Her Savannah Surprise (The Savannah Sisters Book 3)

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Her Savannah Surprise (The Savannah Sisters Book 3) Page 10

by Nancy Robards Thompson

  Kate crossed her arms over her middle. “I wish I could share your confidence. I don’t know that I am made for anyone.”

  Elle waved her hand as if clearing the air of Kate’s words. “Don’t be ridiculous. You know the old saying, ‘There’s a lid for every pot.’”

  “You’re saying Aidan is my lid?”

  Elle nodded, a sweet smile turning up the edges of her lips. “I’ve thought that for a long time. You guys have known each other for such a long time, and you keep finding your way back together.”

  “I have to give him credit for that. He hasn’t given up on me yet.”

  “Do you think subconsciously you’ve been testing him? To make sure he won’t break your heart the way Fred broke Mom’s heart?”

  Kate shrugged. Elle and Jane called their father by his first name because they both agreed he didn’t deserve to be called Father or Dad.

  “God knows Mom has been beating herself up for far too long,” Elle said. “You can’t let her bad experience make you think all men are bad.”

  Fred Clark was an alcoholic. He had been unemployed more often than he had held a job. At one point, Zelda had finally given up trying to collect child support. She had decided cutting ties and making a clean break was better for her daughters than the occasional check. But even so, Fred would come around occasionally, wanting to see his girls. He’d carried on that way for several years until he decided to sue for half interest in the Forsyth Galloway Inn and lost the case.

  They hadn’t seen or heard from him since, saddling their mother and Gigi with mountains of legal fees they were still trying to pay off.

  The lawsuit had inspired Gigi to have an attorney strengthen the terms of the trust, to protect the inn from husbands of future generations if they tried pulling a similar stunt. Ever the optimist, Gigi had said that being able to add extra protections to the ownership of their beloved inn had been the silver lining to an otherwise horrible situation.

  Zelda, however, simply saw it as a heartbreaking ending. She hadn’t been the same since the divorce. It was as if he had stolen their mother’s spirit.

  “It is not just the men that can be bad.”

  Elle scrunched up her nose. “What?”

  “I worry that I inherited the same defect that made him leave Mom. That weird thing that makes me terrified of love and unable to commit to anything. Elle, I’m that flawed. I know it, and I don’t want to break Aidan and Chloe’s hearts.”

  “Oh, and you think divorcing him when you’re pregnant with his child is going to somehow set him free?”

  The ripple of silence between them widened as if Elle had just dropped a rock in what had otherwise been a still pool.

  She took the skillet off the heat, turned off the burner, walked over and sat on the stool next to Kate.

  “Okay, you know I love you. And I’m only saying this because I do. But you need some tough love right now. You need someone to be real with you. You have a child on the way. Life isn’t about you anymore. Actually, let me rephrase that. You and Aidan have a child on the way. This can be the start of a new life for you. A brand-new path full of adventure with a child and a good man who wants to be your husband. It can change your life in ways you never dreamed possible. You are lucky to have Aidan, Kate. Now you have to make up your mind. You have to commit and come to the table prepared to hold up your end or be willing to live with the consequences that you are mirroring Fred. And it is your choice.”

  * * *

  The next morning, Kate stood on Aidan’s front doorstep with coffee in one hand and a paper bag of bagels in the other. When she had called Aidan about getting together to talk—asking if he had time to talk when Chloe wasn’t home—he had suggested this morning.

  Aidan had arranged for the parent of one of his daughter’s friends to take her to school this morning. With that set, Kate had offered to stop by and bring breakfast. Aidan had wanted to go out for breakfast, but she needed to have this conversation in private. Aidan had sounded dubious, but he had agreed.

  Even though Kate had made up her mind by the time she left Elle’s house yesterday morning, she wanted to give herself the night to sleep on her decision and consider it with a fresh head the next day. Because she knew that with this talk, she was giving Aidan her final answer. There was no going back after today.

  She rang the doorbell, taking care not to spill the coffee in the open white ceramic mug she was carrying. She had seen the mug in one of the novelty shops on Bull Street, which was located not too far from the salon.

  It was plain white, with the word Dad emblazoned in big, black letters. Underneath was the year. She had stopped at the store and purchased it after her visit with Elle. Although, of course, Aidan was already a father to Chloe, and a wonderful one at that, raising her on his own without a bit of help from Chloe’s mother.

  Boy, Aidan sure knew how to pick them, didn’t he? Maybe where Chloe’s mother had failed, Kate could do better. It said something that Aidan hadn’t let one bad relationship experience sour him on trying to make it work with her. And that was before he had learned she was pregnant. He was either a fool or the best thing that had ever happened to her.

  Her throat was so tight she almost couldn’t speak. Instead, she hoped the “Dad” mug would do the talking for her. Or at least break the ice.

  When he opened the door, she held out the coffee cup and her words spilled out. “I know you’re already a dad. But see the year on the cup? It signifies the year we became a family. All four of us.”

  “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” he asked cautiously.

  Kate nodded. “But I have stipulations. I’m not giving up my business. I need to make my own money. And I am keeping my house. I don’t want to sell it.”

