Mafia By Blood (Soul of the Sinner)

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Mafia By Blood (Soul of the Sinner) Page 11

by Rumer Raines

  Frank moves up my body and leans against my ear. “I hope you can take more, Lola. I am not even half done with you.” As Frank is whispering all the ways he’s going to use my body, I can feel his dick nudging at my entrance and I start to tremble knowing what is to come.

  “I am going to fuck you all night, Lola. I don’t want you to be able to walk when I am done with you. I am going to fuck all your stress away.”

  Frank is as he leans on one arm, the other arm moves between us. Frank lines up his dick and drives himself into me. I am so sensitive I scream out his name. Frank is pounding into me and whispering in my ear.

  “That’s right, Lola, let everyone know who is pounding into this greedy little pussy. It will always be mine.”

  Frank is pounding into me so deeply, it’s almost too deep and I try to move away from him a little.

  “You… are… deep… too… deep” I manage to get out.

  Frank grabs one of my legs and hooks it around his arm. This only takes him deeper.

  “I want to be deeper, baby. I want you to feel me forever.”

  Frank really does go for depth, because he grabs my other leg and wraps it around his other arm. Frank pounds into me which feels so good. When he is about to come, he slows his pace and holds it off. I am not that lucky and by the time Frank decides to come I am hoarse from screaming his name. We just had our perfect night.


  Lola is beautiful when she is asleep. She is beautiful when she is awake, but I notice there is peacefulness about her when she is sleep. Maybe it’s because she isn’t scheming and plotting. I had to be sure I got my fill of Lola tonight. She is passed out and sleeping in my arms and it just feels right. I don’t know when Oliver plans to have her taken out, but I will enjoy her while I can. Lola shifts in my arms and I can tell she is now awake.

  “What are you thinking about?” she asks as she looks up at me.

  “Nothing. Go back to sleep.” I tell her.

  She rises up and looks at me. “Frank, what’s going on?”

  I glance into her beautiful brown eyes and feel like I am looking into her soul.

  “You’re right. Something is going on, but I don’t want you to worry about it.”

  “Frank, you know you can trust me. If something affects you, it affects me. Talk to me,” Lola says and reaches up placing her hand on my cheek.

  “Can I trust you, Lola?” she narrows her eyes and tilts her head looking at me like she is wondering if I am talking in my sleep.

  “Of course, you can.” Lola answers.

  I chuckle and look into Lola’s beautiful eyes

  “Do you trust me, Lola? I run my hand along her soft cheek.

  “Of course, I do, Frank.”

  “Do you trust me enough to tell me how you were planning on helping your family take over the Chicago mob?”


  I think I stop breathing for a few seconds when Frank asks me about my family and taking over the Chicago mob. I try to move away from him, but he tightens his hold on me. I think I am about to be fucked in totally different way than I was earlier.

  “Are you going to answer me, Lola?” Frank’s eyes darken as he stares into my eyes. I don’t know how to answer his question. I have never before had someone figure out I was connected to the mob, at least not one that would call me on the carpet for it.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Frank.” I decide to play dumb and hope he falls for it.

  Frank chuckles and pushes me onto my back. Before I get the opportunity to push him off, he grabs my arms and holds them above my head. I try to twist away from him, but he straddles me pinning my legs down with his.

  “I know, Lola. I know about your father. I know about Brandon.”

  “There is nothing to know, Frank. You have been listening to your unstable brother too long.” I try to push Frank off me and he leans down and kisses my forehead. Then he moves down a little further and kisses my neck and I cannot help but respond. Frank holds me down with one hand and reaches for something in the nightstand. His mouth distracts me too much to care what he could be grabbing.

  As I am riding the Frank Deluca high, I hear a sharp click and he sits up. I try to sit up and discover that I am handcuffed to the bed.

  “Frank! What the hell are you doing?” I asked, concerned.

  Frank gets out of bed and walks into the bathroom and I hear the shower start.

  “Frank! Come take these off!” I demand, concerned and slightly afraid.

  I’m naked and handcuffed to his bed. To make matters worse he knows everything. I try pulling at the handcuffs to get them off, but I can’t get them off. I have to think fast because I have to get out of here and warn Brandon.


  I have Lola handcuffed to my bed. I asked her to tell me about her family and she wouldn’t admit to shit. I need to scare the shit out of her enough that she’ll start to spill. I jump into the shower to give her space and enough she’ll have time to reconsider her answers. I don’t know what I’ll do if she doesn’t. I can’t hurt Lola. It would be so easy if I could, but I love her. I can’t believe that I can actually say it, but I fucking love Lola Covelli. She has been a pain in my ass since she arrived; however, she has been my pain in the ass. Now to find out that her family is the ones trying to take over my family business. It’s either her or my family and the choice is crystal clear.

  I climb out of the shower and walk into my bedroom, naked. Lola is sitting on the edge of the bed with her arm hanging from the handcuffs. She looks over at me and I can tell she is pissed off.

  “Take these off now!” She yanks on the cuffs. I walk past her and drop my towel to put on my pants.

  “I can’t do that, Lola.”

  “Frank! Take them off.” She is asking as calm as she possibly can. I almost think it’s cute how calm she is trying to stay.

