The Phoenix Wars: Book I, Reprieve

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The Phoenix Wars: Book I, Reprieve Page 15

by C. R. Daems

  I took a deep breath and began. "First, we do need a dedicated group to teach the K-box. I would see each house teaching the Earth survivors the basic fighter pilot skills. Then transferring them to the K-box group for evaluation. When that is completed, the K-box group would configure an attached fighter group based on the individuals' performance and return the unit to the original house. There is no reason a house could not support several attached fighter units. As cruisers become available, any unassigned units would be assigned."

  "I like it," Calum said. "It's simple and requires very little change for the houses. It ensures the K-box pilots are consistently trained and evaluated."

  "If you don't object, Kayla, I'll present your solution. I think you will get less opposition, and we can begin implementation in less than a year or two."

  When we met two days later, I intentionally let the other three houses present before the Saker House. As I had expected, the three houses each wanted to train their own K-box pilots, and a few thought we should create new Houses of War for the new units. Bradley's presentation was seen as simple and eliminated many of the problems the other houses' solutions created. So it only took two days to get general consensus. Of course, I expected many minor issues to arise during implementation but thought they would be easy to resolve now that we had an overall framework in place.

  Chapter 34

  Starting Over

  As I made my way through the unfamiliar corridor, I wondered what was in store for me in the cruiser section. Hyun and Hanna enjoyed the training and had not mentioned any problems. Starting over didn't bother me, especially since I knew what Black Eagle wanted, sort of. Nevertheless, I would miss fighter exercises. Bradley had agreed the Pitohui was my personal fighter and that I could fly it anytime I wanted.

  When I arrived at the training area, I stood looking around, wondering where I should go to find Masao, the head instructor, when a stocky, muscular man in his forties approached. He had a square face that looked serious and eyes that were evaluating me as he neared.

  "I am Masao, the head instructor, and you are Kayla," he said. "I expect you to work very hard. There is much for you to learn, and time is short."

  Well, that was to the point, I thought. "Yes, sir," I replied, not sure what else to say.

  "Would you prefer to start with navigation, weapons, or ECM?" he said like it was a quiz.

  "Whichever you think most appropriate," I said, knowing I would eventually have to take them all and had no idea what I may enjoy.

  "Good answer. Navigation." He waved for me to follow as he walked across the room to a stack of books, selected one, and handed it to me. Read the first couple of chapters, and we will discuss the material at noon tomorrow. He nodded and was off, stopping to talk with several groups after looking at whatever they were working on. I shrugged, found an unoccupied chair and began reading. I had been reading for a while when I heard my name.

  "Kayla." When I looked up, it was Hanna, smiling ear to ear. "I see you have met Masao. He's testing you to determine what kind of a student you are going to be. He's strict, but he's a good teacher, works you hard, but helpful if you need it. I see he started you on navigation. He prefers that topic as it's the hardest, and it will say a lot about you. We started with ten students, but we have lost three. I think we will lose a couple more over the next month or two. Cruisers tend to be more academic than physical like fighters."

  Great, I wasn't a particularly outstanding student, but then I had a brain tumor and wondered how the Anixian's cure affected my mind. Did whatever they do return it to normal, kill damaged cells or make new ones? I would soon find out.

  The days turned into weeks, and the three of us became closer as we spent every waking hour together in class, eating, and studying. I benefited the most as I had Hanna to give me immediate help when I had a question and was getting insights on ECM and advance navigation theory as Hyun and Hanna talked about what they were studying. I found Hanna's discussions about interplanetary travel fascinating. Apparently, space was not a consistent medium because of planets, galaxies, and objects like black holes that warped space. Entering one of these warped areas could increase your speed or shorten the distance to another place. You could think of these anomalies as a vast number of rivers, which ranged from small to large and from slow to class five rapids. The trick was determining where to get on and off and where each one went–a trial and error experiment, which the older space-going nations would have extensive knowledge and a distinct advantage over younger nations.