  He scrunched up his face. “You want to be married, but live separately? We already talked about that, Kate”

  “No, I want to live with you and Chloe, but I don’t want to sell my house. I saved for a long time before I could afford to buy it. And I don’t want to let it go.”

  “Okay, we can rent it out.”

  Kate shrugged. “I guess so. The extra money would be nice.”

  Aidan smiled. “So we’re really going to do this?”

  Kate took an audible deep breath and nodded.

  “Elle knows we are married, and she knows about the baby. So we have to tell the family as soon as possible.”

  “Why? Before you change your mind?”

  “Very funny,” Kate leaned in and brushed a featherlight kiss on his lips. “Don’t tempt me.”

  Aidan deepened the kiss and white-hot volts of electricity shot through her, waking up her lady parts. “Okay, you can tempt me that way. But let me set this down. You’re going to make me spill the coffee.”

  Aidan took the bag with the bagels and set it and the mug on the table in the foyer.

  Kate stepped inside. “I trust my sister to keep our secret, but things happen. Tongues slip and happy news finds a way of spilling out. And if my mother and Gigi find out we’re married and having a baby before we can tell them, they will disown both of us.”

  Aidan pulled her into his arms, somehow managing to close the door in the process.

  “Okay, when do you want to tell them?”

  “How about this Sunday at family brunch?”

  “That sounds like a plan,” he said.

  “There’s something else,” Kate said. “I hope you won’t think this is silly because it’s important to me. I want you to propose to me, and I want a do-over with the wedding. I want a traditional wedding. Because we eloped, I didn’t get to buy bridal magazines and I didn’t get to say yes to the dress and cry when I found the perfect one. I want all of that, Aidan. I want my sisters to be bridesmaids and I wanted Charles to give me away. I don’t want our marriage to be defined by a bad Elvis impersonator and a ceremony t
hat I didn’t remember.”

  “I want you to have all of those things, Kate. You deserve to have the wedding of your dreams.” Aidan reached out and put his hand on her arm and gave it a loving squeeze. “If that’s what has been hanging you up about us, it is all easy to fix. I would get down on one knee right now and ask you to marry me, but I want you to have a real proposal and I intend to surprise you with it.”

  Her heart swelled, and then he kissed her for real.

  The connection cut through the jangle of nerves that had been rattling her since she woke up married. In an instant, she was one hundred percent certain this was right. That he was not going give up on her or tell her to leave because she was too difficult to deal with.

  In turn, she would give her best to him.

  He deepened the kiss and her body responded immediately. Her heart pounded and her body sighed, oooh, yes.

  Or maybe she had said it out loud. She hoped she hadn’t said it out loud. Even if she had, it didn’t matter because that was the thing about them. They were so good together. Physically, they just worked. While the physical part of their relationship wasn’t the only thing to build a relationship around, it was something. An important something. And they had it.

  She slid her arms around his neck and pulled him close. She opened her mouth and invited him in. He turned her so that he could deepen the kiss even more.

  In contrast to how he tended to let her run the show outside of the bedroom, in the bed he was the one who was in control. Maybe that would be their saving grace?

  She was vaguely aware of him gently but deftly walking her backward away from the front door, all the while not breaking the electric connection that was this kiss.

  Somehow, her back was against the closest living room wall. His hands had found the back of her neck, and his touch was tender but firm, in contrast to the fiery, lingering kiss. He tasted of toothpaste with just the slightest hint of coffee, and that taste that was uniquely Aidan. How was it that sometimes she forgot the exquisite deliciousness of him? Thank God for reminders like this.

  Kate fisted her hands into his hair and pulled their bodies even closer. Why did it take almost walking away and losing him for her to remember that Aidan was her touchstone, her constant? He always had been. Why did she sometimes forget that?

  But all of the difficulties leading up to this moment didn’t matter anymore. Aidan’s mouth was on her lips, and his hands were on her breasts, making her entire body sing.

  Oooh, yes. Oooh, hell yes.

  For a moment the entire world telescoped and disappeared until it was just the two of them, his lips devouring hers, his strong hands, which had somehow slipped down to cup her bottom and pull her even tighter against him...and the proof of how much he desired her.

  And she wanted him, too. His hard body felt so good under her hands. She slid them across his shoulders and down his muscled arms. Her hands pushed their way between them, finding the waistband of his trousers. She dipped her fingers below, working the button and fumbling with it, determined for nothing to stand between them. There would be nothing but skin on skin. Him inside of her. And the sooner the better—but before she could finish unzipping him, Aidan broke the kiss.

  He stood there for a moment, stock-still, his forehead resting on hers.

  “Is this a good idea?” His eyes, dark with need and hunger, like a mirror reflecting back everything she was feeling, locked with hers.

  “Of course, it is a good idea,” Kate said. “When has the two of us having sex ever been a bad idea?”

  “Never.” He kissed her again. “Until now. I don’t want to hurt the baby.”

  She took his bottom lip between her teeth, let go and then kissed it. “The doctor said that gentle lovemaking in the early stages of pregnancy is fine as long as there are no problems. She said this pregnancy doesn’t appear to have any problems. And I certainly don’t have any problems with you making love to me.”

