Hell's Flower

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Hell's Flower Page 18

by SL Schiefer

  “God, I don’t need the Jack after all then tonight.”

  She has a moment where she looks at me with irritation and then laughs.


  I left Raven sleeping in my bed. I have Creep and Jazz at my house in one of the guest rooms and I figure with those two there, nothing should happen. Should. I’m crossing my fingers for some peace for one night so I can go deal with my dad.

  I pull my bike in front of the clubhouse. Going inside, I see Pops sitting at the bar with a cup full to the brim with amber liquid. Oh, good. He’s starting the party already.

  Stalking up behind him, I grab his head and slam it into the bar top, hearing the satisfying crunch of his nose breaking. The two club sluts who were chilling behind the bar are scattering in another direction.

  When Pops recovers, he turns, jumping off his stool at the same time and instantly getting in a defensive stance. Until he realizes it’s me. Then his face immediately fills with rage. By now, a lot of the brothers and prospects have crowded around us. They all know better than to jump in and help, though.

  “What the fuck, Mace!” he yells while trying to stop the blood dripping from his nose.

  “What the fuck is the question I should be asking you, dickhead. What the fuck would possess you to clue Raven in on how her dad is involved with us?”

  “Why didn’t she already know? Why did you two keep it from her?”

  “You damn well know why we both fucking kept it from her! Her mom died from doing drugs!” My chest is heaving with each breath, I’m so fucking pissed. You know what? Screaming at him isn’t going to make me feel any better.

  I was about five feet away from him when he got up from his stool, but I close the space between us fast. With him looking down, he doesn’t even have time to react before my fist smashes into the side of his face.

  His head snaps to the side and spit mixed with blood splatters against my chest and face. Wasting no time, I grab hold of his shirt with both hands and run him into the wall behind him. Holding him up with one arm, I start repeatedly hitting him in the face.

  I feel hands grab at me, but I keep shrugging them off until a brave prospect gets in between us and shoves me back, hard, as Pops fall against the ground.

  “Don’t you ever fucking get in my business with Raven again. If you so much as look at her wrong I will fucking kill you with my hands. Do you fucking get me, old man?”

  I have a habit of not waiting for answers from anyone. I just assume what I say is law and things will be done the way I want them done. And doing the same here, I turn and walk away.

  Walking out of the house and hopping on my bike like nothing happened, I pull up to my house, go inside, and take a shower. Crawling into bed with my Angel, I wrap my arms around her and pull her against me.

  All like I just didn’t beat the shit of out my dad.

  Chapter Thirty-Five – Raven

  I WAKE UP to my phone’s alarm vibrating under my head. Swiftly, I grab it and turn it off. Gunner’s hot breath is softly tickling my neck. His arms possessively holding on to me around my waist.

  I woke up when I reached for him in the middle of the night and he wasn’t there. I pretended to be asleep when he came back forever later, but I had a hard time actually falling back asleep. Everything he admitted to—and trying to figure out what I’m going to say to Dad—just kept looping through my mind. Now, I’m exhausted. And I still don’t have a plan.

  I slip out of bed carefully so I don’t wake Gunner. Quickly changing into a pair of his shorts with a drawstring and tee, I head down to his gym and go straight toward the heavy bag. Not much tops my list for releasing frustration like beating the shit out of something. With the gym’s radio on some heavy shit, I lose myself in the constant beat of the bass, my mind slowly clearing. I continue punching and throwing in some kicks until I feel like I can’t continue anymore. Then I do a few more. When my body is screaming and feels like dead weight, I finally give in and take a breather, relishing in the afterglow of sweat.

  When I turn around, unwrapping my wrists, I come eye to eye with Gunner. His strong frame fills the doorway of the gym. I have to admit, he looks damn fine leaning against the door frame in nothing but a pair of shorts riding low on his hips. Every curve of muscle and skin is on full display.

  “Mornin’, Angel.”

