Mafia By Blood (Soul of the Sinner)

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Mafia By Blood (Soul of the Sinner) Page 8

by Rumer Raines

  “You…are… so…deep,” she says in my ear. I am grunting so hard from ramming into her I can barely answer her.

  “You… feel…so… good…baby.” Lola tries to move her pinned legs again and I let them go. Then I take her legs and throw them over my shoulder as I now have her in another position which allows me to go even deeper. Lola likes it deep and lucky for her I’ll give her what she wants.


  Frank eventually rolls off me and I feel dead to the world. I can’t even move to pull the covers over me. Luckily Frank notices and has enough energy to cover us both. I am normally a side sleeper, but I don’t even have enough energy to turn to my side. I look over at Frank and he is lying on his back with one leg uncovered and staring at the ceiling.

  “Wow… I think that is all I can say. Just wow,” I managed weakly.

  Frank chuckles and turns to look at me. “Agreed.”

  “Are we still ordering pizza?” I ask.

  “Who has the energy?”

  Frank turns onto his side to face me and pulls me into his chest. We eventually fall asleep and we never do get our pizza

  That night as I slept in Frank’s arms I had a dream. I see Frank and me happily together. We are married with kids. Frank kisses me before he leaves for work. The doorbell rings and its Brandon. He points a gun at me and tells me that even though I never finished the job, he did. There was a hit and Frank was killed on the way to work; now he, Brandon, is in charge. He then explains that he won’t leave any of Frank’s family behind and now I and the kids are next. He pulls the trigger. I wake up sitting straight up in bed. Frank jumps and sits up next to me. “Lola, what’s wrong? It’s only a dream.” I look around the room and realize where I am and it’s not just a dream. I was sent here for one reason and I have to stay focused on it.


  Have you heard the saying life goes by when you’re having fun? Lola and I have been inseparable and I feel like my life has just begun. We have kept our relationship a secret since dating your partner is against department policy. I thought I would have to talk Lola into breaking the rules, but she has been totally open to it. We haven’t spent a night apart. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t think I can sleep without her next to me. Lola has practically moved into my house.

  Alex has been putting more pressure on me to be all in the mob. He wants me totally focused, but I have told him that I can’t do it yet. There are too many loose ends that have to be handled at the station. First and foremost, Captain Hill still has us looking for Knight. I need to stay one step ahead of finding him. I could do it on my own, but I don’t want Lola or anyone else finding anything out without me being involved. Alex is also getting suspicious of my relationship with Lola. He doesn’t think any relationship I have with her will turn out well. He hates that she is a cop and thinks if I am with her, I’ll always think with the wrong head. It made perfect sense when he mentioned it, and I have to wonder if he is right. Lola constantly wants to talk about the Chicago mob and the families involved. Luckily, I always can bring her back to the missing Knight. I can even guilt her little over her obsession with the mob when we have an innocent man missing. Lola will bring up the mob occasionally when we’re having dinner and luckily were normally at my house when she does. I always take great pleasure in fucking the conversation out of her. I always have Lola at her weakest when she is naked in my bed. It’s funny how she was so dominant the first time and now I totally dominate her. She pretends not to like it, but I can tell she loves it when I take charge.

  Lola arrives at the station with two cups of coffee and sets a cup on my desk for me. I love it when she does little things like this for me. At one point, if she brought in two cups of coffee I would have worried that she was pissed at me and she was going to dump one of them on me. Now each morning she stops by the coffee shop and brings in my usual. I offered to bring her the coffee, but it makes more sense for her to stop.

  Each morning she goes home to change, so I always beat her to the office. I asked her why she doesn’t just bring clothes with her, but she is insistent that she goes home before work. As Lola sips her coffee at her desk, my cell phone rings and I see that it’s Alex.

  “We need to talk now. Can you come to the club?” I can’t help but notice that he emphasizes the word ‘now’ in his request.

  “Alex, I am at the station. I can come after I get off.”

  “This shit can’t wait until then. I’ll meet you in the parking lot. I’ll call you when I get there.” Alex hangs up not even giving me a chance to tell him not to come to the station.

  Alex is never on time for anything. When he says he’ll be somewhere in 30 minutes, you can keep doing whatever you’re doing because he probably won’t even show up. Alex doesn’t value anyone’s time but his own. This is why it was truly shocking when 25 minutes later he was texting me that he was in the parking lot by my car. I smile over at Lola who is busy doing the Knight homework that I managed to get her to work on and head to the parking lot.

  “What’s going on, Alex?”

  “We have a major problem, Frank. One of our people just told me that New York has someone here digging into our business. We know they want to take over, but someone is already here sending information back.”

  Alex runs his hand through his hair and starts pacing.

  “Okay. So, we’ll find out who they have here and take care of them. Why did we have to meet now for you to tell me this?”

  Alex squints his eyes and looks at me. “Isn’t your new partner from New York, Frank?”

  I can’t believe where this conversation is going. Is Alex actually accusing Lola of being in the New York mob?

