Rise of the Fallen: Ascensionis

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Rise of the Fallen: Ascensionis Page 2

by Danny R Negron

  As they walk toward the exit, Barbara stares in awe at the statue of Poseidon located at the center of the main fountain. Upon exiting, she realizes that they have entered inside of a spherical transportation device. The door closes behind them and Dr. Frankenstein tells the navigation system, “To the main castle.”

  A small quake is felt as the pod detaches itself from the departure station. The pod hums and Barbara almost loses her balance as it accelerates suddenly along the tube. She looks out of the window and is taken aback by the sight of the numerous interconnecting tubes in the ocean. Barbara turns her head and looks at Dr. Frankenstein in a state of wonder. Similar to a little girl going to the zoo for the very first time. The pod spins and arrives backwards to another station. A quake is felt as it attaches itself and the door slides open. Barbara gets nervous as she stares at the doorway. Dr. Frankenstein says, “You're afraid of what's out there, aren't you?” He stands up and walks outside. He then raises his hand slightly.

  “It's normal to fear what you don't understand.”

  Barbara looks down at his open palm and reaches for it. The doctor takes her hand and gently pulls her until she steps outside. She despises feeling vulnerable and depending on another for safety after living most of her life independently. And now, she's met the real Dr. Victor Frankenstein who has reconstructed most of her body with robotic parts and coming face to face with what she thought was a work of fiction. Barbara gets startled as she hears the echo of a familiar voice in her head. It then becomes clear that the voice belongs to Indrid Cold.

  “Hello, Barbara Echevarria.”

  Indrid Cold shakes Dr. Frankenstein's hand and gives Barbara an unintentionally creepy smile. She then says with sympathy, or at least trying to, “Please forgive me. I know the heart attack was not a pleasant experience.”

  “It's okay.”

  Barbara gasps as her ear gets flicked by an unseen force and quickly turns around. To her surprise, she discovers nothing behind her. Dr. Frankenstein grins at the puzzled expression on Barbara's face.

  She covers her ear with her hand and asks, “Did you see that?”

  A strand of her blond hair gradually begins to rise and she stares in disbelief. After a while, Barbara grabs her hair and begins to walk backwards. Dr. Frankenstein can't help but laugh and says, “That's enough, Henry. Stop scaring your new teammate.”

  A young man with blond hair materializes from thin air. He is dressed in a rather old-fashioned manner. As if he was transported from the 1940s. He replies, “Thanks a lot, Doc! I was having fun!”

  Dr. Frankenstein walks toward Barbara and rests his hand on her shoulder.

  “You'll have to forgive him, Barbara. Allow me to introduce Henry Walter Griffin. As you may have guessed, he is the Invisible Man.”

  Henry takes a step forward and nods. He then says, “Sorry for spooking you like that, Miss.”

  Barbara studies his antiquated attire and asks, “What's with the outfit? You realize that we're way past the forties?”

  Henry glances over at Dr. Frankenstein and says, “I like her.”

  The doctor replies to Barbara, “His power of invisibility was acquired during the Philadelphia Experiment. He was one of the few sailors from the USS Eldridge that mysteriously disappeared.”

  Henry continues the story by saying, “I reappeared two years ago at the same age as when I left in 1943.” He then looks at Dr. Frankenstein and asks, “Hey, where's Dave?”

  He replies frankly, “You know him by now, Henry. We need to go and speak with Queen Thessalonike.”

  As Dr. Frankenstein leads the group toward the main gate of Atlantis, Barbara asks him, “What's up with this Dave?”

  He replies candidly, “Werewolves are solitary creatures.”

  She stops walking and says in a low sarcastic tone, “Of course, he’s a werewolf.”

  One of the guards at the main entrance touches the pillar next to him. Barbara arrives and notices that area around the guard's hand glows and becomes a touchscreen panel. Similar to the seven inch tablets used in her previous life. He uses his finger to make a complicated gesture and the sound of the gate unlocking is heard afterwards. As the gate opens, Barbara stares in amazement at the sheer size and beauty of Atlantis. It resembles Italy's city of water, known as Venice, with paths of water instead of streets and highways. The guard welcomes Dr. Frankenstein as the group enters the majestic kingdom under the sea.

