Through the Devil's Eyes: Notes for Nicky

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Through the Devil's Eyes: Notes for Nicky Page 1

by Jennifer Loren


  Notes for Nicky

  Jennifer Loren


  The Devil’s Eyes Series






  The Laws of Kings


  The Finding Ava Series




  Short Story


  Copyright © 2014 Jennifer Loren


  All rights reserved.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

  Any unauthorized distribution or use of this publication may be a direct infringement of the author’s and publisher’s rights and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly.

  Copyright © Jennifer Loren 2014


  Cover Models: Lionel Clerc & provided by iStock photos

  Assistants: Deb Lebakken, Julia Peters

  Cover, Teaser, & Invite Designs: Hang Le, By Hang Le







  Book Teasers

  Note from Nicholas Jayzon


  Book Teasers

  Deleted Scenes

  Note from Kayla Jayzon


  Book Teasers

  Note from Dante Jayzon



  Book Teasers

  Note from Elijah Stevens


  Book Teasers

  Note from Ryan Jayzon


  Main Characters

  Characters – Key

  Characters – Lords

  Characters – Background

  Characters – Dead

  Characters – Places




  My Son,

  I have loved you since the moment I knew of you, and my love for you has only grown since. It is because of this love that I give you this book. You are strong, intelligent and a born leader. I see a lot of myself in you and a lot of your mother, and that combination will make for a great man one day. It has certainly made for a great young man thus far. At this point in your life, you should be enjoying being a kid, playing with your friends and your little brother. I hope that you are able to continue doing just that throughout your childhood, but due to some recent troubling circumstances, I feel I must give you the tools to survive beyond me and your mother before it is too late.

  Within this book you will find the details of my past; the journey of places and people that I have come to know. I believe if you know my path through life then you will understand how and to where to direct yours. I don’t want to leave you with questions about who you are or where you come from. You are half ruby-eyed dragon and half azul-eyed owl. You have both the ability to heal and to kill. It will be your choice to decide which to choose; for who and for when. Choose wisely son, never let your emotions decide for you. Both of your abilities come with great responsibility that no child should be forced to deal with, and hopefully you won’t have to for some time.

  You have to be better than the rest, Son. You have to be stronger and wiser. There will be people who will hate you for no reason. Don’t try to understand why, just know that you can overcome them and their judgment of you. Believe in who you are, son, and in what your mother and I have taught you. No one can take away your soul, your strength, or your heart, unless you allow them to. There are no perfect answers in life, but there will be times when you will have to make decisions that you won’t want to make. Whether they are right or wrong, you will have to own them with conviction. For now, enjoy being a kid as much as possible, and do not worry about what’s to come. Your mother and I are here to do all the worrying for you.

  As your father and the leader of this family, I guarantee you, I will stand tall and fight with every fiery breath I have in my body to protect you. There will be no power that will take my family from me, and no evil intent that will get past me to any of you. If somehow death comes for me, stay strong my son and take comfort in these words: never had I known love like the love your mother has given to me, and we named that love, Nicky, Brayden and Jael.

  Forever your father, and forever I will be watching out for you even past my own life,

  Nicholas Jayzon


  Book 1

  Wrong side of the tracks—that’s where Kayla’s life has been. Her only saving grace was her sister, Braylin. When Braylin dies, Kayla goes on a mission to avenge her death. Nick is the mysterious stranger with the alluring devil’s eyes. He is attractive, powerful, and dangerous. If not for her obsession for revenge, Kayla would never dare go near him. To lure Nick into her trap, she has to become what he needs while trying to fight against her growing desires. On a destructive path, Kayla enters a secret world of underground crime.

  The Devil’s Eyes as originally published in October 2011. Original image was painted by Natalie Hijazi from the author’s and artist’s point of view.

  The current Devil’s Eyes cover with Lionel Clerc as Nicholas Jayzon.

  Book Teasers

  Note from Nicholas Jayzon


  My son, from the first moment I met your mother I knew I would never be able to forget her or let her go. My heart was hers and I was going to protect her at all costs, or at least I was going to try. As you know, your mother isn’t the easiest to keep up with, or control. She is the only woman I know that purposely pursues trouble in order to get what she wants. Thankfully, she wanted me. My son, I know one day you will meet the one for you, and when that day comes, I promise, you will know the moment she touches you, as I knew the moment your mother touched me.

