Rock My World

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Rock My World Page 8

by Michelle A. Valentine

  That surprises me. Usually non-family are the first to get the boot.

  Mrs. Jenson walks in clinging to the Judge’s arm, while Gabe trails in behind them. They all look as drained as I feel. Heavy lines mar both of Aubrey’s parents’ faces, making them seem much older than they had merely a day ago.

  “Is there any news, Dr. Bartley?” Aubrey’s mother asks with a hopeful tone.

  The doctor leans back against the footboard of the bed, and folds his arms across his chest while he faces all of us. The nurse continues to work on the computer as he starts speaking, “There is news. It appears Aubrey has a slight brain bleed.”

  Her parents both gasp next to me and her mother clutches her chest. “How bad is it?”

  “It’s very small—only about five millimeters in size. The brain should be able to reabsorb that with little to no damage.”

  “So why hasn’t she woken up?” I ask.

  His gaze fixes on me. “We don’t know. We hope her this coma is just temporary, and that body her body is going to taking time to heal and will kick-start itself soon. All of her vitals are stable and there are no other concerns, but I have to ask—did you know she’s pregnant?”

  My mouth drops open and tingle bursts open in my chest. “Did you just say pregnant?”

  The doctor’s lips pull into a tight line. “She’s not very far from what I can tell—about three weeks if all the ultrasounds are correct.”

  I shake my head as my entire body goes numb. “That can’t be. I’m sterile.”

  The doctor grabs a chair, motioning for me to have a seat. “Why do you think you’re sterile?”

  I rub the back of my neck. “I was in an accident when I was sixteen, and that’s what the doctors told me and my mom.”

  He pats my knee. “We aren’t always right, you know. Congratulations, son. Looks like you’re going to be a father.”

  Could he be right? It’s not like I’d ever tested the sterility thing with anyone else other than Aubrey. She’s the only girl I’ve ever had any unprotected sex with, and I know once we became exclusive she stopped her birth control because I’d told there was no point in using it with me. Is it possible? We’re they wrong before?

  “I’m going to be a dad?” I ask timidly.

  He smiles. “Yes.”

  It’s the first time in my life I’ve ever felt so close to ever having something that was truly mine. I glance over to Aubrey lying in the bed, unmoving, and stare at her stomach. My kid is in there. We’re going to be a family. It’s crazy to know find out the same day I lost my father, I’m going to become one.

  Panic instantly sets in. What if I’m not good enough to be a father? What if I fuck this up? I rest my elbows on my thighs and press my folded hands against my forehead. What if they don’t make it? I begin to cry as the knowledge that I might not get a chance if Aubrey doesn’t wake up.

  I bat a tear away and turn my gaze to the doctor. “What can I do to make her pull out of the coma? I’ll do anything. Anything.”

  He smiles. “Try anything you can think of. Talking to her about memories and things that mean the most to her might help bring her around.”

  “I’ll do anything for her,” I say.

  “I trust that you will.” He glances up at her parents. “We’ll continue to run a few more tests. They’ll start later on this evening if there’s no improvement. Any other questions?”

  They all shake their heads and the doctor excuses himself from the room.

  The Judge turns to me and I instantly bolt up from the seat, ready to kick his ass if he wants to try and fight with me over this. Aubrey doesn’t need to hear that.

  He takes quick steps over towards me and I throw my hands up, ready to fight, but instead of attacking me like I thought he wraps his arms around my shoulders. The powerful Judge squeezes me tight as he begins to weep. “You do whatever you have to and bring her back. I know you love her just as much as she loves you. I see it. If anyone can bring her out of this, it’s you. I’m sorry I gave you such a hard time before. I wanted her to be with someone who loves her.”

  “I do love her—with all my soul,” I answer.

  He pulls back. “I know you do. I understand that now.” The Judge claps my shoulder and smiles at me sadly before heading for the door. “Come on, Connie. Let’s give the man some time alone with our girl.”

  Mrs. Jenson kisses my cheek and then pats it with her fingers, before following her husband and Gabe out of the room.

