Beautiful Music

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Beautiful Music Page 7

by Lisa DeVore

  “Boyfriend?” he asked with a little bit of attitude.

  “Friend. I work with him.” Chase was angry. Why did she feel guilty? Todd was a friend and even if he wasn’t, was it Chase’s business? She shoved the phone angrily in her purse. She heard him sigh and immediately was sorry for her reaction. She really needed to be honest with both of them. She wasn’t relationship material. Ignoring their comments was not clearing anything up.

  Music started playing and Jena inwardly groaned. Great. More romance. This was too much. Her heart wanted to fall in love again, but her brain wouldn’t allow it. Would anyone notice if she ran screaming from the building?

  Chase leaned toward her and softly asked, “Would you dance with me?”

  Jena’s eyes narrowed. “I thought we had a moratorium on romance? You were going to let me think on it, right? I believe you’re trying to sway the jury.”

  “Is it working?” he grinned.

  “No.” She surprised herself with a laugh.

  “Come on, Jen, relax. Quit thinking. It’s just a dance.”

  Right. She knew as soon as he touched her it would be so much more. She should decline, but heard herself saying instead, “Okay, but just one dance.”

  He stood first, held out his hand and gazed down with a smile of encouragement. She regarded him for a moment and reluctantly placed her hand in his, immediately feeling his strength and her need.

  As they reached the dance floor, Chase turned to her, never taking his eyes from hers. She took in a breath and forgot to release it. Breathe, Jena. His arm wrapped around her waist and gently pulled her close…much closer than a casual dance between friends. Goosebumps spread across her skin. The moment was too intimate and she stiffened.

  His lips were at her ear. “Relax,” he whispered.

  How could he make one word sound so sexy?

  She inhaled slowly, attempting to calm the nerves that seemed to be popping off her skin. She should force herself to think of something else…like how much he had hurt her, but her mind wouldn’t stay there. Instead, she closed her eyes and concentrated on the touch of his hands on her body. He held her so near anyone would assume they were lovers.

  A sudden awareness had her eyes brimming with tears. She wanted them to be. The jealousy she had toward those other women tonight made Jena realize she couldn’t accept him with anyone else. How could she stand the thought of him holding another woman like this? There was only one answer—she couldn’t. If she was ever going to take a chance on anyone again, now was the time and he was the person. The tears escaped her eyes.

  The song ended and Chase stepped back without losing contact. He rubbed a tear away with his thumb and lifted her chin upwards. She had no place to look but in his eyes. “Let’s take a walk on the beach.”

  Jena was ready to escape. She swiped the tears off her face and attempted a smile. “A walk would be nice.”

  Chase paid their bill and they made their way to the beach in silence. They removed their shoes before stepping onto the sand. Jena sighed in appreciation. The sand was so soft and cool, and the ocean breeze, a relief from the day’s heat. Her body released the tension she was carrying. The sensation of having Chase so close erased all other thoughts from her mind. No matter how much she didn’t want to, she realized how much she missed him.

  Hand in hand they reached the surf. Chase broke the connection only long enough to roll up his pant legs. He reclaimed her hand and walked into the water to his ankles, pulling Jena with him. The water was warm and inviting. There were no words between them as they gazed at the moonlight shining across the water. His arm wrapped possessively around her waist, she turned, wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his chest. She heard him sigh. Jena inhaled slowly, closing her eyes. No matter what happened she would remember this moment always. He tightened his hold around her and she smiled softly with satisfaction.

  Jena was grateful for the silence. Explaining her feelings to him would be impossible. They all contradicted each other. She needed time… time to make sure these feelings existed out of the moonlight and away from the romance.

  “You want to sit?” Chase asked motioning toward wooden beach chairs.

  “Okay.” She walked with him side by side, hand in hand.

  They sat together without comment, both staring off into this distance. Chase spoke first. “Are you okay?” he asked softly.

  “I think so,” she answered honestly, not looking in his direction.

  “What’s going through that beautiful head of yours?”

  “I wish I understood myself.”