  Two months later, Masao announced me competent in navigational theory and started me on ECM, which I already had a head start thanks to Hyun. At the same time, Joseph pronounced me sufficiently knowledgeable in police procedures and methods and promoted me to two stars. I thought I was progressing too fast because of Black Eagle's interest in me. I thought I would have remained in the fighter unit all of my life if it wasn't for Black Eagle, but then realized it was the Anixian environment. There was little to do on Anixia but work, eat, and sleep, and you had more time since the days were longer. That wasn't totally true, I corrected my musing. There was a recreation area, and a lot of the men and women were pairing off. However, our little triad appeared obsessed with work.

  Hyun finished ECM training a month ahead of me and started weapons training. When I finished ECM training, Masao started me on weapons and Hanna on pilot training.

  Hanna snorted a laugh. "Masao told me there was nothing for a navigator to do after she plotted a course. So a backup pilot would be helpful in an emergency, and who better than a navigator to steer the cruiser? It will also keep me busy until you two finish weapons training, and we begin the hands-on training."

  Two months later, Hyun and I finished weapons training and Hanna finished pilot training.

  "Congratulations, ladies," Masao said with a rare smile. "You three are the most conscientious students I have trained in a long time and have finished well under the standard year. I'm turning you over to Captain Basson to complete your cruiser training. He will provide you with the practical experience you will need. A shuttle will pick you up at noon tomorrow and transport you to the Crowned Eagle, where you will live for the next three months.

  "Did you hear that?" Hyun excitedly shouted. "We are going to live on a cruiser."

  "Not much different than living in a cave," Hanna quipped, looking serious, then smiled. "Hopefully, we will be able to travel and see new places."

  "And meet warring neighbors," I said, although sharing Hanna's sentiment. We laughed and sang like carefree children all the way back to our quarters. It felt like I had graduated high school and was now an adult who was giving up my bicycle for a Rolls Royce.

  After dinner, I made my way to the police training area and found Joseph talking to Larry and Chris.

  "Congratulations, Kayla, we heard you had graduated cruiser school," Joseph said. "And are being assigned to the Crowned Eagle."

  "I'm a little confused about my status," I said, not sure how my evolving status affected my police status.

  "You are a senior police officer," Joseph said. "That will never change, although your other duties will take precedence. On a cruiser, there is always at least one policeman. You will be there to help and to direct him if necessary. You can arrest violators, demand inquires, and have people detained for further action. On a cruiser, you are the police, judge, and jury."

  "What about the captain?" I asked.

  "He is the law on a cruiser but not The Law. That is not an issue in Anixia space, but if we ever travel the stars, it will be an interesting question." He gave a short laugh.

  I then walked down to the fighter training area, planning to take the Pitohui for a ride and met Bradley.

  "Congratulations, Kayla." He smiled. "I understand you are joining the Crowned Eagle tomorrow."

  "Yes. Kind of like fighter training. At some point, you have to fly the thing." I laughed.

  "I don’t believe they are going to l
et you do loops or spins." He grinned.

  "How is the reorganization going?" I asked, not having heard anything from him in weeks.

  "It's going smoothly for now," he said. "We need to resolve what constitutes an attached fighter wing. Perhaps your assignment to a cruiser will provide you with an insight. Of course, it would help if we got more recruits from Earth. Each house is undermanned after the multiple battles we been having with the Tullizor over the past two years. We were losing more pilots than we were getting replacements. Hopefully, our last engagement will give us a rest for a few years."

  "After getting over the shock of meeting Black Eagle, I've concluded he no longer believes we can survive by defense alone. We must have an offensive option."

  "That's why he adopted you," Bradley said, nodding slowly. "I think you are right. I just hope the K-box fighters will give us time to develop an effective offensive strategy. It would be nice to see Anixia a thriving planet again."

