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Hell's Flower

Page 8

by SL Schiefer

  “Alright, wipe that cocky-ass look off your face.” She shoves me away from her. Well, she tries, but I let her. I want her to feel like she has some power here, even though she definitely doesn’t.

  I stroll over to my bed. Sitting down, I slide all the way back so I’m leaning against the headboard. “Remember I told you we lost one of our own?”

  She always seem to have a hard look to her face. Like she’s taking everything seriously. If I hadn’t seen her face when she laughs I wouldn’t think she knew how.

  But, in that moment, sympathy crosses her face. “Yes, what happened?”

  Patting the side of the bed, I try to get her to come sit down, which she does, but only sits half an ass cheek down on the mattress. Shaking my head, I let her go. “I can’t go into a lot of detail. That’s not something I want you to have to know. But she was found dead at the front gate. She’s a brother’s ol’ lady. When a brother’s ol’ lady dies, or is murdered, we don’t stop until we seek revenge for the murder.”

  Confusion crosses her face. “Who would want to kill you guys?”

  “Jake’s club,” I grit out. “A long time ago my pops took out his old man, their president. He was pushing shit to teenagers, and they were dropping dead left and right. We can’t have that in our city. So, in turn, they killed my ol’ lady. We’ve been in an ongoing war ever since.”

  She turns her body until she’s facing me, putting more of her ass on my bed. “You had an ol’ lady?”

  “Yeah, her name was Trina. We were together for about five years.”

  She leans forward and places her hand on my knee, making my cock start to swell. This isn’t the time, dude, fucking chill.

  “Mace, I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine what that must have been like.”

  “Thank you, it was a long time ago. Now, I’m just trying to keep my family alive.” Her hand is still on my knee so I reach out and grab onto it and yank her arm until she’s somewhat sprawled out on top of me.

  Not wasting any time, I cup the back of her head and bring my mouth to hers, moving my lips against hers, sliding my tongue against the seam of her lips. When she opens, I slide my tongue in and make love to her mouth.

  I want her to see what she’s missing by just my kiss alone. Yes, I am that cocky. I know what I’m doing and I know how to please a woman. But, as much as I want her, I don’t think she’s ready for me yet.

  Pulling her head away, she’s left gasping for breath. Her eyes are partially closed, lips still parted, almost as if she’s waiting for me to kiss her again.

  “Not like this, Angel. We have a funeral to attend soon. It’s later tonight. I need to get ready still, and you have to get ready, too.”

  Her face pales. “Uh, no. I don’t do funerals, so I’m not getting ready for anything.”

  “Until I handle Jake for one of his brothers putting his hands on you, and take care of their entire club for killing one of ours, you aren’t safe. I need you to stay with me until I know you’re safe.”

  “With you. You need me with you? I’m pretty sure I can take care of myself. I was doing just fine until you came along.”

  “But why take care of yourself when I can do it for you? Let me do this. Let me help. Let me be there for you.”

  She narrows her beautiful eyes at me. “Why should I trust you?”

  “You can’t. Not until you let me in. Until you do, you won’t know if you can or not.”

  Leaning forward, I brush my lips against hers one last time then push her away so I can stand up from the bed. “Let me get a shower, then I can take you to your house so you can get ready for tonight.”

  Once off the bed, I grip the bottom of my shirt and pull it over my head rather slowly. Facing the bathroom, I unbuckle and drop my pants, and I hear her gasp, then try to cover it. Yeah, I go commando. I’m going to let that sink in for a while. Smirking, I walk into the bathroom.


  We’re standing out in the open field at the very back of club property, where we bury all of our family. Not everyone is here yet, but I left Raven with a couple of the other ol’ ladies. They seem to be a little more accepting since we came downstairs and I was holding her hand. Yeah, I’m a big bad biker guy and I was holding her hand.

  I walk through the grass, heading toward a specific gravestone. Trina’s. It’s been a while since I’ve been back here to see her. Thankfully, that’s because we haven’t had to bury anyone.

