I'll Take A Chance (Running Into Love Book 2)

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I'll Take A Chance (Running Into Love Book 2) Page 17

by Nicole, Annalisa


  Amelia’s dad left a few minutes ago to have a few minutes alone with her before he walks her down the aisle. Asher comes back into the groom’s suite and hands me a small square box and a card. I have been pacing back and forth for the last ten minutes. I am so nervous my hands are sweating. I open the card and it has that familiar vanilla smell that is uniquely Amelia.


  I have never met a man as caring and loving as you. You have shown me what it means to be loved and cherished. You healed a part of me that I thought was forever broken and have restored my faith. I am truly blessed to have you in my life. Today I marry my best friend and the father of my unborn child. I love you so much. Thank you for accepting me as I am and loving me unconditionally. Thank you for making my childhood fairytale wedding a reality. I can’t wait to be Mrs. Amelia Peters.



  I open the box and inside is a beautiful pair of black cuff links set in platinum. One of them has the first letter of each of our names with a heart between the letters. The other one has today’s date on it. I remove the ones that came with the tux and put these in their place. There is a knock on the door and the wedding coordinator tells us that it’s time.

  The officiant and I walk down the center of the aisle and we take our places. I know in my heart that today is the beginning of the best part of my life. The room is filled with our close family and friends. I didn’t know we invited Slick, but I’m glad he’s here. I don’t think this day could have ever happened without his help. I’m so nervous standing here by myself.

  I see Spence and Ava standing at the entrance of the room. Ava looks beautiful in her light purple gown. Spence is wearing the matching purple bow tie, he places her hand on his arm and they make their way down the aisle. Spence shakes my hand then stands next to me.

  Next is Willow, she looks radiant and healthy in her pale pink gown. She has her hand looped through her husband’s arm. He has on a matching pink bow tie, in his other arm is his daughter Abbey wearing a frilly pink dress. I think Willow has slowly converted his favorite color to pink, and if anyone can pull off pink its Asher. They walk together until they reach his mother then he hands Abbey to her then they take their place up front.

  Next is my sister Chloe, she is stunning in her pale green gown. She is standing next to Aiden in his matching green bow tie. Last is Amanda who is now engaged to Spence, he asked her to be his wife just last weekend. She looks beautiful in her light blue gown. She walks down the aisle with Adrian looking dapper in his tux with a matching blue bow tie.

  The music changes and everyone stands and directs their attention to the angel in white standing next to her father. He has the biggest proud smile on his face. They slowly make their way down the aisle. He kisses Amelia on the cheek, shakes my hand then places Amelia’s hand in mine. He gives me a nod with a smile. He takes his place next to Samantha as she dabs her eyes.

  Amelia passes her bouquet to Ava and I take both of her hands in mine. I gently rub the scar on her palm with my thumb, and I smile remembering that’s what brought us together in the first place. I love Amelia, scars and all, but this one holds a special place in my heart.

  As much as I don’t want to act like a girl, I could totally cry with the flood of emotions I’m feeling right now. Amelia is just breathtaking. I never want to forget how I feel right now about her. We lock eyes and I can see how hard she is trying to control her own tears.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, please have a seat. Family and friends, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the joining of Kyle and Amelia in marriage. Who gives this woman to this man in marriage?” the officiant asks.

  Amelia’s father stands and says, “Her mother and I do.” He takes his seat and places his arm around Samantha who is silently crying.

  “Kyle and Amelia, today you entered as individuals, but you will leave here as husband and wife. You will blend your lives and expand your family ties. Marriage is more than the union of two people, it is the joining of two souls. Remember to treat not only yourselves, but each other with kindness and respect. Remember the feelings you have today for each other and remind yourselves often what brought you here today,” he says.

  “Kyle and Amelia, today you choose each other before your family and friends, to bring your lives together as husband and wife. Let your love and friendship guide you. May you learn from hardships and grow stronger together as an unbreakable unit. Enjoy your time together, live one moment at a time and cherish not only the life changing moments, but the small things that bring you happiness.