  Chapter 35

  New People, New Ship, New Command

  "I will see you on the Crowned Eagle," I said to Hyun and Hanna as we were getting ready to go to the shuttle area. "I have permission to bring the Pitohui to the cruiser." I waved as I exited our quarters and made my way to the fighter training area. There Bradley had assembled twelve pilots and Calum.

  "That's all the Saker House can spare," Calum said. "Until we get the next batch of recruits from Earth. We no longer have a standard wing, so we will be the next house to get recruits because we will also be the K-box trainers for the House of War."

  I nodded and went to the Pitohui in preparation for leaving with the Saker pilots. Fifteen minutes later, we were pushed out, assembled on Calum, and headed for the Crowned Eagle. When we arrived, we were directed to an empty bay where Captain Basson waited.

  "Good morning, Calum, Kayla. We have shuttles coming from the Saker, Krestel, and Gyrfalcon Houses with graduates of their cruiser training programs, as well as shuttles with people from medical, support, weapons, records and a wing of fighters. This is a unique experiment. We are essentially training an entire cruiser crew at the same time as we add an attached fighter wing. It should be interesting."

  "I think that's an old Chinese saying, May you live in interesting times," Calum said, ignoring that is a Chinese curse.

  "I think we qualify," Basson said. Soon afterward, people began arriving. Over the next hour, the bay contained over a hundred people. Finally, Basson picked up a microphone.

  "Welcome to your new home for the next several months, the Crowned Eagle. This is the first time in the history of Anixia that an entire cruiser crew is being trained as a unit, which suggests you will be serving together for a long time. Consequently, I suggest you get to know each other and make friends. Also, for the first time, cruisers are being assigned to specific Houses of War." As he talked, the crew entered holding signs designating functions: medical, records… "Gather by the individual holding a sign with your function. He or she will help you get settled."

  I looked around and saw Hanna and Hyun, who were pointing to a man holding a sign with BRIDGE CREW. "See you later, Calum, duty calls," I said as I made my way to join Hanna and Hyun. When we arrived, the man nodded and waved for us to follow. He led us down a long hallway, upstairs, to another hallway, and finally into a room with a long table and chairs along the wall. The table chairs were already taken by the time we filed in, so we took chairs along the wall. A few minutes later, the captain walked in and went to the front of the room.

  "Welcome, again," he said while looking at each of us. "You are here to qualify for the Bridge crew. We need fourteen, and there are eighteen of you here. That was to ensure the fourteen we select are the most qualified. The same is true in the other specialties. Normally, it would not matter as you would be joining an experienced crew. This time, however, the entire crew will be new, and we owe it to them to have the most qualified members we can find. Everyone will be tested in all the specialties you have qualified. We will evaluate the results and select a captain, executive officer, and four teams consisting of a navigator, weapons, ECM, and pilot. The teams will be ranked as primary, second, and third shifts. You will be rated by your performance in our simulators, periodic quizzes, and on-the-job performance." As he spoke, three men and a woman entered. "I am turning you over to my primary Bridge crew. They will get you settled and set up your schedules. Trager, follow me."

  I rose hesitantly and followed Basson. He opened a door close to what looked like the Bridge through the partly open door.

  "Close the door and sit, Kayla," he said and sat appraising me for several minutes. "A new cruiser is being built, which will be named the Black Eagle, and the Anixian named Black Eagle who is the head of the Anixian's House of War has designated you as its captain." He stopped and studied me. I froze, remembering Black Eagle's words, you can keep your Pitohui and fly it in your free time, and take it with you when you are assigned a cruiser, not assigned TO a cruiser. "You don't appear surprised," Basson said, frowning.

  "I was remembering my conversation with Black Eagle," I barely whispered. "I obviously hadn't understood what he wanted from me at the time. He wants the Anixians to leave the nest and thinks I'm the right person…someone who is loyal to Anixia, who will return, and adaptable to new situations."

