In any ordinary life (In any oridnary Book 1)

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In any ordinary life (In any oridnary Book 1) Page 37

by Clare Stanley Midgley

  “You fucking bitch let her go or James dies now.” Jeanie walked around the front of Catherine looking more like the predator than the prey.

  “I don’t think your friend wants that do you.”

  “Not him Livy I only want her.”

  “You see I’m sick and tired of this bullshit and all I wanted to do was live a normal happy life and you two twisted fucks keep messing everything up. Now I know you both know I killed Mike in fact I shot him point blank in the head so I suggest Livy you drop the fucking gun before I shoot her.” Olivia lunged towards Jeanie pushing Catherine out of the way, defending herself Jeanie dropped the gun and started to grapple at the carving knife, Olivia held in her hand. James pounced towards the fallen gun and as Catherine stood he knew he was too late.

  “All of you move now.” Tying John and Matt’s hand together she wrestled with James binding him to the radiator. Shooting Matt in the leg, she wiped away the blood which had splattered on her face.

  “That should keep you busy excuse me gents.” Catherine shot twice into the ceiling trying to take back some control

  “Now I’m going to tell you once before I shoot again I’m running this show. Livy drop the knife. Jeanie back against the wall…”

  The room had descended into chaos and Olivia lunged again at Jeanie grabbing her hand. Jeanie pushing on her chest plunged the knife deeper feeling it tear through bone and sinew as forced it through.

  James tugged at the bindings loosening them off he ran into the kitchen.

  I heard two shots there was only two shots. Jeanie please.

  Jeanie lay motionless on the kitchen floor Catherine had vanished and the blood swilled around the cottage like an abattoir.

  “Jeanie baby hold on. Come on baby we can do this remember,” Jeanie raised her arm up to James’s face and as the blood poured from her mouth as she started to choke.

  “Baby don’t leave me now you can’t leave me now I need you I love you.” Jeanie’s body shook violently as she drowned on her own blood.

  John ripped the ropes from around his wrists, Matt still clutched his leg torn between the two John looked at Matt for guidance

  “John go…go…” running into the kitchen the red river swam around his feet. “No…No...Jea. James what do we do JAMES!.” coughing Jeanie exhaled, the breath diminished from her lips.

  “Tell Elizabeth…I love her.” James screamed violently

  “Jea…please don’t go stay with me baby come on.” Olivia laughed as Jeanie slowly slipped away.

  “You can’t have her now!” Olivia smiled as John ripped the knife from her chest. “Fuck you! James…please we need to get her to a hospital.”

  Holding her close in his arm her lifeless blooded body draped over him like a shroud, the blood still dripping from her lips seemed to drown any life she had left.

  “How am I going to live without you how am I meant to do this without you Jea. I’m sorry…I’m sorry...” Lifting her off the floor he ran to the car. John raced into the driver’s seat; James ran his hand over her pale clammy skin, the sparkle from her eyes dwindled and as the car sped around the country lanes she clung onto him desperate to live.

  John looked on anxiously not knowing what to say he felt powerless. Landing at the hospital the Signthorpe seen played out over and over again, this time James was then one in the waiting room. Catherine had disappeared into the night getting away with sordid plan. Search parties had been set up to see if she could be captured but all they could do was wait.

  James paced the halls, he had left her to another doctor and on hearing the ticking of the clock it emphasised every painful minute. “Doctor…..Doctor Watson….can I have a word...” James followed the doctor into a side room. “My name is Dr Hodgeskiss I’ve been seeing to Jeanie and I’m sorry doctor the bleeding was just too much. I’m sorry to have to tell you this but your wife has just passed away.”

  Wandering out of the room James dropped to his knees in the corridor, the screams of anguish where heard throughout the hospital. John slid down the hospital wall and as the gents sat in silence they couldn’t contemplate what was next.

  She was gone.

  Matt had followed with Olivia’s body and on seeing both gents he knew immediately. James stood as Matt stumbled towards him.

  “She’s…I mean. I need you tell Irene….I need to stay...” Matt placed his hand on James shoulder. “Its ok son I’ll go.”

  Ivy stood at the door grabbing hold tightly of Elizabeth. The screams from the Rutherford cottage sent shockwaves into the night. Her daughter was now left without a mother.

  She was dead.

  As a town woke in shock, the news of Jeanie’s death spread, Irene lay in bed surrounded by her girls as the emptiness inside consumed them all. Elizabeth lay fast asleep oblivious to her mother’s disappearance. James wearily made his way through the door.

  “Can I see my daughter please?” Ivy carried her downstairs Elizabeth was still fast asleep grabbing hold of her he pulled her close. Ivy started to cry as she felt his pain and more besides.

  “I need to plan the funeral.” as the grief engulfed him, Irene clasped her mouth.

  “You did this. You killed my daughter.” Ivy slapped Irene across the face. The last conversation anyone needed right now was who was to blame. Taking Elizabeth he sat at the front of the fire resting his head gently on hers, Ivy stood patiently watching.

  “He needs us mum she was killed because…they wanted her dead not him.” Irene walked away unable to comprehend what had happened. Ivy pressed her head against the frame of the parlour door, watching James rock his child. There was no explanation of their grief there was no explanation of his pain, the anguish inside felt empty and everything about James reflected it.