  “Kyle and Amelia have each written their own vows and would like to recite them to each other now.”

  That’s my queue. I’m so nervous I hope I can say them right. I look into her eyes and pull the strength of our love from deep inside her soul. The audience fades away and it’s only her and I standing there holding hands. Calm washes over me and I speak to her from my heart.

  “Amelia, I take you as my wife, to love and to cherish you from this day forward. I promise to be faithful and honest. I promise to make you laugh and to be there when you cry. I promise to care for you in sickness and in health until death do us part.

  “I give you my heart and my love. Ours is a love I would lay down my life for. I give you these rings as I give you all that I am and as a symbol of my love and commitment.” I slip her engagement ring and her wedding band on her finger and squeeze her hand. There that wasn’t too bad, now it’s her turn. I smile at her, and I hope I can give her the same peace as she looks into my eyes.

  “Kyle, I take you as my husband, to love and to cherish you from this day forward. I promise to be faithful and honest. I promise to make you laugh and to be there when you cry. I promise to care for you in sickness and in health until death do us part.

  “I give you my heart and my love. Ours is a love I would lay down my life for. I give you this ring as I give you all that I am and as a symbol of my love and commitment.” She slips the band on my finger and returns the squeeze. We turn to the officiant as he eloquently speaks.

  “These rings have no beginning and no end, which symbolize that the love between you will never cease. You place these rings on each other’s fingers as a visible sign of the vows you have taken today. By the power vested in me by the state of Washington I hereby pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  I gently pull my bride against my body and pour my love into a simple kiss that seals our marital commitment. Her lips are soft and taste salty from her tears.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, I am honored to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Peters.”

  We turn and face our close family and friends, everyone stands and claps. We walk back down the aisle, but this time as husband and wife.

  Chapter 17


  The next part of our day is something I have always looked forward to. As we all stand on that glorious staircase and smile for the photographer, tears of joy well in my eyes. I have the best family and friends and I have been blessed to have found the man that was perfectly made just for me. I can’t wait to get the pictures back from the photographer. Standing here on these stairs is truly a dream come true.

  Pictures take about an hour to complete. Our family and friends are anxiously waiting for our arrival in the ballroom. Our names are announced and we enter the ballroom with cheers and whistles. The ballroom is just beautiful and more than I could have ever dreamed of. Off to the side I spot Chloe standing with a man that looks somewhat familiar, but I just can’t place him.

  Uh oh, Asher has an unhappy look on his face and it’s directed to Chloe and the mystery man as well. I bet that’s Max, the man she told me about. Kyle tightens his grip in my hand almost to the point of pain as I look up at his face, he also has an unhappy look directed to his sister. I wonder what this is all about.

  “Kyle, is there something wrong? Who is that man with Chloe? Is that Max, th
e man she told me about?” I ask him with concern.

  Chloe must feel the scrutinizing stares coming her way. She makes her way over to us at the same time Asher does and he is quickly followed my Willow.

  “Asher, hold on a second, don’t make a scene,” she warns behind him.

  “Kyle, I would like to introduce you to my date, although you already know him as Slick. I would like to introduce him to you as Max,” she says and smiles adoringly at Max.

  It all comes back to me, I vaguely remember him though. He was the man in the basement that helped find Chloe and me. He went with her in her ambulance to the hospital, but I never saw him again after that. I don’t understand the problem here.

  “Slick, what the hell?” Asher states angrily.

  “Look before you all jump on my shit, let me just state for the record, I told Chloe keeping this a secret wasn’t a good idea. I agreed to it because she asked me to. I also want to say before you jump my shit, I have nothing but respect, and all I can promise all of you is that I will do everything within my power to treat Chloe with love and kindness,” Slick or rather Max says.

