Hell's Flower

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Hell's Flower Page 10

by SL Schiefer

  Her eyes clear up and she grins. “The best sex of my life, huh? And what can I do to make it up to you?” Her voice takes on a teasing quality.

  “I can think of a few things. The one that sticks out, though, is having you wrap your lips around my dick and give me the best blowjob I’ve ever had.”

  The lust-filled look coming over her face almost brings me to my knees. But when her hands come around and start to unbuckle my jeans, I think I might actually fall. She doesn’t realize the kind of power she has over me.


  We made it back to the clubhouse after she sucked my dick like a fucking pro, making it almost impossible for me to ride my bike. We finally fell into bed together, and she proceeded to show me we didn’t miss out on great sex. I think every time I’m with her it’s going to be better than the last.

  I wake up early with her head on my chest and her arm thrown over my stomach, her dark hair fanned out behind her. I’m lost in thought just staring at her when her phone goes off.

  I slowly slip out of bed, trying not to wake her, and get to her phone as it starts going off again. Glancing at the caller ID, I see it’s Jazz.

  Walking toward the door and out into the hallway, I answer the phone with a whispered hello.

  “Mace?” comes a shaky voice. A voice that doesn’t at all remind me of the confident girl from the night before.

  “What’s wrong, Jazz?” My voice comes out gruff.

  “Can… c-c-can you come get me?” she stutters out.

  Confused as to why she would want someone she doesn’t know to come pick her up, I ask, “Where are you? Is something wrong?”

  “Everything’s wrong. I should have never come here alone. I thought it would be a good time, but apparently, I was completely fucking wrong. And d-didn’t learn my lesson the first time.”

  The first time? She was with Raven at Jake’s party that night. “Are you with Jake?”

  “Yes. Do you know how to get here?”

  Do I fucking know how to get there? Ha. “Give me just a little bit. We’ll get you out of there. Just lay low until I can get there, okay?”

  “Okay. Please hurry.”

  With that, we hang up. Mother fucking asshole. He’s going to die. Soon.

  Chapter Nineteen – Raven

  MY MIND HAS WOKEN but my body is spent. Not quite ready to get up yet, I roll over to pull myself into Mace—Gunner—but my hand brushes cold sheets instead. I peak my eyes open to sneak a look at the clock and see it’s not even five in the morning yet. Where the fuck would he go? Instantly, the club sluts flash through my mind, one after another. Oh, hell no.

  I spring from the bed, quickly dressing before reaching for my phone from the bedside table, except my phone’s not there. I could’ve sworn I’d put my phone there before calling it a night.

  Glancing quickly into the bathroom, I head out to the main area. Before even reaching that point, the sound of crying and angry voices stretches into the hallway. What the fuck is going on?

  As soon as everything comes into view, my heart shatters. Jazz is sitting on one of the couches with her knees to her chest, huddled into herself. I can see from here that her entire body is shaking as tears flood from her eyes. She has a few bruises littering her face and arms. Dried blood is crusted under her nose.

  “What the fuck?” I’ve known this woman for years, and not once have I ever seen her in a state even remotely close to this.

  I push through the men surrounding her. Dropping to my knees, placing my palms on each side of her face, I force her to make eye contact with me. “Jazz, what happened? Are you okay? Did Jake do this?”

  She chokes on an exasperated chuckle before using her hand to wipe the snot running from her nose. “Always bombarding me with questions,” she tries to joke, but her voice falls flat.

  “This isn’t funny, Jazz. What happened?”

  “I met with Jake, and I believed him when he said he was sorry. I mean, he wasn’t there when that asshole did what he did,” she shrugs. “We closed the bar down and he invited me back with him. I figured why not, right? I was s-so stupid!” she says, hiccupping on a sob trying to break from her chest.

  “Did he… did he rape you?” My voice comes out softer than I thought it would. The anger coursing through my veins is enough to fuel me up to actually murder the fucker. If he raped her, he’s dead. I’ll kill him myself.