  Chapter 37

  As friends and family gathered Jeanie came home for the final time. Her coffin laid out in the living room and the flowers beautifully scattered around her as if she was lay in a summer meadow.

  John arrived with Matt and as he lowered his hat James welcomed them both. “Thank you I don’t think I can take much more of this.” Matt held out his hand pulling him forwards.

  “I’m so sorry James I truly am...” James straightened his tie, as if the action was going to pull him out of his nightmare.

  “How's your leg? I'm sorry I didn’t get much of a chance to ask,” Matt smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

  “My leg is of no consequence.” John stood at the door unable to look at the coffin. “Do you have anything stronger than tea?” James smirked and nodded leading him into the kitchen.

  “It’s her mum’s Brandy tastes like shit but in the circumstances.” Both of them sat at the table trying not to exchange glances. The pressure of trying to keep composed rippled through every tense muscle.

  “James I don’t think….” James placed his hand on his shoulder

  “I know the worst thing of all is the guilt.” James rubbed over his eye’s trying to hold back the tears.

  “Are you ready for this?”

  “Not really. I never wanted to admit it but you’re a good man James. I know she loved you…” Gaining composer James held out his glass raining in whatever emotion was trying to escape.

  “A toast from two men that loved you we’re sorry for what we did but what we did we did out of love for you…..” John clinked the glasses together in response.

  “Any news on Catherine?”

  “I spoke to Matt on the way over and they still think she’s in the area.” Starring into the bottom of the glass James sighed heavily.

  “She didn’t get this finished John you know that don’t you.”

  “I know.” John threw back the tumbler hoping the brandy would at least numb some of the pain.

  Reaching the Church gates both men stood arm in arm carrying her coffin, Elizabeth sat and played oblivious to what was happening. Eric had been asked by both of them to conduct the eulogy it seemed befitting as he was practically her father. Eric stood proud
as he started to speak:

  “To all of you that knew Jeanie she was a sweet loving girl with a constitution of a horse and as pig headed as her father and they where her better qualities.

  No one tells you how to feel when you loose a child and recently with another Great War passing it should seem more reverent.

  We all know Jeanie’s death wasn’t through war and it wasn’t through an accident. Jeanie’s death was cruel and uncalled for and at the hands of people who where only interested in their own self gain.

  My darling girl used to stand on the gantry proud of the empire she had started to build but she had a kindness and heart that touched all who knew her. She was as open as a book and as complex as a piston.

  My only wish was for her to find happiness.

  For those of us that knew her loving her was simple, hurting her was easy and getting close to her was something you didn’t do half heartedly.

  Her beautiful daughter Elizabeth graced our presence at the factory but Jeanie didn’t want her to follow in her footsteps. Jeanie was a talented engineer who could work a piece of machinery out in minutes but for her daughter she wanted more.

  If I had one wish it would be to turn back the clock for Elizabeth to understand how special she was and for everyone to understand that without her our light in our factory has gone out.

  Her husband James asked me to do the eulogy and I have to say it has caused me some sleepless nights, but the one thing I do know is Jeanie loved you she loved you with her heart and soul. John take head from my words that my darling girl was more complex than you could understand and we thank you for looking after her and bringing her home safe.

  I will leave you with this promise, I will look after your empire as if it where my own and I will guide all those that may sway from your path.

  My sweet darling girl I will miss you more than any words could ever mention, your family are torn without you and your father and your beautiful son have received another angel into heaven.

  Sleep well my darling and may your dreams be the sweeter form of your own life. ”

  The church full to capacity hung onto every one of Eric’s words, John happy to have been mentioned stood at the back of the church trying to keep himself together.

  As the procession left he lit a cigarette trying to settle his nerves. The passing crowds made his stomach churn and without question something wasn’t right and he felt it. Capturing James’s attention he stumbled into the procession.

  “James something’s not right.” feeling John’s anguish he rested his hand on his shoulder.

  “I know what you mean. I have seen Matt already and just in case…” John threw away the stub and pulled at his jacket. “Yep just in case.”

  “Glad we are finally on the same page.”

  John and James stood shoulder to shoulder on the hill her graveside had a beautiful view of the town and as the clouds parted the small concave roof of the factory could be seen.

  “Now or never James”

  “With you all the way. Ready. NOW!” As the figure fell from the crowd, both gents opened fire. As the screams deafened the sound of the bullets, the gents walked forward. Catherine lay face down at the side of the coffin, her gun displayed and her finger on the trigger.

  “I wish I’d never met you.” Handing John the gun James walked away.

  “So what now...” throwing the gun in the bottom of the grave, John took a deep breath. “Now it’s over….”

  Irene and her girls sat quietly with Matt at their side in the church hearing the shots, Irene held her chest.

  “Irene girls I believe I have some cleaning up to do. Again.”

  The funeral gave Catherine an opportunity to inflict more pain and knowing Elizabeth was the target made it all the more reason to be prepared

  “It’s done its over.” James nodded kissing his daughters temple.

  “I’m just glad your all safe come on Elizabeth let’s go home.” John stood at the door cigarette in hand.

  “I never expected you to be someone I could trust James...” James held out his hand and looked back at the coffin still resting on the hill.

  “You’re welcome at my house any time John…we’re family.”

  Walking away James pulled Elizabeth close, the only comfort he had was that the unlikeliest of friends had become allies and at least for now Jeanie was at peace.




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