  “I wish you could let go and just…feel.” He sighed.

  “I’m sorry, that’s just not me anymore,” she answered tightly.

  “I didn’t mean that as an insult.” He glanced in her direction. “I want you to enjoy life…relax.”

  “Don’t apologize. I’ve been doing this for so many years I don’t know how to relax.” She covered her face, bewildered at her honesty.

  “I was hoping you would let your guard down. Do you remember the fun we used to have?”

  “Chase, please don’t. Nothing will ever be the same.” She tensed as he pushed her to remember. The wall was going back up.

  “You’re right. There is no repeating history, but we could make a new history.” Chase kneeled before her in the sand and took her face gently between his hands. “Let me love you again,” he whispered.

  Bolting down the beach flashed through her mind momentarily. No, she wouldn’t be a coward.

  “Jena, live again…for Andrea, for me,” he pleaded.

  “I can’t go there. Chase, I’m scared.” Why couldn’t he understand? She wasn’t brave enough. Maybe, if he gave her time, but not now. “I never want to hurt like that again. It took me so long to get over you.”

  He pulled her to her feet. His eyes pierced her soul as he said, “I’ve never gotten over you. I never will. This has been the one constant in my life. You are my life. You were my best friend, Jena. I want my friend back. I want permission to love you again. I promise things will be different. Please don’t walk away from our chance at happiness.”

  “I want to believe that.” She inhaled sharply to hold back the tears. If she started crying she would never stop.

  The back of his hand caressed her cheek. He searched her eyes intently before lowering his mouth to hers. She remained very still. Jena knew if she moved she would flee. She made a decision in that moment to surrender to the feelings….all of them…the pain, the sorrow, the longing, and the love if only for this one moment. She would give herself this memory to cherish.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  She couldn’t speak for several seconds. She dropped her gaze. “We should go.”

  He put a finger under her chin and lifted her face to stare into her eyes. “What’s in your heart, Jen? What do you feel right at this moment?”

  “Chase, I…” She swallowed hard, but couldn’t say the words.

  Chase sighed. “I won’t push you, but I won’t give up, either.”

  “I’m not asking you to give up. I don’t think I want you to give up,” she replied honestly and then groaned. “I don’t know what to do. I couldn’t change overnight if I wanted to.”

  His eyes were gentle as he nodded. “I know. A chance is all I want.” He pushed a strand of hair from her face. Her pulse quickened with the contact. “Hey, let’s get you home before you turn into a pumpkin.”

  She smiled…a smile that wasn’t forced because, maybe, just maybe he finally understood. He would give her the time she needed to make sense of everything that was changing in her life.

  Chase turned on the radio for the ride home. He was quiet and she didn’t question the silence. She had time to think and guessed that was his intention. He wanted her to replay the evening in her mind. He was getting his wish. That’s all she could think about—the dance, the walk on the beach, his lips on hers…as Chase pulled into the driveway Jena faked a y

  “You’re killing my ego,” he joked.

  “Sorry. Take the droopy eyes as a compliment. The fresh air did me good.” She was intent on avoiding another romantic moment.

  He moved toward her, his arm lying across the seat behind her. There was no escape and her heart thudded rapidly in her chest.

  “Think about what I said.” His lips brushed softly against her cheek.

  “I will,” she said barely above a whisper.


  “I promise.” Her eyes kept wandering to his lips.

  He stirred something in her she barely remembered existed. The yearning in the pit of her stomach confirmed she wanted more than possibilities. Jena could no longer resist the urge. She gently ran her index finger across his lower lip. She focused on the sensation. She swallowed hard, shocked by her need, even more shocked by her willingness to satisfy that need. Pulling his face gently to hers, she brushed her lips across his. She heard him groan, but he barely moved. The kiss was soft, gentle, and somewhat reserved. Jena didn’t unleash the passion she was battling. She was frightened of where it might lead. As their lips slowly separated Chase rested his forehead against Jena’s. She closed her eyes and sighed.

  “I should go in,” she reasoned.

