In any ordinary life (In any oridnary Book 1)

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In any ordinary life (In any oridnary Book 1) Page 7

by Clare Stanley Midgley

  The journey to work gave Jeanie the opportunity think about the past and her reminiscing had nearly caught her out at a number of junctions. James had been such a residual link to her dad’s death that blocking both of them out had always been easier. She had always felt guilty for not grieving over her father the way she thought she had too and was expected to. Her only concern had been keeping the factory open and her family fed and it had covered up her emotions well so well that even she had started to believe it.

  The letter had brought so many memories both good and bad and that day in the locker room was the only day she had cried and felt able to cry. Jeanie felt the sense of loss not just for her dad but for her own life and James had emulated a position she wasn’t aloud to achieve.

  She had longed to spread her own wings and had been offered a scholarship education before he’d died. Before that she had dared to dream of another life. Turning it down had been the hardest decision she had to make however she was bound to the commitment of the business and the promise she had made her father.

  Seeing her dad die on the factory floor had taken her youth and her freedom. James had offered an independence she wasn’t aloud to have and something she had wanted him to experience and not give up because of circumstances.

  Jeanie sat and thought about the last hours they had spent together and how he had asked her to go with him seeking new adventures. He had provided her with a starting point one of which she had refused for the sanctity of her family.

  Sitting outside the factory Jeanie looked at the gates feeling their cold icy grip around her throat. The burden of it all had made her loose her way and now he was back to release her from its grip.

  ” He was always there and I never saw him. I didn’t see him cause I couldn’t. He wasn’t mine then cause I was always attached to this place.”

  Clenching her fists she felt angry at all what had happened her tears flooded down her cheeks so quickly that her scarf couldn’t catch them before they fell on her lap.

  She missed her father and for the first time instead of guilt she felt grief. Jeanie had held him whilst he was dying and James had tried to keep him alive. Now she realised that his tears had emulated her own.

  Looking at the cold dark office Jeanie felt as if it was a tombstone a constant reminder of pain and loss weighing her down at every obstacle.

  As she sat in the chair and looked outside the sky was black and the air was thick with frost. The tension brewing outside depicted the conflict that she had inside and as the marks appeared on the windowpane they stood lonely and sharp on the glass.

  Reminiscent of the past Jeanie visualised James’s his spirit had been so inviting that she had held onto it as if she had been clinging to life. Jeanie had suppressed those feeling for nearly two years and trying to keep her eyes closed she couldn’t escape her life anymore.

  Hearing the wear and tear of the machinery in the distance the factory still stood and her responsibilities had grown bigger and as she picked up her mug Jeanie had felt like running away.

  Reality stood at the opposite end of every room and the fantasy of what it could be needed to be put on hold for another day. Walking to the door she rested her head on the back of it trying to build up the courage to walk out. She had to be strong after all everyone still relied on her for the factory to work and that wasn’t going to dissipate because of a new relationship.

  Making her morning brew didn’t usually take long but as motivation dwindled time seemed to elapse. A cold chill filled her body and Jeanie shuddered as she stood at the Forman’s office cup in hand.

  “Eric,” the inquisitive tone of her voice automatically sparked his suspicion “Has my mother been in touch with you about starting work at the plant?”

  Eric turned pale at the thought of Irene she had never seen eye to eye with anyone and their relationship had become strained after dad had started to become ill.

  “NO, please don’t tell me she’s coming down here?” Knowing Irene would just turn up unannounced made Jeanie smile.

  “That’s what she said. She said I had to go and live my life and be happy I think someone had slipped her some kind of narcotic.”

  Jeanie glanced at Eric as he started to laugh Jeanie knew it wouldn’t be long until his sarcasm kicked in. She heard the words before he spoke and knowing his response was due Jeanie started to count backwards from ten.

  “Fucking hell Jea go and live your life what did you do tell her you where getting married!” Jeanie smiled and lifted the cup to her lips before taking a sip, “Yes.” slipped out from her lips.

