Mad About the Boy

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Mad About the Boy Page 4

by Suzan Battah

  “Once in a while. You’ll love it here.” Chris smiled widely, leading her up the rickety stairs to the entrance. “One of my closest friends is the head chef. He makes food that just tastes amazing.”

  She stared up at the restaurant across the decrepit steps. “I’m sure I’ll love his food. I already love this shack! I thought you were going to take me somewhere posh, but this is even better.”

  He paused for a moment, and then burst into laughter. Julia realized her mistake too late. “I mean, I really like it. I’m a bit overdressed though. It only looks like a shack, I’m sure.” She touched her cheeks, hot with embarrassment and began stuttering to fix her blunder. “I’m sure it’s not really a shack.”

  “It is a shack, and you look absolutely gorgeous.” He brushed his finger against her cheek, his eyes bright as he looked back at her. “You’re so refreshing. Come on and see.”

  He pushed the door open. Inside, she was amazed at the elegance that the simple furniture and classy waiters brought to the place. And the view out onto the water took her breath away. The place was abuzz with patrons enjoying themselves, the atmosphere bright with soft jazz music playing in the background.

  While they waited, Chris talked about the chef who he had known since he was a kid. Julia sighed. This man kept surprising her, and that was a little scary. They had more in common than she had imagined. For one thing, he loved food the same way she loved it. The other patrons were all dressed in fine designer clothes. She didn’t feel overdressed anymore. She couldn’t believe that she was actually on a date with Christophe Augustine… and that Chris was the laidback surfer who had helped her out in the grocery store. He was turning out to be so different to what she was expecting.

  The waiter was quick to direct them to their table, in a cozy, more secluded section of the restaurant, next to the terrace facing the water. Chris pulled out her chair. She tucked the hem of her dress under her as she took her seat.

  She took another look at the view, it was breathtaking. The bamboo lamps at each fencepost flickered amber gold as the night grew darker. She glanced at Chris as he settled into his own seat, his shirt stretched across his broad shoulders. Julia allowed herself to desire him, and finally she admitted to herself that she wanted to be with him if only to remember what it used to feel like.

  They were quick to place their orders, eager to be only in each other’s company.

  “Monsieur, Mademoiselle.” The waiter bowed with a bright smile, and disappeared through to the kitchen.

  She could feel her attraction growing stronger, Chris was so much more than she had expected. The guttural accents when he spoke changed his voice to smooth and husky.

  Chris’ gaze once again came back to her. His eyes softened and warmed when he looked at her. His hand reached out to touch hers. Again, she tried to tamp it down, knock it out of her system. The red flag of warning, her fight was going right out of her. She was gripping on to the edge of her own irrational belief of ‘there is no such thing as happily ever after’ and falling into the silk web of romance. She could enjoy it, if only for one night, and let herself get back to reality later.

  “Isn’t it nice out here?” he murmured.

  “It’s beautiful.” She relaxed in her seat, feeling more comfortable than she thought possible.

  “I think you’re beautiful,” he whispered, moving his chair around so they were almost side by side. His breath brushed her cheek as they looked out over the water. “I’ve never met anyone like you before.”

  She pulled away from him. “You shouldn’t say things like that. You don’t even know me.”

  “I know that I want to know you, everything about you.”

  “Don’t say that,” she repeated, turning so she could look more clearly at his face, trying to break the connection building between them.

  “Why not?” He traced a finger over her cheek, moving across her jaw and temptingly stopping on her bottom lip.

  “Because… because, I don’t know. We’ll be working together, it’s very unprofessional,” she responded a little tartly. She couldn’t think of any other reason that sounded remotely logical. She couldn’t tell him the truth.

  “What has working together got to do with us getting to know each other?” he muttered, offended.

  Julia was speechless for a second. “It would be complicated. That’s all. You have to think sometimes before you jump in. I’ve learned that.”