  “I’ll walk you to the door,” Chase responded in a low voice.

  Jena waited as he came around and opened the door. They paused for a moment as he helped her down. His hand cradled her head as his mouth covered hers in a sweet possession Jena hadn’t experienced since the last time he kissed her, all those years ago. This was different somehow. She responded as he knocked the wall down she had built to protect herself.

  She stepped away from him and said awkwardly, “Thank you for dinner.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Why did everything he say make her blood boil with urgency? Go inside now…alone.

  Chase accompanied her to the door, grasping her hands in his. They were silent like two teenagers under the porch light. A thought amused her. She wanted to grab him by the arm and drag him up to her room. A nervous giggle escaped as she enjoyed the mental picture.

  “What? Care to share the joke?”

  “Not this one, well, not tonight anyway,” she conceded with some embarrassment. Jena fumbled through her purse for her key and opened the door. “Goodnight, Chase.”

  “Goodnight, Beautiful. Sweet dreams.”

  Jena quickly shut the door and leaned against it for support. A smile crossed her face. Her knees were weak and her blood was rushing through her veins. To her amazement she was happy. How long had it been since she had experienced anything close to happiness? Longer than she realized. She exhaled and made her way up the stairs.

  By the time she entered her room the smile had faded and her mind was full of doubts and regrets. What was she thinking? How could she be so stupid? She couldn’t do this. A rock star and a lawyer didn’t mix. They were from two different worlds. He traveled the world and she barely left her office. She was asking for trouble. They had absolutely nothing in common besides their niece. She would have to explain to Chase in the morning. She had gotten swept away by all the memories, the scenery, and the jealousy. Jena had made decisions in the past with her heart. Look where that got her. No, she would continue to live her life lead by her brain. She would have to make him understand.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jena switched on the bedside lamp with a conflicted heart. Sitting on the edge of the bed she replayed the events of the evening. She lifted her hand to her lips, outlining the memory of his kiss with her fingertips. She realized she was smiling.

  Why couldn’t she be normal? Planning her life on a sheet of paper was not normal. She knew that, so why couldn’t she change?

  Jena sighed with frustration as she removed her shoes and folded her legs under her. Staring at the wall, she realized she couldn’t stay here. These feelings were making her crazy. She had to get back to her life in Ohio. Her promotion awaited her, and she worked hard to be where she was. She would admit her life was structured, careful, and logical—this was who she was. Trying to change would be disastrous for all three of them.

  Her head was spinning as she went to the dresser for her nightgown. She would explain to Chase he was better off. She wouldn’t fit into his world. Sometimes love wasn’t enough. Someone like Mia would be better for him. She was sure of herself, beautiful, and sexy—all things Jena couldn’t be. Climbing into bed she wiped tears from her eyes. Better a few tears now than all the pain later. Shutting off her lamp, she was convinced she was making the right decision for everyone as she rolled over, prepared for a sleepless night.

  The blasting noise of the home alarm system jarred Jena from her fitful sleep. Adrenaline coursed through her veins and she shook violently. Her mind wouldn’t focus. What was going on?

  Cautiously she opened the door and entered the hallway to find her niece standing before her wide-eyed.

  “Andrea, go back to your room and lock the door,” Jena whispered shakily. “Do not open it unless it’s Mrs. R., me, or Uncle Chase. Do you understand?”

  Her niece nodded silently and ran for her room. Jena would not focus on the tears that slid down Andrea’s face or the trembling of her bottom lip. No, she had to focus on keeping them safe.

  Jena waited until she heard the clicking of the lock before she slowly descended the steps, keeping close to the wall. A noise drew her attention to the front of the hallway. Fear rose in her throat as her entire body shook. She focused on the doorknob, willing her eyes to adjust to the darkness.