  Unsure of her response he asked again, “Did you say yes?” Jeanie nodded without explanation,” Lass what the fuck are you playing at? You’re getting married when?”

  Jeanie continued to drink her rapidly cooling cup of tea ignoring the content, “He’s a doctor, he’s worked here before and he said he loves me so why not.”

  Eric knew her nonchalant response was only to get on his nerves and ignoring the sarcasm he started running through names under his breath, “James Fucking Watson the so called doctor with the rapport of a leper.” Waiting for Jeanie to bite back he lifted his gaze as the sound of the wind howled through the main apex of the building. As he followed the noise it led him back to a distant and distracted Jeanie. Putting his arm around her shoulder’s he pulled her close “Well suppose you could have done worse, it could have been John then you would have been in trouble,” still focusing on her drink Jeanie smirked as she sipped.

  “Tell your mum she can fuck off cause if she thinks I’m taking crap off another Rutherford woman she’s got another thing coming!!!”

  Eric knew she was just like her father and if something was on his mind her father would lean on the same spot and Jeanie would join him. Side by side with no noise, no conversation and just silence remarkably they would work it out and both of them would always come to same conclusion.

  Eric could see she needed reassurance she had the same pained look in her eye when she needed to take his name off the deeds. She always needed to know she was doing the right thing.

  Missing her father wasn’t going to help but as usual these days any decisions made was a solo event.

  Making her way down to the workshop she concentrated on a valve that she needed to alter for one of the pressing machines and the quietness of the workshop fitted with her mood.

  Putting her brew on the small stool at the side of her tool box she could still smell her father and the way she used to tease him about the stench of sweat, oil and grease.

  As she started to manoeuvre the metal through the lathe she began to smile knowing that even though escape sounded good this was where she was meant to be. She was the girl that fixed things and whether life had made her this way or the influence of circumstance she no longer cared.

  Rolling the metal around her fingers she heard Eric bellowing in the background. ” This is going to be a long day!”

  Closing the workshop she felt grateful for having a short time to think and put perspective back into her life. It had made her realise that the responsibility of a large family hadn’t been a bad thing. She had seven friends and now she was going to have husband which her mother approved of things could be a lot worse.

  Leaving work she wrapped herself back in the oversized scarf her mum had thrown at her earlier and counted the success of the day.

  Eight arguments with Eric over staff, two broken and now repaired pieces of machinery and two incidents with a soldering iron which meant on the scheme of things her day had been relatively quiet.

  Tired and longing for sleep she remembered that she had promised to pick the girls up and wished one of the others knew how to drive.

  Having spent fifteen hours in work and dreading the evening’s events Jeanie put on a brave face as not to show her discontent at having to be the taxi.

  Reaching home the idea of a quiet night thrilled her instead a screaming baby, a pile of clothes, make up, curling irons and t
he complete desecration of a house was what greeted her instead.

  Skipping over the piles of crap on the floor she was glad she’d walked in at the end of the rampage rather than the beginning.

  Without hesitating Ivy rushed towards her throwing Jayne into her arms, “Grab her I need a wee!” disappearing up the stairs Jeanie was left with a screaming infant.

  “Good evening Jeanie, how are you Jeanie, tired Jeanie!” muttering to herself as she made her way into the kitchen. By this time Jayne was purple, screaming and stinking to high heaven.

  “Ok Jayne I get it, life is not fair come on!” laying her on a folded towel on top of the kitchen table she started to undress both herself and the baby. Dropping her coat on the floor she started to take the rather full and discoloured nappy off the child.

  After cleaning her down and disposing the offending items she wrapped Jayne in the towel and started the juggling act between making milk and calming her down.

  Remembering the success of the lullabies she started to sing and the once purple child started to calm to a better shade of pink. As the milk warmed Jeanie rocked and swayed from side to side in hope that she would calm her down enough to eat.

