Be A Doll

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Be A Doll Page 4

by Stephanie Witter

  “I hope this room is to your liking, Mr. Grimes,’’ Mrs. Stein said with a silky voice. Buttering me up was part of her job description since I was a high profile client, but it made me want to snap at her. I didn’t trust people like her.

  I stared around the decent sized dining room and noticed the round bouquets of flowers near the windows and on either side of the two doors in the room. The dining table, that could easily sit eight people, was probably polished to perfection under the heavy linen of the tablecloth. At one end, two table settings were waiting for me and Miss Hodge.

  “It’ll do, Mrs. Stein. Thank you for according me this evening with Miss Hodge.’’

  She nodded and pinched her lips so much that it accentuated the beginning of the wrinkles around her mouth. “It’s understandable, Mr. Grimes. It’s best if you make sure she’s the right fit for you now.’’

  I frowned, losing the indifferent mask I had on. My eyes locked on hers, her glasses offering no protection whatsoever. “I’m a man of my word, Mrs. Stein. Miss Hodge is wearing my ring and it is a promise in itself. I’m in business with her and intend on going through with it. My presence here has nothing to do with doubts.’’

  She cleared her throat uneasily as her body swayed back when my cold tone hit her, but she’s saved when the door behind me opened, followed by the clacking of heels on the oak floor.

  I turned around and I was met with the vision of Miss Hodge in a form fitting black dress with long sleeves. It left very little to the imagination as to what her body was like without any clothes on and from what I could see, it was stunning. My eyes followed the line of her delicate collarbone, then down to the generous breasts that would fill my hands. I kept on detailing her, watching the way her waist dipped and her hips flared with the kind of curves that drove a man to his knees. Carter Manor knew how to pick stunning women.

  But when my eyes landed on her feet clad in very high heels equally black, the famous ones with red soles, I had a sudden twitch in my pants, something that had been happening frequently ever since I thought of my fiancée.

  I might not be ecstatic to marry and I might not care much about this arrangement, but I was still a man and the promise to touch this woman had me turned on a lot more than I would have expected.

  “Mr. Grimes,’’ she said, her perfectly arched eyebrows slightly furrowed as her clear blue eyes took me in without much of a hint of interest.

  “Miss Hodge.’’ I put my hands in the pockets of my slacks, aware that it would mold my suit closer to my body and show off my muscles. It was a test to see if it’d sway Miss Hodge any. She didn’t bat an eyelid, but kept her attention on me, a very fake smile on her ruby red lips. She acted exactly how she had been taught and the urge to find the fire-spirit I had met during that interview burned inside me, making me way more excited than I should be. “I believe it’s time we start our evening, Mrs. Stein.’’

  The old rag’s nostrils flared slightly as her eyes kept on detailing the stunning young woman that arrived. “Yes, of course. I hope you have a nice evening,’’ she said with a tense smile for me and then a warning glare for her student who merely narrowed her eyes on the older woman as she walked past her.

  Without waiting, I turned around and walked to one of the chairs to pull it back for Miss Hodge. Her heels clacked on the floor again and it made me shiver as the thought of fucking her with those heels took me off guard. My hands tightened on the back of the chair as she appeared in front of me so I could slide the chair behind her.

  My eyes met an inviting expanse of bare skin. The dress dipped very low on her back and only a bow kept the dress closed, a bow starting from her shoulders to sit in the middle of her back. It wouldn’t take much to tug on that bow and untie it.

  Once she’s seated, I took a deep breath and walked around the table to get to my assigned seat, gaining some control back on my undisciplined cock.

  For the first time, my eyes caught the gleaming ring on her finger as she put her hands on top of the table. “I see you’re wearing your ring.’’

  Her eyes fell on it. “I couldn’t not wear it, especially when I’m meeting my fiancé.’’

  Well-mannered and proper with a hint of sarcasm I could have missed if I didn’t know the kind of spirit she had. “Does that mean you don’t wear it around the Manor?’’

