by Ronan Farrow
45 America was losing: Rashid, Ahmed. Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia. Second Edition. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2010, p. 234, and “Deadliest Month Yet for U.S. in Afghanistan.” CBS News, 30 August 2011,
47 “documentation just isn’t what it used to be”: Holbrooke, Richard. “The American Experience in Southeast Asia, 1946–1975.” Washington, DC, 29 September 2010, Keynote Address.
47 for bipartisan schmoozing: Roberts, Roxanne. “Don’t Gloat, Don’t Pout: The Golden Rule of Elite Washington Inaugural Parties.” Washington Post, 17 January 2017,
48 “One could not be with him”: Halberstam, David. War in a Time of Peace: Bush, Clinton, and the Generals. New York: Scribner, 2001, p. 181.
48 He worked the phones: Packer, George. “The Last Mission.” New Yorker, 28 September 2009,
49 “Why weren’t you there?”: “Richard Holbrooke.” Charlie Rose, published 8 August 2008, ttps://
49 “pipsqueak”: Ioffe, Julia. “Susan Rice Isn’t Going Quietly.” New Republic, 20 December 2012, and Milibank, Dana. “Susan Rice’s Tarnished Resume.” Washington Post, 16 November 2012,
50 soon fall out of favor: Woodward, Bob. Obama’s Wars. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2011, p. 377. Kindle.
50 Holbrooke State Department: Allen, Jonathan and Parnes, Amie. HRC: State Secrets and the Rebirth of Hillary Clinton. New York: Crown/Archetype, 2014, p. 73. Kindle.
50 “none of the baggage”: Woodward, Bob. Obama’s Wars. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2011, p. 377. Kindle.
50 “frat house”: Mastromonaco, Alyssa. “To Bro or Not to Bro?” Lenny Letter, 22 March 2017, and Leibovich, Mark. “Man’s World at White House? No Harm, No Foul, Aides Say.” New York Times, 24 October 2009,
51 “I think his whirlwind”: Author interview with Hillary Clinton, 20 November 2017.
51 Two days after: Kurtz, Howard. “Media Notes: Making Nice.” Washington Post, 18 November 2008,
51 “That’s a joke”: The Diplomat. Dir. David Holbrooke. HBO Documentary Films, 2015, 1:05:44.
51 Obama was annoyed: Woodward, Bob. Obama’s Wars. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2011, p. 211. Kindle. (Note: This anecdote has passed into legend. Woodward places it later, immediately before Holbrooke accepted his job in the administration. According to Gelb and others, it took place during that first meeting in Chicago.)
51 “with some condescension”: Author interview with Henry Kissinger, 4 December 2017.
52 “by many metrics,” the most difficult: The Diplomat. Dir. David Holbrooke. HBO Documentary Films, 2015, 1:07:27.
52 “test myself”: Holbrooke, Richard. To End a War. New York: Random House, 2011, loc. 1101–1102. Kindle.
53 “India, Pakistan and Afghanistan”: Kamen, Al. “Special Envoys Give Career Diplomats Special Heartburn.” Washington Post, 15 December 2008,
53 “require regional agreements”: Holbrooke, Richard. “The Next President: Mastering a Daunting Agenda.” Foreign Affairs, September/October 2008,
53 In Bosnia: Chollet, Derek and Power, Samantha. The Unquiet American: Richard Holbrooke in the World. New York: PublicAffairs, 2012, p. 204. Kindle.