  "Yes, he is placing much faith in you. I don't doubt your loyalty or adaptability having seen you in action. It's your lack of experience and the crew you will have to depend on."

  "All I can do is to do my best," I said, determined to justify Black Eagle's faith in me. "I want Hyun as my XO and Hanna as my primary navigator. Those are the two people I trust to watch my back and to be loyal to Anixia, and I think you will find them the best of the group for those positions."

  Chapter 36

  A Whole New world

  To my dismay, the three of us were assigned to different two-person rooms. Normally, Bridge personnel had separate rooms; however, even the Crowned Eagle Bridge personnel had to double up to accommodate the trainees. In a way, it may have been a good thing as it meant more time to study and to work. My roommate was a middle-aged woman with a matronly figure, curly brown hair, and a round friendly face with a touch of amusement in her eyes.

  "Hi, I'm Abigail, but everyone calls me Abie," she said in a chirpy voice I would have expected from a young girl. "I'm from the Merlin House."

  "Hi, Abie, I'm Kayla from the Saker House," I said but was interrupted before I could continue.

  "That's not a Saker falcon," she said, pointing to my Sleeve. "I don't think I've seen that before."

  "Sorry, Abie. Things are happening so fast I haven't caught up. Let me start again." I grinned. "I'm Kayla from the Anixia House of War–"

  "We are all from the House of War," she said, like correcting a student who just mixed up an adjective with a verb. "But we are in sub-houses."

  "I was in the Saker House of War, which is actually the Phoenix House of War where most humans reside. While in the Saker House, I was assigned to the fighter wing; however, recently, I was reassigned to cruiser duty and moved to the Anixian House of War."

  Abie gave me a long appraising look. "Oh, you are that woman who invented the K-box and saved us from the Tullizor invasion."

  I nodded. "What are your specialties?"

  "I passed ECM and communications training. Stopping missiles fascinates me, and saving people's lives is very satisfying." She laughed. "I think of myself as being a pre-medical doctor, saving people from becoming injured and, therefore, don't need a doctor."

  "I think that's a great occupation."

  For the next several weeks, Basson and his XO assigned each of us to positions that we had qualified on and had us take a turn on each shift. In each position, the person had a problem to solve in the appropriate simulator. Then he began assigning those who had three specialties to the XO's and captain's positions. When assigned as a captain, we were given problems to solve in the simulator.

  "Kayla, why are y
ou running from the enemy ship?" Basson asked in utter disbelief. I had heard he had been the XO on a navy destroyer. "That is what the Anixia would do and the reason they need us."

  "Captain, why doesn't the software allow me to use my fighters?" I asked, ignoring his comment.

  "Fighters are not usually part of the initial engagement. They are saved for later when the cruisers are closer." He explained slowly like he was talking to a slow-witted child.

  "Can we get a message to Black Eagle?" I asked. Basson gave me a I can't believe you look before answering.

  "He's an important person, and even he is going to consider this a waste of his time," Basson said slowly again. I got the impression he was questioning the Anixian's decision to make this teenager a captain. Finally, he answered in resignation, "Yes."

  "Good, I would like to send the message directly to Black Eagle. It should read:

  'Sir, I would like to talk to an Anixian weapons and simulator researcher. I believe the simulator lacks a critical component based on the K-box capability and the cruiser's Griffons need an additional feature to be truly effective.'"

  Basson shook his head in disbelief, then a small smile touched his lips for a brief second. I would not have been surprised if he hoped my inquiry would get me reassigned. He tapped on his Sleeve. "Cooper, I've sent you a message that I want you to send directly to Black Eagle from Kayla Trager. Mark it urgent," he looked to me for confirmation. I nodded.

  "Thank you, Captain. I take full responsibility for the message," I said. "If this isn't the reason Black Eagle assigned me to cruiser duty, then he should have me reassigned."

  Chapter 37

  A War Of Misdirection


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