  She locked eyes with me and the fire in them had me twitching in my pants again. She offered a challenge, something rather amusing considering she’s my fiancée and a sure bet. It intrigued me.

  “I’ve been wearing it since I received it, Mr. Grimes. I believe I should get used to having a ring on that finger considering we’ll be married in a few weeks.’’

  “The month will fly in no time. I hope you have your wedding dress ready.’’ I held up the wine bottle, asking silently if she wanted a glass and at her stiff nod I poured us both a drink in the crystal glasses.

  “It’s currently being made. It’ll be delivered a few days before the ceremony. Don’t you worry, Mr. Grimes, I’m not going to embarrass you.’’

  My fingers tightened on the stem of the glass, but I made sure to not rise to the baiting tone of her voice. It’s strangely stimulating, that game. In a way she wanted to throw me and I wanted to shed that persona they molded her into here, at the Manor. I was thankful that she was able to navigate the social codes that my life presented, after all, that’s why I was picking a wife here, but as a man, her fire underneath had me riveted more than I should be. I bet the mild interest I had in my fiancée would be gone as soon as I had access between her thighs after our wedding.

  “I’m not worried, Miss Hodge.’’ I took a sip of the wine and welcomed the fruity aroma and the punch of the alcohol. “Tell me, what was your reaction when Mrs. Stein informed you of our engagement?’’

  Her slender fingers stilled on the tablecloth as she was about to take her wine glass. Her eyes momentarily locked with mine and the fire in the blue depth only made my blood run faster. “It’s a great chance for me, Mr. Grimes. I was surprised, but delightfully so.’’

  A wry smile almost took over my mouth, but I fought it until only a stone cold mask stood. I didn’t want to give her the chance to see that even though I was marrying her for business, she still amused me and mostly intrigued me so much so that I wanted to fuck her polished attitude out of her, at least for a few hours. Once again, thoughts of our wedding night made me twitch in my pants. I wasn’t used to this type of interaction with a woman and the stimulation it offered was hard to contain.

  “Delightfully so, you say? Hm…’’ I took another sip of my wine, my eyes trained on her face, making her wait for my next words and as the perfect wife-to-be trained that she was, she didn’t enjoin me to finish expressing myself. She waited, because in such a marriage, she would only be a trophy wife, an asset for a man like me. It went completely at odds with the spirit in this woman. “From our last meeting I wouldn’t have thought this would be a word you’d use.’’

  Poised in her antique chair as if she wasn’t uncomfortable from my observation, she kept her eyes on me with a boldness that only made me harder. She didn’t cross her arms in a defensive position as you’d expect from anyone else. No, she didn’t move an inch and went as far as to let her eyes wander for a few seconds all over my face and along my shoulders and chest encased in my Armani suit.

  “I was intimidated and quite nervous upon meeting the man who could very well become my husband. I apologize for my behavior.’’

  The way she said ‘apologize’ through her teeth with a smile that uncovered her perfect white teeth in a glowing but insincere smile made me want to undo her perfect hairdo and wrap my hand around her mane to control her until I took her lips and made that damn smile disappear. That need, burning in my gut and turning my cock to granite, was too potent, too heady. This arrangement between us was supposed to be all about me and yet the power seemed to shift easily, with just the play of a few well-picked words.

you know why I chose you, Miss Hodge?’’ I asked and took another sip of the French wine and put the glass back where it belonged as my fiancée did the same, her eyes never wavering from mine in a move that could be mistaken as attentive, but I knew was more a show of her spirit.

  “I don’t, but I’m curious.’’

  “Upon walking in here the first time, the day I met you, I had envisioned picking any woman I would be presented with to be my wife and as such an arrangement works, I expected to find someone so well-educated and polished for the role, that I wouldn’t be able to find any kind of genuine personality left. I didn’t much care considering this marriage is strictly business, but I was surprised when I saw your file and the picture accompanying it.’’

  “What about it?’’ she asked in a voice less guarded. I detected a hint of real interest.