  I grabbed some wild flowers on our way back here, and when I get to her marker, I place the flowers down on top of her grave.

  “It’s been a long time, Trin. I hope I haven’t don’t anything that’s going to make you kick my ass when you see me again,” I chuckle. That girl was always threatening to kick my ass. All the time. “I’m sure you know this, but I met someone. Someone I think you would approve of. I hope she comes to terms with the fact that she’s mine soon. I’m not a patient man, but you know that. I’m going to head back over to everyone else. Be sure to keep Jayla company for me, alright? I love you.”

  Taking a deep breath, I turn to head back to where everyone is gathering. What I see stops me in my tracks.

  “Mace, son, come give your pops a hug.” My dad is standing there in the clearing. I haven’t this man seen since we took out Jake’s old man and he left me to run the club without any guidance.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Now, son, is that anyway to great me? Aren’t you happy to see me?”

  “Happy to see you? You fucking left me to run a club, to take off to do who fucking knows, and you just show back up like it’s no big deal?”

  “Well, you’ve managed to keep everyone alive. I didn’t need to come back. But I was told you have a new love interest and then Jayla died. I needed to come back.”

  As I walk closer, I stare at him, really taking in his features. He has more lines above his eyebrows and mouth. His hair, once thick and gray, is thinning out considerably. It doesn’t look like he’s hit a gym lately, either.

  “Why are you really here, Pops?” I ask once I come to stop about a foot away from him. It’s enough room for me to get a good swing in to punch him if he says some bullshit answer.

  Taking another step toward me, he positions himself with his head next to my ear. “Son, I’m here to help. I’m here to help you finish what we should have finished before I left. We should have taken out their entire club, I know that now. And I’m sorry for leaving the way I did, but I knew the only thing that would help you get over Trina’s death is if you had something bigger to worry about. The club was bigger. The club needed you to be strong.”

  “What about me needing you?” I growl at him.

  Before he can answer, Carver calls for everyone’s attention. I leave Pops and head over to Raven, placing my arm around her shoulders and pulling her close to me. She surprises me by putting her arm around my back.

  Raven leans up to whisper in my ear, “I heard you talking. That’s your dad?”

  I give a stiff nod of my head, not really trusting myself to be quiet right now.

  “I thought you didn’t talk to them or anything?”

  I try to whisper, “I didn’t.” She leaves it alone after that. Maybe she doesn’t want to disrupt the service, or maybe she’s waiting to get a better answer later. Who knows, but I’m happy she’s done asking her questions for now.

  After everyone has said something in remembering Jayla, her casket is lowered into the ground, and Carver picks up the shovel and starts to bury her.

  Pops walks up to the front and says, “This is a sad day, losing another ol’ lady in a war that should have never even started. I take the blame for that.” He runs his hand down his face, almost looking sorry. “We need a plan. We need to figure out the best way to attack. To take them down once and for all. To put an end to Devil’s Rage.”

  All the guys start to cheer, but I just stand there. This is something I should be planning—figuring out the best way to go about this—not having my
dad back in the picture, trying to take the reins back. This isn’t how I planned for this to go down.

  Everyone starts to separate, the guys going with my pops and the women heading back to the clubhouse to either drink or clean. Maybe both. I turn to Raven. She’s standing there with a thoughtful look on her face, her dark hair blowing in the breeze.

  “Let’s go for a ride.” I grab her hand and all but drag her behind me. When we make it to the garage back at the clubhouse, we bypass my car and head straight to my bike.

  “I feel like I need to drool all over your bike, but with your mood can you promise me I’ll get to properly drool later?” She puts her hands together in front of her like she’s praying. One side of my lips turn up in a smile.

  “Sure, I’ll let you properly drool later. Right now, though, I need you behind me on my bike and the open road ahead of us.”

  “I think I can handle that. Especially since it requires me being on your bike.”

  “Oh, you’re just here for the bike?” I throw my leg over the seat of the bike. Turning the key, I start her up. Letting the rumble roll through me, the vibration from the bike soothes a part of my soul.