  I lick my lips and bend down to open the case before pulling my guitar out. I drag a chair next to her bedside and stare at her. She reminds me of a princess caught up in a sleeping spell, waiting on a kiss of true love to awaken her. Hopefully, I’m that man for Aubrey.

  I strum the guitar and a song that spoke to me a lot when I was going through some major issues comes to mind. It’s not until I play the first lick on the strings that I realize how fitting it is for how I feel about Aubrey.

  I slow the rhythm down a bit and say, “The Cure helped me make it through the death of my mom and sister, but Lovesong takes a whole different meaning when I think about you.”

  My fingers slide down the neck of the guitar as I sing about how when I’m with her she makes me feel whole again. She’s filled a hole in me that I didn’t know was possible to fix, and made me understand that I’m worth loving. That I mean something and my life isn’t just one huge fucking mistake.

  I continue to sing as I think about her and our unborn child growing in her belly, and how much I need them both—more than I ever needed anything. “I will always love you.”

  I pick out the last few chords and set the instrument up against the wall. I stand and press my lips to hers. When she doesn’t even flinch, I flop back down in the chair and lay my head on the bed. The tears start again. It’s like I have no fucking control over them any more. This grief is too much to fight. The puddle on the bed grows as they keep flowing.

  “Please, Kitten. I love you. Don’t leave me. I can’t take it,” I whisper. “We’re having a baby. Did you hear that? I know I might not be exactly the best father material in the world, and I’m scared out of my fucking mind that’ll I screw things up, but damn it, Aubrey I want that chance. Please come back, baby,” I plead with her, willing life to spark into her.

  Her fingers twitch against my cheek and I jerk my head up and stare at her fingers fighting to move. I know I should call for the nurse, but I don’t want to risk them coming in here and pushing her away again.

  I jump up and kiss her smooth cheek. “Please, baby, come back to me.” The monitor beeps pick up speed and my heart thunders. “That’s it. Fight for us. Fight for our baby. Give me a chance to try and be a father—to be the man I know I can be for you.”

  Her entire hand jerks as soon as the words leave my mouth and I gasp—it’s working. I smooth her hair back from her face. “I love you, baby—so fucking much. Don’t you dare think about leaving me.”

  Aubrey’s eyelids flutter as she struggles to wake up. “Can you hear me, Kitten? I’m right here with you. I’m not going anywhere.”

  The monitor’s erratic pace starts slowing down as her body relaxes and she blinks slowly before she opens her eyes. Her lips part and she whispers my name, “Zach.”

  I grab her hand and kiss it over and over as I smile and cry at the same time. “I’m right here. I’m right here.”

  She nods. “It was you. I heard your voice, singing to me. It pulled me in and I had to follow it. It lead me back to you.”

  “I’m so sorry for how I left you. You belong with me. I’m never going to be an idiot and leave your side again. There’s no getting rid of me now,” I tell her. “It’s you, me, and our baby forever. You’re all the family I need.”

  She stares up at me with wide green eyes. “Our baby?”

  I bite my bottom lip and hold my ring between my teeth. “You’re three weeks pregnant. They found out when they were running a bunch of tests on you.”

s leak down her cheeks. “We’re going to have a baby? I thought you…”

  I shake my head. “They were wrong. We’re going to be a family.”

  As soon as the words leave my mouth, it hits me that after all these years I’m getting what I’ve always wanted—a family that loves me, and I love back just as much.

  I wrap my arms around her and we cry together. “I love you, Kitten.”

  When I pull back she touches my cheek. “And I love you. Forever.”

  Chapter 9


  It’s taken nearly two weeks to have Zach’s father’s body moved to Kentucky. It wasn’t an easy choice for Zach to bury his father in the plot his family reserved next to his mother, but in the end family comes first. My man’s life hasn’t been an easy one. He’s been through more hell than one person should ever have to withstand, but I’m glad he’s finally finding true peace and becoming happier with each passing day.