  “You can’t hide the fire in you, it’s burning through your eyes, Miss Hodge. I picked up on it right away and upon seeing your file it only drilled home that you weren’t as polished as you’re supposed to be at this stage. You’ve excelled at Carter Manor in all things, but Mrs. Stein added some very interesting notes regarding your inadequacy to remember at all times where your place is.’’

  “And yet, you wanted to meet me. It’s confusing, Mr. Grimes.’’

  “How so?’’

  “Well, you have an empire. You’re a very important businessman and I don’t see how you’d welcome a misbehaving wife in your life considering you picked a Carter Manor certified candidate for the role which should ensure you a trophy wife that would be completely at your service. It’s contradictory.’’

  I nodded at her words just as a maid appeared in the room with our starters covered by silver domes. She promptly placed the appetizers and pulled the domes to reveal foie gras with gingerbread and figs chutney. I thanked her and locked eyes with my fiancée once again.

  “People are made of contradictions, Miss Hodge. That’s what makes people interesting. I happen to find your character very interesting. Call it the whim of a billionaire.’’

  She daintily cut a piece of gingerbread and foie gras and added a small amount of chutney before she brought it to her mouth with her fork, chewing elegantly. I had never found it enthralling to watch a woman eat, but it was blatant that underneath the peaks of her more savage self, she was truly a perfect product of the kind of education this manor offered.

  “The whim of a billionaire, you say? It’s funny because from all the articles I had to read to get a better handle of what my future husband does, I discovered that you’re described more like a man in control in his business and very hard to crack. You don’t seem like a man who enjoys contradictions.’’

  “All that from reading the business and economy pages from the newspapers? You can’t possibly think it can resume a man.’’

  “No, but it gives an hint.’’

  “I’ll share a little something with you, Miss Hodge. Business is business. I have to be a certain man in my business endeavors. The man I am is probably far more complex than I should be, but life only twists you and molds you a certain way. You’re not just a polished future bride, just like I’m not just a coldhearted businessman who has made takeovers a walk in the park. But if you’re wondering if I’m going to be some romantic sap in this partnership, I won’t. And I’ll love taming your wildness.’’

  “Taming me? Who do you think I am?’’ she asked, her voice rising as the fire in her eyes became a furnace burning always brighter, drawing me in. Her shoulders tensed, rising slightly.

  “A wife I purchased at a hefty price.’’ I arched an eyebrow, baiting her to answer something, but instead she looked away, back at the door she walked through not long ago. “No comeback, Miss Hodge?’’

  She glared at me then. “I’m not falling for your cheap trap again, Mr. Grimes.’’

  “Let’s talk business then.’’ I finished my last bite of foie gras. “Considering you don’t have family or friends that can attend the wedding, I asked my sister to be your maid of honor. I have a friend who is going to act as my best man. We’ll keep the wedding party small and I left my sister the choice to pick her dress. It’s easier considering you two have never met.’’

  “Fine,’’ she clipped.

  “The wedding will take place at the Plaza.’’

  “I know. Mrs. Stein keeps me updated on the advancement of the organization.’’

  “That’s good. Were you made aware that we wouldn’t have a honeymoon?’’

  She chuckled just as the same maid that brought our appetizers appeared to clear our plates. Just as she went to take Miss Hodge’s empty plate, my fiancée opened her mouth, her eyes burning once again. “I’m so heartbroken, Mr. Grimes. I had hoped we would be able to act like newlyweds.’’ Sarcasm dripped from her tone and the coldness accompanying it made me frown.

  The maid almost dropped the plate in her hand, but she recovered and quickly took mine and disappeared.

  “Oh, but believe me, Miss Hodge, we will have a full night at the Plaza to do just that.’’

  Her smile disappeared and in its place, the pink hue in her delicate cheeks.



  The wedding night. My heart hammered in my chest at the prospect of my wedding night with that man. With a movement less graceful than before, I grabbed my wine glass and sipped the rest of the red wine, hoping against hope that it would dull my sudden nerves enough to make the rest of the dinner bearable.

  “Is everything all right, Miss Hodge?’’