  A pair of hands lands on my shoulders as my Angel climbs on behind me. I hand her the helmet that was hanging off my handlebars, not willing to risk her head for anything.

  When we’re out of the driveway, past the gates to the clubhouse, she wraps her arms around my stomach. Taking one hand off the handlebars, I place it over hers.

  This is fucking bliss. I have a girl I haven’t fucked on the back of my bike, the winding roads for my taking, and the warm weather is on our side. No need to worry about freezing.

  Squeezing her hands again, I let the throttle rip, shooting us forward on the empty roads. I hear a peel of laughter from behind, just barely over the sound of the air rushing past us.

  I just smile. There is nothing left for me to do but smile. I never thought I would have another person in my life that was ol’ lady material, someone who might be able to accept the club life.

  Chapter Fifteen – Raven

  THERE’S NOTHING much more freeing than when the wind blows against my face on the open road. Except this time, I’m pressed against a strong, hard body. With my pussy pressed tight against his ass, and the rumble of the engine of the bike coursing through us, I’m having a hard time focusing on anything but the desire swirling through me.

  We’ve been riding for I don’t know how long, with no real destination in mind. No words have been spoken, no music playing, just us on this beautiful machinery and the open road.

  I can feel the contours of his abs through the thin cotton material of his shirt. My fingers itch to feel the heat from his skin. My pussy weeps with the dirty thoughts of him taking me right here on his bike. Another fantasy of mine.

  I contemplate whether I have the balls to do what I want, or if I’m just going to sit here, hugging him tightly from behind and imagine it all. Deciding to be brazen, my fingertips gain a mind of their own, seeking out what’s under his shirt. I can feel the wave of anticipation in the muscles of his strong stomach with each pass of my fingers.

  Turning my head so my face is toward his neck, I give a light lick, tasting the salty-sweetness of Mace’s skin. I begin to lay a trail of half open mouth kisses leading up to his ear. Hanging on tight with one hand around his stomach, my other hand drifts south to graze against the top and inside of his thigh. Lightly, I rub my palm over his well-endowed length. Trying to grip him tighter through the denim of his jeans is not easy, but I know I succeed when I feel a growl vibrate through his back against the tips of my breasts that are pressed tight against him. I continue my assault of kisses, licking, and petting, while gyrating my hips against his ass. All I can think about right now is him taking me.

  Mace takes a hard right turn, breaking me from my attack on him. I look around and see we’re flying down a wooded road. No properties. No cars. Just the trees, road, and us. He pulls into a path off the road and brings the bike to a sudden halt. Cutting the engine, he grabs hold of my right leg and pulls me hard. I let out a startled scream his strong arm encircles my waist to catch me from falling. Placing me on his lap, facing him, I can feel what I’ve done to him press against me where I crave him the most.

  My hands run up the length of Mace’s torso, my gaze following. When I finally look into his dark, dangerous features, need screams loudly from his eyes. Wetting my lips, I bring my hands around the back of his neck, not so gently pulling him to me. Our mouths clash together like the only thing we need to survive is this. He doesn’t take his time tasting me. His tongue dances with mine, his hands exploring every inch of my clothed body. He wastes no time before he shreds my blouse with little effort. His mouth tears away from mine and begins its descent down my jawline and my neck, alternating light bites with hard kisses. My hands run over his hair, down his back, back to his hair as my hips rotate against him, seeking what we both need.

  Mace moves lower down my body until he reaches my breasts. His hands free me by moving the cups of my white lace bra down, fully exposing me to him. His mouth latches on, teasing my nipples until they are tight buds. The wetness from his tongue with the mix of pressure from his teeth is enough to make me moan. I hear him chuckle as he moves his attack to the other side.