54 “infinitely complex”: “President Obama Delivers Remarks to State Department Employees.” Washington Post, 22 January 2009,
54 “importance of diplomacy”: “President Obama Delivers Remarks to State Department Employees.” Washington Post, 22 January 2009,
54 “my former roommate”: “State Department Personnel Announcement.” rpt. in CSPAN, 22 January 2009,
54 sui generis title: Packer, George. “The Last Mission.” New Yorker, 28 September 2009,
55 an article in Foreign Policy: Holbrooke, Richard. “The Machine That Fails.” Foreign Policy, 14 December 2010,
55 “This is where you want to be”: Nasr, Vali. “The Inside Story of how the White House Diplomacy Let Diplomacy Fail in Afghanistan.” Foreign Policy, 4 March 2013,
55 “I’m very efficient”: Packer, George. “The Last Mission.” New Yorker, 28 September 2009,
58 “Fuck that”: Google Chat with a then-recent Yale Law School graduate who requested anonymity due to concerns about his political career.
58 “the journey will be very painful”: “U.S. Diplomat Holbrooke Dies After Tearing Aorta.” NBC News, 14 December 2010,
59 a senior military leader told me: Author interview with senior military official who requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the statement.
59 “absolutely brilliant”: Author interview with Hillary Clinton, 20 November 2017.
59 “more airplanes than I have”: Packer, George. “The Last Mission,” New Yorker, 28 September 2009,
60 They tried, and failed, to catch him: “David Petraeus LITERALLY Runs Away From Bilderberg Questions.” YouTube. WeAreChange, 11 June 2016,
60 M-16 shot to the chest: “Lasting Ties Mark Gen. Petraeus’ Career.” NPR, 6 February 2007,
60 one meal a day: Ackerman, Spencer. “The Petraeus Workout.” American Prospect, 4 September 2007, and McDougall, Christopher. “The Petraeus Workout.” Daily Beast, 25 June 2010,
61 events outside his control: Cambanis, Thanassis. “How We Fight: Fred Kaplan’s ‘Insurgents,’ on David Petraeus.” New York Times, 24 January 2013,; Taqfeed, Mohammed. “Al-Sadr Extends Mehdi Army Cease-Fire.” CNN, 22 February 2008,
61 COIN to the test: Allen, Jonathan and Parnes, Amie. HRC: State Secrets and the Rebirth of Hillary Clinton. New York: Crown/Archetype, p. 72. Kindle.
61 “aggressive counterinsurgency”: Author interview with Hillary Clinton, 20 November 2017.
62 said he was more comfortable: Landler, Mark. Alter Egos: Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and the Twilight Struggle Over American Power. New York: Random House, 2016, loc. 1680. Kindle.
62 “His job should be”: Chandrasekaran, Rajiv. Little America: The War Within the War for Afghanistan. New York: Vintage, loc. 3620. Kindle.
62 “ ‘I am Barack Obama’ ”: Chandrasekaran, Rajiv. Little America: The War Within the War for Afghanistan. New York: Vintage, loc. 3620. Kindle.
63 “General, I appreciate you’re doing your job”: Woodward, Bob. Obama’s Wars. New Yo
rk: Simon & Schuster, 2011, p. 80. Kindle.
63 “third co-chair”: Broadwell, Paula and Loeb, Vernon. All In: The Education of General David Petraeus. New York: Penguin, 2012.
63 “ghosts”: Woodward, Bob. Obama’s Wars. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2011, p. 97. Kindle.
64 “really talk like that”: Landler, Mark. Alter Egos: Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and the Twilight Struggle Over American Power. New York: Random House, 2016, loc. 1488. Kindle.
64 voice sounding tired: The Diplomat. Dir. David Holbrooke. HBO Documentary Films, 2015, 1:31:25.
64 “He was incredibly unhappy”: Author interview with Hillary Clinton, 20 November 2017.
64 “military domination”: Rosenberg, Matthew. “Richard C. Holbrooke’s Diary of Disagreement With Obama Administration.” New York Times, 22 April 2015,
64 were going unread: Nasr, Vali. “The Inside Story of how the White House Diplomacy Let Diplomacy Fail in Afghanistan.” Foreign Policy, 4 March 2013,
65 “I was convinced”: Author interview with Hillary Clinton, 20 November 2017.