  The smarmy, yet handsome man made me want to claw his eyes out and wipe out the condescending smile from his mouth. He was truly probably one of the most good looking men I had ever laid eyes on, but his character only ruined his looks and made me shudder in disgust at the thought of his big hands on my body. But the fact was, I didn’t have a choice.

  At that very moment I felt like a glorified prostitute.

  Once I would officially be Mrs. Mathis Grimes I wouldn’t have much of a choice in the matter of my sex life. I’d have to spread my legs on the evening of our wedding for him to take me however he wanted while I made sure to be good enough for my husband.

  “Can I have another glass, please?’’ I asked with a voice a lot steadier than I truly felt. Hiding my worries and insecurities was a perk of my education at Carter Manor. That was something I was truly thankful for.

  After a few seconds longer while his dark eyes detailed me with attention, he poured us both another glass of the delicious, yet extremely expensive, red wine. I thanked him and downed another two sips before setting the glass at its place and locked eyes with my fiancé.

  I was aware that I was lucky in a sense. Mr. Grimes, while despicable, was young and good looking, something most of us here at Carter Manor couldn’t hope for in a husband. Sleeping with him would be probably less appalling than if I had married one of my two previous prospects and I went through enough to not have any romantic views regarding sex. Sex was sex, something rather mechanical, that when done correctly could chase away other thoughts. Sex could be messy, but at least now my emotions wouldn’t play any role here. I had to remember that I wasn’t who I used to be and that sex would only be a part of my role as a trophy wife. Anyway, I bet that after the wedding night he would go back to the usual strings of women he slept with.

  “I suppose I momentarily forgot about my marital duty,’’ I said after a beat, my voice steady and my eyes cold as I found my composure back with enough hate for that man in front of me to keep me clear of any and all fears regarding sleeping with him.

  “Really.’’ His smile, twisted higher on one side and carved a dimple in his cheek. Something so boyish was at odds with a man like him. “I have big plans for you, Miss Hodge and I look forward to them.’’

  His eyes trailed over what he could see of my body while I was sitting stiffly in the chair. My skin broke out in goosebumps, but none of it came from a good place. I craved making him eat his Armani suit p
erfectly tailored to his muscular body and I was dying to color his cheek red in the exact shape of my hand. At this point, I bet that even if I made a scene he wouldn’t cancel our impending wedding to pick another more suitable woman. He was the kind of man who would take great pride in taming me, as he put it.

  I daintily brought my napkin to my mouth and put it next to the cutlery. I made sure to lock eyes with my fiancé as he started frowning. “If you’ll excuse me, Mr. Grimes, but I feel quite nauseous all of a sudden. I’d rather get back to my room now. I’m sure you don’t have much of anything else regarding the wedding ceremony to discuss anyway.’’

  I stood up and started walking briskly to the door when I heard him standing, the chair scratching on the old floor. I didn’t have enough time to reach the door before his big hand gripped my upper arm. His strong fingers bit into me, but it wouldn’t leave a bruise. Somehow and in spite of my poor judgment of the man, I couldn’t really see him as the violent type. He enjoyed playing and being manipulative too much for that.

  He forced me to turn around and face him. My eyes landed on the knot of his anthracite tie. Slowly, I tilted my head up and locked eyes with his. The dark brown orbs fixing me were burning so hot it was hard for me to keep looking at them. For a brief moment, there was no trace of the cold man I had seen so far and something else lurked on the surface, something that suddenly had my heart beating wildly in my chest.

  “Mark my words, Lila. You’ll be mine in all ways you can imagine.’’

  My mouth dried at his ominous words and before I could utter a question he released me and opened the door for me. Unsettled, I walked through and didn’t turn around when the door closed behind me, separating my fiancé from me for the last time before the wedding that would link me to him for the foreseeable future, a future that was turning out to be less and less certain as days went by.

  You’ll be mine in all ways you can imagine.

  These words kept on playing in my head as I walked through the Manor back to my room and the anxiety mounting inside me drew out cold sweat all over my skin.


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