  Ivy saw Jeanie and the baby swaying around the kitchen and removing the bottle she stood in amazement at the sight of her sister and her daughter bonding so well.

  “I think she likes you better than me, “Ivy seemed to choke on her words however still singing she handed her over.

  “Nah she just knows whose boss. You ok?” Ivy swung her head from side to side trying to find the right words to say.

  “Tired, lonely, you know.” Kissing her sister’s forehead she began stripping off the remainder of her work clothes. “Mum at bingo with Auntie Mabel?” Ivy started to imitate Jeanie’s swaying synchronising the rhythm between the verses of nursery rhymes.

  “Yes she also said she will need picking up on the way home too!”

  Jeanie scrunched her face knowing that one trip had now just turned into two or three and again that nice easy peaceful and relaxing night had certainly disappeared.

  Making her way upstairs the night’s activities seemed to unfold like a book only to reveal more devastation with each step she took. Hopping through the obstacle course of clothes, shoes and makeup she opened May’s wardrobe to find something suitable for the evenings frivolities.

  Her sisters had made her a list of what she could and couldn’t wear for picking them up. Grumbling again she found a pair of trousers and cream blouse and proceeded to try to squeeze into them.

  As she stood in the mirror she felt constricted. She was used to overalls, big jumpers and work boots anything that accentuated her body made her feel awkward and self conscious.

  Doubting her choice she started to rummage around in the piles of clothes left by her sisters and bending over the chest of drawers she looked like a duck tipping up in a pond.

  “What’s up?” Jeanie lifted her head and curled one lip

  “You look beautiful let me do your hair. You should wear this more often.” Jeanie didn’t respond but wriggled around uncomfortably as Ivy paraded her to the chair in front of the full length mirror.

  Ivy tugged at Jeanie’s thick hair and coerced it up into a relatively neat style. Ivy was in her element as Jeanie was a project and finishing her off gave her a sense of accomplishment.

  Borrowing her sister Rose’s coat Jeanie walked awkwardly towards the car. Opening the door it seemed to bulge at the seams with perfume, suspenders and patterned dresses.

  Pulling up carefully at the entrance the music was loud and it flooded out of every door spilling an array of young soldiers and equally younger girls attached.

  Ordering the exit of her siblings Jeanie couldn’t wait for the cloud of woman to disappear. Resting her head on the steering wheel she hoped this was going to be a quick and painless job. As they exited with relative ease Jeanie sped off without much time for any to coax her into the club.

  Returning home Jeanie settled down on the couch and curled up with Jayne and Ivy and within no time she was asleep.

  Feeling a tug on her arm Jeanie woke up to Ivy nudging her, “You’re going to be late. Jesus Christ girl you need to sleep more it’s just took me twenty minutes to wake you up!”

  Once again Jeanie ushered herself back into the car. Still not fully awake or with many cares she parked the car and wobbled back to the front of the venue.

  The loud and exuberant music seemed to pour through the walls sieving the ten piece band through every crevice.

  Standing at the doorway Jeanie started to look for her sisters. Feeling awkward and out of place encased along with not having much luck at spotting them she started to look for any redeeming features. How hard could it be there are five of them!

  Spotting Iris’s bright red hair she immediately made a beeline for the table.” Jeanie!!! This is my sister she fixes stuff and does messy stuff but she’s lovely!”

  Feeling slightly embarrassed for her sister Jeanie smiled politely, “Do you know where the others are?” Iris sloshed her drink around stumbling towards the knee of the soldier she had been pleasantly keeping company with.

  “Nope I’ve been with this sweet man here most of the evening, plus dance time come on” Pushing Jeanie out of the way the soldier accompanied by Iris waded through the sea of people to the dance floor.

  Admitting defeat Jeanie turned and pushed her way through the masses to the bar. Seeing a small corner which hadn’t been populated she moved quickly before the hoards seized control.