  I can’t wait any longer. Pushing the leather vest from Mace’s shoulders, my fingers seek out the edge of his shirt, quickly bringing it up and over his head. He kisses me once more as he stands, placing his hands on my hips and pulling me down until I’m practically laying with my hair over the handlebars and my feet toward the back of the bike. He unbuttons my pants, pulling them slowly down my legs as his eyes lick every inch of my body. Mace pets me a few times between my legs, over my thin, white lace panties. I push my hips up in the air, silently begging for more. I need more. A small smirk plays on his mouth before he rips my panties clear off of me. Holy shit.

  Lifting my legs, he sits back down and places them over his shoulders as he leans forward. His eyes don’t leave mine as he sniffs my scent and smiles. Then he goes to town.

  Mace licks me three times before he leaves all gentleness at the door. His fingers begin to fuck me as he feasts on my clit. I can’t fight the animalistic sounds tearing from my chest. With every pump of his hand, my tits bounce in opposition. I bring my hands to them and begin to tease my nipples with the tips of my fingers, increasing the pressure until they mimic the bites they loved from him earlier. A fire begins to ignite deep in me, spreading out through every nerve and muscle in my body. My head falls back, my eyes closing as a loud moans escape me. My fingers continue their assault, except it’s more like holding on for dear life at this point. His hand grasps the back of my head, holding tightly to my hair as he pulls my head up until I’m watching him. When my eyes close, his grip tightens. I force myself to watch him break me, my hips humping his willing mouth. My tits bounce ferociously with each pump of his hand. When the fire explodes inside me, I have nothing else to do but scream and ride the wave.

  Slowly, he licks me clean of my juices before he pulls his fingers from me. Sitting up straight, he looks at me with his dark, sexy eyes and smiles. He brings his fingers to his mouth, and I watch him as he licks every drop from them, quietly moaning like it’s the best thing he’s ever tasted.

  I’m fighting for my breathing to return to normal as Mace unzips his jeans, finally exposing himself to the world. He rips open a foil pack, sheathing his length before he teases my opening. His eyes find mine again and he pauses, raising an eyebrow as if he’s asking for my permission. I raise my arms above my head, wrapping my hands around the handlebars, and then nod my head once. He slams into me and for the first time in forever, I finally feel content. Like this is what I’ve been waiting for. Like he is what I’ve been waiting for.

  Chapter Sixteen — Mace

  HEAVEN. THAT’S WHAT her cunt feels like. Absolute fucking nirvana. I hold myself still inside her, needing to get my shit under c
ontrol before I try to move so I don’t blow my load after two thrusts.

  Raven will probably be bruised tomorrow from how tightly I’m holding on to her hips. In this position, I can see where we’re joined. I glance up at her face, strands of her wild-ass hair are stuck to it. She has beads of sweat on her forehead. Her lips are parted slightly, she’s breathing deeply, and her eyes are glazed over in a lust-filled haze.

  There is nothing fucking sexier than a girl who owns herself during sex. I don’t want a passive submissive. I want a girl who can give as good as she gets.

  “Angel, are you ready for me to move?” I grunt out, and I get a barely imperceptible nod in return.

  Bracing my feet on the ground, to give myself leverage, and holding on to her hips, I start to move her hips back and forth. Moans start spilling from her lips. And even though this position doesn’t allow me to get as deep as I want, it still feels so good to finally be inside her.

  “Are you feeling me? Do you feel my dick hitting every inch of you?” I growl, trying like hell to pick up the pace.

  Raven gives me more moans of pleasure. I pull her legs up over my shoulders, and grabbing onto her thighs, I stand up from the seat and start thrusting into her harder than before.

  Sweat is building up on my forehead. I’m trying to not concentrate on the way her pussy is clenching around my dick like its life depends on it. The way her legs feel under my hands. The way her pleasure is written all over her face.

  With a white-knuckle grip on the handlebars, she closes her eyes and her head starts to roll back and forth… like she’s fighting this. I reach down and tap her clit a few times and then rub her furiously.

  “C’mon, Angel. I’m not going to be able to hold back for much longer. You’re going to need to come for me. Now.” And as if my words themselves are what causes her to tip over the edge, she comes. Loud, long, and gloriously. This moment right here is when she’s the most beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like it in the world.


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