  “What does that have to do with anything Alex? New York is a big city. Lola doesn’t have anything to do with the mob. Do I need to remind you that she is a cop?”

  Alex chuckles and runs his hand through his hair again. “You’re a cop too, Frank. Hell, we have several cops on the payroll. This is exactly what I was talking about when I said you need to think with your big head instead of your little one. My sources say that New York sent someone here around the same time she arrived. I think your new little girlfriend is not out for your best interests.”

  “You know what Alex. I don’t have time for this shit. Lola isn’t a mob spy. I need to get back to work.”

  Alex steps in front of me blocking me from going inside.

  “I bet you fell real hard and fast for this girl didn’t you, Frank? I can tell you how that happened. She worked you. She probably knows more about you than you do her. Hell, she probably fell fast and hard into your bed too. She probably thinks it will be easier to get information from you if you let it slip while she is banging you. Do you pay attention to what she does outside of bed, Frank? Does she get mysterious phone calls? Always have to leave the room to answer them? Have you been to her place, Frank, or does she always comes to yours?

  I look at Alex and feel sick that he almost has described Lola perfectly. He notices that I haven’t responded, so he continues.

  “Bring her to the club tonight, Frank. I just want to question her.”

  “I don’t want you to hurt her, Alex.”

  “I will only question her, Frank. Besides you’re in charge, remember? I won’t do anything without your permission. If she is spying on us, we need to take care of it.”

  When Alex says we need to take care of it, I know what the “it” is. He would want me to give him permission to kill Lola. I know it won’t happen because there is no way Lola is a mob spy. I wouldn’t let myself fall for her if she was just playing me.


  Frank has been acting strangely since he came back to his desk. He is quiet and when I try to have a conversation he is snippy with me. I don’t know if I should ask him what is bothering him or where he disappeared to. I just know this Frank has an edge that I am not used to. Luckily I have information on Knight’s family, so I can hopefully get a pleasant response out of him. I wri
te down the information and close my laptop. Frank is now leaning back in his chair watching me. I really don’t like the way he is doing that either.

  “I have good news for you, Frank.” I don’t know why, but the way he is staring at me gives me a cold chill. He doesn’t even respond he just keeps staring at me.

  “Frank? Why are you looking at me like that?” Frank sits up in his chair and puts his fist on his chin.

  “I was just thinking about getting out of here, Lola. How about we stop by your place so you can change and we head to Deluca’s?”

  “Actually, I wouldn’t mind a drink so that sounds nice. I think I left a few dresses at your place. We can just go to your place. That way we don’t have to make one stop instead of two.”

  “Whatever you want, Lola,” Frank says with a hard edge to his voice.

  “Now that we have our after-work plans confirmed, I should tell you that I have information on Knight’s family. Why don’t we go question them to see if they know where he is?”

  “We can check it out tomorrow, Lola.” Frank stands pushing his chair under the desk.

  “Where are you going?” I ask as he turns his back to walk away from me.

  “No worries, Lola. I need to touch base with Hill on some personal shit.”

  I can’t help but wonder why I am getting the cold shoulder from Frank Deluca.


  It took everything I had in me not to jump over my desk and put my hand around Lola’s throat. I keep replaying all the shit that Alex said earlier. If I hadn’t known better I would think he had been following me and Lola from the very start. I wanted to give her a quick test and mention how we could stop by her place so she could change clothes. If she said yes, I wouldn’t even consider taking her to Deluca’s tonight. Now I am suspicious too, so I have to. I only hope that Alex isn’t stupid about it. If Lola has no ties to the mob, I’ll deal with her tomorrow. She’ll ask questions and my secret will no longer be safe.

  I have worked with Hill since I started the department. He is almost like a second father to me. He would always tell me that I was the son he never had. I trust him completely, so I have to ask him about Lola. I knock on the door and Hill yells for me to come in.

  Hill is sitting behind his desk staring at his computer. “Hey, Deluca, what do you need?”

  “Hey, I actually just wanted to check in with you,” I advise as I walk over to the chair in front of his desk.

  Hill wears these brown-rimmed glasses, which he always looks over the top of. “Really? And why would you need to check in with me Deluca? You haven’t gotten involved in some shit that is going to give me a heart attack later did you?”

  I chuckle because back in the day I probably would have come into his office to let him know I had done something. Hill is still looking at me over the rim of those damn glasses.

  “I have actually been behaving myself. I have to talk to you about Lola.”

  “What about her? “Hill barks as he goes back to looking at his screen

  “Well for starters, why did you bring someone in from New York? We have plenty of other officers here that I could have worked with.”

  “Look Deluca I don’t know why you're questioning me about Lola. Did she do something wrong?”

  “No, sir. She seems bound and determined to take down the mob. She practically lives and sleeps it.”

  Hill stops looking at the screen and takes his glasses off, setting them on the desk.

  “She lives and sleeps it? Deluca, do I need to remind you that the department has rules against personal relationships? If there is anything going on between you two, I won’t care who called in favors to get her put here, I will ship her ass back to New York.”

  “Did you just say someone called in favors to put her at this station?” I question.