  “Morning.” I say a bit too quietly as I look away to drop the hand wraps on the table next to the stereo. I hit the off button, muting the music before I turn and walk toward him.

  “Everything okay?” he asks, an eyebrow raised in question.

  “Yeah. Just tired and I have to get ready for work. I have nothing here. Can you take me home so I can get ready, please?”

  “Sure,” he nods. “After you tell me the truth.”

  “Gunner, not—“

  “Now, Raven.”

  “You’re impossible sometimes. I swear to God!”

  He moves until our bodies are touching. Turning just right so my back is against the frame, his arms box me in. “Angel,” he whispers.

  “Where’d you go last night?”

  “That’s what this is about?” He seems a bit shocked. Like I shouldn’t be pissed that he waited until I was sleeping to skip out.

  “I’m already having a hard time with everything you told me yesterday. And now you’re slipping out in the middle of the fucking night, after I’m asleep,” I snap. “So, yes, Gunner, that’s what this is about.”

  His mouth tips up on the right just slightly before he pulls a neutral face back on. “Anyone ever tell you how hot you are when you’re feisty?”

  “Ugh!” I groan as I push against his chest. Of course, he doesn’t fucking budge. “Just answer me, dammit!”

  “It was club business. I wish I could, but I can’t.” He doesn’t avert his eyes from mine, and the tone of his voice turns soft, almost sympathetic.

  Rolling my eyes, I nod my head and push through his arm to head back to the bedroom so I can change in to yesterday’s clothes. Thankfully, he lets me through without a word.

  “I’ll be down in a few minutes,” I throw over my shoulder before running up the stairs.


  Today’s been another shit day to mark down on the calendar. I think I’m letting shit get to me too much. I’ve upchucked twice since I got in this morning, and even the thought of food makes my stomach turn. Add the sly comments from Dad and Luke about Gunner and Jazz pressuring me to talk about what Gunner had to say, it leaves me in a foul mood. So to help drown everyone and everything out, I crank the shop music and just get lost in my work.

  Glancing at the clock, as I drop the hood of the beauty in front of me. I can’t help the smile forming as I realize it’s time to go home. Immediately, my mind drifts to the fact that Gunner hasn’t called or texted even once. He better not forget to pick us up. Although, I need to remember to talk to him about that. I miss driving Kate. Shit, at this point, I miss sitting in her. I’ll even settle for just looking at her.

  As I’m walking past Dad’s office on my way to the front to see if Jazz is ready, I hear Dad call my name. Great. I stop walking. Standing in the doorway, I cross my arms over my chest and just look at him. I’m afraid to open my mouth because I’m too tired to get into anything with him, but I know there are a shit ton of words waiting to be unleashed.

  “Everything okay?” he asks hesitantly.

  I just nod in response.

  “Can you come in, please? Shut the door. Take a seat.”

  “Are you telling me to, or are you asking?” I ask sarcastically.

  “I’m telling you to.”

  Rolling my eyes, I oblige. Dropping down into the chair across from him, I lift my tired legs and plant my feet on top of his desk, crossing them at the ankle.

  I watch as he scratches his head, settling finally with his hands behind his head, leaning back in his chair. My eyes move to meet his again, and we just stare at each other. And stare. And stare.

  I sl
ap the arms of the chair, bring my feet to the floor, and say, “Well, Dad, this has been a fun chat but I have stuff to do. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  As I’m about to stand, he says, “Raven, are you sure you’re okay?”

  Groaning, I drop my head back and pinch the bridge of my nose.


  I seriously do not want to get into any of this right now.

  “When have you ever not been able to talk to me about something? It’s been me and you for years, kid.”

  I don’t know what it is, but something inside of me erupts. When I look back at him, I swear smoke is coming out of my ears and I’m breathing fire.

  “Really, Dad?” I shout as I jump to my feet. “When did you stop talking to me?”

  “What are you talking about? I’m trying to talk with you now.”

  “Now! You’re trying to talk with me now! How long were you a drug runner for Mace’s club?”