  I watch her shake her head no, averting her eyes from mine.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, Rave. I think I’d know if I were raped!” she snaps.

  “Okay,” I agree, nodding. “So, what happened?”

  “Jazz, maybe we should take you somewhere for you to clean up and get some rest to catch your breath, and you can tell the club members what happened when you’re ready,” Creep offers.

  “What?” I snarl. “Not going to happen,” I warn them all, standing from my position to go toe to toe with him.

  “This is club business, Raven. The less you know, the better,” Bug admits, his eyes staying focused on the cement floor.

  “Not a fucking chance. You are not keeping me out of this!”

  Mace steps up to stand next to me, the warmth of his hand seeping into my back instantly makes me feel more relaxed. If any of them will back me up, I know it’ll be him. “Angel, I have to agree with them on this. Let us help keep you safe,” he says softly.

  My head snaps quickly to him as I jump out of his embrace. “Are you fucking kidding me right now? Something happened to my best friend because I texted Jake that we would meet up with him. I wasn’t there for her!” I step forward and poke him hard in the chest. “You, nor your brothers, will keep me out of this.”

  Swiftly grabbing my finger and wrapping his hand over mine, holding it tight against his chest, he firmly growls, “You will do what we need you to if it comes down to your fucking safety, Angel. We just talked about this.”

  I yank my hand from his embrace and step back. Placing my hands on my hips, I jut my chin out. “You will not give me orders. And you will not keep Jazz from talking to me. You don’t keep secrets with your damn brothers, and we don’t keep secrets from each other. We’re like sisters. And no offense, but we’re probably closer with each other than you are with half the brothers in your club!”

  “But she’s not technically your sister,” Bug states hesitantly.

  Glaring at him, I remind him, “And you all are technically not brothers.”

  Turning my back to all of them, I crouch back down by Jazz. “What do you want to do, honey?”

  Wiping her tears, she looks up at me. She just seems lost. “Can we go to your place? Please?”

  “Of course.”

  At the same time, a few of the guys growl, “Absolutely not” and “Not a fucking chance.”

  I wave them off with my hand without breaking eye contact with Jazz. “Mace will give us a ride to my place, and if he refuses, we’ll call a cab.”

  Standing up, I look at Mace and witness a flash of paranoia and fear cross his face before he pulls himself back together and goes back to frowning at me.

  “You’re not leaving, Angel. I’m sorry, but we already talked about this.” He crosses his arms over his chest, taking an authoritative stance, as if that’ll make me comply. Think again.

  “Fine. Don’t give us a ride home, I’ll call a damn cab. Either way, we’re leaving,” I tell him as I match my body language to mirror his.


  “Sorry, Mace, but it’s not about me, and this isn’t about you, this is about Jazz and what Jazz wants. And Jazz wants to leave, so we’re leaving. Now, you can pull the dick out of your ass and help us out by giving us a ride home, or we’ll find someone else who’s willing.” Why does he have to be so flippin’ difficult and possessive?

  “She’s right, Mace,” Creep agrees, finally speaking up. “I’ll give them a ride home and camp outside of it. I’ll keep an eye out for them and let you know if anything is up.”
br />   “It’s not—“

  “Your choice,” I finish for him. “Where’s my phone? It was on the bedside table and now it’s not.”

  Mace digs it out of his front pocket and reluctantly hands it to me before he starts to walk away, shaking his head. Before he reaches the hallway, he turns back around and announces, “Church in an hour, boys. And, Raven, I better not ever fucking hear of you making plans to see, talk to, or anything with else with Jake again.” His eyes are dark, his body coiled tight like a spring. He turns back, punches a hole in the damn wall, and continues on. I can’t help but stay immobile and stare until the sound of a door slamming snaps me back into focus.

  “Let’s go, ladies,” Creep says as he walks up to Jazz and holds a hand out to her. “Are you okay to walk?”