  “Oh shit. Yes, I was told by the higher ups that she was being put into the station. I wasn’t supposed to mention that to anyone, so keep your mouth shut or it will be your ass.”

  “I won’t say anything. Why did you stick her with me?” I ask.

  Hill shakes his head and looks at me, a bewildered expression on his face. “I was told to.”


  After our shift, Frank and I head to his place to change clothes for a night at Deluca’s. I am so glad I thought ahead of time and left a few clothes at his place. I knew he would question why we never go to my place, but with the mood he was in I was taken off guard. Frank would ask questions if he came inside. I have a house, not a home. It doesn’t feel or looks like a place that I plan on staying. I don’t have pictures of family or personal items lying around. It’s not even my house and he would feel it. The house is cold, just like my family.

  I can’t help but watch Frank as he drives us to Deluca’s. He is tense and quiet. His knuckles are gripping the wheel so tightly they are almost white. He isn’t even playing the music so the car is dead silent. I almost feel like he’s driving me to my death.

  “Is something wrong Frank? Are you upset with me?”

  He turns his head to look at me. “Why would you think I’m upset with you?”

  “Well for starters, I need a sweater with the cold shoulder you have been giving me. You’re quiet and haven’t said two words to me.”

  “Lola, why don’t we ever go to your place?” he asks.

  Oh shit, here we go.

  “To be honest I just feel more comfortable at your place. I really haven’t had time to do furniture shopping.” I tell him.

  “Really?” Frank glances at the road and then back to me.

  “Yes, really. Do you think I am hiding something from you?”

  “Not you, Lola. So, how long were you on the force in New York?”

  “Why are you asking? Do you think I need more on the job training?” I ask and wonder what is going on and if I should be worried.


  I don’t know why Frank was asking me questions about being on the force in New York. I couldn’t answer him. I can’t recall what it says in my file or what I mentioned to him in the past. All I know is I feel like I am in trouble. When I didn’t answer the question, Frank picked up speed and completely focused on driving. He drove with anger and I was so relieved to get to the club. At least I hope it’s safer at the club. He sped into his parking spot, and I didn’t even wait for him to open my door. I felt trapped in the car and I needed to get out of it desperately.

  Frank put his hand on my lower back and we walk into the club. As always the place is busy. The bar is at full capacity and all the tables are taken. I see a couple leaving one of the tables and I move to grab it before someone else does. Frank takes hold of my elbow and nods towards the stairs.

  “We are actually going upstairs to talk to Alex.” My heart starts to race. This can’t be a good sign, but I can’t let him know that I am afraid.

  We get to the stairs and there is a guard at the bottom. “Hey, Thomas. We're just going to talk to Alex.” Thomas looks me over and nods his head, moving aside for us. As I start heading up the stairs I look back down and notice that someone else is standing guard and Thomas is coming upstairs with us. I realize that there was a reason for me to feel fear earlier. I am supposed to feel it. I have been discovered and they are going to kill me. Frank Deluca, the man that I have fallen for, is leading me upstairs so I can be killed. Maybe he’ll let me use the bathroom and I can call Brandon and he can get someone here for me. I know he has someone else here. He just wouldn’t tell me who it was because he felt it would give me a false security.

  Frank knocks three times on Alex’s office door and opens it. He holds his arm out to invite me to enter and when I do, I know I am about to meet the Chicago mob families.


  Lola is as stiff as a board as I lead her up to the office. If she wasn’t walking up the stairs I wouldn’t think she was breathing. I am a little concerned as to why Thomas is coming upstairs with us. I told Alex that he is only to talk to Lola. I will not let him hurt her. When
I push open the office door Alex isn’t alone. Oliver is here and there are also two other men in the room and I have no idea who they are. Lola has stopped walking and I move her inside so Thomas can enter too.

  “Hey Alex, Oliver, who are your friends? I thought we were only meeting Alex?” I notice that Thomas has moved around me and Lola and are standing with the others.

  Alex looks over at them and back to me. “We are all family Frank. I thought the guys would like to meet your girl too.” Oliver steps towards Lola and I step in front of her blocking her from Oliver.

  Oliver chuckles and looks around me to look at her. “Play nice, Frank. I was only going to say hi.”

  I narrow my eyes at him hoping he would catch on to the unvoiced threat.

  Oliver holds out his hand towards her. “It’s nice to meet you, Lola. I am Oliver Gallo.”

  I glance at Lola and notice her widening eyes. I can’t believe this stupid fucker actually used his real last name. She has done enough research to know that the Gallo family is Chicago mob. I close my eyes and place my hands to my temples.

  “Your last name is Gallo?” Lola softly asks as she looks at him and back to me.

  “Yes, it is. Have you heard of me?” Oliver asks.

  “Uh, I... I am not sure.” She quietly answers.

  Oliver is now squinting his eyes and has a smirk on his face. He looks back at me and walks over to sit on the corner of Alex’s desk.

  Lola looks over the room and at everyone in it. She looks at me and I notice how watery her eyes are. She is scared and it’s because of me.


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