  I watch as his eyes grow wide, his skin pale. To say that he looks utterly shocked would be an understatement.

  “How… how do you know about that?” he stutters, standing up.

  “Why the hell does that matter? Why didn’t you tell me?” My voice comes out almost whiny.

  “You…” he says as he shakes his head.

  “Were never supposed to find out?” I finish for him. “I’m dating the fucking President, or did you forget about that?” Tears prick my eyes, anger pumping through every vein and nerve ending in my body.

  “You’ve always been my hero. You taught me all about cars and bikes. You taught me how to protect myself. How to work hard for what I want in life. You taught me how to be honest,” I remind him.

  “And I meant every word I said. I meant every lesson I taught you.”

  “You’re a liar,” I hiss. “You always told me how drugs were bad, and they ruin people and families. How they kill. Jesus Christ, Dad! Did you forget how Mom died? You know, the woman you still have yet to get over? She’s been dead for over a damn decade and you still haven’t been with anyone else. How can you forget what she did? How she nearly broke us? How Luke had to step in for you a lot the first few years because you couldn’t even take care of yourself?” Hot tears are spilling down my cheeks, my body shaking. I feel like someone just took a knife and started scraping at old scabs, slow drops of blood starting to bubble out.

  “No,” he shakes his head, his eyes growing misty. “I’ve never forgotten our hard times, or where we’ve come from.”

  “Then how could you?” I yell. “Finding her like that… God, Dad! It was the worst moment of my life!” I press the heels of my hands against my eyes, taking a second to try and calm down. I hate thinking about that day. I hate seeing her like that. The last memory I’ll ever have of my mother, and every time I think of it, it makes me hate her a little more each time.

  I look back at him and he stands motionless, his expression a mirror image of mine.

  “I’m so disappointed in you. I was always so proud of how you pulled through and built this place, our place, when we had nothing. I loved that this was our thing, something we shared together. It’s all a lie,” I say more to myself than him.

  “None of it was a lie, Raven. None of it,” he says calmly as he slowly steps toward me.

  Shaking my head, I take a step away from him. “You used drug money to make this shop happen.”

  “I’m done now, Raven. And don’t think it all came from that, because it didn’t. I worked my ass off, too. Luke and I put all of our own assets into making this a reality.”

  “You used drug money to help make this a reality. News flash, Dad! The love of your life, the mother of your child, died from drugs, in case you’ve forgotten! You ran the same drugs that helped destroy other people’s families just like they did to ours! I feel like I don’t even know you anymore.”

  “What about Mace?”

  “What about him?”

  “It’s his club! He’s the one who ordered I get the shit kicked out of me when I tried to leave!”

  “You’re right,” I nod. “But did you know he’s trying to drop the drugs completely from his club? Once he raises enough money for a project he’s doing, he’s done.”

  “And you believe that?” he snorts. “What kind of project? A new sex club?”

  “Getting backpacks filled with school supplies for kids whose families can’t afford to buy any,” I throw back.


  “Yeah, oh,” I mock. “As for you getting the shit kicked out of you, do I like it? No. But that’s what happens when you get involved in the drug world. At least, that’s what my Dad always taught me growing up.”

  “Your Dad sounds like a pretty smart guy,” he whispers.

  “Yeah. He used to be.” I say softly. “Besides, Mace released you as a runner, but I’m assuming you still don’t want me with him because of the shit between the two of you?”

  “Raven, I’m still that guy. And of course I think you can do better. I know the kid!”

  “Did you ever think that maybe he doesn’t know any different? You raised me to be the person I am today. His dad raised him to be the way he is. Is he perfect? Hell no! But he’s perfect for me. So the stupid, annoying comments you and Luke keep making need to stop. You don’t have to like it, but you need to respect my decision. If you can’t, tell me now so I know not to come in anymore. But be thankful I’m at least telling you what’s going on, to your face, because I assure you, being lied to and then finding the truth out from a complete stranger is awful.”