  Chris, thoughtful for a moment, tilted his head. “You don’t realize, do you?”

  “What?” She searched his face.

  “You’re so sensual, yet there’s this innocence about you. I’m very attracted to you.” His voice was husky as he explained. “I can’t just say hi and bye, I need to know you.”

  Julia sat back. “When you know me, you won’t be impressed. I have a hot temper, and sometimes I say things I really shouldn’t. Words just blurt out of my mouth. I can’t control it.”

  Chris laughed and shook his head, a wicked smile playing on his lips. “I will know you... soon. In the meantime, you’re still beautiful.”

  His confidence couldn’t help but make her smile also.

  “My brother is very impressed with your work, by the way. So we’ll get to see each other more, now that you’re working on the Augustine.”

  “I’m really looking forward to showing you the designs.” She trailed off when his phone started buzzing again.

  There were no awkward moments. Even when they were silent, it felt right. Chris gave her his full attention as he asked about her and they talked about their families and the different cultures they came from.

  Julia couldn’t help herself. Of course, she found Chris extremely attractive physically. But more than that, he was really enjoyable company. There was no falseness about him. He was truly interested in her and listened when she spoke.

  Despite the thrill of being comfortable in his company, she couldn’t stop the nagging feeling in the back of her mind to stay clear. They were talking as if they had been friends for years. There was a definite spark between them, she felt. That made it more difficult. And there was a sensual fire ready to burn when they touched, Julia could feel that all too well. This was getting a little too complicated.

  Desire. Clear and simple.

  He was too damn appealing. Her emotions were not supposed to be so easily manipulated. Yet her body was saying otherwise. The scent of him, the way he moved and looked at her was causing turmoil within. She could never betray Carlos, but with Chris, her feelings were so much more intense.

  He was dangerous. And there was no doubt how much she wanted him, but she wouldn’t dare. Love was too risky, she knew that firsthand.

  As the restaurant began to fill up, a few people recognized Chris. She noticed their curious stares her way, but he seemed oblivious to the attention.

  “Chris!” A lanky young man came sauntering toward their table from a hidden door behind a large plant. He was wearing a chef’s uniform. Julia realized he must be Chris’ friend.

  Chris stood up, holding out his hand. “Pierre.”

  They greeted each other with a hearty handshake and bear hug. Pierre looked down at her, a little surprise in his expression.

  “Hello.” Julia stood up to greet Pierre.

  “Enchantee.” His eyes lit up, looking back at Chris with a smile.

  “This is Julia Mendoza, Pierre.” Chris made the introductions smoothly.

  “Ah, Julia.” Pierre spoke her name with familiarity. “You must be someone incredibly special. Chris has never brought a woman here before and this is his favorite place to eat!”

  Julia laughed, a little shaken by that bit of news. “We’re here on business. Chris is my new client. We’re going to be working together.”

  Pierre chuckled, patting Chris on the back as he said something in French. Chris nodded and responded also in French.

  “Enjoy your meal. Anything you need, please ask,” Pierre told Julia and headed off back to the kit

  Their meals came out piping hot and smelling delicious. The waiter slid the ornate dish in front of her, turning to do the same for Chris.

  “It smells really good.” She took in a deep breath of the sizzling, spicy aromas, instantly forgetting her reservations and relaxing to enjoy the food.

  Chris waited for her to start her meal before he would eat, and when she hummed with appreciation, he nodded his approval.

  “Told you he’s fantastic,” he declared with obvious pride. “You should try the quail one day.”

  “Those sweet little birds. No, no, I don’t like the idea of eating a little bird,” she exlaimed, cringing at the idea.

  Chris laughed, and she joined in, her anxiety fading away when they laughed. He wasn’t a snob as she had thought he might be when she realized he was the Augustine Boy. No, he was quite the opposite – just like the laidback surfer she knew.

  After such a fulfilling meal, she excused herself to freshen up in the restroom. She was on her way back to the table when she heard her name and stopped, frozen to the spot.