  Taking off her coat gingerly she was pushed from behind falling forward over the stool. Dropping her coat and nearly herself on the floor Jeanie felt a presence and then heard the gent’s voice.

  “Do you need help with that?” pulling the coat from the floor, Jeanie gritted her teeth “No I’m fine I’m sure I will…manage” In shock Jeanie gripped her coat fisting the material within her Grip.

  “John. I don’t know. Sorry.” She couldn’t comprehend what he was doing their and found it difficult to articulate her shock.

  “Is that all I get.” Taking her hand he kissed it seductively Jeanie still clutching at her coat gripped harder.

  “John. Why….well…..Sorry let me start again. How are you?” Jeanie pushing the words through her lips began to feel the whirlwind had started again in her stomach.

  “Anyone would have thought your not please to see me.” Her reaction had confused him expecting a more flavoursome response.

  “I’m sorry John, just in shock,” Jeanie replied quickly as he took her hand and started to pull her towards the dance floor.

  “No. I’m….I don’t think so!” Jeanie pulled away and moved quickly towards the bar.

  Leaning into her shoulder he grabbed her hand again “What’s one dance going to do!” Jeanie’s heart pounded in her chest and she wished for the ground to open up and swallow her. Instead the music played louder and faster contradicting everything she felt.

  As he placed his hand on her waist she couldn’t help but be intrigued as to why he had turned up.

  “One dance John and after that I’m off home” still clutching at her coat John prized it from her fingers and breathed Jeanie in.

  “You look beautiful, as ever.” Jeanie shook her head, remembering the last conversation they had “ I’d like to say thank you but I can’t help but remember someone saying a stupid little girl like me needs to grow up……what was it now, I was never one of your strong points.”

  John smiled and revelled in her smouldering anger.

  “That’s because I am a complete dunce and I never realised what I had until you built up the courage. I must admit though Jeanie you have improved with age.”

  Jeanie felt enraged by his arrogant and callas tone. Feeling her anger grow she couldn’t help but spit with venom.

  “How would you know you arrogant bastard? You let me humiliate myself and now you come back and ask me to dance and all’s forgiven, fuck you!”

/>   Wiping off his embrace she pushed him back into the crowd with force. John always had a tendency turning up like a bad penny and Jeanie knew it more than most.

  “Jeanie… Jeanie….can’t we be civil about this” grappling with the bodies he chased her down through the crowd.

  Jeanie knew she wasn’t going to get away easily and hearing his footsteps behind she stopped waiting for the next episode.

  “What do you need to tell me?”

  “I was wrong and I’m sorry and I shouldn’t have treated you the way I did. Everything from that point was my biggest mistake and I miss you.” Catching his breath, he continued” I’m sorry I lied and cheated but Jeanie I have been miserable since you left and I need you. Let me make it up to you. Marry me Jeanie and I promise I’ll change!”

  As the song came to its end red, white and blue balloons started to fall from the ceiling. Unable to comprehend Jeanie stepped back from John as if he was holding a weapon.

  Instead of remembering the hundreds of occasions she would have loved and willed him to make this gesture some how now it all seemed futile. Without a word she walked away there wasn’t a word to describe what he had done and what he brought to her family. He was always trouble and no matter what he tried to do the wrong people always ended up getting hurt in the end.

  Tears fell hard with anger a ring and a promise was never going to change the past. Stepping outside Flora came running “Jeanie are you ok? I saw everything.” Ignoring even her sister the blatant sound of her footsteps pounded the street until she greeted the car.

  “Please Jeanie. Think about it I wouldn't come back if I wasn’t ready for you.” Jeanie took the ring out of the case pausing to take a look at the memento. Walking to the drain she dropped it straight down.

  “I wouldn’t take you back if you were the last man on earth. My father always tried to defend you and I never knew why? Even until he died he insisted you where a good man. All you ever brought me was trouble and pain and as far as I’m concerned go back to that other slut she might need you now!”


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