66 “My position”: The Diplomat. Dir. David Holbrooke. HBO Documentary Films, 2015, 1:14:00.
66 “there will be a ‘low-risk’ option”: Nasr, Vali. “The Inside Story of how the White House Diplomacy Let Diplomacy Fail in Afghanistan.” Foreign Policy, 4 March 2013,
67 with an expiration date: Landler, Mark. “At U.S.-Afghan Meetings, Talk of Nuts and Bolts.” New York Times, 13 May 2010,
67 “no discussion at all of diplomacy”: Nasr, Vali. “The Inside Story of how the White House Diplomacy Let Diplomacy Fail in Afghanistan.” Foreign Policy, 4 March 2013,
69 “You’re here because of the stories”: Author interview with Umar Cheema, via Skype to his home in Pakistan, 5 September 2016.
69 “I thought of my son”: Author interview with Umar Cheema, via Skype to his home in Pakistan, 5 September 2016.
70 The CIA later intercepted: Mazzetti, Mark. The Way of the Knife: The CIA, a Secret Army, and a War at the Ends of the Earth. New York: Penguin, 2014, p. 292.
70 67 percent of deaths: “60 Journalists Killed in Pakistan Since 1992/Motive Confirmed.” Committee to Protect Journalists,
70 Countless reporters: Gall, Carlotta. The Wrong Enemy: America in Afghanistan, 2001–2014. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014, p. xx (prologue).
71 “There was literally no word”: Author interview with Umar Cheema, via Skype to his home in Pakistan, 5 September 2016.
71 “Can I count on your assistance”: Author interview with General Michael Hayden, in person at his offices in Washington, DC, 17 May 2017.
71 “When we found out”: Author phone interview with Leon Panetta, 6 May 2016.
72 “You were always walking”: Author phone interview with Leon Panetta, 6 May 2016.
73 “It was so weird”: Author interview with Ambassador Anne Patterson, 12 May 2016.
73 “Which is actually true”: Author interview with Ambassador Anne Patterson, 12 May 2016.
73 “I come here, Mr. President”: Author interview with Ambassador Anne Patterson, 12 May 2016.
73 “never have to acknowledge”: Author phone interview with Leon Panetta, 6 May 2016.
73 “Let Leon have his say!!!!”: Text message sent from General Pasha to author.
74 “had a US technical team”: Author interview with Pakistani General, at Pakistani embassy in Washington, DC, 6 January 2017.
75 no strike came: Author interview with Pakistani General, at Pakistani embassy in Washington, DC, 6 January 2017.
75 “Nobody is asking”: Author interview with Pakistani general, January 2017.
76 “a very transactional relationship”: Author interview with General David Petraeus, in person at his offices in New York City, 25 May 2016.
76 hand over the flight data: Haqqani, Husain. Magnificent Delusions: Pakistan, the United States, and an Epic History of Misunderstanding. New York: PublicAffairs, 2013, p. 342. Kindle.
77 hundreds of applications: Haqqani, Husain. Magnificent Delusions: Pakistan, the United States, and an Epic History of Misunderstanding. New York; PublicAffairs, 2013, p. 342. Kindle.
77 “papering over a lot of problems”: Author interview with Husain Haqqani, in person, Hudson Institute office, Washington, DC, 6 January 2017.
78 $800 million more: Chandrasekaran, Rajiv. Little America: The War Within the War for Afghanistan. New York: Vintage, 2013. Kindle.
79 enhanced poppy cultivation: Chandrasekaran, Rajiv. Little America: The War Within the War for Afghanistan. New York: Vintage, 2013, loc. 1525. Kindle.
79 “soup-to-nuts agricultural support”: Chandrasekaran, Rajiv. Little America: The War Within the War for Afghanistan. New York: Vintage, 2013, loc. 1646. Kindle.