  Chapter Four

  Nothing could have been worse at that very moment for Julia. Dread, sharp and painful catapulted at her from every different angle.

  “Julia? It is you.” A woman dressed in a peach chiffon gown was heading straight for her.

  Irene still looked like she was in her mid-forties, even though she was well beyond. The simplicity of her attire, set off with a large jewel pendant gave Irene Carpone a definite air of elegance and power. Julia had forgotten how intimidated she was by her mother-in-law.

  “How have you been, my dear?” Irene maneuvered herself to block Julia’s exit.

  “Good,” Julia said shortly, glancing over at Chris and back to Irene.

  “I was waiting for a friend, when I recognized you from the corner of my eye. I thought, that’s our delightful Julia. Not that we’ve seen much of you lately!” Irene continued, underlying steel in her voice. “You look like you’re having a wonderful evening. Is that Christophe Augustine you’re with?”

  Irene latched onto her elbow with a firm grip when she tried once again to slip away. Julia gritted her teeth, trying to pull free.

  “Yes. Look, Irene, I know you’re upset with me for not coming over. But I really am so busy now, with my business booming.”

  Irene looked her up and down shrewdly, and Julia fretted under the scrutiny. Her mother-in-law had never treated her badly. Irene had adored her, just like her son had.

  “A business that has grown very successful, I hear. Though, you haven’t even used a quarter of what Carlos left you. You can always withdraw from the trust, quite easily. Are there any problems? You’re still renting with those students. I thought you would have bought a house already. If there are any issues, Julia, I’ll get the lawyer to sort it out.”

  “No, nothing. There’s no issue,” Julia reassured Irene. “I don’t need anything.”

  “Well then, I’d like it if you called sometime. Come over to the house. We were close, but you’ve drifted away from me. I don’t want it to be like that.”

  “Of course I will, maybe next week.” Julia tried a little more forcefully to slip away, but Irene held on firm. She began to walk with Julia toward the table where Chris was looking over at her expectantly. Julia dug in her heels and came to a halt. “Irene, please. I’m here on business. Perhaps…”

  Irene cut her off with just a look.

  “I know you know, Carlos’s thirtieth birthday is coming up in a few months. I’m planning a small gathering to celebrate his life. Come over, bring your family. You can bring your friend there if you like.” Irene grabbed onto her hand and waited to get an answer.

  “I really must get back.” Julia pulled away, cringing at the look of hurt on Irene’s face.

  When she sat back down opposite Chris, his smile faltered. He reached out, but she pulled back from his touch.

  “Are you all right? You look pale. What’s wrong?”

  She stood up suddenly. “I have to go. I need to go now. I can’t…I’m…I’m…I’m so sorry.” She knew she sounded like a fool, stuttering, unable to form sentences. “It’s…it’s…it’s not you.”

  He rose from his seat. “Wait. I’ll take you home.”

  All she could see in front of her was a vision of Carlos. Guilt plagued her to be caught out on a date. She waved at him to sit back down. Swallowing with difficulty, she managed to say, “No, you stay and enjoy the rest of the evening. I’ll catch a cab.” Her hands were shaking. She felt a wave of hot and cold shivers running all over her body.

  It felt like there was a rock pressing between her chest and back and she couldn’t breathe. To her horror, he ignored her suggestion and followed her to the door without a word. The stunned waiter immediately organized their bill and Chris got out his wallet to pay.

  Julia was rummaging through her purse to find her credit card. Chris grabbed her hand, a serious expression on his face. She realized she was making a scene, so she didn’t argue.

  The deathly silence in the car while he drove her back to her mother’s house made her skin prickle. She finally regained control, not willing to cause any more of a scene than she already had.

  When he came to a halt in front of the house, she risked a glance in his direction, but found his expression unreadable. “You must think I’m an idiot.”

  “No,” he muttered, frowning.

  “Is this going to affect our work relationship?”