  They arrive at a docking bay with several futuristic boats gently bobbing up and down on the water. Indrid's body suddenly gets consumed by a dark and misty shadow. Barbara is horrified by what she is witnessing. The shadowy figure sprouts moth-like wings and reveals mesmerizing red eyes. In the blink of an eye, the creature goes airborne and flies off toward the city. Barbara remains speechless as she points her finger upward and looks at Dr. Frankenstein. He shakes his head and informs her, “Indrid has never really liked boats.”

  Henry scoffs as he sits down and adds, “Humph! She's a show off.”

  Dr. Frankenstein sits down at the driver's seat and touches the screen in front of him. The boat hums as it turns on. He looks at the still bewildered Barbara and shouts, “Barbara!” She becomes startled and looks at the doctor. He then says, “Shall we depart?”

  Barbara nods and while stepping onto the boat, replies, “That was the scariest shit I've ever seen.”

  Henry giggles in a sinister manner and says, “Wait until you see the queen.”

  His comment causes Barbara's eyes to quickly widen with fear. As the boat departs the docking bay, Dr. Frankenstein sternly says, “Don't listen to him. Queen Thessalonike is beauty beyond all imagination.”

  As the boat makes its way down a long path of water, Barbara can't help but be in utter disbelief at the civilization around her.

  “So, where is this city located exactly?”

  “It's located just off the southeastern coast of the United States.”

  Barbara thinks for a moment and realizes that what he is referring to is the imaginary location noted for unexplained disappearances.

  “The Bermuda Triangle. Okay. Does that mean that we just disappeared off the face of the Earth?”

  Dr. Frankenstein does not reply and instead focuses his attention on the paper thin monitor. He touches the screen and it instantly disappears into the control panel. Indrid Cold gazes at the approaching vessel with her shimmering black eyes. She sees Dr. Frankenstein maneuver the boat sideways until it attaches itself onto the docking bay. As the crew exits the boat, a young woman approaches. She has very long, brown hair and is wearing an ancient Roman tunica palmata. Dr. Frankenstein bows in respect.

  “We have arrived, my lady. Salve.”

  She nods and turns her head to look at Barbara.

  “I assume this is the one.”

  “Yes. Allow me to introduce Barbara Echevarria. Barbara, this is Royal Guard Commander Derceto.”

  She is slightly intimidated by the stare of the Commander and extends her hand. Derceto glances down at her hand and grins at Barbara's kind gesture. The Commander awkwardly shakes her hand and greets her. “Salve.”

  Derceto focuses her attention on Dr. Frankenstein and says, “Come. The queen awaits.”

  Commander Derceto proceeds to walk up the steps that head toward the enormous main gate of the castle. While the group follows her, Barbara glances at the wondrous marble structure which reminds her of the ancient Roman architecture found in history books. Upon entering, the first thing she notices are Corinthian pillars similar to those found earlier in the departure area. The marble floor is somehow different in the towering castle. Its design is quite unique in that water is seen flowing between the thin and intricate cracks. Numerous fountains and statues decorate the inside of this royal palace. Barbara stands next to a fountain and reaches out to feel the soothing water touch the palm of her hand. She tastes the clear liquid and is surprised to find it is the most refreshing water she has ever drank in her entire life! As Barbara catches up to
the group, she notices two extremely tall and muscular guards standing on each side of the entrance to the throne room. Their attire is similar to that of the legendary Spartan warriors of ancient times. They both touch the pillars at the same time and the tall doors begin to slowly open.

  The captivating sight of the throne room is, without a doubt, the most enchanting thus far. The room's Romanesque windows are transparent showing the ocean life instead of stained glass. In the middle of the floor exists a gigantic, oval shaped pool. As the group reaches the edge of the pool, Commander Derceto raises her hand.

  “All of you must wait here.”

  Barbara notices a stairway on the other side exiting the water and leading to the queen's throne. She is startled by the sight of a shadowy figure maneuvering its way underwater toward the marble steps. To her surprise, the figure has long hair with a feminine body. Most shocking, however, is the sight of what seems to be a fish tail where her legs should be. Two young and beautiful women are seen walking down the steps to meet with this mysterious creature. One of them is holding a towel while the other is holding a long, tan colored tunic. Henry taps Barbara's shoulder and whispers, “This is my favorite part.”

