Playing His Game (The Reynolds Brothers)

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Playing His Game (The Reynolds Brothers) Page 7

by Justine Elvira

  Scott: I was kind of hoping for an immediate text back but you must be working. Call me tomorrow. We need to talk.

  After weeks of radio silence he decides to text me on the night I royally fuck up. What a douche bag. Okay, maybe that's not entirely fair because he has no idea what I was up to the night before, but his timing still sucks. He can go suck a cock for all I care; I'm not calling him.


  Tonight, after taking a long nap earlier in the day and pounding aspirin and chasing it with bottles of water, I'm finally feeling a little better. I'm still sick about how I probably ruined that poor guy’s life, but I'm no longer hung over, thanks to the greasy burger and fries I picked up. I'm also staring at the phone, weighing the pros and cons of calling Scott.

  Cons- He's Jared's brother. I left him without saying goodbye after sleeping with him. He's Jared's brother. We had a threesome with Tawny. He's Jared's brother. Scott's probably screwed several women since that night a few weeks ago. He's Jared's brother. Nothing good could come from this because we could never start a relationship. He's Jared's brother. He watched me eat out Tawny while he finger fucked me and had his dick down Tawny's throat. He's Jared's brother. He's Jared's brother. He's Jared's Brother!!!

  Pros- I miss him and just the thought of him gets my entire body aroused.

  I think the pros win.

  After hitting the call button, I place the phone on speaker and set it down on my lap, tapping my fingers nervously against my leg.

  "Got to say, I didn't think you'd call," Scott greets me on the other end of the phone. His voice does something to my body, making my nipples instantly tighten. It's rough and sexy with just the smallest hint of his laid back Californian accent.

  "I wasn't going to, but I read your texts at a vulnerable time. I'm hung over."

  "Lucky me, unlucky you."

  "You have no idea."

  It's silent after that. I'm not sure what to say and I think he feels the same way so I need to say something to crack the tension. That's when my favorite bad pick up line comes to mind and I say it to try and get him to laugh.

  "How much does a polar bear weigh?" As soon as the words leave my mouth I regret them. They sound even stupider than when I first heard the joke.

  "Okay... random. I'm not sure."

  "Enough to break the ice." I make a drum noise indicating it was a joke but Scott doesn't laugh.

  "That was lame, Winnie."

  "That it was." I pause and then decide to cut to the chase, "What do you need to talk about Scott?"

  "I don’t need to talk. I wanted to talk."

  "Your text said need. If it said wanted I wouldn't have called you."

  "Yes, you would have."

  "No, I wouldn't have, Scott."

  "You would have called me for the same reason I wanted to call you. We left things off weird, or you left things off weird. Skipping out on me in the middle of the night and then leaving in the morning before I even woke up is shady. What's up with that?"

  "You knew I left in the middle of the night?"

  "Yep. I woke up because I had to piss and you weren't there. When I went to look for you I saw you out on the couch. I just figured you needed a little space and we'd talk in the morning. Then you up and left before I even woke up."

  "Sorry about that," I reply embarrassed. I kind of feel bad now.

  "Don't be sorry, just tell me why. When I sent you that text after I woke up, I honestly expected to hear from you. When I didn't, I decided you probably still needed more time. Well, I've given you weeks now, so it's time to talk."

  I don't know what to say to that. Scott's always so upfront and honest, not really caring if he hurts someone's feelings. He just says it how it is. I respect that, but that doesn't mean I know how to react to that. And now, if it's even possible, I feel even guiltier about sleeping with Marcus than I did before. I'm not sure why I feel guilty. It's not like I owe Scott an explanation, but I do feel guilty. I actually think I might feel a little better about myself if I found out he's slept with another woman since I saw him last.

  Is that fucked up or what?

  "Before I explain myself I need you to tell me something and be completely honest when you do it."

  "Okay, Winn."

  "Have you slept with anyone since I've been back home?"

  "You've been back home for almost four weeks."