  Chloe looks to Max with love in her eyes then looks to Kyle and Asher. How can you have a problem with a man who says these things? Asher sighs and shakes his head looking at his shoes.

  “Look man, I know you know my past, so does Chloe. My past is just that, in the past. I’m not about to make excuses for the things I have done. I have always had other people’s best interests at heart. That’s why you called on me to help you find your sister. I may not have always done things on the right side of the law, but I get the job done. You know my reputation, you know I’m an honorable man. I’ve started my own private investigation firm and I’m on the up and up. I can promise you that I can and will keep Chloe safe. I love her. I would do anything for her,” Max says to Asher and pulls Chloe to his side.

  Asher must know Max’s past, but Kyle seems totally unaware. It doesn’t seem to bother him though. Asher sticks out his hand and shakes Max’s hand then brings him in to a bro hug with a slap on the back.

  “You make sure you keep to your word. If you do we won’t have a problem. I trust you with my life, I always have. You have always been there for me when I needed you, without you I wouldn’t have Amelia back and Kyle wouldn’t have both Amelia and Chloe back. So for that, I thank you, and I wish the two of you all the best,” Asher says. That seems to be enough for Kyle too because he shakes his hand as well.

  The rest of the reception was beautiful. I had my father daughter dance and neither of us did it with dry eyes. When it came time to throw the bouquet, wouldn’t you know it, but Chloe caught it. When it was time for Kyle to throw the garter Max gave everyone the death stare and everyone cleared out like the plague, allowing him to catch it. It was actually very sweet. I see nothing, but good things for them.

  The food was amazing and we danced until my feet hurt. As we say our goodbyes to everyone, Asher hands me an envelope.

  “What’s this?” I ask him.

  “I know the two of you didn’t plan a honeymoon because of the pregnancy. These are the keys to our beach house, I have arranged everything already. You two have the house for the next seven days,” he says.

  “But, what about work, I have meetings and deadlines.”

  “I will take care of it all. You and Kyle will enjoy your honeymoon,” he says.

  Well slap me silly and call me Buck. I won’t say no to that. I know Kyle was nervous about flying somewhere for a honeymoon. I’m still early in my pregnancy and my doctor said it was totally fine, but Kyle still didn’t feel comfortable. I know for a fact he tells his patients they can fly safely until they are thirty-six weeks pregnant. I am nowhere near that, but if it makes him feel better I am willing to agree. This beach property is amazing though, I’m so excited to spend seven days there.

  “Thank you, Asher. This means a great deal to both of us.” I give him a hug and Kyle and I head to our honeymoon suite in the hotel.

  The room is just gorgeous. There is a path of rose petals that lead to the king size bed which is completely corny, but I love it. On the bed is another one of those things that always stuck out in my mind that I just had to have on my wedding day. There are two fluffy white bathrobes that are monogrammed with our initials.

  Kyle carries me over the threshold of the room and kicks the door closed with his foot. He carries me all the way to the bed and lays me down.

  I’m suddenly worried about my dress. It took a team of girls to get me in this thing, how in the world will Kyle get it off by himself? Then again, who cares if he rips it off, I just want to be naked with my husband.

  Men must be experts at getting a woman out of their clothes because it took him no time at all. I have a surprise for Kyle though and I’m not talking about my sexy thong and matching strapless bra.

  “Hang on, one second, I have something I want you to open first,” I say to him and get off the bed. I make sure to strut myself in a sexy fashion all the way to my suitcase. I know that look on his face and he is dying to get his hands on me in nothing, but my panties and sexy heals. I pull out the long, thin rectangle box and hand it to him.

  “You got me another gift, but I only got you the one, now I feel bad,” he says guiltily.

  “Don’t feel bad, this one is way more for me than it is for you.” He opens the box and looks confused. He pulls out the silk fabric and looks to me for an explanation.

  “I can’t get that one day out of my head. Remember when you used your t-shirt to help me after I got out of the hospital? I thought maybe we could do that again.”

