ll even want her back?” Zachary snagged her arm and held it up. “She doesn’t have her powers because of the binding bracelets. Shit, Richard’s right. They’ll probably kill her.”

  “I’m a pure-blood,” Daniella snapped. She yanked her arm away. “Asshole.”

  “You kiss your mother with that mouth?” Zachary asked.

  “My mother’s dead. Fuck you.”

  “No thanks.”

  “I’ll do it,” Dominic bit out.

  “I thought you might volunteer,” Richard said. “However, I don’t want you meeting him alone. I’m still wary, and I’m surprised Moravian agreed to this swap. Needless to say, I don’t trust him. The Purists have proven time and again to be dishonorable. Moravian and the others will never keep their word, and it could be an ambush.”

  Dominic glanced toward the barn and instinctively touched Tatiana’s energy signature. It was there—linked with his, warm, familiar, and comforting—but as it surrounded him… he knew what he had to do. Richard was right. Moravian would never stop, so someone had to stop him.

  “With all due respect, your highness.” Dominic stood at attention. “I will take my sister and make the exchange alone. If Moravian has been linking up to Courtney somehow, the last thing we want to do is to leave everyone here unprotected. Eric and Zachary can stay and serve as Guardians. You, Malcolm, and Pete are fathers who have children that depend on you. Dante and William are fully mated to their women, and if they were killed, the ramifications for Layla and Kerry would be devastating. You should all stay here at the ranch while I make the exchange.”

  “What about Tatiana?” Malcolm asked with genuine concern. “She is your mate and would undoubtedly suffer if she were to lose you.”

  “No.” Dominic shook his head. “She never wanted to be part of our world, and if sh
e had things her way, she wouldn’t have anything to do with the Amoveo. Tatiana has no desire to commit to the life-mate bond, and I plan to release her from the obligation. If she chooses to go back to Oregon, then I’ll feel a lot better about it if Moravian is out of the picture.”

  No one said anything, but they exchanged somber looks. They knew full well he was taking on a suicide mission, willing to sacrifice his life for the safety of his people and for his mate. He’d rather die than risk her life or force her to live in a situation she had tried to avoid.

  “Understood. I’ve known you long enough to know there’s no arguing with you.” Richard extended his arm, and Dominic gripped his forearm in the fashion of the Amoveo warrior. “Thank you, my friend.”

  “Listen, I’m happy to fill in for you while you take sugar lips back to her pimp daddy,” Zachary said. “But I heard there’s a Guardian gig in Hawaii, and since I’m not a big fan of Montana winters, you better not get your sorry ass killed.”

  Dominic let out a short laugh and shook his head, but his smile faded as Tatiana called to him from the barn. I’d like to connect with Obsidian now, but I’d feel better if you were here.

  Of course. I’ll be there in a minute. Dominic shielded his mind from her after responding.

  “I would appreciate it if you didn’t discuss this plan with Tatiana.” Dominic’s jaw set. “She’s already worried about Courtney, and she is going to connect with one of the horses, so the last thing I want is for her to be distracted. I’ll tell her about the plan, but I’d like to do it on my terms.”

  They all nodded, but Daniella let out a snort of derision.

  “Zachary,” Richard said without looking at Daniella. “Please take the prisoner into the house but keep her confined to the kitchen. I find her to be… irritating.”

  “No problem, chief.” Zachary nudged Daniella toward the house.

  “Dominic, let me know what happens with Tatiana and her attempt to connect with the horses. To be honest, I’m hoping the Purists were responsible for what happened to Spirit. The idea of worrying about the Caedo as well doesn’t thrill me,” Richard said. “In the meantime, Malcolm and Eric will patrol the property. Layla and William will watch over Courtney and Steven, while Dante and Kerry are available to help Tatiana. I will leave for a while to visit with Salinda and the others in New York.”


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