Earth Borne

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Earth Borne Page 27

by Rachael Slate

  The male who’d cleared his throat spoke. “We’ll leave you. When you’re ready, come to the main square.” He opened his enormous white wings, gathered the female at his side into his arms, and shot off into the sky.

  Was he the winged male, Nazrin, that Thereus had spoken of? If so, he’d brought her to Halcyon. How? Why?

  She didn’t have a chance to ponder further as Thereus joined their embrace. He squeezed them tightly, until Lucian had enough and scrambled out of their arms. Thereus kept his wrapped about Melita and they sank to the ground. The sun beat down on her, but its heat did not compare to the warmth of Thereus’s love. She leaned against him and sighed. A million questions swam in her mind. What had happened? The blur of images whirling through her made no sense. Yet, an enormous feeling of ease filled her chest and joy sprang into her heart at being reunited with her family.

  Beside them, Lucian dug around in the dirt, singing, “Treasure, treasure!”

  “Treasure?” She twisted around.

  “Aye, the lad and I are pyrates. But I’ve already discovered my greatest treasure.” He smoothed a finger down her cheek and tilted her chin to draw her lips to his.

  The heat of him seared her; his taste ignited her passion. Had they been alone… He drew back and cleared his throat, obviously forming the same conclusion. She bit her lip and studied him. His body was tense, hard and coiled, his eyes dark with hunger. He was barely in control of his lust. She smiled. Only she had the power to bring this magnificent creature to his knees. Her smile faded as she shifted in his lap and detected how hard and ready he was for her.

  “Thereus,” she whispered, “why don’t we join your friends, and after, find someplace private?” In response, his lips devoured hers. She moaned and only Lucian tugging on her arm dragged her to her senses.

  “Mama, Pappas promised me we’d go see the mermaydes,” he whined. She arched a brow at Thereus, a twinge of jealousy poking through her skin. Thereus had spent some time in Halcyon, no doubt acquainting himself with many of the females. He clasped her face in his hands.

  “Worry not, my love. If you’ll recall, I’m at your mercy.” He playfully rubbed his bonding mark. “I swear I’ve not touched any of them, though,” he cleared his throat, “rumors may abound otherwise.”

  Ah, yes. His ruse, all to conceal his bonding to her.

  “I’ll wear this mark with every ounce of my devotion to you.”

  Instead of smiling, she frowned. “It’s not complete.”

  He bent his forehead to hers. “A travesty I intend to remedy, shortly.”

  “Oh, indeed?” She offered him a sly grin. “What bribery do you offer me, centaur?” She trailed a finger down his chest, resting on the waistband of his breeches. He groaned. She laughed.

  “The only thing I have to give, my Lady. My body, heart, mind and soul. Yours to command.” His breathing grew heavy as she drew teasing circles around his navel.

  She stilled, growing serious. “Well then, my Lord, I accept.”


  Every muscle in his body strained as he prevented himself from ravishing Melita. They were hardly alone. Lucian was with them. Love making would have to wait. Thereus stood and lifted Melita to her feet as well. He drew her hand to his mouth, savoring the top of it, and called Lucian to follow them.

  “My Lord, will you not explain to me why we are here?” She smiled at him with curiosity. No fear, only complete trust. It killed him to have to shatter her trust.

  He spun her to face him, caressing her cheek with his hand. “We’re home, my love.”

  “Home?” She glanced around. “What about—”

  “To get you back, I had to make a deal.”

  Her lip trembled and fear gathered in her eyes. “Westgard—”

  “You cannot venture there, my love. For your own safety, you must remain in Halcyon.” The pain in her eyes gutted him, before she lowered her lashes. “Forgive me, I had no choice. I am nothing without you. Lucian and I, we need you. Westgard is only a castle, after all. I am your home, love.” He lifted her gaze to his. “I am your home.”

  “As I am yours.” Her eyes sparkled.

  “I’m so sorry, love. Would that I were the one stuck here.”

  “Wait, you can go?”