  “Lola, I said I trust you. I am about to prove to you how much I do.” Lola looks at me and I can see the mistrust in her eyes.

  “I know your father is a New York federal judge who has blood all over his hands. He runs the mob there. He has no issue with using his daughter as bait to get whatever the hell he wants either. He sent you here to scope out Chicago because he wants to increase his territory. My only question is why did he put you in the station, Lola?”

  Lola chuckles and shakes her head. “He wanted to know if you were in charge.”

  “Me? You assumed I was running Chicago?”

  “He knew of your father. He knew he had two sons and that one of them would take charge. He thought this was the perfect opportunity to move into the area,” she continues.

  “So, he got you in the station and assigned my partner?” Lola nods her head and I can see tears in her eyes

  “All this time you have been screwing me for information?” I ask her.

  “No,” she protests.

  “Are you kidding me, Lola? You have been grilling me about the mob since you got here.”

  “Frank, are you running the Chicago mob?” I walk over to stand in front of Lola and she looks up at me.

  “Yes, I am, Lola.”


  Frank is the Chicago don. I don’t know if he took over immediately, but for some reason, I feel that he didn’t. There is no way I could have been around him all these months and not known he was in charge. I have been around the mob my entire life and they give off a presence that I never felt around Frank. I know I wouldn’t have let myself feel what I do for him if he was truly in charge. I wanted it to be Alex especially after meeting him. I would have easily given my family everything they needed to take him down. I would have had him killed just as easily as he was going to have me killed.

  “Did you take over right after your dad died?” I ask him.

  “No. I wasn’t aware of any of the mob shit. When I found out, I struggled with it. I didn’t want a life of crime. But I knew it was either me or Alex that had to take over. I also knew that it would affect the
rest of my family. He has done a lot of stupid shit that put all of us in jeopardy. “

  My arm is starting to hurt from hanging from the bedpost. I shift and the handcuffs hit the post. Frank looks at them and back to me.

  “The night you took me to Deluca’s. Was he going to kill me?”

  “That’s the thing, Lola. All the information is there and the consensus is that you are a big problem. You were sent here to get information that could help your father take what my father worked for. I made a promise to him on his death bed. I shouldn’t tell you this, but the first major decision I had to make was whether you should live or die. Well, you and your friend Brandon.”

  “You’re going to have Brandon killed too?”

  Frank narrows his eyes at me and turns his back.

  “Does that bother you more than us killing you? What is Brandon to you?” he asks.

  “He’s a friend,” I say and Frank chuckles and turns to face me.

  “You know, you called me a friend and we were fucking like rabbits. Is that what you do with him?” he continues.

  I close my eyes and sigh. “Brandon and I are close. “

  “Are you in love with him, Lola?”

  “No, Frank. The only man I am in love with is about to kill me,” I state bluntly.

  He is shocked by my admission and as he steps closer to me, the doorbell rings. We both look towards the bedroom door and I start to scream for help. Frank puts his hand over my mouth and reaches back into the nightstand drawer. He grabs something and shoves it into my mouth. He holds me down with his knee and takes a second pair of cuffs and secures my other arm onto the bedpost.


  I am shocked by Lola’s admission that she loves me. Before I can respond, my doorbell rings. I look at Lola and see I only have one of her hands secured. It was all I needed at the time; I just didn’t want her to leave. Now that someone is here, I have to make sure she doesn’t let anyone know she is here. Once I have her secured, I need to make sure she keeps quiet. I lean down and whisper in her ear.

  “Lola, anyone at that door wants you killed. Don’t make a fucking sound.” I get off the bed and before I get to the door I turn back to look at her. She is lying still with her arms above her head. I hope she believes me and keeps quiet.

  When I finally get to the door, I am a little relieved that it’s Oliver. I don’t know why since I told him that I want Lola killed and she is conveniently handcuffed to my bed. I am just glad that it wasn’t Alex. I know that Oliver is a more patient, even-tempered mobster than Alex is. It’s hard to believe there would be a good mobster, but I would like to believe there are.

  “Hey, I just want to keep you updated. Everything has been set up. Lola and Brandon will both be taken care of. I will keep you out of all the details because it will be easier to say you don’t know anything.”

  I close my eyes and think of Lola in my bedroom and the night we just had together.

  “Is it difficult to call off a hit?” I ask him.

  Oliver jerks in response to the question.

  “It is not. You are in charge so it really only takes me making another call. You are having second thoughts, Frank?” Oliver inquires.

  “I want the hit on Lola called off. I don’t care what happens with Brandon, but don’t touch Lola. I will deal with her.”

  Oliver pinches the bridge of his nose and starts to pace. I am starting to think that in the mob, you do a lot of pacing.

  “Frank, are you sure about this? Alex knows she is here spying on you and that she is involved. He won’t let this rest if he knows she is alive.”

  “We’ll pin this on Brandon for now. I’ll make sure Lola doesn’t talk. “ I tell him.

  “You don’t think she’ll say anything when Brandon goes missing? She’ll call daddy and he’ll send someone else here in his place.”

  “Oliver… Lola isn’t to be touched.”