  The knob jiggled. Someone was trying to get in! Jena ran, shadowed in the darkness, to the fireplace and grabbed the poker. She was nowhere near a phone. She frantically waited and prayed the alarm company had made the call to the police. Her heart thumped in her throat as she stood motionless in the eerie quiet of the living room. The kitchen door slowly opened with a creaking sound. Jena whirled and clutched the poker tightly. The room was dark, but the nightlight from the kitchen outlined the intruder. Oh, dear God, they’ve come in the back. A shadow emerged. Her ears strained as she prayed for the sounds of police sirens. She heard nothing. Should she stay hidden or turn on a light to scare them away? She would not let them climb the steps toward Andrea. Jena flipped on the light and almost passed out with horror.

  “Oh, dear God in Heaven, where did you get that?” Jena gasped as she faced Mrs. R., holding a shotgun, barrel pointed to the ceiling.

  “From the gun safe,” she replied tersely in a low voice.

  “The gun safe?”

  “That’s what I said. Now, move out of the way,” Mrs. R. demanded in a low voice.

  “Mrs. R., you’re going to hurt someone with that,” she shrieked.

  “That is my intention if someone busts through that door. Now move!” she ordered.

  “You could kill someone. P-l-e-a-s-e put that away,” Jena begged. “Guns make me nervous. Did my sister know that was in the house?”

  “Jena, dear, this isn’t the time for a talk on disclosure. Someone wants to harm this family and this chunk of metal’s gonna prevent that. I really don’t think that fire poker’s gonna do the job.”

  Jena lowered her weapon with a ragged sigh. “I’d rather have a deadbolt and a Doberman.”

  “Both unreliable.”

  Jena bit down on her lower lip praying the police would arrive before Mrs. R. accidentally shot someone. This couldn’t be real. Her housekeeper was standing at the ready with a fierce look on her face, while Jena trembled in the shadows. “Mrs. R., you’re making me really nervous.”

  “These things make me nervous too, but I’d be more nervous knowing I was the one without it.”

  Jena paced wildly. Hysterical was only a breath away. She was going to be sick. She had to know if someone was out there. Turning on a light, she went to the window.

  “My God, girl! Have you gotten your street smarts from Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood? Turn that light off!”
  Jena quickly extinguished the light. Was Mrs. R. moonlighting as an undercover agent? The sweet housekeeper had turned into SWAT. The flashing lights caught Jena’s attention as the phone rang.

  Mrs. R. answered, still holding her position. “Hello. I understand. Will do.” The housekeeper nodded toward the door as she flipped a light switch to the outside. “Open the door, Jena. There’s an officer on the other side. Well, he’d better hope he is,” Mrs. R. added with a grumble as she hoisted the shotgun.

  Jena glanced over her shoulder and Mrs. R. nodded. She slowly opened the door to find a uniformed officer staring back at her. Jena hadn’t fully exhaled her sigh of relief before he grabbed and shoved her behind him.

  “Drop the weapon!” The officer yelled with authority.

  “NO!” She’s with me!” Terror shook Jena to her core.

  “Lighten up, son, I’m not about to shoot the good guys.” Mrs. R. handed him the weapon.

  “I appreciate that,” he responded while unloading the shotgun keeping a wary eye on the housekeeper. “Do you know how to shoot one of these?”

  Uh-oh. Jena closed her eyes waiting for the explosion.

  “Boy, I’ve been shooting a gun before you were a star in the sky. Used to hunt with my Pap. Would you care to try to outshoot me?” she challenged.

  The officer grinned. “That won’t be necessary.” He turned to Jena. “We have a suspect in the back of the cruiser, says he knows a Jena Shea living in this house.”

  “That’s me,” Jena replied with a nervous squeak.

  “One of my men found him lurking in the backyard. Said to tell you his name is Chase. You want to see him here or in a lineup?”

  “Chase?” Jena replied in disbelief. “I’ll see him here. Where is he?”

  “Follow me.”

  “I’ll go get Andrea and tell her the fun’s over,” Mrs. R. replied, muttering all the way up the stairs about Chase losing his mind.

  Jena wondered the same thing. She pulled her robe tightly around her and followed the officer to the police cruiser.

  Another officer stood beside the car as Chase sat with feet on the asphalt looking annoyed.


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