  He grimaced, hating the truth of it. “What I did, my sweetling, if the gods ever saw… The nymph realm is beyond them. Zeus would, well, who can say what he would do.” In his arms, she shuddered. “Your staying, it’s to protect Westgard as well. You prevented war, yet your brother would resume it in a heartbeat if he ever learned of your existence. Sweetling,” he shook his head at her, and winked. “I was furious, heartbroken, but also so damned proud.”

  He swept his arm across the horizon. “Hades and Persephone’s Halcyon is guarded not only from unwanted mortals, but also unwelcome gods. Here, you’re safe from everyone. We’ll begin a new life. You, me, and Lucian. So long as we’re together—”

  “We’re home.” She smiled at him.

  He grinned back. This was part of why he adored her. Melita made the best of everything. For her, he would learn to do the same.

  “Very well.” She set her shoulders bravely. “Let’s go see our new home.”

  “There’s someone in particular I’m dying for you to meet.”


  “Aye. You’re going to love Halcyon, you truly are. You have much in common with my friends’ mates.”

  They stepped out of the meadow, and Thereus chuckled as Melita and Lucian made small exclamations about the people. He doubted Melita had ever met any Wind or Water Borne and hundreds of them lived in Halcyon.

  Away from humans, the Wind Borne proudly wore their wings and the Water Borne freely sunbathed on the rocks of the saltwater lake. They passed by the fields where workers tended the year-round fruitful crops.

  Melita’s eyes widened as though she wished to run and join them. Aye, this would be a good place for her. As Thereus explained her new home to Melita, even he noted new faces.

  “Look.” He pointed into the distance.

  “Nymphs!” Her eyes shone brightly. Fifty years ago, this place existed as a land training encampment for the Water Borne. Their mortal enemies, the Wind Borne, had insisted, in order to keep their truce, they would train together.

  Now, they’d recruited far more than those two races. Dozens of descendants and divine species gathered here. Some were half-human, others were animal. Many changed forms. In this world of humans, it was a necessity. Like the centaurs, centuries ago the gods had given them this ability.

  They passed by the training arena. Every male inside turned his head toward Melita. Thereus growled at them and placed an arm possessively around her waist. She might be a nymph, but she was his nymph.

  She laughed and squeezed his hand. “What was that, my love?”

  “Nothing making you my wife won’t fix.”

  “Oh, come, tell me.”

  He huffed. “I told you, amongst many species, nymphs are prized.”

  “Oh?” She swayed her hip against him suggestively.

  He grunted. “Don’t forget, I’m your husband. I saved you from an eternal fate as a tree, I…” She stopped him with a kiss. Hot and fierce. Anyone observing them wouldn’t doubt their attachment.

  “I won’t ever forget, so long as you promise I’ll always be yours,” she whispered against his lips. Her taste was a sweet fire he longed to spend hours indulging in. He’d definitely have to hasten this tour.

  Lucian clapped his hands and laughed as he glimpsed the mermaydes up close. The mermaydes copied his smiles and waved, their laughter sparkling as they splashed in the water. A child was a rare and precious sight in Halcyon.

  Lucian bounced, eager to join them, but Thereus held him back. “Later, son, I promise. Now, I’ve some special people for you to meet.” Lucian pouted but grew distracted as they approached the central square.

  Even Thereus was impressed. Halcyon appeared very different from when h
e’d last been here. For one, the infirmary had been repaired. No longer a rundown wooden shack, they’d torn it down and rebuilt the infirmary—with stone. How had they ever convinced Aedre, the camp’s physician?

  They passed by the outdoor dining hall and he stopped short. Everyone was seated, waiting for them. Thereus pointed them out by name to Melita. Nazrin and Gaven, the winged male brothers, sat with Gaven’s mate, Aedre. Kai, the Water Borne representative of King Nereus, was present as well. A handful of others joined them, many of whom Thereus did not recognize. He beamed while his perusal passed to his old friend, Arsenius, Kyme tightly by his side.

  Releasing Melita, he leapt over a table and grabbed Arsenius in an enormous embrace. Arsenius gripped him fiercely in return. They didn’t require words, though his friend did poke at his bonding mark, shaking his head. “Well, you’ve played me for the fool, centaur. I never thought you—”

  Kyme elbowed him before gracefully stepping around the males to Melita. “It’s an honor to meet the female who has tamed him.” She jerked her chin at Thereus and smiled. “Welcome.”