  "That's not an answer, Scott." I hear him let out a puff of air, sighing before he answers.

  "Yes, Winnie. I've had sex since the last time I saw you."

  Oh, thank God. I honestly feel relieved that I'm not the only whore in this weird friendship the two of us have started to develop.

  "With who?" The words come out before I even have a moment to process them. Where did that come from?

  "A client I met at a showing and- you know what? It doesn't matter who."

  "That's a weird reaction. Why don't you want to tell me?"

  "It was Tawny, okay? We sometimes hook up if no one else is around. It's just sex. I have no feelings for her."

  Just like that the relief I felt earlier is gone and I feel like I might be sick. I had no idea the two of them hooked up so regularly.


  "Since we're being upfront and honest, I'm guessing this question didn't just come up out of nowhere. Feeling dirty or guilty about something? Who did you sleep with?"

  "I never said I slept with anyone."

  "You didn't have to. I can hear it in your voice."

  Jeez. This isn't exactly a moment I want to keep reliving, but he does have a point. I wanted him to be honest with me so now I need to be honest back.

  "I may or may not have slept with the groom-to-be after I stripped for him and his buddies for his bachelor party." I spit the words out fast, hoping he missed the part about it being the groom.

  "I thought you didn't strip?"

  Fuck my life. I'm worried about Scott thinking less of me because I screwed a soon-to-be married man and he's focusing on the fact that I shed my clothes in front of a bunch of men.

  "It's wedding season and we were short staffed. It was a one-time thing. I feel guilty as hell about the entire night but I'd been in a bad place for weeks and I just needed something fun to help me forget."

  I don't even realize what I've said because I'm overwhelmed with guilt all over again. I'm taken out of my guilt-ridden thoughts as I hear Scott's muffled voice on the other end of the receiver yelling at someone.

  "Is this a bad time?"

  "No, it was just my dog, Sinatra."

  "I didn't know you had a dog. Where was he at Jared's party?"



  "She. Sinatra's a she. The only bitch I'll ever let live in my house."


  "A friend was dog sitting. I have to get someone to watch her when my niece comes over. She's deathly afraid of animals. Now stop changing the subject. Why did you leave me that morning?"

  To explain this to him would be impossible. I can think of a million different reasons why I left, so I'll pick one of those. Jealousy, shame, disgust, want, desire, need... take your pick. Any of these will be plausible.

  The nail polish on my fingernails is starting to chip so I pick at the polish while figuring out how to respond.

  "I'm not sure. I was an emotional loose cannon that morning. Every feeling possible was going through my body. But I think the real reason I left was embarrassment and shame.

  "The things I did with Tawny is something I've never done before. I'm no prude either, and I've had a threesomes before, but I was being double penetrated by cock, not having my tits licked by a childhood friend who also happens to have tits."

  The nail polish on my thumb is now completely off so I move to my pointer finger.

  "And if I'm being completely honest, I thought it would be just me and you. When Tawny asked to join in and you didn't say no I was a little bummed. I was also buzzed but I would have walked away from the whole thin
g if Tawny hadn't made a move. When I saw your face after she kissed me, I knew I had to go through with it. You were so turned on and that got me turned on and soon I was enjoying everything Tawny was doing to me. It was a fun night, but it won't ever happen again."

  "Keep going," Scott says almost immediately.

  "So after our sex marathon I passed out and when I woke up it was just you and me. I don't do sleepovers, not ever, so I moved to the couch. When I woke up the next morning the shame of what we did took over and I knew I had to leave. I couldn't chance anyone finding out about us.

  "Part of me hoped you would have called, but you didn't. You just sent me one lousy text message that made even more doubting questions arise for me. I wanted you, Scott, and I got you, but I got Tawny, too, which means Tawny got you. Even if it's completely irrational to feel this way, it still pissed me off and hurt me. Even as a child, I never played well with others when it came to what was mine."

  "And I'm yours?" Scott's always got a quick and clever reply.