  The pastor says a prayer as Zach’s father is lowered into the cold earth and Zach grips my hand tight. I glance over at him and watch as he struggles to hold back his emotions.

  “He was a bastard,” Zach says only loud enough for me to hear. “But he was still my father, the only one I ever had, and I hate that I still loved him.”

  I lean my head on his shoulder. “He had a lot of issues, Zach. Drugs and alcohol change people. The man you knew the last few years wasn’t really your father. Don’t feel guilty about loving the man you knew he really was deep down.”

  He turns his head and kisses the top of my head. “How did I get so lucky to have you in my life?”

  I pat my stomach gently. “Us, you mean,” I correct him.

  Zach places his hand over mine. “It’s us against the world, just like always. You’re going to be a great mother.”

  To say I was shocked when I found out I’m pregnant would be an understatement, but it doesn’t mean I love the little life growing inside me any less. I know Zach doubts his abilities involving fatherhood, but if he could see himself through my eyes he would stop all his silly doubts. He’s taken such great care of me the last couple of weeks since we found out—barely allowing me to lift a finger. I grin. “And you’re going to be an amazing father.”

  He wraps his arm around my shoulder and hugs me tightly against his side as the casket comes to a stop. The pastor motions for Zach to throw the single white rose he’s holding into the open grave.

  When Zach stands he pulls me up along side him and tosses in the flower. “Goodbye, Dad. I hope you find Mom and Hailey and can finally be happy again.”

  I sniff as his words drive home how our baby and I are really the only family he has now. That is until Noel rests his hand on Zach’s opposite shoulder and Trip and Tyke stand beside him. That’s when I remember, not only does Zach have me, he has a new family in the form of Black Falcon.

  “You okay, man?” Noel asks.

  Zach wipes his nose on a tissue. “I’ll be all right.”

  Noel gives Zach a sad smile and glances from Zach to me and then back. “I know you will be.”

  Lanie reaches around and hugs first Zach, and then me, her belly popping out a little. “Thank you for being here,” I tell her.

  “Your welcome, sweetie. You’re two are family. I’ll always be here for you. Speaking of which, make sure you’re resting and drinking plenty of fluids. It’s good for the baby,” Lanie tells me as she pulls back.

  “You’d be good to remember that, too,” I remind her. “We both need be on top of our game if we’re going to start this new marketing company.”

  “I still can’t believe Diana Swagger is going to settle your lawsuit out of court. Brady must be a damn fine attorney.”

  I shrug. “One of the best. Besides, you know Diana. She probably didn’t want a wrongful termination case to go public against her company. She doesn’t like blemishes on that reputation of hers.”

  She nods. “Whatever the reason, I’m glad everything is working out for you. You finally have it all, girl.”

  There will be no argument from me on that front. She’s right. I have the man of my dreams and my family seems to be coming around to accept Zach since they heard news of the baby in the hospital and finally figured out he’s a permanent fixture in my life. Not to mention my career looks brighter. With the amount of money that Brady thinks I’ll gain from the lawsuit, and the small loan I’ve agreed to accept from Zach, I’m looking forward to starting a small marketing firm with Lanie. Things are finally looking up for me.

  We say our goodbyes to Lanie and the guys and head for the black limo that’s waiting to drive us back to our vehicle. It’s been a long, emotional day and I can’t wait to get back to Zach’s place. We are both in need of some serious rest and relaxation.

  The driver opens the door as we approach and Zach helps me inside. After Zach is seated comfortably, the driver closes us in and then hops into the front of the car. Zach presses a button on the ceiling and closes the window between us and the driver.

  He glances over at me. “Sorry, I wanted some alone time. I’m kind of talked out, you know.”

  I nod thinking back on how many extended family members showed up at the funeral. More than anything, it seemed like people came to catch a glimpse of the band than to actually mourn the loss of Zach’s father. “I completely understand.”

  Zach turns the corner of his lips up. “That’s what I love most about you. You get me—even when I don’t get myself—you do. You’re everything to me, do you know that?”