  Melita blushed and was caught in Kyme’s embrace. She might be small, but the female was one of the fiercest warriors he’d ever met. The Amazon, too, had relinquished her home, her people, to be with the male she loved.

  Thereus grinned. Aye, the two of them would be great friends. He drew Arsenius aside. “I’ve word from Persephone. Your sister Lena’s true love shall await her with the next full moon. She decreed we must seek him out.”

  Arsenius froze, stiff as if a statue stood beside Thereus. Poor male, he’d devoted his every waking moment to his younger sister’s recovery, only to have been told none but her true love could deliver her. Persephone’s message must bring hope, though, as it meant they’d soon be reunited.

  Thereus lowered his voice so the others would not hear. “Arsenius, does Lena possess a gift, like theirs?” He raised his brows toward their females.

  “I don’t know.” Arsenius shook his head, his eyes flickering. If the notion hadn’t occurred to him before, doubtless his friend wouldn’t be able to peel it from his mind now.

  He laid a hand on his captain’s shoulder. “She’ll return to you soon.”

  Nodding, Arsenius strode to Melita and embraced her.

  Thereus smiled at this happy scene. His love had sacrificed one home, but he’d given her another.


  “Melita, we’ve heard you have unique powers.” A twinkle glinted in Kyme’s eye. She jerked her chin at Aedre, whose hands glowed a soft turquoise, and at Cassiopeia’s chestnut illumination.

  Kyme’s hands glowed amber, electricity crackling between them. Cassiopeia beckoned a small hare to rest upon her lap. Melita shot a glimpse at Thereus for reassurance. She’d never demonstrated her powers freely as they did.

  He smiled, so she bent to the grass beneath their feet. Her hands glowing a hushed verdant, she coaxed the grass until it grew as tall as her waist.

  A male let out a low whistle.

  “What are Hades and Persephone planning?” another whispered.

  Melita met the gazes of the other women. They dropped their powers and studied each other. She’d never met anyone with gifts like hers.

  Kyme sent her a tight-lipped smile before she addressed the others. “They’re building an army. One that will be indestructible.”

  The group fell silent, her words echoing amongst them. A bitter weight churned in Melita’s gut. The War Thereus spoke of might not be as distant as he’d concluded. Whatever the rulers of the Underworld schemed, they were doing so with fervor.

  Hades was a formidable strategist, judging from the evidence surrounding her. She’d never seen an army like this one. Indeed, his warriors would fight till their last breath to protect the ones they loved. What an army they would make, with the powers these women possessed, their invincible men behind them, and their unbreakable bonds to link them. They’d each have a personal claim in the War of Love.

  Their army would indeed be indestructible.

  Gaven’s expression was stoic, even stiff, until Aedre placed her hand on his arm. As he turned to her, it was easy to view the tenderness, the complete devotion in his gaze. The female’s rounded belly proclaimed she would soon bear a child. At least Melita wouldn’t be the sole mother in Halcyon.

  Melita rubbed a hand over her heart. She’d never given credit to the bonded male theory, and who could blame her with Hector and Delia as her examples? She’d attributed Agrius and Eione’s affections to genuine, true love. Studying these couples, she fathomed how much more was at work.

  She studied the handful of unattached descendants at their table. What did Persephone design for them? She glimpsed Venn, a winged male, and suppressed a gasp. His icy blue stare sent a shiver down her spine. Her plant instincts, which always sought out the warmth of the sun, protested. A frigidity permeated him, although not evil. Just cold.

  Her stomach rumbled and she dug greedily into the roasted meats and vegetables set before her. Having spent days in the nymph realm where sustenance meant sunlight and water, her senses came alive. She soaked in the sun’s warmth, the faint briny scent of the sea, the vibrant colors of the woods around them. The fig dripping honey melted as it touched her tongue. Sweet. Life was sweet.

  She leaned against Thereus and followed his conversation with Arsenius. “Persephone will plant a tree in Melita’s stead.”

  She frowned. “What tree?”

  He smiled at her. “Your tree vanished once you became a seed. In order to keep you safe, no one can know about you.”