  "No, but you were supposed to be mine that night."

  I stop talking and wait for him to fill the silence. The pounding inside my head is starting up again so I'll need to take some pain reliever as soon as I get off the phone with him.

  "It was a night of bad mistakes, Winnie, and I'm sorry. It was fun but I promise I'll never do anything like that again. That's kind of why I'm calling. I want to make it up to you. There's this real estate convention down in Chicago this coming weekend and I want you to come with me. I want to take you out."

  "Like what? On a date?"

  He coughs to clear his voice before speaking, "No, not a date. Just two friends hanging out while one tries to make things right."

  "I can't go to Chicago," I answer truthfully. "I have to work this weekend."

  "Get someone to cover for you, or call in sick. Don't make excuses, Winnie. Let me make up for the last time I saw you."

  "I don't know..."

  "Don't you want your panties back?"


  "Excuse me?” I ask, slightly confused.

  "Your panties. The ones you left behind when you dashed out of the room in the middle of the night. I have them and you'll only get them back if I see you in Chicago."

  "Are you trying to blackmail me with my own underwear?"

  "Yes. Is it working?"

  I huff and try to gather my thoughts. "I'll see what I can do. I'll call you if I can get someone to cover for me. I've got to go now, Scott."

  "Alright. Don't forget to call me and let me know."

  "I know. Bye, Scott."

  "Bye, beauty."

  Did he just call me beauty?

  The line goes dead and I toss my phone onto my bed, gripping my head from the headache that is now back at its full intensity. I down two more aspirin and another bottle of water before falling onto my bed face first.

  I need sleep before I can even consider going to Chicago for the weekend. It's only a two and a half hour drive. I can even be lazy and take the ferry, but is this a friendship I want to rectify? Should we forget it ever happened and just exchange awkward greetings when we're forced to be in the same place together in the future?

  My phone vibrates, indicating I've received a text so I grab my phone to read it.

  Scott: Please consider coming. It won't be fun without you.

  Fuck my life. How can I say no to him?

  Chapter Six

  June is the perfect time to be in Chicago. The weather is warm, the sun is shining and there is an abundance of activities to do.

  Too bad I'm not in Chicago.

  When I texted Scott this morning for the address of the hotel so I could plug it into my GPS, he gave me a Rosemont, Illinois address. Apparently, his real estate convention is at a convention center there. After arguing with him through text about how Rosemont is not Chicago and downtown Chicago is at least thirty minutes from there, he promised to still take me downtown. That made everything better.

  I pull up to the hotel, parking off to the side and flipping the overhead mirror down to check my makeup and reapply my lip-gloss. I'm trying to be pretty low maintenance for this weekend. Just my duffle bag filled with my belongings and a purse. I make my way into the hotel; my heels click against the marble flooring as I get in line at the concierge.

  "Winnie." I hear my name called and his voice is as sexy as ever.

  I turn around and spot him at the other end of the lobby, sitting in a leather chair. He's dressed nice, hiding the inner surfer within. When he stands up I can truly appreciate his appearance. His maroon dress shirt is fitted and opened at the collar and his gray slacks show off his firm, muscular legs and butt. I walk over to him, grinning like a woman with a childish crush.

  When we're just inches away from each other he pulls me into a tight hug. "You look good."

  I do look good today. My long black maxi skirt covers my pale legs and my form fitting tank top is just low enough to show a hint of my breasts without looking slutty. I wanted to be comfortable enough for the car ride, but still look nice. I left my hair down and wavy, showcasing the new pink streaks I had put in by my friend Enza.

  "Thanks." I smile back as I try to discreetly smell his hair. He smells like soap and the outdoors with a hint of sweat. Surprisingly, it smells amazing.

  Pulling away from our embrace he takes my hand and we walk towards the golden elevators in the back of the lobby.

  "I was thinking we could set your stuff down in the room and head out to the city tonight."

  I look over at him confused. "Don't you have the welcoming dinner tonight?"