  A head with very long, white hair pokes out of the water. As the beautiful woman uses her hands to make her way up the steps, a dry towel is placed over her naked body. The fish tail then magically changes into human legs and feet. The woman stands up and allows herself to be dried with the towel. She then proceeds to put on the tunic while walking up the steps. She turns around and looks at the group standing on the other side of the pool.

  Her aquamarine eyes meet with Barbara's stare and she proclaims, “I am Thessalonike. Queen of Atlantis. Salvete.”

  Dr. Frankenstein bows respectfully. “Salve, your highness.”

  The queen's expression quickly changes to that of concern upon hearing Indrid Cold say, “Salve.” and slowly sits down on her throne.

  “Indrid Cold. Not to seem impolite...but I would rather not see you here.”

  Dr. Frankenstein steps forward and explains, “Our apologies, my lady. I must inform you that Indrid has told me of a great tragedy that may occur.”

  Queen Thessalonike raises her hand to interrupt him and looks at Derceto. She asks, “Are we to be affected by this tragedy, Derceto?”

  Derceto becomes saddened and replies, “Yes, my queen. It is unclear as to how we will be affected.”

  Queen Thessalonike uses her hand to brush her hair away from her eyes. Her hair may be white, but her face reflects the youthfulness of a twenty-eight year old woman. Her mesmerizing irises are colored an opaque aquamarine giving them an eerie appearance. She says in an authoritative tone, “Very well. Indrid Cold and Derceto. I will speak with the both of you in my private chambers.”

  She looks at Dr. Frankenstein and continues, “Ludwig. You may take Mr. Griffin and...your new project...”.

  Barbara interrupts her and says, “My name is Barbara.”

  Dr. Frankenstein becomes very annoyed at her outburst and gives her a cold stare. The queen is both shocked and impressed with Barbara's seemingly bold nature. He then whispers, “Barbara! You must show respect.”

  Queen Thessalonike grins and says in an apologetic manner, “No, Victor. She is well within her right. Please accept my apologies...Barbara.”

  Barbara nervously nods and replies, “Thank you, your highness.”

  The group is suddenly startled by the loud sound of a girl yelling, “Dad!”

  Dr. Frankenstein turns around and sees a sixteen year-old Caucasian girl with long, brown hair running towards him with her arms wide open. He laughs as he hugs and raises her in the air.

  “Salve, my little konfect!”

  He lowers her and, with his arm around her, looks at Barbara. “Barbara. This is Princess Alexandria. My daughter.”

  Alexandria slowly walks toward Barbara and stares at her face with curiosity. Barbara feels awkward at this moment and simply greets her by saying, “Hello. I mean, salve.”

  The wide eyed princess touches her face and says, “This is her, isn't it? This is amazing work, dad.”

  Before Dr. Frankenstein has time to reply, a little puppy enters the room frantically wagging its tail. The doctor is shocked by what he sees and asks, “A puppy? Here?”

  Alexandria picks up the puppy and hugs it. “This is Fluffy. My science project!”

  Fluffy growls and lets out a strange, computerized bark. Almost as if he were using a speech synthesizer.

  Barbara giggles and asks her, “Is the bite worse than the bark?”

  As the group laughs, Alexandria becomes annoyed and replies, “I haven't finished him yet! I'd like to see you do better, Miss Two Tone!”

  Queen Thessalonike becomes offended by her daughter's behavior and yells, “Enough, Alexandria! This behavior is unbecoming of a princess and I will not tolerate your blatant disrespect of our guests.”

  Alexandria turns around to look at her mother and attempts to defend herself by replying, “But, mom!”

  The queen raises her hand to silence her and gives her a piercing stare while shouting, “You are to escort our guests to their rooms.”

  Alexandria sighs in frustration and mutters, “Fine.”

  As the group follows the princess, Dr. Frankenstein stays behind to speak privately to the queen.

  “Thessa. She is just a child.”

  Thessalonike does not reply right away and slowly makes her way to her chambers. She gives him one last look and asks, “Have you decided to be her parent now?”

  Dr. Frankenstein lowers his head in shame and remains silent.

  The queen continues in a stern manner, “She becomes so happy when you arrive, Ludwig. As do I. The truth remains that you do not witness her sadness when you leave.”