  “Yeah, thanks,” she mumbles, accepting his hand for help.

  “Are you ready to talk about it?” With the way Creep resembles The Rock, his gentleness surprises me. Don’t get me wrong, he’s always been nice to us both, but I never pictured him for being gentle.

  Creep slowly raises Jazz’s arm to wrap around his neck, sliding his arm around her back for support. She winces a few times as she tries to get her bearings. “I think I have a broken rib,” she says softly.

  “Just take your time, we’re in no hurry,” he reminds her quietly.

  I walk on the other side of Jazz and she instantly slips her hand into mine. When she starts to talk, I’m not sure if she’s talking to me, Creep, both of us, or just talking to get it off of her chest.

  “They beat the shit outta me. They d-didn’t… rape me, but they did… touch me some.” Her grip slowly begins to tighten as she continues. “Jake was pissed Raven didn’t come with me to meet him like she said she would. He said this is his warning to not get sneaky. That next time it’ll be twofold. I didn’t know what to s-say,” she says, shaking her head and beginning to cry. “He… he then started yelling because I wasn’t saying anything. S-so he shot this chick who came in the room. Right between the eyes. Told me it was the best pussy he’s ever had and if he could kill a gold star club slut, then imagine what he’d do to us. And then he… he just walked away like nothing had just happened. I just… I don’t understand any of it.”

  I squeeze her hand. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there with you. I should’ve gone with you instead of Mace. I’m so, so sorry, Jazz.” Tears prick my eyes. I can’t believe the asshole did something like this over something so little. Is this how these damn bike gangs work? If that’s the case, I want nothing to do with it. It’s not worth it. Jazz means the world to me, and there’s no fucking way I’m going to do anything to jeopardize her or anyone else’s life. This war is between the clubs, not us. No matter how I feel about Mace, I think I have to step out. I’m done.

  Chapter Twenty – Mace

  I’M SITTING IN AN OLD leather chair at an old barn wood table, in a room that feels like it’s closing in on me. I almost can’t believe she walked away. Again. I get what she’s feeling—she’s feeling protective of her friend. But if she isn’t here and I’m not with her I can’t keep her safe.

  I’m still lost in my anger when the guys start trickling in, each of them taking the chairs they have claimed as their own over the years. Creep won’t be here since he’s keeping an eye on the girls, so I’ll just have to fill him in on what goes down.

  When the last person enters the room and shuts the door behind him, I reluctantly pull myself from my thoughts so I can focus on what needs to be done.

  “I’m sure you all know what has to happen now. I’m not sure what my dad has planned, since I haven’t seen or heard from him yet. Does anyone want to fill me in on what he said?”

  Tank is the first person to speak up, “Dude, I think your dad is crazy. He seemed like he had a solid plan going then he started spouting some crazy shit, almost like he was having a conversation with himself.”

  “Well, if he’s been alone the past few years, I can see how that would be true, but let’s all remember who the President of this club is. It is I who will make the final decision of what we do around here and how it’s done. “

  Murmurings of “we understand” and head nods go around the room.

  “With that being said, something needs to be done soon. I want Jake and his entire club gone. We need to get someone in there and find out when their next party is going to be. We need to catch them when they have their guard down. I don’t want to catch them in a deal, trade, or anything else. I want them caught with their pants around their ankles.”

  “How are we going to find out when their next party is?” Spade asks. Spade is our only black guy in the club. He reminds me of Will Smith off The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Big hair and all.

  “There are plenty of single moms out there who would do anything for some money. Find one that needs help, offer her some money, offer money for a babysitter if you have to do, then give her all of Jake’s hangouts and what he looks like. That should be enough,” I tell them all.

  Bug stands up and says he knows someone who can help and knows she doesn’t need much but the protection of the club from her ex-husband.

  “That’s doable. Get it set up. They’ll probably have a party this weekend. Have her report everything she finds out back to you since she trusts you. Okay, guys, get out of here and start getting your weapons ready. We may need to roll out at a moment’s notice,” I tell them and push away from the table. Leaving the room, I don’t even wait for anyone to follow.