  His deep laugh fills the small space of the elevator as we step inside and the doors close shut. Scott presses the button for the twentieth floor and the elevator starts to move up.

  "I'm not actually attending the convention. I just have to make it look like I am. That's why we're staying in this hotel and not a hotel off Michigan Ave."

  "You're ditching the convention?"

  "Yep. This weekend is about getting to know you personally, not just in the biblical way."

  I blush and nudge him with my shoulder. "I know the bible pretty well and I don't think threesomes were mentioned. I think we can skip that lesson."

  "If you say so."

  The ding of the elevator goes off as the doors open and we walk out onto our floor. I follow Scott as he approaches the door to his room and swipes the key. We walk in and I discard my bags in the entryway.

  "This will be a nice weekend and the best part is I can write it off for business."

  "Glad to know spending time with me is a business expense."

  "If you put sex back on the table I won't write off the hotel." He winks at me. "I'm kidding, Winn."

  I plop down and sit on the king size bed, looking around the large suite. There's a tiny sofa along with a desk, mini bar and flat screen television. "No, you're not. If you were we'd be in a room with two queen beds and not a single king."

  He laughs and makes a running start towards the bed, landing on top of me as I fall on my back. "I'll be a perfect gentleman."

  He leans in and kisses me on the lips. It only lasts a second before he starts to pull away but I greedily stop him. Lifting my leg up and over his hip, I pull him back down on me and kiss him hard. Our mouths smash together in a steamy kiss. Scott lets out a sexy groan as our lips move together as one and I feel his cock start to stir to life near my core.

  I break the kiss and smile upwards at him before it gets out of hand. "Just wanted to show you what you won't be having this weekend."

  "Tease," he whispers before lifting himself up and standing near the edge of the bed, adjusting himself through his pants. "I'm going to change into something more comfortable for walking and then we can head out."

  He grabs some clothes out of the dresser and walks into the bathroom, giving me a few minutes alone to control my raging hormones. I stare at the ceiling, wondering how I'm going to get through this weekend. I'm in a room
with this completely gorgeous, god like creature who I know can get me off multiple times. I've experienced it first-hand and after sleeping with Marcus and coming away from it sexually unsatisfied, I'm not sure how I'll make it this weekend without jumping Scott's bones.

  I need sex. Break the bed, toe curling, multiple orgasms, hard and rough sex. Coming here might have been a really bad idea.


  Our evening in Chicago is better than I expected. You might even say it's perfect. We park my car in a local parking garage and stroll up and down Navy Pier, talking about life, work and my lack of ambition. As the evening progresses I find it is very easy to talk to Scott. He just has something about him that makes me feel comfortable and at home.

  After a few requests from him, I finally agree to go on the Ferris Wheel. I'm deathly afraid of heights, but Scott is there to hold my hand and comfort me through it all. It stops several times, including when our cart is at the top. The view of the city on one side and the lake on the other side is simply breathtaking. I can see why so many people like living here.

  When we are finished with Navy Pier we stroll through the city, making our way to Michigan Avenue to check out the shops. We don't buy anything, but window-shopping is nice and so is spending quality time with Scott.

  My legs start to get tired after a while, but I keep quiet because I don't want to ruin the evening. I am glad when a little while later we stop at the Hancock building. The Hancock is a huge and beautiful skyscraper in the city. Looking up at the sky, it seems like it goes on for miles and miles. I know the Willis Tower is larger, but all skyscrapers are pretty impressive.

  "Ready to go up?"

  "Umm, sure. Scott?"


  "I think this might be the time to tell you I'm afraid of heights. I'm sure you could tell on the Ferris Wheel, but I don't know how I'll go all the way up there."

  He smiles down at me and grabs my hand in his. "I'll keep you safe. Besides, I'm hungry and our reservation is in five minutes."

  "There's a restaurant in here?"

  "Yep. A nice one, too. It's on the 95th floor."


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