To Tame the Sentry Being

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To Tame the Sentry Being Page 26

by Michael Georgiou

  However, unwillingly, some nights he would dream of her, before awaking in anguish; he pictured her being with others of her own kind and the thoughts consumed him. He often considered whether he should return to find her, but resisted the urge. She could not have truly loved him, he was very sure of that. Species should stick to their own. That’s what they had taught him. That’s what mother and father did. What if Xavier had found out? Or even Shani? He was already enough of an outcast without them knowing this dark secret about himself. No, best he forget Mohana. She was probably out there tonight, with some other poor human boy who had no idea of the torment he was about to undergo. They were nothing but pure filth. They should have never come to this planet.

  Jozef raised his eyebrows. “You alright, lad? You look as if you’re about to faint.”

  “When will they arrive, Jozef? I need to kill…”

  “Calm yourself, boy,” Jozef gave a worried glance over to Xavier. “This is a stealth mission – quick clean kills and then we can go home. You must keep a level hea-”

  Jozef’s speech was interrupted by a sound utterly unlike anything Ento had ever heard before. The clearing was engulfed in bright lights and the void was spinning at an increasingly accelerated pace.

  “They’re here,” Xavier announced. “Gentlemen, ready your bows.”

  Ento’s heart pounded. He squinted his eyes to try and focus in on the brightness. There they were, as previously foretold. Aureuts were making their way from out of the rift. Although Shani had already informed him of this, he had not believed him. It all seemed too outlandish for his mind, but now he had the proof. Ento noticed how afraid the Aureuts appeared as they exited the ripple. Males, females and infants of all ages held onto each other as if they were families. It all seemed so very human. He decided to dispel the similarities; for his own sake, he best not dwell on them.

  The killing did not take long. Only thirty or so had made it through the void on this trip and none of them held weapons. Killing the children, however, left a sour taste in his mouth. At this moment, he questioned his own morality and ethics and whether Lord Yashin would look down upon him for his actions this night. He feared his soul might never be able to ascend into the endless dreams and in non-existence he would reside forever dormant. And yet, surprisingly to him, it was Mohana he thought of, as he studied the lifeless gold eyes of a young girl while he buried her corpse. The portal had now vanished and the strange intoxicating feeling along with it. Jozef gave him a smile, as he wiped the blood from his blade.

  “Happy New Year, rookie.”

  “Happy New Year,” Ento responded, studying the remnants of blood left from the young girl. It was red, just like his own.

  Xavier strolled round the empty clearing. “Good job, gentlemen. Now let’s go home and enjoy the rest of th- “

  A loud and thunderous roar had interrupted the fierce leader before he could finish. So chaotic and violent, it shook the forest. Each man swivelled their head in a frenzy, looking to uncover just what could emit such a monstrous noise. Then, suddenly, Ento noticed the portal had reappeared five yards or so behind Xavier. Xavier turned and, just as he did so, a beast leapt upon him, ripping him apart effortlessly with its teeth. The creature was enormous, larger than any life form he had ever previously seen. With what looked like twenty eyes, maybe more, a mouth the width of an oak and teeth each the size of table legs, it looked much like a lion concocted in a dark and savage nightmare. The beast rapidly shook its head from side to side, flinging Xavier out from its mouth, leaving his bloodied corpse smashed upon the ground. With panicked yells and insanity driven cries, the men withdrew their weapons and charged towards the demonic horror. But it was no use, the creature was too strong and riddled with too much bloodlust. It tore through the men as if they were nothing more than bothering insects.

  “Run, Ento!” Jozef yelled, as the beast’s teeth closed around the old man.

  Ento gave one last panicked look and turned, before sprinting through the forest. He ran as fast as he could, not daring to look behind. He slipped and fell, but quickly got up upon his feet. The night had darkened; he could no longer see to where it was he was running – but he did not care. He needed to get away, as far as he possibly could. He heard a monstrous roar and he could tell the beast had finished with the others and had now turned its attention to him. Oh god, why me, why me… Ento thought, frantically pushing past the branches. Oh god, what was that thing? He needed to return to Lowesby to warn them all. To inform them of what he had witnessed. He could hear it approaching. Thud. Thud. It was gaining ground on him. He could hear its thunderous roars ever louder. Completely sapped of all energy, he eventually made it to the edge of the forest. From where he was standing, he could see the fires of the celebration of the New Year rising to the sky. The Star of Sechen was making its annual course through the cosmic dark above them. He fell to his knees, unable to keep going; he was almost there, he was almost home. Thud. Thud. Mohana… was the last word that Ento thought, as the beast finally caught him. It was death itself he saw in the depraved voids of its crimson pupils. The beast opened its mouth, and to non-existence Ento subsequently arrived.




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