  I head up to my room and slam the door behind me. Picking up my phone, I start a text to Raven.

  Me: Are you going to come back here, or am I going to have to come to you?

  Angel: Can you not do this right now? My friend needs me. I appreciate what you did for her, but she needs me right now.

  Me: I told you I protect what’s mine, her getting hurt hurts you. I have to fix it.

  Angel: I don’t know if I can do this thing with you. We just keep getting hurt. Ever since you came into my life, shit is getting fucked up. Nothing is going right. So if this is how it’s going to be, I want out.

  I cannot control the fiery rage flowing through my veins.

  Me: You want out? You think it’s that easy? I’m not giving you up. You’re mine. No one will ever hurt you again.

  With that, I throw my phone at the wall and hear an unsatisfying crack. Well, I know what I’m going to be doing today. Buying a phone. Not what I planned on doing. I need to visit Raven’s dad, too. Need to get some shit squared away with him.

  I grab my cut and head out of my room, craving a ride on my bike. I need the time to figure out what my next move is.


  After a two hour ride around the city and parking at the lakefront for a little bit, I made my way back into town. I drove to the cell phone store and picked up the latest smart phone. The woman insisted on showing me how to work the phone, touching me more than what was necessary or professional.

  I’m back on my bike, I heading to Raven’s dad’s shop. When I pull into the front, some guy looks at me, shakes his head, and walks away. Fuck him.

  Walking into the shop from the front, I take stock of all the cars they are currently working on. I would love to see my Angel in her element one of these days, but first I need to stop this shit with her dad.

  “Mace, long time no see.” I turn around and her dad is limping up to me. “Anything I can do for you?” he asks skeptically.

  “Well, I have some news for you, but it comes with a couple conditions.”

  “Of course it does. Let’s go into my office.” Without waiting for an answer, he walks past me and goes straight into the office, waiting until I follow him in, and shuts the door behind me. He takes the seat behind the desk, and I take the seat opposite of him.

  “I’m coming to you as President of the club first.” He raises his eyebrows at that, but waits for me to continue. “You have fulfilled your time with us. You no longer have to do our running.”

sp; “Well, I can’t say I’m upset about this news. But why? I didn’t think I would ever be done owing you guys?”

  “That takes us to the second reason why I’m here. I’m coming to you as a man.”

  He laughs. “Coming to me as a man? The only reason I could think you would ever want to do that is if you want something I’m never going to approve of.”

  “Well, sir, you’re probably not going to be happy. In fact, I’m positive you’ll be pissed as fuck. I want Raven. I want her to be mine. She’s been hurt by a rival club, and her friend has been hurt twice. I intend on making them pay. I’ll fix what’s happened.”

  He leans back in his chair, silently staring at me. “Let me see if I get this right. Raven was hurt, Jazz was hurt, and you let me out of my obligations because you want Raven.”

  “That about sums it up, yes.” I never get nervous, but I feel like I’m facing down a firing squad here. Jesus.

  “I don’t like this. I would rather continue to do your dirty work than give you my blessing to be with my daughter.”

  “You don’t have to like it and I don’t need your blessing. I came to you as a man to tell you my intentions. I can promise you I will never hurt her like she’s been hurt before. I’ll probably piss her off more times than I’ll ever admit, but she’s mine.”

  “Mace, I really don’t like this. Does she know who you are?” His eyes never leave my face as he talks.

  “Yes, she knows.”

  “Well, if she’ll have you, I guess I have no power to stop you. I will kick your ass if she gets hurt again. I promise you that. I won’t kill you because I don’t need that kind of wrath rained on me, but you will pay if you hurt my baby girl.”

  Nodding, I stand up from my chair. I stick my hand out and reach across the desk, shaking his. “I promise I’ll never hurt her, don’t worry.”


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