80 Farmer Holbrooke: Landler, Mark. “At U.S.-Afghan Meetings, Talk of Nuts and Bolts.” New York Times, 13 May 2010,
80 ten to one: Tarnoff, Curt. “Afghanistan: U.S. Foreign Assistance.” Congressional Research Service, 12 August 2010,
80 From 2008: Tarnoff, Curt. “Afghanistan: U.S. Foreign Assistance.” Congressional Research Service, 12 August 2010,
80 a sea of development projects: “Recipient Profile: International Medical Corps.”,
80 “enable COIN-focused, unstable communities”: Request for Application RFA 306-09-545, Community Based Stability Grants (CBSGs) Program, USAID, September 3, 2009, p. 4.
82 They began lobbying: Rozen, Laura. “Special Liaison: Holbrooke Appoints Mia Farrow’s Son as NGO Liaison.” Politico, 22 October 2009,
85 “Remember one thing”: Author interview with Husain Haqqani, 29 March 2017.
85 “all three sides were willing to let their people die”: Holbrooke, Richard. To End a War. New York: Random House, 2011, loc. 2930-2931. Kindle.
85 “In the subcontinent”: Author interview with Husain Haqqani, 29 March 2017.
86 Holbrooke’s desired region-wide role: Kessler, Glen. “Mitchell and Holbrooke to be Named Envoys.” Washington Post, January 2009,
86 nix any India envoy: Rozen, Laura. “India’s Stealth Lobbying Against Holbrooke’s Brief.” Foreign Policy, 24 January 2009,
87 “What will satisfy”: Author interview with Husain Haqqani, 29 March 2017.
88 “That is a respectable IPO”: Nasr, Vali. “The Inside Story of how the White House Diplomacy Let Diplomacy Fail in Afghanistan.” Foreign Policy, 04 March 2013,
88 “worked that very hard on the Hill”: Author interview with General David Petraeus, in person at his offices in New York City, 25 May 2016.
88 “didn’t care about democracy”: Author interview with Alan Kronstadt, 18 August 2016.
89 “An affront”: “Pakistan Media Reaction: Kerry-Lugar Bill, Terrorism, India-American-Pakistan October 20, 2009.” Cable released by Wikileaks, 09ISLAMABAD2543,
1 October 2009,
89 expressed outrage: Perlez, Jane and Khan, Ismail. “Aid Package from U.S. Jolts Army in Pakistan.” New York Times, 7 October 2009,
89 “Haqqani did something very stupid”: Author phone interview with Mohsin Kamal, 14 November 2016.
89 “the c word”: Holbrooke, Richard. “Special Briefing on Secretary Clinton’s Recent Trip to Afghanistan and Pakistan.” US Department of State, 23 November 2009,
90 refurbished Toyota: Entous, Adam. “The Last Diplomat.” Wall Street Journal, 2 December 2016,
91 never became a reality: Author interview with Robin Raphel, 30 June 2016.
91 “The fact is”: Author interview with Robin Raphel, 30 June 2016.
92 “I didn’t realize”: Author interview with Robin Raphel, 30 June 2016.
92 “better branded than us”: Sullivan, Jake. “Baseball Cap.” Email to Hillary Clinton, 15 September 2010, released by WikiLeaks,
93 “US Government’s label”: Salmon, Felix. “U.S.A.I.D.’S PR Problem.” Reuters, 13 October 2010, and Crilly, Rob. “Pakistan Aid Workers in Row with U.S. Over Stars and Stripes ‘Logo.’ ” Telegraph (UK), 11 October 2010,
93 “Don’t put a target on our backs”: Worthington, Samuel. “We’re Aiding Pakistan. Don’t Put a Target on our Backs.” Washington Post, 10 October 2010,
93 make the case: Subject: INTERACTION OP-ED ON BRANDING IN PAKISTAN, Email exchange between Judith McHale and Hillary Clinton, 10 October 2010, obtained via WikiLeaks,
95 op-ed from Rajiv: Shah, Rajiv. “From the American People.” Huffington Post,