  He shook his head. “Of course not. I just have no idea what happened back there. We were having such a great time.”

  Julia twirled her necklace around her finger and then opened the door. “Okay, well. I’ll see you at the Augustine.”

  “Julia.” Chris reached out to grab her hand, but she was too quick.

  She got out of the car, nearly tripping as she shut the car door. She would never forget the look on his face as she turned back and waved him off. He was stunned. When he finally reversed out and headed off, Julia relaxed considerably. She had been tempted, but now she was back in control. She really liked Chris. Julia could tell he liked her a lot also. There was no doubt about that. She just refused to be another broken-hearted fool. The end of them would come, sooner or later. Exactly as it had happened with Carlos. She would rather have fun instead of getting serious.


  In the morning, Julia couldn’t believe how idiotic she’d been. A restless sleep had kept her awake most of the night. She lay in bed, listening to her roommates getting ready. Julia groaned, covering her eyes remembering how her date with Chris had ended. The night had been perfect until she ruined it.

  What will he think of me? I’ve got to be more careful.

  She threw back the covers in a rush and climbed out of bed before she could pick the evening apart any further. By the time she had showered and prepared herself for work, she came to the conclusion that Chris had probably already forgotten all about it and they could move on as professional colleagues anyway. However, it wasn’t easy thinking of him as just a colleague, as she kept daydreaming about him. The way he walked with such purpose with long strides. His smile, sometimes hidden, brightening his face in a moment and making her catch her breath. With his green eyes so warm, when she gazed into them she forgot about everything else.

  Take control of your thoughts. You know he’s too sexy for your own good. Stop thinking about him!

  Julia had no luck on that score. In fact, throughout the whole day, she was completely distracted until close to four in the afternoon. That was when Randy, her new designer, popped his head round her door, a wide grin across his face. He was making odd expressions and sounds to get her attention.

  If she hadn’t been so preoccupied day-dreaming about Chris, she would have understood the comical message he was trying to convey. Randy was a real character. So far, he had not disappointed her with the high quality of the work he brought to the business. He also added a bit of a lively personality to t
he office. All of her designers were brilliant when it came to their work, but Randy was more social and they had become good friends.

  “What’s wrong? Just spit it out. I have no idea what you’re going on about.”

  Randy rolled his eyes, giving her a disappointed look for not putting in enough effort to understand him.

  “You’ll never guess who is here to see you,” he whispered, his eyes nearly bugging out of the sockets. “He’s so hot.”

  Julia’s heart began to do flip-flops in her chest, but she stamped that feeling down. It couldn’t possibly be him.

  Sure enough, Chris came up behind Randy and stood in her doorway. Her breath caught in her throat. Randy gave her a signal to close her mouth. Her stomach went into jitters as Chris lifted his hand in greeting and turned to look around her office. He was waiting to be invited in.

  “Chris!” she cried out.

  The designs all over her desk were for Chris’ condo. She flipped them over and shoved them beneath a folder. Two pencils scattered on the floor and rolled toward his feet. He bent down to pick them up and stepped further into the office.

  “Is now a bad time? Excuse us.” He looked back to Randy with a smile and shut the door.

  Julia rose to her feet and just stared at him. He was really here, standing there in her office, looking good enough to eat.

  “Your team is very amusing. The girl at the front desk told me I should come back when I had an appointment. They didn’t believe I’m Christophe Augustine.” He gestured back at the closed door. “Lucky, that guy there recognized me. Otherwise I might not have made it through.”

  Fiddling with the pendant on her necklace, she laughed nervously as he came closer to the desk. He stopped to take a look at the framed pictures on her wall, then his gaze fell back to hers, and his lips tilted slightly at the corners.

  “I’m so sorry about last night,” she blurted out before he had even taken a seat. “The restaurant was just beautiful. You treated me so nice and I just ruined it. I bet the other women you take out don’t end up making fools of themselves.”


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