  Aidan scooped her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom.

  She heard the ragged edge of his breathing just beneath the blood rushing in her ears. He smelled like heaven: subtle aftershave with grassy notes and something leathery and masculine. The seductive mix nearly pushed her over the edge. It teased her senses, made her feel hot and sexy and more than a little bit reckless as he eased her back onto the bed, his gaze transfixed on hers.

  No...she wasn’t feeling reckless. She was feeling...safe and protected. As he tasted and teased, she melted into him and let go of the last bit of hesitation she possessed. If she let herself, she could love him. Couldn’t she? Because if ever she could love a man, it would be Aidan.

  And hadn’t it always been Aidan? Even if her conscious mind hadn’t realized it, hadn’t her subconscious mind always wanted him? Yes. For as long as she had known what it meant for a woman to want a man.

  * * *

  His fingers lingered on her stomach, slipped underneath her blouse and worked their way up to her breasts. He loved the way she seemed to melt at the feel of his touch. Explosions of desire and fiery need spiraled in his gut.

  She looked so beautiful and vulnerable lying there—his wife. This was his wife. Kate was his wife. And she was going to have his baby.

  He kissed her lips, her gorgeous eyes, her jaw, her cheeks, the delicate ivory column of her neck, and tenderly bit down on her earlobe. Her head lolled to the side in approving bliss.

  “I’ve wanted this for so long,” he whispered. “I’ve wanted you for so long. I’ve wanted us. I promise you I will do everything in my power to make you happy and be the best husband I can be.”

  He had never felt such all-consuming longing in his life. He needed to show her how much he ached for her, how much he desired her, not just in this moment. He would crave her for the rest of his life. He wanted to show her with his lips and hands and body why they were so right together.

  He touched her, and in response, his own body swelled and hardened. He had to be careful, gentle. They had to take things slowly. That was why he focused on how much he loved the feel of her body, her curves, so strong, yet so pliable to his touch. When he moved, his hands found her breasts again, cupping them through the silky material of her blouse, savoring their full curves before teasing her hard nipples. She gasped and arched against him, seeming to lose herself in his touch, fueling his rigid desire.

  The thought of making love to her sent a hungry shudder coursing through him. It racked his whole body. But that was nothing compared to the feel of her hand on the front of his trousers. She teased his erection through the layers of his trousers and boxers. The sensation was almost more than he could bear. He needed her naked so that he could bury himself inside of her.

  Again he reminded himself to go slow, savor the moment, protect their child. He took his time undoing each button on her blouse. In one swift, gentle motion, he lifted her so that he could remove it. Next, he unhooked the front clasp of her bra. He freed her breasts, lowered his head and worshipped them with his mouth until she cried out in pleasure.

  The sexy sound almost undid him.

  She must have sensed as much, because she made quick work of picking up where she had left off with his trousers, sliding down the zipper. He helped her rid him of his pants and boxers. They fell to the floor, freeing him.

  When he settled himself beside her, she looked like the most beautiful woman in the world. He knew at that moment that he had been waiting his whole life for this moment. It was just like the first time all over again, and in a way, it was, because this really was the first time they were making love as husband and wife.

  And then they were kissing each other deeply again, tongues thrusting, ravishing each other. When he was sure she was ready, he turned her on her side, spooning her and burying himself inside her. That was when he knew without a doubt that this was where he wanted to be, where he needed to be. Always.
r />   Chapter Seven

  Every Sunday, the family had a standing brunch date. It wasn’t mandatory, but it was appreciated when every effort was made to attend, because they all led busy lives and this was the way they connected once a week.

  Kate and Aidan decided family brunch would be the perfect time to share their double dose of good news with the family. Everyone would be there except for Chloe. She was at her friend Beatrice’s house for the afternoon. They would tell her the news after she got home this evening—after the rest of the family knew, so that the little girl didn’t spill the beans before Aidan and Kate had a chance to tell everyone themselves.

  Elle was still the only one who was in on their secret, and in true Elle form, she had been a champ about helping them keep it under wraps until they were ready to announce it.

  Kate had finally decided that she would move into Aidan’s house with him and Chloe, but she didn’t want to start packing up and relocating until they had officially informed the family.

  She knew that her elopement might not go over very well with her mother and grandmother. Never had two women loved planning weddings as much as her Zelda and Gigi. Kate was preparing for the worst—hurt feelings that she had robbed them of their last chance to throw a wedding for the youngest of the three girls.

  But she and Aidan planned on placating them with the consolation that even though they were already officially married, they wanted to stage a more traditional do-over in Savannah.

  They had agreed to skip over the part about Kate not remembering the Vegas wedding—they would keep that little tidbit to themselves—and go right into the joyous news of the baby and how Gigi was getting her eighty-fifth birthday wish after all. All tied up in one beautiful package with a pretty bow.

  Because it felt best to have the home field advantage, Aidan and Kate had agreed to host this week’s brunch, with the help of Elle, who had prepared a festive fruit salad, and Jane, who was none the wiser but whipped up delicacies such as scones, brioche and quiche from her tearoom.


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