  Your father,

  Nicholas Jayzon


  Book 2

  The argument for my bail begins, and I lower my head until the doors behind me crash open with a thunderous roar. A vibration rushes through my body, I look up at the judge as his eyes widen and a cold silence takes hold of the room. It’s him. I know it’s him. It can be no other. Before I can turn I whisper his name and feel the energy of him blaze up my body as if the simple whisper of his name makes it true, makes him true. As hard as I fight my own curiosity I can’t stop myself, with all the assuredness in my head I still have to prove it to my own eyes. Turning, I slowly raise my head up and look upon the three gentlemen, dressed in dark suits and letting the hoods of their coats fall back and reveal expressions of pure - desired annihilation. But it is he that sta
nds center and strong that confirms my suspicions. It is he that has caused this silence and chocked the breath out of an entire room. It’s as if the air could breathe and it breathes a trembling gasp of his name, with all that laid their eyes on this sight I see. Only I breathe his name and meet his eyes whispering … “I knew you would come for me.” Only God could save me from a certain deadly fate, and so rightfully, he sent the devil to rescue me. The sequel to The Devil's Eyes is action packed while still maintaining the same dark romance and suspenseful tone of the first novel.

  The original cover for Revenge, painted by Natali Hijazi, published in June 2012.

  The final Devil’s Revenge cover.

  Book Teasers

  Deleted Scenes


  Being dead isn’t that much fun:

  (Nick is hiding out and still pretending to be dead. No one knows he is still alive, except Ryan at this point. Although, Kayla is making it increasingly difficult for Nick to continue to stay in the shadows.)

  Being dead is not all that much fun, especially when my sister insists on torturing me with her nightly Simone love. The only escape from the torture I have, is at the docks as Mike Wiljer the new dock worker for Henry Estrella, on of Estrella’s few working children. I have made up a perfect disguise for myself, which is about to be put to the test and surely fail if I am not careful. As I work I see Kayla’s car pull up to the docks. I instantly search for a quick escape, but the moment she steps out of the car a smile forms on my face and I can’t walk away.

  Kayla struts past me in her form fitted dress and assassin heels, looking ready to kill anyone that dares deny her. “Can I help you?” Gregg Lohman, my shift supervisor asks her.

  “I am here to see Henry Estrella, please go get him for me. I don’t have a lot of time.”

  “He’s busy right now and he doesn’t like unexpected visitors. It would be in your best interest …”

  Kayla interrupts him with a poisonous tone, “Did I ask what he was doing or what he likes? No I didn’t and I am not about to sit here and wait for him, so you go get him now, before, he regrets that I left unhappy.” She expresses with an exasperated sigh; waiting for the prick to go do as asked. She doesn’t have to make another move before the man rushes in and finds Estrella.

  Henry walks out with an exaggerated confidence, his chest out and large gut pushed above his tightly fixed belt. “Ms. Jayzon how great of you to visit my side of the world. What can I do for you today?” He escorts Kayla to his office and shuts the door. I work my way towards the thin office walls and try to listen in, but am not able to make out much before I am caught by Lohman.

  ‘Wiljer, what are you doing over here? You better not be doing any drugs while you’re working.”

  “No sir, I dropped something and it rolled back here. I was only trying to find it.”

  “Well worry about finding it later when you’re not on the clock! Now get back to work.” He claps his hands at me as if he is cheering me on to my shitty work day.

  “Feel free to drive off the dock into a watery grave on your way out Ms. Jayzon.” Estrella says as he follows Kayla out of his office.

  Kayla stops directly in front of us and turns back to Estrella, “I would watch say to me, Mr. Estrella. I am not one to take too kindly to threats.”

  “You don’t scare me.” He says with a squeaky pitch to his voice and a shaky hand in her face. I laugh before I can catch myself; having to cover my mouth with my hand and lower my head as everyone turns to look at me. “Is there a problem?” Estrella yells at me.

  “No sir, please excuse him.” Lohman says stepping out in front of me. “Sorry, he isn’t too smart and gets easily distracted. I found him wandering around like a lost puppy.”

  Keep your eyes on the floor Nick, don’t look up at her. She will know it’s you as soon as she looks into your eyes. I can feel her watching me, waiting for me to look up at her. The tension between us clear, I can almost feel the heat of her body against my skin. She takes a breath and I breathe it in savoring her every movement. Licking my lips, I hear a pause within her heart beat. I made a mistake and she knows. Kayla takes a step towards me and I begin coughing to break up the moment and my rising desire to have my wife in my arms again.

  “Well stop staring and get back to work.” Estrella yells. I nod and glance at Kayla as she narrows her eyes at me.

  “No need to hurry with your dirty business, I will own this soon anyway.” Kayla slides on her gloves, allowing me the opportunity to take her body in fully. She licks her lips with a cock of her hip in my direction. She knows me too well. Damn I miss that woman and her, ‘fuck you attitude’.