  The guilt-ridden doctor is speechless as he watches Queen Thessalonike walk away with Derceto and Indrid. After a few minutes of pondering his past decisions, he turns around and exits the throne room. The doors gradually close behind him.

  A door slides open and Barbara is completely enamored by the way her room is decorated. In the center lies an oval shaped pool similar to the one found in the throne room but on a much smaller scale. She curiously looks at a huge cushion which resembles an over-sized bean bag. Princess Alexandria giggles as she runs past Barbara and jumps onto the cushion while holding Fluffy in her arms. The puppy barks as the princess contorts her body into different positions. While doing this, the cushion magically comes to life and begins moving on its own. She stops moving and looks at a stunned Barbara.

  “You're going to absolutely fall in love with this bed, Two Tone! It positions itself depending on how you are sleeping. Only giving the best night's sleep ever!”

  Barbara laughs at the girl's refreshing silliness. It feels so good to be in the company of someone with such a vibrant personality. She notices a large mirror on the wall and decides to walk toward it to glimpse at the reflection of her new body. Barbara gently caresses her face with her hand and is taken aback by her blue iris. She whispers, “I'm a monster.”

  Alexandria appears next to her and gazes upon the reflection of her guest. She rests her head on Barbara's shoulder and replies, “Well, I think you look unique. In a good way. I'd rather be like you than having my legs turn into a fish tail when I touch the water.”

  Barbara is touched by the sweet girl's attempt to cheer her up. “Do you know anything about what Indrid saw, princess?”

  Alexandria gazes at the floor and replies, “No. Dad never tells me anything. All I heard is that Indrid appears when the shit hits the fan.”

  Barbara is shocked by the foul language and gently shoves her. She then says, “Hey! That behavior is unbecoming and disrespectful, young lady!”

  Alexandria laughs, punches her shoulder and shouts loudly, “Shut up!”

  She picks up Fluffy and makes her way toward the door. As the door slides open, the princess looks at Barbara and says, “See you at dinner. Barbara.”
  “I'll see you there.”

  Barbara then raises her hand slightly and waves at her. The door slides until it closes and she gazes at an empty bed that looks strange. Not strange in that it's like something out of a James Bond movie. Strange as in not having Jonathan there calling for her.

  Dr. Frankenstein is sitting at the dinner table and watching the news on his tablet. Alexandria appears and blocks the doctor's view with her head. While observing the screen, she asks him, “What you lookin' at, dad?”

  The anchorwoman is seen explaining the details of current events.

  “In business news. CEO of StarSun, a major pharmaceutical company, Theodore F. Reubens has officially announced his retirement.”

  As Dr. Frankenstein gently pushes Alexandria's head aside, she moans with boredom and says, “Eewwww. News. What's that have to do with us, dad?”

  “Any business decisions that are made by these multinational corporations affect everyone. Whether it is to a large or small extent, konfect.” He kisses her forehead and then pays attention to the anchorwoman.

  “Thirty-eight year-old COO Diana Garrison will be taking over as Chief Executive Officer of one of largest corporations in the world. She will be addressing the media tomorrow and CNN will be there to provide coverage of the press conference.”

  Henry lights a cigarette and inhales deeply. As he exhales, he tells the doctor, “All this time I've been away and nothing's changed, Doc. The poor stay poor while the rich get richer.”

  Dr. Frankenstein's eyes focus on Henry and he replies, “That is a sad fact of life, Henry. This may be a game that the average person loses every single time, but one must be informed. Otherwise, you run the risk of...”

  At this point, Dr. Frankenstein notices Alexandria sticking her finger in her mouth pretending to induce vomiting. She quickly stops and smiles innocently at him. He looks at Henry and mutters, “The never-ending joys of parenthood.”

  Barbara enters the dining room and is instantly greeted by Alexandria. The princess hugs her and Barbara is pleasantly surprised by her gesture of affection. Similar to Alexandria, she was also an only child. Perhaps the young girl has come to consider her as an older sister? She looks at the concerned expression on Dr. Frankenstein's face and immediately knows what he's thinking. When the time comes to go back up, she will be heart-broken once again. Alexandria takes her by the hand and walks her to the table. Barbara sits down and asks Dr. Frankenstein, “Doctor? May I ask what exactly Indrid saw?”


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