  Oliver shakes his head, looks towards the floor and looks back up at me.

  “Lola won’t be harmed,” Oliver practically spits out.

  I can tell he isn’t happy about removing the hit on Lola. He embraces me and walks out letting me know it will be handled. Once I have locked the door, I go to the kitchen for a beer and think about what I will do next. I decide to give Ma a call because I need advice.

  Ma doesn’t want to talk on the phone. She‘ll come over so we can chat. My place is the last place I want Ma since Lola is currently handcuffed and gagged in my bed. Since I know Ma is on her way I decide to check on Lola in the bedroom. She is still in the same spot, but I notice tear stains on her cheeks. She has been crying and I feel a stab in my chest at the sight. I kneel beside the bed and try to wipe away the tears, but she jerks away from me.

  “Lola I know you're pissed off, but I have to keep you here for just a little longer.” She closes her eyes to avoid looking at me and I honestly can’t blame her. I wouldn’t want to look at myself either. In a matter of months, I went from being a law-abiding detective to running the mob and putting a hit out on someone.

  Lola wants nothing to do with me right now, so I go back into the living room to wait for Ma to arrive. When she finally arrives, she has brought enough food to feed me for a week. We take it into the kitchen and she starts packing it away in the fridge.

  “Ma, you know I didn’t call you because I wanted you to bring food,” I tell her.

  “Yes, Frankie, but I love to do it. You sounded upset on the phone. What’s going on?”

  “I’m doing it, Ma. I am taking over the business for Pop.” Ma closes her eyes and puts her hands over her mouth.

  “I don’t know if I should say I am proud of you? However, I am very happy that you are taking control of the business, Frank. I have been so worried that it would fall into Alex’s hands.” I walk over to the fridge and grab another beer.

  “You aren’t happy about taking over the business are you, Frankie?” she asks.

  “It’s not that, Ma.” She tilts her head and looks right through me.

  “Okay, I am not thrilled, Ma. I have a problem and I don’t know how to handle it,” I state.

  “Tell me what has you upset, Frankie.” Ma reaches over and holds my hand.

  I spend the next hour telling Ma everything about New York wanting to take over Chicago, what Oliver had found out, and everything about Lola. After listening, Ma was obviously overwhelmed herself because for the first time in my life she actually walked to the fridge and grabbed her own bottle of beer.

  “This is very interesting, Frankie. I have a question for you and it will make all the difference in the world to any advice I give you.”

  “Okay. Ask me. “I am hoping she isn’t about to ask the question that I am anticipating.

  “Are you in love with her?” Shit, she asked it and I will have to admit it to her. Once I tell her, the shit will become real.

  “Yes, Ma. I am in love with her.” Ma smiles at me and closes her eyes. When she reopens them there are tears in her eyes.

  “Then Frankie, there is only one thing you can do to keep her and the family safe.”

  Ma says the words that have me choking on my beer and I was right with my previous assumption. The shit did just become fucking real.


  I wake up the next morning and notice four legs standing in front of me. I look up to see Frank and that guy Oliver standing in front of me. I look down, wondering how Frank can bring this guy into the bedroom knowing I was handcuffed naked to the bed. While I was sleep Frank had pulled the cover over me so I still had a small amount of dignity while they stood looking at me. I sit up yanking at the handcuffs and Oliver just looks at Frank.

  “Are you fucking sure about this, Frank?”

  “I have no choice. Do you think you can get the family on board?” I ask and Oliver looks back at me and shakes his head.

  “Hell no, I don’t think I can. Alex will shit out a fucking lung if he figures out what you’re doing. You think he is loose cannon now?
Wait until he hears about this. And the other families, they won’t like it either. Not to mention what her people in New York will do.”

  “Oliver. This is what I want. I need you to make sure everyone understands these are my wishes.”

  Oliver once again looks back at me and shakes his head. “I will handle it.” He walks out of the room and Frank follows.

  I don’t know what the hell they were talking about, but it involves me and I don’t like it. What I don’t understand, is why Alex would get upset when they kill me? He wanted to kill me when Frank took me to Deluca’s so I would think he would want to pull the trigger. I am talking about them shooting me, but this is the mob so I am sure a gun isn’t the only option. I wonder if Frank was planning on killing me when he fucked my brains out. Maybe that’s what it really was a goodbye fuck. I can’t believe that I let myself fall for my mark. I was sent here to do one job and I let myself fall for the guy. I fall back onto the bed and watch the ceiling fan spin. I wonder if Brandon is looking for me. I am sure he realizes that I am missing by now. He probably has called my father and advised him that the Chicago family has taken me.

  My father will send others to Chicago to look for me. They will track down Alex and eventually catch up with Frank and they’ll kill him. My heart aches at the thought. What the hell is wrong with me? Frank Deluca has me handcuffed and gagged to a bed and I am worried about him being hurt. It’s then that I realize that I am not gagged. He must have come in during the night and removed it. How sweet of the bastard. I then notice that pillow has been moved to the bottom of the bed. It was at the top when I last looked. Did he actually sleep in the same bed last night? I sit up and start yelling for Frank. He needs to explain what’s going to happen to me or let me go.


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