  Estrella stresses a signal toward Lohman and he nods. “Follow me if you want to keep your job, dumbass.” I follow him as he leads me out to near where Kayla is parked and Ryan is waiting for her. “Oh great she has a guard.”

  “What are we doing out here?” I ask him.

  “We are going to grab that woman and drown her. You take care of her guard and I will handle her.” He says taking out a weapon. “Do you have a problem with that?” I shake my head with no words to add to his plan. Kayla walks towards her car and Lohman readies himself, “Look at this woman, I would fuck her until she couldn’t walk anymore. Show her what a real man could do to her, you know what I mean?” He laughs.

  I nod as he looks me in the eyes. “That’s funny, of course, I am going to have to kill you now.” I grasp his neck and send him to the ground desperately fighting for one more breath. After his struggle is over, I kick his lifeless body into the water, noticing Ryan shake his head behind me. I turn to him with a smile and he rolls his eyes sliding into the car with Kayla, and driving off safely, while I go back to work.

  An hour later Estrella comes running at me with a confused expression, “You, have you seen Lohman anywhere?”

  “Last time I saw him he said he was having trouble breathing and then … he just disappeared.” I shrug honestly.

  “That lazy son of a bitch, I am going to fire his ass.” Estrella mutters as he stomps away.


  He’s back! The original version:

  (This is the original idea of how Nick returns. Kayla figures him out and sets him up by letting him find out she is planning on sleeping with another man. Only Nick is the only man that shows.)

  I know he knows about my date tonight, so I take the time to prepare myself properly for my unexpected visitor. I put on my new scantily clad underwear and add only a long diamond necklace that hangs perfectly in between my nearly exposed breasts. Our bedroom is lit up with candles and echoes with sensuous music. Everything is perfect when I take my seat and wait for him. Unable to control my smile, I can feel him approaching. He’s clearly hesitant about the situation, so I stay calm, patient, for his return. “Aren’t you tired of standing in the shadows and watching me?” I ask sipping my wine. A low grown surfaces from behind me. “I was about to take care of my needs another way … maybe call for another man.” I say standing up and giving him a full view of my body. His desiring moan rises up against the back of my neck, I reach back and pull him to me. Grasping his shirt the energy flowing inside of me is uncontainable. His lips trail along my neck, as I moan, “I missed you.”

  “Where’s your date?” He asks with a growl.

  Sliding my hand down to his erection, “He’s right here.”

  “You evil woman.”

  “Why because I tricked you into coming here?” I ask him.

  Taking hold of my waist, he turns me to face him and takes hold of my face; forcing me to look deep into his eyes, “No, because you lied to your husband.” He says taking hold of my lips with his. “I should be angry with you right now, but you in this …” Nick breathes against my exposed body. “You did this on purpose.” I smile sweeping my hand softly against his cheek. “Like I said, evil woman.” I catch the desire in his eyes and rip his shirt from his body and kiss down his chest before removing his pants to my great pleasure. Wit
h one strong hand he lifts me up into his arms and with the other he easily removes what little is covering me. I had almost forgotten how good his hot-blooded body feels against mine. His hands hold me securely, his lips comfort my eagerness, while his hips move in between my legs. He leans his body into mine and doesn’t hesitate filling me with his bold excitement. My eyes rush backwards instantly at the overwhelming sensation, but I pull him closer to me making sure he hears my pleasure-filled whimpers. I want so bad to take control, but my emotions become too much and I can do nothing more than let his powerful arms hold me. Even his groans give me pleasure, the encounter is making it impossible for me not to scream out in intense satisfaction, and alert everyone in the house. Sensing my struggle, he cups the back of my head, “Look at me Kayla.” He rises over me as I slowly meet his eyes on me. “I love you - Princess.” He says thrusting us both into the peak of our ecstasy.

  Feeling him again, I can’t bring myself to let go, all I can do is lie my head against his chest and cry. “Why Nick, why?”

  “I told you I would protect you forever, Kayla.”

  “How did you survive?” I asked watching a slow smile turn at the corner of his lips.

  “Someone took my computer and I had to scramble to find a backup, except someone took that too, and caused me to run much later than anticipated for my flight.” He said before a saddened expression comes over him. “I called Tanner to tell them to leave without me, and then pick me up somewhere else. He joked that he was going to pretend to be me, so they would do as he said without question. He put on a coat and hat and boarded the plane saying he was me. When I heard what happened, I hid out at Lena’s until I could figure out what to do next.”


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