  She studied the people sitting at the table. “They do.”

  “Aye, while they’re here. Anyone who steps out of Halcyon will at once forget you. When they return, their memories will be restored. It’s part of the bargain I made with Persephone. What the goddess did…” He shook his head. “The other gods can never be made aware.”

  She froze, absorbing the shock this information instilled in her. I’m dead to them?

  “Melita.” He caressed her cheek. “You are their savior. They honor your bravery. It won’t be easy, but it’s what must be done. Our family will visit as often as you wish.”

  “Will you forget me as well, if you leave?” Her voice hitched at the end, betraying her pain.

  “No, never.” He pressed his lips firm against hers. “’Twas the one demand I made. I’d go mad from losing you. Not to mention, it wouldn’t make sense, because I fully bonded to you. With me running around searching for answers, you wouldn’t remain a secret for long.” He winked at her, easing her fears.

  “What of Lucian?”

  “Until he’s of an age, ’tis safer for him to remain inside Halcyon.”

  She smiled. Her heart ached, but she understood his reasons. Her sacrifice would mean nothing if Philaeus learned she lived. The war would begin anew. At least this way, she could live a happy life with Thereus and Lucian. “This would have been my choice as well.” She placed a hand on his shoulders and the tension eased out of them. It must have been difficult, making such a decision on his own. They were together now, and nothing else mattered.

  “Enough talk of war.” Aedre strolled to them and placed her hand on Melita’s shoulder. “We have a wedding to celebrate.”

  Melita exhaled and smiled at her.

  “Oh, no, Aedre.” Thereus jumped to his feet. “I’ll not go through this again. We don’t wish for an elaborate wedding.” He extended his hand and Melita placed hers in it. Tugging her to her feet, he murmured, “I just need her to be my wife.”

  “Well, at the very least she must wear a dress,” Cassiopeia hummed.

  A growl formed in his throat, but Melita stopped him, squeezing his hand. “A dress,” he grated. “One hour.”

  Everyone laughed and her cheeks incinerated. Would she ever grow used to her lusty centaur? She smiled to herself. Sweet Demeter, I hope not.


  Thereus stomped his hooves, impatient as ever. Arseni
us refilled his glass, but the liquor wouldn’t quench his thirst. His parched throat yearned for the nectar of his sweet Melita.

  “It has begun.” Ignoring his drink, he met Arsenius’s questioning stare. “Apollo. The opposing army. When I spoke with Persephone, she insinuated Apollo was behind Philaeus’s greed for war, and for Melita. If she’s right…” His shoulders tensed with the admission. The war to come would tear their races in twain, and this time, they might never recover.

  Arsenius leaned forward and inched the glass toward Thereus. “Best drink to the current breath of peace, my friend. We’ll speak of war tomorrow. Today, you’ve a bride to wed.” He smirked, for the fiftieth time today, at Thereus’s bonding mark. “And bed.”

  Thereus chuckled. “Aye, aye, Capt’n.”


  The women surrounded Melita and led her away. She halted, glancing toward Lucian, who seemed too enthralled with the many creatures before him to notice her absence. She wrung her fingers. Though Thereus had assured her Halcyon was safer even than Westgard, her instincts stumbled over whether she ought to leave him in the care of strangers.

  Aedre slipped a delicate hand onto Melita’s shoulder. “Don’t fret. Gaven will watch over him, and we’ll take care of Lucian this eve as though he were our own.” Her hand pressed to her curved belly, and Melita’s anxiety eased.

  She followed the women to a stone cabin. Cassiopeia’s villa. Aedre chatted away, informing her that the Wind Borne lived in the log cabins, while the Water Borne preferred either the dwellings deep in the lake or the stone villas on land. Cassie was also a fantastic seamstress. The maiden opened her closet to reveal dozens of ornate gowns.

  She perused them with an expert eye, studying Melita’s shape and coloring. Aedre fussed over her hair, weaving white flowers into her locks.

  “How did you tame such a notorious rogue as Thereus?” Kyme, Melita quickly learned, spoke exactly what was on her mind. Possessing an air of regal confidence, she was fearless.

  Melita, being far from fearless, greatly admired such strength.


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