  I take his hand in mine. “And you get me.”

  He stares at my face. His eyes seem like they’re searching for an answer to a question that he never even asked. The ring on his bottom lip flicks in and out a couple of times as he tears his eyes away from my face and then stares down at my hand. “Fuck it. I can’t wait.”

  I tilt my head. “Wait for what?”

  His sits up straighter in the seat and untucks his button down shirt from his dress pants.

  I grab his hand. “Whoa. We aren’t having sex in here right after your—”

  I stop mid-sentence as he grabs the hem of his t-shirt and tears a small piece of the white fabric off. I stare at him as he works on ripping it into an even smaller section and tying it into a small circle.

  Afraid he’s completely snapped, I ask as soft as I can, “What are you doing?”

  His eyes stay trained on the fabric. “Something I should’ve done a long time ago.” Once he’s done he takes my left hand. “Aubrey, I know this isn’t a real ring, but it doesn’t make what it represents is any less real. You know I can buy you any ring you want—”

  I gasp at his words and my heart thunders in my chest. “Zach—”

  He shakes his head. “Hear me out. I know the timing of this is fucked up but the truth is, putting my father in the ground today only reminded me that we never know how much time we have in this fucked up world. And that time is precious, Aubrey. It’s something no amount of money in the world can ever buy us. I want to spend every second I have left on this earth with you. I want you to marry me. Right now.” His eyes stare into mine. “Let’s do this. We’ll drive over to the Justice of the Peace and get married. I’m committed to this family.” He touches my stomach and tears roll down my cheeks. “I love you, Kitten. I want to be with you always.”

  I grab his face in my hands and kiss his lips, not needing to hear another word to be convinced this is the right thing to do. “Yes. I love you. Let’s do this.”

  He slips the small cloth circle on my left, ring finger. “I’m going to spend the rest of my life showing you how much you mean to me.”

  I bite my lip and stare down at my hand. This homemade ring means more to me than anything he could ever have bought me because I know this comes straight from his heart. In this moment I know we are meant to be forever.

  Chapter 10

  NOEL FALCON (Months later—Bonus Chapter)

  I impatiently pace the lobby of the hospital, checking m
y watch every couple seconds. Where the hell are they? They said they would be here in twenty minutes—one more minutes than I’m going back up without them.

  The minute passes and I turn towards the elevator to head back to the maternity floor, but before I get two steps away Aubrey and Riff push their way through the revolving entrance door. I let out a sigh of relief. “Thank, God.”

  Riff holds Aubrey’s hand as she waddles through the lobby towards me. “I’m sorry, bro. We don’t move very fast these days.”

  I take Aubrey’s swollen belly. She’s only a month behind Lane in due dates, so I know exactly what they’re going through right now. “I get it, but Lane’s about nine centimeters dilated and she’s crying for Aubrey. I need to get her up there before it’s too late.”

  Zach places his hand on my shoulder. “It’s going to be fine.”

  I stare into the eyes of my best friend. Marrying Aubrey and both of them preparing to have a baby of their own has changed him so much. We’ve gotten even closer, bonding over married-life with pregnant wives together. If someone would’ve told me a year ago, when we where fighting all the time, that we’d be here in this exact moment, I would’ve called them a liar.

  The elevator doors open with an audible ding. The screams of a woman in pain ring down the hall and Riff stops in his tracks. “Come on, man.”

  Riff shakes his head. “I think I’ll find the waiting area and hang out. Keep an eye on Aubrey, would you?”

  “Lane’s not the one yelling like that,” I say, trying to convince him to come with us.

  Another loud wail comes from the open door to our right. “Just the same, I don’t think it’s me she wants to see.”

  Riff presses the elevator button and steps in as soon as the doors open.

  I start after him, but Aubrey grabs my arm. “Let him go. He’s freaked out because we watched a birthing video yesterday. He’s afraid he’ll be scarred for life once he sees that with our kid.”

  I nod, completely understanding. “It’ll be different when it’s you. He’ll man up. I know he will.”


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