  “Wait, Mace didn’t tell you?”

  “No, his asshole father did.”

  “Raven, I’m so sorry.”

  “Yeah. Whatever.” My head is pounding. This conversation has zapped the little energy I had, and I feel like throwing up any second.

  “No more comments. You have my word. I still don’t like it, but I know who you are, and I trust you. Just remember, you come to me if you ever need anything.”

  I nod, as I turn to open the door.

  “I love you, Raven.”

  “Yeah. I love you, too, Dad.”

  My eyes burn from crying, and all I can think about is a nap. I’m just over this day all together.

  “What the hell was that about?” Jazz asks as soon as I round the corner leading to the employee entrance.


  “Rave, what the fuck? Why have you been crying?”

  “Just,” I shake my head and take a deep breath. “Not now, okay? We’ll talk, but I’m so tired, and I feel like hell after today.”

  “Okay,” she nods reluctantly. “Sooner the better, though.”

  I nod in response and we walk to Gunner’s car. As soon as I slip in the front seat, Gunner goes into protective mode.

  “Angel, what’s wrong? What happened?”

  “Nothing. Just take me home. I’m tired. Today is total shit.”

  “Not until you tell me,” he growls.

  “Her and her dad got into a fight,” Jazz answers for me.

  He starts to open his door to get out, but I quickly grab his hand and pull it into my lap. Closing my eyes and resting my head on the head rest, I say softly, “Just drive.”

  Chapter Thirty-Six – Mace

  IT’S BEEN A COUPLE DAYS since Raven had the fight with her dad, and she called in sick yesterday and today. When we came home right after the fight, she went straight to my room and laid down. I wanted to talk to her, but I didn’t want to push her, either.

  I feel like I’m walking on eggshells around my own house, trying not to add my bullshit on top of what she’s going through with her dad. But, today? I’ve had enough.

  She’s lying on my couch with her knees curled into her chest. Her hair looks like it hasn’t seen a brush in a couple days, she has bags under her eyes, and she’s wearing my clothes, but she’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

  “Angel?” I say her name softly.

  She barely moves her head
to look in my direction. “What?”

  Oh my God, that fucking attitude. “Do you plan on staying on that couch all day? The rest of the week? Next week?”

  The anger taking over her face makes my heart start to race. Apparently, I’m going to have to piss her off to get somewhere with her. “What the fuck does it matter if I stay here for the next god damned year?” she yells but still doesn’t get up from the couch.

  “That’s all well and good, but we’re doing something today. So if you could get up and go take a shower, that would be great,” I snap at her.

  Raven sits up and pushes her feet to the floor. “A shower? What, you don’t want to be seen out of this house with me not taking a shower?”

  “No, not really. You stink.” With that, I turn and walk away, trying not to laugh hysterically at this situation.

  “Fuck you, Gunner!” is spat at my retreating back. Then I hear her footsteps across the hardwood floor and I smile to myself.

  Finally, a couple hours later—with a freshly showered Angel—we’re on our way to her house. She hasn’t asked why we’re heading there, although I suspect by the way her leg is bouncing up and down, she’s not entirely thrilled with this outing.

  “Angel, what the hell is wrong with you?”

  The face she gives me makes me think of those damn smiley faces on your phone, the side eyes one. And then after asking a woman the worst question ever, I laugh in her face.


  “Me? I’m trying to figure out what the fuck your problem is. First, you tell me I stink. Then, you’re taking me to my house, for God knows what, and then you ask me what is wrong with me? I’m sure you have a death wish today. Just keep talking and I’ll fucking kill you.”

  “Angel. Keep talking and I’m going to shove my dick in your mouth and put it to good use. If you want to know something, just ask me. You don’t have to sit over there and stew in your anger.”

  She just stares at me, looking as if she’s contemplating what to ask. She finally decides on something. “Why did you just laugh at me?”

  I try to hide the smile threatening to break loose on my face. “You know those smiley faces on smart phones?”


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