  He gets that ah ha look then it changes to a devious one and I think I’m in trouble now, and I’m looking forward to it.

  “I think you have too many clothes on,” I say and slip his jacket off his shoulders. Then I reach for his belt and unzip his pants. I guide my hand through his zipper, his erection is hard and he moans as I grab it firmly over his boxer briefs. I undo his pants and let them fall to his feet. He removes his cuff links and sets them on the side table. I undo his shirt one button at a time slowly, torturing him. I run my hands flat up his muscled chest and over his shoulders letting his shirt fall on the floor behind him. He reaches behind his head and yanks off his t-shirt over his head. I place my finger on his upper chest and trail it over to his bicep strutting like a sex goddess around to his back.

  His head falls back as he tries to control himself. I press myself to his back and kiss between his shoulder blades. With both my hands, I press them to his muscled back then down under his boxer briefs sending them to the floor. He turns around and grabs me, and throws me gently on the bed. He climbs on top of me and wraps both of my wrists with the ends of the silk fabric, holding them firm he raises them above my head then kisses down my neck.

  He lets go of the silk and trails feather light kisses down my stomach to just where I need him. He attacks it with such force that it almost sends me over the edge instantly. He inserts two fingers and it doesn’t take long before my calf muscles are twitching and my insides let go in a powerful orgasm.

  He doesn’t waste any time, he unwraps the silk from my wrists and flips me over pulling me off the bed. With my heels firmly planted on the ground he wraps the silk low around my hips, I’m sure he’s being cautious because of the baby and pulls me close. He massages me from behind with the tip of his penis before thrusting it inside. He wraps his wrists around the silk and uses it to slam into me hard. Oh, God, that is so amazing. I place my hands on the bed and push as hard as I can as he pulls. I was just coming down from the first orgasm when he started slamming into me, when it happened.

  I came while having sex. No toys, no clitoral stimulation of any kind.

  It felt so damn good and I screamed so loud I’m sure the people in the next room heard me. Kyle grunts as he comes inside me. He gently lovingly and ever so slowly pumps a few more times then bends over and kisses the back of my neck. I turn and smile at him over my shoul
der. Lord have mercy, I came having actual sex. That was amazing.


  When Amelia’s insides clenched around me, it felt like nothing else before. She is such an amazing woman and I can’t believe I’m allowed to be her husband. I was trying to be gentle because she’s pregnant. I know she’s perfectly safe to have a little rough sex and that was fan-fucking phenomenal. That night we only got a few hours of sleep.

  The next day we went to Asher and Willow’s beach house for a seven day honeymoon neither of us will ever forget. Asher had the refrigerator stocked and every night a chef arrived to cook us an amazing dinner. Asher truly went above and beyond to make sure we had a memorable honeymoon. We didn’t spend much time at the actual beach, but that was alright with both of us, we spent each day wrapped up in each other.

  It has been a few weeks since the wedding and Amelia and I are both back to work. Amelia’s pregnancy is coming along smoothly. We both agreed that I would not deliver the baby. She would rather I be there for her physically and emotionally than to do the actual delivery. I don’t know how I felt about that to be honest. I would have loved that honor to deliver my own child, but I can understand her feelings. Her obstetrician is another fellow doctor that I have the utmost respect for.

  I did get a call from my parents telling me that they plan to remarry. My sister and I couldn’t be happier for them. They plan on going to the court house and have a small ceremony with just Chloe and Max and myself and Amelia. They didn’t want a big fuss over their second wedding. They did however plan an extravagant second honeymoon to Paris. Good for them, they both deserve it. My father and I have repaired our relationship, and just like Amelia said, it’s better to forgive then to be angry and cut someone out of your life.

  My sister and Max are still seeing each other, and Max has quickly proven that he has the best intentions toward my sister. He comes every Sunday to family dinner at Amelia’s parent’s house. I can never repay him for helping me find Amelia and my sister. The fact that the two of them are together now is priceless.


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